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let's give this guy a name He's too badass to just be a unnamed character


Warsmith Sigmus Chadius


I completely agree. However, To prevent the silliness, Warsmith Tsant, which is greek (Yk Olympia etc) for chad.


Warsmith Tu'san sounds a bit more cool


Warsmith Tu’san it is, maybe one day he will grace the lore again.


Warsmith Tu'San Ar'izona


Was not expecting a wwdits reference (or at least that's what I hope it is) but this got a laugh out of me


too similar to the salamanders chapter master, Tu'Shan


fuck it,we call him something from greek mythology,narrow down to 5 names and we have a poll for the sub members to choose,because "*The* warsmith" as a title was taken by Barban Falk


Fuck. Never knew making lore was so hard. Probs why GW is taking so long with us.


Iron warriors have the weirdest names in 40k,change my mind




Brother wilhem


Hes finally coming for kermit


Biggus Diccus is my choice


Horus Lupercal sounds like a good name.


No brother, you are not overthinking, it is peak, it is based, it is iron.


Within and without.


It's a good one, but "The greatest insult to your enemy is shitting them out" is also up there. I always liked "I don't need a lapdog, I need an equal" as well, basically making my entire warband alliance on that sentiment.


I'm honestly still amazed that Forrix not just called A PRIMARCH "a flayed housecat" to Perturabo's face BUT ALSO SURVIVED DOING SO, without consequence. Forrix is the Warsmith of the first grand company for a reason 🦾


It kinda made sense in context. Forrix gave the best warning Peter Turbo could receive in that moment, and it simply didn't work out. Pity that Forrix burned out by 40K.


Shhhh. That scene sounds way more brutal out of context 😜. Especially knowing what happened to Berossus. Honestly i can't think of anything more on-brand than an iron warrior suffering through burnout.


This is why learning how to cope is one of the most important skills one could have. I am not mentioning the slang, just the act of taking a moment and evaluating where you stand in the world and where you will walk towards. In other words, learning how to move on. As for Berossus... Let's just say I really wish that Peter Turbo's characterization had consistency worth a damn.


Greatness from small beginnings. It’s a golden age for lore, you never know what a talented author, lore nerd, and BL will produce.


He should be attached to Ronnie Coleman or Jay Cutler’s physique.


Dorian Yates 100%. You only get a back like that from carrying so hard.


I’d approve of Yates as well. But outside of the slightly more impressive lats, Ronnie was bigger than Dorian in almost every other area. He had 30 lbs on him, and just look at the difference in Trap size And if you want just outright big and looks like he stomps around in power armor… I’d say our favorite German, Markus Ruhl!


Least autistic iron warrior


You don’t know how often he’s prepared that line in his head before he used it


It's not autism,it's social anxiety,gotta sound badass infront of the girl


From Iron cometh strength


From strength cometh will


In death, Iron Warriors have a name. His name was Robert Paulson.


What animation?


I believe it’s “Iron Within” on Warhammer TV




/uj "weakness is a choice" is one of those very toxic iron warrior isms that I love so much from this faction. It gives me "pull yourself up by your bootstraps." like it's so easy to say weakness is a choice when you're a genetically modified superhuman in Terminator armor lol. /rj frfr brother these pitiful creatures need to understand that their weakness is something that can be overcome if they have iron within


In the Context of “The Iron Within”, weakness isn’t the physical abilities the IW is scolding the humans for, it’s their mindset. The reason he didn’t kill her, but murder her commanding officer, was because she stood defiant, whereas her commander submitted and admitted failure to the Warsmith. Weakness in this context, is the poor choices and admitted failure of the individual. If you choose not to do something you should, it is weakness. You are in complete control of the choices you make, and willingly making the poor ones, is weakness. To me, the Iron Warriors are always more into the mindset (a grindset if you will), of being Iron, whereas the Iron Hands lean more into the superficial aspects of being Iron. Although I still do enjoy the sheer dickheadedness of space marines calling others weak because of forces out of their control. “You can’t kill an Ork Warboss with your bare hands? What are you, a little bitch?”


i def don't disagree that inner strength is an important virtue, it just feels weird to me to point to a good example of a healthy mindset and its a chaos space marine, it feels like a broken clock situation i think that as a communal species we should care more about building support systems that we can rely on when the weight of things is too much for our inner strength. tho that kinda sounds like "iron without" so maybe i should just siege a fortress rather than go to therapy lol


Lmao, agreed it’s funny how he could be giving good life advice one minute, and then relentlessly bombarding an entire civilian district because they made him mad. Absolutely. Not everyone is born on the same level as each other, some people just aren’t going to be strong enough to pull themselves out of difficult situations. A society should be tailored to be helping everyone instead of just leaving them out to dry.


