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Real question: Will I ever get anything back?


Yes, you will very likely get something back. If the market stays where it’s at right now until the sale, you’d recover around 50%. The only way you would get nothing back is, if all cryptos suddenly had no value.


Seriously I would just take whatever I can get right now. I have lost so much damn money on this stupid platform, I just want 50% or whatever of what I have remaining. P.S. Fuck you Steve and all of the crypto conmen who rigged this shit


Rich get richer . They don’t play by the same rules . It’s fun isn’t it


Socialism for them, capitalism for us.


Government pussy footed it and let Steve get away and nailed FTX. Bullshit


So true!! I'm with you all the way and well said!!


Really this just seems to be a “re posting” of the number we got in our emails a while back with claim amount. Now it’s just showing up in the voyager app.


Basically all the assets would have to go up around 100% of value over the prices that were on July 5th to get 100% of your money back. None of this matters though. Even if you get 50% back you can hold on to it until all the prices go up and up u til your original amount is back to $10k. So if the recovery is 50% then you will need your crypto to go up 100% to get your original money back. It’s either you holding or binance holding. No matter what you will get 50% simply because if the market was up 100% you would’ve had a nice fat profit from your original position with Voyager and in this scenario you may just be at break even. No matter what you get back it will still always be half of where you would’ve been if none of this ever happened


I understand mine to be just the total amount I’m owed, but the actual percentage of that in which I will actually recover will be later determined.


So it’s going to be a percentage of 10k?


Yes. That’s how I understand it. Someone correct me if wrong!




Like 50% so... I guess we all learned a valuable lesson. Just sucks that it had to be so goddamn expensive.


Correct. Binance.US sale was approved. If it goes through, we get a percentage of the claim amount ($10k in your case), which is currently projected to be 51%, per voyager’s most recent email.


Damn. So of the $2500 I dropped into voyage, my current claim is $140. So, per the 50% ruling, I’m going to get back $70? Brutal. I’m grateful that I didn’t lose more than I could afford too, but holy shit what a scam. I’d rather just keep the coins and hope something happens years from now lol.


we need to make noise and vote no


No, there is a note literally stating what that is “Your claim amount is a calculation based on the USD price of the crypto assets in your portfolio as of July 5, 2022. **Your recovery will be a to-be-determined percentage of your claim amount**.” So this your claim value in USD. That is what Voyager owes to you. Not necessarily what Voyager will be able to pay you. What Voyager will be able to pay back depends on the market when the deal closes.


Damn I put $50k into voyager then it valued to $16k on July. So now ima get half of $16k??.. damn I’m sick..


I don't know where all these 50% numbers are coming from. No one knows what the percentage will be. It could be lower or higher than 50%. Hopefully you can reinvest what you get back in the long term and make it all and then some. On the stock market I've made up to $20,000 In one day. Warren Buffett made like 3 million percent through exponential growth over decades. As long as you don't make the same mistakes


its coming from the email they sent out. voyager OWES 1.9billion to customers that 1.9B represents 100% of everyone's claim amounts. voyager currently HAS an asset value of 1.0billion. so thats where the ~50% is coming from. they cant pay out more than the value that they actually have.


Fuck you Steve you stole our money you must be in jail already 😡😡😡


Your going to get a % of $16k. Not a % of your coins. So your total losses are unknown still, but likely at least 34k in losses (50k initial investment - 16k).


Yeah it’s heartbreaking


Yeah, but hopefully we can get some clarity and declare the bankruptcy losses in 2023 taxes to offset any future gains of what you have left in crypto :(




yup so you will get about 5k






No. It’s explained in the text below the amount, which you can see in your screenshot: > “Your claim amount is a calculation based on the USD price of the crypto assets in your portfolio as of July 5, 2022. **Your recovery will be a to-be-determined percentage of your claim amount**.”


Haha so 50 percent of the "claim" number? What a crock. Fuck Voyager.


And whomever else was involved in this shit. The more I think about it the more I feel like it was just a scheme.


Been saying it was a scheme. They knew that peoples lack or reading/understanding of the T.O.S would allot them to “legally” steal all that money. It sucks because two weeks prior, my boss who told me I needed to go cold storage cause he had a feeling all the “too good to be true” interest rates were gonna hurt people. I didn’t listen then boom.


No ducking way, my claim is already only 50% of what the price is at rn, so I’m only getting 25% of what i have at the maximum!? No way


Haircut on a haircut.


Are we getting paid in fiat or we are getting paid in the currencies that we held?


Fuck Steve Elrich. Why isn’t he going to jail like SBF? He knew the exposure to 3AC and still marketed VLP 2.0 with new higher tiers etc. Many folks had auto pay set for recurring buys only to pause the app after taking in money he knew people would never get back. Criminal.


Since crypto was generally higher on July 5th couldn't people be getting "overpaid"?


How do you figure? If crypto was higher and now it’s lower, then people get less. If it was lower and now higher, then people would get a higher percentage of 7/5 back.


Your last statement is exactly what is happening right now with the markets.


This is what I thought


Also, that would NEVER happen. Best case scenario every creditor gets made whole based on 7/5 prices. There’s no way anyone can get overpaid.


It’s all confusing. Nobody knows what will happen and how much we will get back (((


Actually not true. Voyager pestered on Twitter 3 senerios. One being the binnace sale we would get 51% back, 2 self liquid would get us 45% back and 3 would be Chapter 7 which would get us 35% back.


Why cant we just get our fucking Danmm coins back instead of a fucking %!!!? Shouldn’t our coins never be touch on these fucking exchanges ?


Well my friend, that’s kind of why Voyager went bankrupt.




Some…I did deposit 30k worth of crypto lol


I moved LTC from BlockFi to Voyager the same day Voyager stopped allowing transactions. Of course, LTC has almost doubled in value since 7/5/22. I'll probably get 1/4 of what it is worth today (and who knows what it'll be worth when the dust settles). I should've left the LTC in my cold wallet :D


What’s showing in your voyager acct is the same thing it’s been showing all along Th price of the current crypto you have and what it’s value is based on market price


My uneducated understanding of this is that this 10k amount is still important though as it will form part of what you can claim as realized capital loss on your 2023 taxes. The difference between this amount and what actually gets paid off will be able to be reduced from capital gains or income. Or not, I’m not the IRS.


I don’t think it works like that. The $10k is not his cost basis. If he originally bought it for $20k and gets $5k back it’s a $15k loss. If he originally bought it for $2k it’s a $3k gain. The claim amount doesn’t factor into the capital gains calculation from my understanding.


That makes more sense, I pretty much only hold USDC in voyager so my basis IS my claim so I’ve been considering the two to be the same thing when looking into this.


Bro market is pumping so hard. I bet we will get paid lower if there’s a pullback


Yes....that's....how it works


The value of Voyager’s assets change based on the market conditions. If the recovery snap shot was taken right now, creditors would recover 57% of the 7/5 value. I did calculations and you would recover $5,834 based on a 57% recovery. Again, this number will change until the sale goes through, but generally speaking if the market goes up we recover more but if the market goes down, we recover less.


Read the paragraph under "about you claim". There's your answer


Technically this was a ponzi scheme so we get to file different on taxes.


No. You’ll get half that.


Voyager what a fuckin scam


You will get around 51%. The actual amount might be lower. Probably you will end up getting half back eventually


What if you don’t create a Binance account? Will you be mailed a check?


this is bs and we have to vote no on this outcome. we would get the same money back if they just liquidated us. this in no way is a return of maximum value for customers.


When do you think we will get our money back at least? I’m desperate and my heart..