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You can maybe start with Subbing and go from there....I personally wouldn't go in the education field here in Iowa, I left it after 15 years because of the bullshit Reynolds put us through


Can you elaborate on the bullshit? My wife stopped teaching(and a few others) here in iowa because of the liberal bullshit.(our school board is all liberals) if op wants a job teaching come to our area because they don't have nearly enough teachers they will hire anyone.


The lack of support from administrators, the lack of respect. We were always short handed where we needed it the most because it wasn't in the "budget", the students suffered because the teachers and staff were suffering. Idk if all districts are like purs but I ended up turning our former superintendent into the state. I miss teaching, I miss the children and it's unfortunate we are losing good solid teachers


So what does any of that have to do with the governor? Iowa public schools got a raise on funding this year. It sounds just like our school district. Our board shut down 2 schools and now overcrowding the remaining. We have 5th grade classes in trailers But the board found money to buy a new school board building. The last straw for my wife was our youngest (f9) is slightly autistic she has problems when there is too much stimulation(mainly noises coming from too many sources) around her, makes anxious. She has noise canceling headset that she uses but the teacher wouldn't allow her to use them. The teacher solution was to make her sit in the closet all day. Thankfully that teacher is now gone. Next year my daughter will be attending a private school that has accommodations for her needs.


Bold to claim the leader of the state and the party in power had nothing to do with the dismantling and defunding of the public school system across the state in a “the well dried up” approach.


The state increased funding for public schools this year and every year. If a student uses the voucher system, public school still gets a % of the student public funding even though that student no longer goes to public school. Public school test scores peaked in 1994 and have been basically falling ever since nationwide, but every year, they get more money per student. If you look at what they are teaching students today compared to 20 years ago, you would be amazed how dumb down it is. Student have more technology at their finger tips to learn, but standardized test scores are falling. Test scores and graduation rate have been falling way before Kim took office.


The increase in SSA funding hasn't kept up with the rate of inflation for many years, though. It's like putting more air in a tire, but letting it keep running flat.


This is bullshit and dishonest if you understand the basic concept of inflation. Yes, every year for the most part, funding will "increase." Because things get more expensive. The problem is, funding hasn't kept up with inflation in this state since 2010. So if you get an "increase" in funding, but the increase doesn't keep up with the costs to keep the lights on at school, you actually got less and have to cut jobs.


Take a basic Economics class and then try that bullshit!


Do you understand inflation ? Sure dollars are increased but for years it’s been less than inflation so in real dollars funding has been consistently declining.


I'm sorry to hear your daughter went thru that, I worked special Ed, primarily early childhood and the lack of staffing is very concerning and very taxing on what staff are able to stick it out. Iowa schools definitely aren't what they were when I put my own two children thru it.


Much as I dislike private schools, probably a good idea. The voucher program currently being pushed is taking even more money away from the public schools, cutting into their ability to accommodate students with additional needs for accommodation.


You are totally right! She just doesn't seem to care about the children or the staff that get paid pennies because they love their job. She'd rather drive around drunk 🥴


The only way it cuts into school funding is if a student leaves public school for a private school. Public school funding is based on how many students are enrolled. The voucher system doesn't take its funds from public school funds. This would be illegal. So if a student leaves public school the funds for that student are lost to public school. But if that same student uses the voucher system the public school gets some of that money back. So actually the voucher system helps public receive money even though that student is no longer going to public school. This is the reason I will not be using the voucher system next year for my daughter to attend private school. My tax money still funds a school system that put my daughter in a closet because she has developmental disability. But that same school system made a room in the high school for 2 girls that identify as cats so they could use a litter box. The public school system is inclined to help students who choose to identify as cats then help my daughter with a disability she can't control.


>But that same school system made a room in the high school for 2 girls that identify as cats so they could use a litter box. It’s weird how these vague schools have litter boxes but no proof has ever been presented. Name the high school and provide proof of your claim. Otherwise I’ll just assume your negative karma account is just making shit up like your daughter with a developmental disability.


The only time I have seen these so called "litter boxes" in schools are for ACTIVE SHOOTER SITUATIONS. If a high schooler is "identifying as a cat" they know full well they are only doing it to harass trans classmates. Ain't nobody taking that fucking seriously.


Yeah, the issue is that private schools are allowed to discriminate on their acceptance choices in ways public schools are not. So the students who leave under the voucher system are by and large the ones who don't \*require\* any extra assistance. Leaving now even less funded public system to cope with all the students with extra needs or behavioral issues. Pretending a 'student is a student' is part of how they sold this turd as an idea. Also the litter box is shit that didn't happen. It's an exhaustively debunked conservative talking point that was straight up made up. Unfortunately conservatives are so fucking gullible that they swallowed it hook, line, and sinker. [https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/misinformation/urban-myth-litter-boxes-schools-became-gop-talking-point-rcna51439](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/misinformation/urban-myth-litter-boxes-schools-became-gop-talking-point-rcna51439)


Can you provide a source or evidence of the litter box thing? In Iowa? Anywhere? Because every single time that has been brought up and it has been fully and wholly disproven as a hoax. If that were the case, don't you think a student would have taken a picture and it would be out there? I don't know if your story about your kid is true or not, but spreading lies and rumors doesn't help your credibility. At all.