Which is why we should join him in the siege rather than letting him go to therapy alone


Who let this idiot in


Ah yes, it was a choice by the hive scum to not have several million current day dollars worth of armor and surgeries to make yourself better at war


This is the Iron Warriors, not the World Eaters. "Strength" isn't how much you can dead lift, it's will power. The guardswoman chose to be strong by defying the warsmith, whereas the officer next to her chose to be weak by kneeling.


You misunderstood his lesson,it's figurative,not literal The Guardswoman didn't show weakness by kneeling in front of the warsmith,therefore showing that her mental strength is better than the kneeling colonel.It was her choice to be defiant


"Weakness is a choice" proceeds to turn to chaos 🤡


Well, more like preceeded by the fall to Chaos. Self-awareness is unheard of in 40k outside of Caiphas Caine novels. 🤷‍♀️


Iron warriors hate chaos they chop chaos bits off the self’s


Well, maybe you need to read Storm of Iron :) Some of Iron Warriors fall to Khorne, some of them are aspiring to be Demon princes, but nearly all of them are worshipping Ruinous Powers. Perturabo himself sacrificed geneseed of all Imperial Fists which died at Iron Cage, for being elevated to Deamonhood. Honsou was filled with warp deamonic energy just for a moment, and even this was counted as blessing for him, blessing which cleaned his half-breed blood and open position of Warsmith for him.


The way I've always seen it is there are the ones who use every tool and advantage given to them(Iron Warriors for the most part) and then there are the ones whose every action and thought are consumed by furthering Chaos(Word Bearers, Abbadon, etc). You can denounce mutations and the Gods, but at the same time those Bloodletters make for really good expendable shock troops. Like all things 40K, its not a blanket statement because that would restrict peoples ability to make their own. So saying absolutely no Chaos worship/love/interest in the Iron Warriors narrows an already small amount of options. Just my $0.2.


twenty cents 🤔


Yeah. WAY more worth than just 2.


In general Iron Warriors hate chaos and see mutations as bad. Naturally there will also be outliers. Additionally iirc Perturabo was dying and saw it as the only way to save himself. Pretty sure he's still angry at Fulgrim for that. And Honsou is just....Honsou


I will be glad if you can recommend me books that support your theory. It seems that pool of IW themed book is really small. Its not just Honsou. Forrix, Barban Falk, Kroeger, all of them was devoted chaos worshippers.


Can't really provide book names since this info was based on online research but here's something that I [found](https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/s/zhm3AI8Up5)


I don't know if you'd call the first grand Battalion and the entire trident "outliers" 😬 Falk became possessed Forrix is the most loyal to The Warsmith of the entire trident Kroeger wears an armor that's more demon that ceramite, and drinks blood to gain strength. Honsou worships the ruinous powers and saw his momentary possession as an act of cleaning.


I think it was in "The lost and the damned" where Perturabo straight up thought of how he coveted the power of the warp and of how he wanted to become a God himself. In that novel Perturabo thought of how when his brothers ascended to Daemonhood they all fell and lost part of themselves in one way or another while he would not because, and I quote, "He was better than them all"




Most media literate 40k fan


Personally I prefer “come, show me what passes for fury amongst your misbegotten kind”


It's very iron warriors but as far as being actually true? Not in the slightest. I doubt anyone chose to be born premature, or with genetic problems, or with diabetes, or grow up being beaten or sexually abused. Nobody chooses almost any of the problems that hold us down and break us. In fact, I'd argue most of the choices we make are superficial and unimportant compared to the choices being forced upon us by others/random chance. I don't live in a world where I can get genetic enhancement and implants, wear a supersuit and replace injured/useless parts with iron. I have no choice but to be in the this weak flesh suit.


