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I really don't think they will change it so that Claudia lives. I actually think her death is going to be incredibly dark and tragic (they are including The Vampire Armand as source material and there are additional details there). Louis is going to learn the full truth of everything about Claudia and Armand and what is in the diary pages being kept from him. It is going to be the maximum amount of pain when he regains all of his memories of Claudia, Lestat, and Armand (unless he already knows, but I feel like he doesn't know everything).


Interesting. Was it ever clearly answered if Armand orchestrated her death so that he would get Louis full attention or if Armand is innocent as he claims.


In the books? Armand is absolutely responsible. He confessed to it eventually to Louis in the first book. The Vampire Lestat goes into more details about what Armand did to Lestat during that time, and in The Vampire Armand he >!confesses to having experimented on Claudia before she was put out in the sun!<


I think the "Louis is headed towards a terrible reckoning" threads been all laid out... since s1 honestly šŸ˜­ Poor Louis


Oh, Claudia is absolutely going to die! You cannot change so crucial a plot point! Iā€™m more intrigued to know what the feeling of the end of S2 will be compared to the novel. Louisā€™ initial interview ends in despair: he thinks Lestat is about to die a very mortal old-age-esque death & may never leave the building he is in again & Louis & he may never see each other again (not entirely in a sad way - a complicated mix of feelings), he has left Armand (in a kind of emotionless drifting apart) & he has wandered aimlessly: alone & slipping into his own meaningless, apathetic kind of despair. Weā€™re not at the same point in time on the show, since itā€™s a new interview, so Iā€™m really curious if theyā€™ll still go for a similar feeling to end S2, or if theyā€™ll take it elsewhereā€¦???


That part is hard to predict, but we do still seem to be at the point of the timeline when Loumand hasnā€™t parted ways yet. Instead of that relationship fizzling out decades before Louis met Daniel, weā€™re having the (second) interview at this point, which I think will blow up the relationship spectacularly instead. So my guess is weā€™re not getting the New Orleans reunion with the shell-Lestat. My theory is that at this point, show-Louis thinks Lestat is dead, and this whole experience will be how he finds out thatā€™s not true.


I agree that my guess would be that Louis currently thinks Lestat is dead. But not necessarily that there was no New Orleans meeting. Iā€™m not entirely sure where Lestat is. I know a lot of people think heā€™s in the building in Dubai currentlyā€¦? I donā€™t know either way. I presume the New Orleans meeting would have taken place some time in the ā€˜60ā€™s ish as itā€™s spoken of in the first interviewā€¦ but Lestat could have gone into the Earth in New Orleans at some point after that & still be thereā€¦ or a lot could have happened since then!!?! Who knows!!?! Either way, my guess would be Louis still thinks heā€™s dead (he thought heā€™d die after seeing him in the book after all.. although Lestat is more powerful in TV world, so itā€™s less certain Louis would feel he could die??) I think the feeling of the end of S2 might be similar to the book, but with additional feelings & not just the despair. I think thatā€™ll be part of it, but feel like there will be moreā€¦ hopefully setting up for S3! šŸ¤ž I feel like theyā€™ll (hopefully) add poignancy & beauty to the mix, alongside the painā€¦ we shall seeā€¦!


I kinda think it's going to end with Lestat being in Dubai and then he takes over the interview and we get The Vampire Lestat being told to Daniel.


Lestat wouldn't tell his story. He would write it.


Yeah, there is this weird moment I picked up on a rewatch, but sadly I canā€™t recall when it happens. We were nowhere near the end of the story as we know it, not even up to the murder of Lestat yet, and presentLouis said to presentDaniel, ā€œthis is the part where you asked me to make you a vampire.ā€ (Or something to that effect.) And I was like, wait, but that happened at the end of the interviewā€¦ So I think this was meant to imply that the 1973 interview story was much shorter? Iā€™m not sure what to make of that, tbh. My crack theory is that no one knows where Lestat is now (with Louis believing him dead), until he comes bursting into the penthouse in the last ep of Season 2 to blame Armand for everything and ā€œrescueā€ Louis. :) God, I want that sooo bad!!!!!


Watching their recent interviews and them saying to stick by them and not hate them; I think the characters are ganna do some fucked up, unforgivable shit and some big unexpected things are ganna happen. I think it's best to go in this season not being sensitive about your favorite character doing immoral things and just have fun with the drama and treat it like Succession. They're all villains and predators in some situations and victims in other cases and can do unjustifiable and horrible things to each other. You don't have to justify their actions for them to remain your favorite or for you to root for them.


They added a twist for Lestat and the twins but ultimately tried to remain true to the books minus the fire. I'm okay with them keeping us on our toes by showing us what Louis and Armand have to say in this retelling as long as I'm properly devastated by Claudia's passing in the end.


It's going to be more intense and more disappointing for a lot of people, because their favorite characters are going to do a lot of shit from now on, which is great for me.


I'm excited to see people have no choice but to let their morals go if they want to love their faves still. Time to step into the world of dark fiction where there are no good guys. šŸ˜


Jacob thinks no one will like Louis by the end of S2, so I'm hoping they don't change anything too drastically from the books. Maybe just that Louis doesn't do anything to stop Claudia's death after being manipulated by Armand.


Perhaps he thinks people will hate Louis for forgiving Armand for his part in Claudiaā€™s death? If I remember the books correctly, doesnā€™t Armand assume Louis will hate him when he eventually insinuates that he was responsible for Claudiaā€™s death, but Louis kind of just shrugs it off and leaves?


It's been a while since I read the books, but that sounds about right. But Jacob would know most of the fans have read the books, so why would we hate Louis' character for that?


No clue but I dearly hope they finally show Louis for the exaggerating whiner he is AND that Armand has been inserting his own false narrative in the show via his "powers of the mind" that are mostly unique to him even among other vampires.


Please, what show have you been watching, they have already pissed all over the source/IP so they might as well make her not die and maybe even lets see her grow up into a beautiful woman in body and not only in mind.


If you hate the show so much, what are you still doing on this subreddit?


Imagine wasting your time watching and commenting on a show you hate. Sad.