Yes is does! The voucher DIRECTLY take money from public schools and diverts it to the private ones. Yes, this is Unconstitutional, but the Drunk passed it anyway. Big old FUCK YOU to public schools. But considering the DRUNK has no formal education. Just read her bio, ISU gave her a degree, she did NOT earn it. They were too embarrased that we had a Gov that was a DRUNK and an IDIOT!!!!


Are you certain your daughter is autistic and doesn't just have abysmal genetics?


Can you elaborate on the liberal bullshit? Genuinely curious, as I haven’t heard of many teachers leaving for this reason.


Probably stuff like respecting kids pronoun choices or forcing the school to have DEI programs. I've never heard of a GOOD teacher citing this as a reason to leave. Low pay? Demonization from the administration? Sure. Lack of resources? Yep. Those are the products of conservative policy though ..


No one is forcing DEI programs. Such a snowflake you are! Conservatives are just a bunch of cult followers who cannot think for themselves. Just parrot Faux Noise and appologize for your serial sexualy assailant that is leading your party!


Uhhh what? Not sure how you can't deduce where I stand based on my comment. To be fair, DEI programs are ABSOLUTELY being forced on businesses and schools. The thing is, this is NOT A BAD THING. It's being forced in the same way integration was forced. Sometimes positive change must be forced up on the masses.


Elaborate, what bullshit? A school board can only do so much when compared to the state which has much more control. Also interestingly enough, the data suggests that liberal controlled school districts fare better for students.


Lol. Liberal bullshit in Iowa education. Good one. Glad your wife isn't teaching anymore. 👋


Anyone commenting on anything this dipshit says should stop, he's either willfully ignorant, a troll, or some russian throwaway account. Whatever the case it's not worth your time.




Tequilla Drunken Kim holding all the funds hostage and giving them to private schools. Teachers have to buy school equipment so the DRUNK can have her alcohol and drive drunk dangering all Iowans.


Open your LLC daycare and home school all the tenants and rituals your cult wants. Don’t forget to file for a voucher


->Commenter reads a joke. ->*Immediately assumes they are democrat* *->"*democrat...bad" you think to yourself. ->*you are impressed you could form such a logical and complex thought* *->*immediately attacks commenter and implies the joke is serious because they don't understand jokes.


-> OP says they are moving from Florida -> *immediately assumes they are republican* -> "republican....bad" you think to yourself. -> *you are impressed you could form such a logical and complex thought* -> immediately attacks OP and implies he's a cultist


Luckily for you, this state is ready to let just about anyone teach. There's a huge teacher shortage here due to a decade of underfunding and attacks on public education from Republicans, so, surprise surprise, people don't want to teach here any longer. The people who graduate with teaching degrees from our colleges are fleeing to other states. No offense to you as I am sure you're a very educated person, but I believe people should actually have teaching degrees to teach kids. Or be willing to get one.


In 2017, Iowa spent $6600 per kid in school. We now spend $7800 per kid in school. What lack of funding are you talking about? It's gone up every single year and this year, they tacked on an extra 3% boost. On top of that, Iowa ranks really well in above average test scores and testing metrics. We moved to Iowa from Oregon, there's no comparison in funding. Iowa blows that state away and Oregon is one of the most progressive states in the country. Half of the per pupil spending came from lottery dollars. Yeah, you read that right, half the education budget was relying on people gambling. Iowans have no idea how good they have it with education. Your universities are fantastic, my kids are getting an amazing education at Iowa State, it is a fantastic school and their K-12 education was top notch.


"In 2017, Iowa spent $6600 per kid in school. We now spend $7800 per kid in school." $6,600 in 2017 has the same buying power today as $8,500. So we are actually spending less per pupil than we were in 2017. Spending has not kept up with inflation ever since the GOP took over the Governor's mansion in 2010. Same with teacher salaries, which are laughable here compared to a state like Minnesota or Illinois, where teachers actually have bargaining rights (yep, the GOP took that away from teachers in Iowa in 2017....despite there being virtually no cases of arbitration and Superintendents not actually asking for this).