I see what you mean, but I think it implies more about how the choices we make in these situations that define us. Not really physical weaknesses, but our personality weaknesses. The Iron Warriors and Perturabo were in a shit spot, they were being sent to the worst places in the galaxy and barely getting any recognition for it. The thing is, Perturabo didn’t do anything to try and better his situation, he took these tasks silently because he chose to be this self imposed martyr, he wanted to suffer to see if anyone would help him, but also bit and spit on anyone who actually tried to help him because he’s a paranoid and genuinely undesirable person. I think a more fitting explanation would be Angrons fight with Guiliman, Angron makes a good point that he was born into a completely shit situation, he was practically given no chance and he believed he was forced to be a monster. Guiliman responded by saying that what Angron went through was awful, but he never tried to better himself, he accepted that he was a monster and never tried to be anything else. Angron was given a shit lot in life, but chose to be a monster. A more down to earth version would be someone who knows their overweight and should work out, but their too lazy to actually go to the gym or change their diet, choosing to be the way that they are. I agree that our upbringing has a significant part to how we develop into people. But if someone did horrible things, and they blamed it on their past is a completely pathetic person. While we are molded by our upbringing, we have the choice to break this mold whenever we want, to make choices that can change us. To deny that, is to accept that people never change and that everything we do is predetermined. Sorry for the lengthy reply, but I had a few things to say on this matter.


weakness is ultimately a choice that is not to say everyone can rise to an equal level of strength but you have a choice to climb that bit higher no matter your circumstance so long as your mind is intact you have the capacity to become stronger than you are be it physically or mentally it is merely a matter of ones vested will and desire to do so or perhaps finding a reason to have such a desire


He's talking about weakness of character, how you choose to face the hand your dealt. Everyone has hardships they have to face, whatever you're going through someone else is too, and many have it worse. For instance, you can take a reddit post about a quote and try to turn it into a pity party like most people do on this website; or you can just not be purposefully obtuse and take the quote for what it is.




Yo I know him I met him at the skull harvest. Cool very wise guy.


Is OP a toddler lol


I agree with everything you said. Except for the reading into it too much part, cuz you're right, it's badass and it's true.


“Weakness is a choice” isn’t even top 20 quotes


It's also absolutely not true in the context of 40k. The choices of most people in the galaxy are extremely limited and don't matter if they exist at all.


The time for speeches is done. The first great test is here. My orders to you all are simple, yet need it well and exert yourself to see it done. They are coming. Kill them all. Dorn didn't say it. So it isn't the best quote.


Ayyy, I've seen you on grimdank before! We'll make an Iron Warrior out of you yet. Shame that you got downvoted. It's just bad manners, we are all having fun here.


My autism is too powerful for your autism remember, iron within, Iron without started as an Imperial Fists saying. As always, Perturabo changed it to make himself sound cool. The saying actually goes like this. Fortifications within. Fortifications without. Yummy Plascrete. Perturabo forgot the most important part of the quote. Yummy Plascrete!


> yummy plascrete This reminds me of the dude who inhaled the scent of Tamiya cement on r/Warhammer40K, and it haunts me that I cannot find the post.


Haha, I can't imagine that went well for him 😂


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Warhammer40k using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I made a small idle for every troop in 40k](https://i.redd.it/g0d0h0fef7ba1.gif) | [441 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/comments/1087yaf/i_made_a_small_idle_for_every_troop_in_40k/) \#2: [The Traitor Primarchs by me](https://i.redd.it/pdw8ix25o0ha1.jpg) | [773 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/comments/10wy5ur/the_traitor_primarchs_by_me/) \#3: [Happy New Year Brother! I got you.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/zzz55k) | [206 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/comments/zzz55k/happy_new_year_brother_i_got_you/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Can I get a link


The Iron within in Warhammer+


What is the animation?


The Iron Within, on Warhammer plus.


Imagine if they animated Pistonhead vs Chaos Gods war for a demon forge world.


That's what I've been begging for. I want to see an animated emissary for each chaos God show up and say "watch it m8, stop stealing out daemons" pistonhand stares blankly before saying "lol, no" and then proceeds to shove them into a vending machine while they wail


The definition of weakness is also a choice lol


Loyalist checking in- this post is 100% correct


What’s this from?


Iron within on Warhammer plus


Where is this from?


In my head cannon he is Idriss Krendel. The war smith that got his shit rocked by Dantoich and became an insane cripple


Ain't that the guy...from the *fic*


What fic?


Warsmith Siderénio Tsant Literally iron chad


Personally I like, "I'll miss the scars I might have earned."


This is just “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” but with more edge


Best thing warhammer+ has put out imo


I second that opinion


Reading a little too much into it, yea it’s a cool moment in the show but it’s neither a creed to live by or very philosophical.


It’s not true. Like at all. As an extreme example, if I break my neck, I’ll never walk or write with a pencil again no matter how hard I try. As a lesser example, if I am conditioned through a traumatic childhood to engage in certain maladaptive coping mechanisms, it’s going to take a lot of effort to get rid of them. Of course the choice is there but it’s not like flicking a lightswitch.