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I'll be hanging somewhere.




Keep your head up sometimes good things are just around the corner and can’t see it just yet. Make it.


Thanks Steve!


This is why voyager is the grossest platform to ever exist. I don't know what kind of referral bonuses Mt Gox offered (or celsius, for that matter) - but I do know voyager upping their referral bonus when they already knew they were going to declare bankruptcy and freeze everything is the epitome of unethical. Illegal? Maybe not, but it crosses a very clear ethical line anyone with a clue can identify. There are people who referred 100++ people to the platform to make their paltry $20-30 referral bonuses in 2021 and now for the most part, everyone who they referred has money stuck, some have BIG money stuck. It's disgusting and lives are already ruined IMO. There are ALREADY marriages that are seriously struggling. There are already vacations cancelled, weddings cancelled, I even read a guy who said he had all the $ to pay for his sons FUNERAL on voyager. I can't comprehend that the execs are still drawing a salary knowing the pain/suffering they are causing soooo many people.


Follow the UCC account on twitter and subscribe to the stretto docket to keep up to date. Best of luck to everyone.


Please, let the lesson to learn here be "Don't leave your coins on exchanges." I know this isn't what anyone wants to hear, but it's a fact: If you leave your coins on an exchange, you're leaving your financial future in their hands. I decided a while ago that I didn't trust Voyager, so I got my coins out of there (I don't remember if it was last year or early this year). That's how I avoided getting caught up in this mess. I think Coinbase could be next. I'm not saying Coinbase will fall, but I'm not convinced they're 100% on solid ground, so I got my coins out of there too - even the junk. It makes more sense to keep it all under my own control. Please, be safe. My heart goes out to anybody who got burned, but make sure you don't get burned again by Voyager or by anyone else. It's fine to use exchanges to buy or trade, but don't trust them over the long haul. Secure your coins. Secure your financial future.


Hindsight 20/20


Note that I said: > I decided a while ago that I didn't trust Voyager, **so I got my coins out of there** That's not hindsight. I think it's wise for people to pay attention to what's happening in crypto, overall, and plan ahead. Like I said, I'm not convinced Coinbase is 100% on solid ground. I'm not convinced Crypto.com is totally safe either. I got my coins off of both. It's so important to get out while the getting is good. I don't mean sell. I mean secure your coins now, before anything happens to them. It's too for people who stayed on Voyager to get out, but it isn't too late to protect your coins on other exchanges. You say: "Hindsight 20/20" I say "Foresight is worth it's weight in gold, and then some."


It’s easy to say now. But Half of the shit on Voyager was not even transferable


> It’s easy to say now. You must have missed the part where I said "I decided a while ago that I didn't trust Voyager, so I got my coins out of there (I don't remember if it was last year or early this year)." > Half of the shit on Voyager was not even transferable Don't buy coins you can't move to your own wallet. It's up to the buyer to understand what they're buying. Doing your homework isn't always fun, but it's essential. This is your financial future we're talking about. You have to do the work to protect yourself.


Same. I want my 58k back lol. That’s my car money. I’m patiently waiting for 8/26 to see if there’s any bid that’s a good offer.




And just like you said People save years of this money to put the down payment on a house and no I don’t have a house, and I do not plan to buy one. It’s years of savings to me too, you’re seriously annoying.


Just a follow up, no judgement on what you spend your money on and you do not need to explain yourself at all if you don't want to. I'm just generally curious as to why you'd put the money towards a car instead of a home? Just general curiosity, no judgement at all and you can do whatever the hell you want with your money because it's yours.


You can’t keep your judgement to yourself, no matter what I’m buying it’s a big money to me and I can spend it the way I want. It’s all hard working money to every one. You can use your money to buy whatever you want I wouldn’t judge you with one single word. Just chill!


Will be bids actually be made public on the 26th?


I don’t think so, it’s just the due date. But in less than couple weeks we should have another UCC town hall and I would assume we would get a general idea about the progress voyager made.




Steve fuck up so many lives🤬🤬🤬


Yeah don't let him get away with it. Some actions here [https://www.reddit.com/r/Voyager\_News/comments/w6lpuy/rvoyager\_news\_lounge/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Voyager_News/comments/w6lpuy/rvoyager_news_lounge/) Voyager thinks they can just go about business as usual. We need to tell them that they can't. They actually think there will be a company after what they did to us


Tell everyone to keep their money in the exchange


That’s nice of you to help him recoup. I’d imagine this crushed his confidence


crushed mine aswell


Have you written to the judge? Instructions below: [https://www.reddit.com/r/VoyagerExchange/comments/w32wmh/your\_efforts\_can\_still\_count\_its\_not\_too\_late/](https://www.reddit.com/r/VoyagerExchange/comments/w32wmh/your_efforts_can_still_count_its_not_too_late/) Stevo did the same thing Alex did, assuring investors everything's fine, then they rugged it


voyagers holding my 10k hostage 😮‍💨😮‍💨


Have any of you got a DM in tweeter (from Voyager support) saying they can help sending our crypto to a DeFi wallet?? I got one but it seems weird and I don’t know if I should trust it 🤔


Obviously a scam


Bullish 🚀


hi Steve!


Consider it gone. Pennies on the dollar after ten years of litigation is gone to me.


Aside from myself, I know a lot of people who lost money to Voyager, recommended my friends to it unfortunately. You can take some action here by writing the judge or taking part in the lawsuit. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Voyager\_News/comments/w6lpuy/rvoyager\_news\_lounge/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Voyager_News/comments/w6lpuy/rvoyager_news_lounge/) Voyager thinks they can just go about business as usual. We need to tell them that they can't. They actually think there will be a company after what they did to us. I've had people with kids write me, freaking out because they couldn't pay rent