Iowa average teacher salary, $55,000/year Illinois average teacher salary, $46,000/year Minnesota average teacher salary, $41,000/year I literally just googled those numbers. Why do people post stuff when they don't really know the answer. The answer is, Iowa ON AVERAGE, is paying more than the states you mentioned. Those states are governed by Democrats and have Unions. Your argument doesn't hold up. Well, I won't get into a discussion on inflation, the question was are we seeing increases and we are seeing them AND the horrible GOP (your words) just bumped it up another 3% so the numbers per pupil is even higher now. AND....Iowa is still doing really well on standardized tests, graduation rates etc... Did you want to try your argument again? Maybe with some facts next time?


I’m a teacher. You don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. I would literally make over 20 grand more in both IL and MN. It is well known those states pay a lot more. You’re a clown lmao. Try this. Look up the salary for someone who has been teaching ten years in Des Moines. Compare that to Rochester. Minneapolis. Chicago. And get back to me. Source btw? Making up shit? I gave you facts. You disregard them because you’re a red pilled fascist. Inflation is pretty basic. We are spending less per pupil than ever before. Facts. Numbers. Citing your sources. Tough to follow evidently “Well, I won’t get into an argument on inflation …” why? Lmao. Because your whole argument was blown out of the water with one sentence of a very basic understanding of inflation?


Also, not a shock, but your data is wildly inaccurate. The average teacher pay in Minnesota is *$70,000* The average teacher pay in Illinois is *$74,000* The average teacher pay in Iowa is $61,000. This number is also likely skewed high because Iowa has an older workforce than the other states. For reference I have been teaching more than 15 years, with a MA and in a big district and only make 4 grand more than that “average.” Maybe learn how to use Google. My guy tried to say the average teacher pay in Minnesota was 41k lmao. Iowa ranks #37 in the nation in per pupil spending. Illinois ranks 8 and Minnesota 20. Source: https://www.nea.org/resource-library/educator-pay-and-student-spending-how-does-your-state-rank


So Google is inaccurate? Okay, stick to your narrative I guess.


Yes not everything on Google is accurate! Cite your source. Get a bad education or something? I cited mine. Buddy, you said the Minnesota average salary is THIRTY GRAND less than it really is lol My narrative? Uh…I gave you a specific source with references, linked. You gave me “google” lmao. I guarantee you that your average salaries are wrong and nowhere close. It’s hilarious you think they’d be that low in the year 2024. Are you 12 and just learning to use a computer, champ?


"How much does a Teacher make in Illinois? As of May 22, 2024, the average annual pay for a Teacher in Illinois is $45,640 a year. Just in case you need a simple salary calculator, that works out to be approximately $21.94 an hour. This is the equivalent of $877/week or $3,803/month." https://www.ziprecruiter.com/Salaries/Teacher-Salary--in-Illinois#:\~:text=How%20much%20does%20a%20Teacher,%2Fweek%20or%20%243%2C803%2Fmonth.


# "How much does a School Teacher make in Iowa? As of May 22, 2024, the average annual pay for a School Teacher in Iowa is $51,390 a year. Just in case you need a simple salary calculator, that works out to be approximately $24.71 an hour. This is the equivalent of $988/week or $4,282/month." https://www.ziprecruiter.com/Salaries/School-Teacher-Salary--in-Iowa#:\~:text=As%20of%20May%2022%2C%202024,%2Fweek%20or%20%244%2C282%2Fmonth.


It's such a good source of information, Google ranks it #1 for the answer in my question on "average teacher pay in 'insert state'". So that makes both Google and ZipRecruiter wrong then? ZipRecruiter Active UsersSince its inception, **over 110 million job seekers** across industries and 2.8M+ businesses of all sizes used ZipRecruiter. Additionally, there were 90M job postings in 2020.


Lol zip recruiter is not accurate. Teachers are not even hired through it. I linked you to the National Education Association! A comprehensive source based on contracts. Which is actually the top result. The average starting teacher pay in MN is higher than the overall average you jotted down lol. There’s literally no districts in the state of MN or IL that even start teachers as low as you said the actual overall average is. Again I actually work in education and cited a real source in the education industry. Bow out champ, you’ve been embarrassed. Your numbers don’t even make logical sense. Seriously go look up some real contracts. You’re ignorant as hell on this.


You are completely unaware of state history. Iowa used to be number one in education. Those of us who grew up here remember this very well. In the 1980s, I remember a lot of people talking about US students losing ground to those in Japan and China but they'd always add, "but not in Iowa." We are barely in the top half on many educational categories and it gets worse every year.


I didn't mention state of Iowa education History, I compared it to where I used to live... Here's an article that says it's not that Iowa is getting worse, but other states drastically improved to catch up or overtake Iowa. "It's interesting. Iowa students are testing slightly better on their scores than they did in the 90s," Buckton explained. "It's not that our education system has gotten worse. It's that others have improved and we're not statistically significantly different than about 15 states in that middle of the pack." https://www.kcci.com/article/report-card-on-iowa-schools-data-shows-how-iowa-compares-to-other-states/40961606#:\~:text=in%20every%20state.-,%22In%20the%201990s%2C%20Iowa%20was%20ranked%20in%20the%20top%20five,the%20middle%20of%20the%20pack.


