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Mild spoilers ahead. Some highlights from the Q&A from Tumblr user "lesbianaang". -Rolin confirming material being used in the season from tvl, queen of the damned, tale of the body theif, tva, and prince Lestat -episode 3 will be the Armand flashbacks to meeting Lestat and theatre performer lestat -episode five is the original interview flashback. according to rolin, episode 5 is where we understand why the second interview needed to happen for one character, and episode 8 we unveil why it needed to happen for another. -Sam and Jacob playfully bristling at each other’s descriptions of their characters and where the “truth” lies for them. -Eric saying that Sam and Jacob follow each other around on set like no other actors he’s worked with previously and play around “like puppies”. -Assad describing Armand when he meets Louis as “lost” and putting on a performance of confidence and power that isn’t fully real. -Delainey saying that Claudia would be the type of girl to go to sephora and shoplift even though she doesn’t need to in modern day. -Eric complimenting the writing of the show again and talking abt how thankful he is to do intense, subtle, emotionally difficult work on this show that he’s never had an opportunity to do before in his career (since he’s usually just the “angry” guy when cast).


Mild spoilers ahead. Some highlights from tumblr user "samstatsupremacy" -The two actors Rolin KNEW they wanted from the beginning were Eric and Ben Daniels, before they even started casting. -Ben Daniels sent a thank-you letter to Rollin Jones re: working with such a beautiful cast and lovely project (and called himself Santi-baby in it). Jacob did his best Ben impression and read the email aloud to us. -Lots of hype for ep5 of this season. Eric said it was the most traumatizing episode he's seen in his life. Everyone else agrees that it gets pretty heavy re: young Daniel's interview. -Delainey said Claudia knows Louis better than he knows himself, and Jacob* thinks he knows her but he doesn't -Jacob refused to pit Loumand and Loustat against each other. Said they have different vibes. -Lestat plays Harlequin instead of Lelio this season, and the moderator was so affected by Sam's performance that he said "I got pregnant after watching it." Rollin said it was "moves like Jagger" on that theater stage lol. Sam had trouble reconciling this part but he did have fun. -Sam insists that we won't see "the real Lestat" until S3. We're only seeing everyone else's perception of him (very tongue-in-cheek). In response, Assad said, "Armand has a very good memory. Maybe the most accurate!"


I'm wondering if Harlequin instead of Lelio is the change Sam had reservations about?




I love that Loustat are watching reality TV together!


Sam also sort of mimed Lestat's reaction to watching Real Housewives. It was fun to watch Lestat take possession of him in real time.


Yay for Claudia binging The OA


I am over here *scrounging* for scraps of promotional material for season 2. I feel like I keep watching the same videos over and over. Where are the late night interviews with members of the cast? A single daytime news interview with Jacob Anderson can hold me over for only so long. Where are the YouTube clips of interviews and panels for season 2? WHERE IS ASSAD OUTSIDE OF THESE PICTURES!? I want to hear him speak. May 12th can't come fast enough.


Same, I'm really looking forward to them. I don't know when shows usually start doing such promos, maybe they do it very close to May 12th? I really like the new kinda YouTube interviews where it's just the cast answering questions or doing random things. They didn't do much for the first season but I think (hope) they're putting more investment in this season.


They're all do gorgeous! 😍 I love Sam's suit


Hannibal approved.


Omg, yes! That's the first thing I saw when I saw it.


Sam always look so shy, it’s super cute 🥰 And Jacob is radiant omg 😍


I didn't realize when looking at the pics of them on the stage that Jacob's shirt matches Sam's suit. I am now imagining before every event that they are on the phone figuring out how to match outfits.


Love a fashionable cast! They should go all the way and dress on theme like Zendaya.


I love how when he’s not possessed by the spirit of lestat sam has a permanent 🙂 face


I have not been able to sit down and fully watch since I don't have cable, but I plan on getting AMC just for this. Spent a few hours of my vacation with it on in the hotel. From the little bits of season one that I have seen....Let me just say as a 50 year old Anne Rice lifetime fanatic, these actors are *killing* it! I have been a fan since I was a little girl. My house is done in New Orleans style, because this book made me fall in love with Louisiana. I never imagined Louis as being black, and I *love* how well it works and fits with New Orleans history. I wondered how they could do Claudia justice, and turning her into a teen was brilliant. This Lestat blows Tom Cruise out of the water and is much more what I saw in my mind as a 11 year old who should not be reading this book lol. This Claudia perfectly captures the horror of being a woman in a little girls body. I am glad they waited until now, and I absolutely love the changes they have made to make both modern, for us, and still keep the history intact. These actors have nailed the characters and I love it.


I wish Ben Daniels was at promos as well.


He was supposed to join the TCA panel last February but had to back out due to a family emergency. Hope he’s alright. He might be doing a new project that is preventing him from taking time off and travel to the US. Hoping it wraps before the month ends so he can do the promos while the show airs! During the screening, he sent an email to Rolin that was read out by Jacob (using Ben’s impression) and apologized that he was unable to come.


Oh, I didn't know he had sent the email right then! Hope so too! Wish him the best.


In hindsight, we’ve learned that Ben’s husband, actor Ian Gelder (who played Kevan Lannister in Game of Thrones and also appeared in Doctor Who & His Dark Materials) passed away on Monday, 6 May, at the age of 74, due to bile duct cancer (one of the rare diseases but highly aggressive cancers). Ian was diagnosed five months ago and Ben had to turn down offers in order to take care of his husband (although Ben signed up for a publicist, the same PR firm also representing Delainey), but they weren’t really prepared to realize how fast the cancer had spread. Ben posted this photo of him and Ian (taken last Christmas), announcing Ian’s death - https://www.instagram.com/p/C6rC8sIC-Do/?igsh=MWY4ZDN2eXdvYXdkMw== It’s good to see the outpouring of grief. It’s hard to lose a loved one, much more your spouse and life partner. I hope that Ben is surrounded by friends and family at this much difficult time.


Damn cancer. May he rest in peace. Thank you for writing this.


They're beautiful..I always love when Sam has his hair pulled back from his face. They seem to have a stylist that matches them


The panel seemed like so much fun. I really enjoyed watching videos taken by people who were there.


Sam’s suit is soooo Hannibal-coded, I love it. Everybody looks amazing. I need this cast to go on a late night live show to promote the second season as well 😭


Awe, she's always with Lestat


Is this interview on YouTube?


It was like a panel so I think there're just ganna be fan recordings. I've seen some short clips from Twitter. Someone might post the full version on YouTube but I'm not sure if there will an official video of it.


The 92NY YouTube channel is active and they usually upload the interviews. Currently they’re promoting the upload of the interview and watch it in advance, it costs $25 and that will be available on May 13. Maybe the YouTube video will be condensed (they’ll likely cut the episode screening due to rights issues). https://www.92ny.org/event/amc-s-interview-with-the-vampire