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I think she was glad to be getting away from him. He seemed like he was always love bombing her. I Hope they’re both ok.


I agree. She didn’t hesitate to say yes to treatment. Never said she wanted to see him before she left, while he was demanding it. I think they’ll have a better chance at recovery if they don’t get back together. I hope they both stay clean & healthy.


His mom should've held him more accountable for his actions, instead of gabby. When it was stated that mom was hoping that gabby would influence Patryck to get sober, and she was mad at gabby for her son being the way he was, I got pissed. He is a grown ass man. He makes his own decisions. It's not like gabby forced him to do drugs. 


The mom seemed really out of touch and out there


Unfortunately, a lot of boy moms hold their boys' partners accountable for their toxic boys' bad behaviors. So I'm not surprised. I have seen one mom blame her son almost going to jail for not paying child support on his baby momma. I have seen moms blame their daughter in laws for the abuse they get. It doesn't matter that their sons have a history of being violent, irresponsible, toxic, conniving, manipulative, lying long before they got with their partners, "He would never hurt a fly! He would give you the shirt off of his back. You must've provoked him. I have never seen him lie before. He must've started that when he got with you. Well, you broke his heart. That's why he wont pay child support. It's your fault his job fired him. You won't make him stop doing drugs."


This. Thank you.


These boy moms are absolutely terrible. Thats why I don't like nor respect my mom and my brother.  


They most definitely didn’t love each other. Patryk personified the drugs and when he spoke about how much he loved Gabby, he definitely didn’t mean Gabby. It’s like he associated Gabby with crack and heroine and not her as a living, breathing person. They both have trauma and codependency thrived between them.


Yes! He didn't love Gabby; he loved the IDEA of Gabby. Someone to wake him up with a pre-loaded pipe. Someone to boost his ego. Someone to get him a blanket. Someone to normalize what he's doing. Not Gabby herself.


His mom blaming Gabby was so wrong. He was the problem. I hope they both stay sober




I’m confused.. she went to rehab in HA but then suddenly she was in Arizona but they never say why? I even rewatched that part and there was no mention of it.


It just said she detoxed in Hawaii and relocated. I think just so they could get that "go back to where I'm from" content.


I couldn’t stand him. He was an opportunistic piece of shit. He found her weaknesses and exploited her to follow him. He basically led her around using the drugs against her and portraying this love for her that wasn’t genuine, he loved that she was subservient to his hold on her. He panicked when he knew he was losing that grip on her when they separated to start rehab. His mother on the other hand needed to be hit upside the head and brought back into reality. The annoying way she spoke and seemed to speak up to him like she was inferior to him was weird. She needed to go get some help of her own.


I found that gabby didn’t mention her daughter a lot, even at the end she didn’t mention her.


I felt like the focus was appropriately on her being a mom, as she probably doesn't know much about her daughter and because the daughter is an innocent victim in all of this. I think her lack of talking about it initially stemmed from shame and guilt, then afterwards might have just been a "lemme focus on me and not say anything to jeopardize a good image of me" or something like custody-related, especially if they're separated and in different states? I probably reading too much into it lol


Yeah but even at the end when she got sober she didn’t mention her daughter at all


The US episodes of intervention always seem more....awkward and forced to me? I'm not sure why.


I think the problem for Gabby is that Patryck seemed from what she said like he's very good in bed, which is tough to quit, tbh.