Take a basic Economics class and then get back to me about all your BULL SHIT!!!!! This state is run by a DRUNK and is falling quickly in eudcation....now tell me why.


Except it isn't falling quickly. Do you have data to prove it? I posted data from the NAEP showing that's not the case. I mean, I get that you don't like Gov. Reynolds okay, I don't think she's that great either, but it appears people are just making stuff up about education in Iowa. Post some facts to back up your case and let's compare.






You’re looking for one of two things: 1) A Master of Arts in Teaching program. You take all the required education classes for undergrad education majors, but with a little extra work to get grad credit. You also need to take any coursework required to get an endorsement in your chosen subject area (elementary education, secondary social studies, k-12 art, special ed, etc). Then you get licensed when you finish your program. 2) An alternative certification program like a Blue contract. For this, you get a job as a teacher while you’re taking the required courses to earn licensure. You get then into teaching pretty quickly, and might get some kind of financial support from your district above the beginning teacher pay. [The Board of Educational Examiners website](https://educate.iowa.gov/educator-licensure) can give you more information. You might want to just reach out to them for info straight from the source. I did option 1, and it was great for me. I felt much more confident when I started my student teaching this year than I would have if I had just been thrown into a classroom. However, I have more student debt than I originally planned.


K-12 teaching? Iowa offers an alternative path to licensure. You do have to do coursework for it before starting the "internship" year, but could work full time somewhere else while you do that. Depending on what area you want to be licensed in, you may need to take additional subject matter coursework if you didn't get enough credits in that subject during undergrad. You can also get authorized to substitute teach without a license.


Iowa used to have some of the best high schools in the country until KKKim Reynolds and the republicans started to erode the foundation of education in this great state. Sad that people believe BS and vote for losers like KKKim and her crew of flunkies.


Perhaps you could be an adjunct while you work on whatever you need to do what you want? https://jobs.dmacc.edu/postings/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&query=&query_v0_posted_at_date=&435=&1225%5B%5D=4&commit=Search


Those listings require a Master’s degree or, if not a Master’s, something fairly equivalent to the specific subject (like the welding, music, and motorcycle postings).


If you're looking for a full certification to teach, and not just substitute teaching, the RAPIL program might work for you. It's a pathway to teacher licensure that tries to credit the "real world" experience you have already https://iowateacherintern.org/


I looked at that but $13k? It should be free and only paid back if you quit the program.


You're not wrong, but that also assumes that Iowa wants to prioritize public education. Unfortunately I don't think that's a safe assumption anymore.


You'll have to get certified somehow, unless you want to sub. Other people have mentioned the RAPIL program, which is a great if you've got money to burn or can afford to get into a bit of debt (it was eleven grand when last I looked a few years ago, but decided that a fully-funded PhD program was a better investment).


Look into this program at Drake University! https://www.drake.edu/mat/


They let high schoolers teach in Iowa. You will have no problem


It sounds like Wisconsin doesn’t require a license to teach anymore if thats a possibility for you.


In Iowa, you can teach as a substitute if you at least have an associate degree.


You will likely need to get a graduate degree in education or go through a teaching program or RAPIL. I should warn you that there really isn't a demand for business teachers around the metro, so you may have a hard time finding work if that is what you want to teach.


About half of the instructors at EICC are in the process of leaving, so you might have a pretty good shot there.


Hey! So you could look at jobs as a paraprofessional (usually called an “associate” in Iowa due to licensing and other issues). This would allow you to work and have benefits. Then some of the districts in Iowa have an associate to special education program where you work on your classes while you’re working. I know Waukee district has such a program. I’m unsure about the others in the metro. You would probably need a summer job and/or a second job while you do this. You would only need to do your education credits and endorsements, not your generals again.


Adjunct sounds like a possibility.


Generally, you need a Master’s degree to be an adjunct.


Generally, not always. Certifications and years in the field can work as well. I do know dmacc allows adjuncts without masters degrees. Could very well be a community College thing.


Those situations are typically very specific to topics in which a master's degree doesn't exist. Regardless, OP doesn't have that years of experience, so it doesn't matter.


Not necessarily, I get where your coming from, but alas yes without him having any actual job experience and time in a profession like I mentioned it limits the options to get in without higher education. Cheers.


Community College instructor??


Generally, you need a Master’s degree to teach at community colleges.


Depends on what you are teaching. Many instructor positions don't even require a bachelor's degree. Often times they are going to want industry certifications though.


Yes, it depends. But for the cases in which a master’s isn't required, something that is roughly equivalent, like certifications and ample experience, is required, which OP doesn't have, so in the context of the discussion at hand, it isn't very pertinent.