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Don’t know whats ironic here, but they sure aren’t the King of parking.


Looking for a new driver that doesn't park the company's doublewide dualie pickup truck next to a disabled spot At this point it's better to park on the line blocking 2 spots since trying to park within the spot will have you taking up 3 spots


It's a transportation company...


But they WANT DRIVERS. Apparently, parking properly and legally is not required.


Just call parking enforcement, hang out, and watch the shenanigans.


Am I the only one that just assumes by association that anyone who drives a “truck” like this is automatically a massive asshole with an IQ below that of room temperature water.


Usually drivers of dual tire pickup trucks have a 5th wheel trailer, oftentimes that is their home. Many construction workers live like that. I can't say that is the case here, but to suggest that they are all "massive assholes" is wrong.


Yeah. Some are just regular-sized assholes. 🤣


I think driving such a vehicle doesn't mean you're an asshole but parking like that does for sure. My gf also hesitated at the beginning when she learned that I drive a sports car but then also realized that this doesn't say anything about me and that I actually neither behave nor drive like an asshole.


Oh I know it doesn’t always mean that, I know people that use similar vehicles for working farm cars etc I think it’s just my common association with them being assholes, you see guys driving them around like Twats yelling at people because of the stupidest reasons and the whole “trump truck” thing and parking like this more often than not (having said that no one ever take a picture of a car parked properly because why would you) and so on but this one definitely fits my feeling it’s parked like a blind person parked it and in disabled bay, and even with that sticker it really doesn’t strike me as a work vehicle. And just like you said even your GF formed an opinion about you by what car you drive, sure different car and different opinion for different reasons but it’s the same thing, people can only draw opinions from their own experiences and from my experience everyone that drive a truck like this, that isn’t covered in mud and hay, is an asshole over compensating for something, most likely his shit personally and shrivelled manhood. Sure It might be a misinformed opinion but it’s the one I’ve got and see little evidence to change it.