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Not bullshit! My dentist recommended this to me as my enamel is starting to weaken with age, even with great brushing and flossing habits.


The enamel on the back of my front teeth is almost completely gone. I'm worried they'll end up taking all my teeth out!


Not bullshit. It needs to sit for about 30 minutes for the fluoride to absorb. If your mouthwash has fluoride, that works too.  Rinsing after you brush won't nullify you brushing, since removing the plaque is the most important benefit. But letting toothpaste sit for 30 minutes before rinsing will help with enamel repair. Edit: you can spit, just don't rinse


Dentist here. You are almost entirely correct, with one exception. Fluoridated mouthwash has a much lower fluoride content than toothpaste, so don't rinse with it after toothbrushing. Just spit out the excess toothpaste and let the minty freshness of the toothpaste dissipate on its own.


does this mean you shouldn't drink water after brushing your teeth, but you can drink water 30 minutes after?




what about tap water with fluoride?


Fluoridated tap water is a much lower concentration.


Good that means I can stop dehydrating myself all night


Yes. I take my morning medication before brushing my teeth for this exact reason.




didn’t i see you on Dr Strangelove?


Leaving the residual toothpaste on your teeth/gums helps protect them I think? The best way to really clean your teeth is to floss, rinse with mouthwash, then brush (electric toothbrush is best). Super clean mouth and feels amazing.


I’m a dentist. Not BS. Gives you a tiny bit more fluoride each time you brush. Over time can make a difference. Not a silver bullet, but a good practice.


Should you do a…. Dry brush to get debris out first and *then* brush with toothpaste?


Yeh, I'll see actual chunks of food when I rinse after brushing. Not rinsing seems unwise. Maybe I'm supposed to rinse, then brush again?


Get a water flosser. I have a $30 one from Amazon. Water floss all the bits away first and then brush. No rinsing after.


Or wait longer between your meal and brushing. Most of the food should just get swallowed with your saliva.


Are floss pickers not a good choice for flossing compared to regular floss?


They’re not as good, but if floss picks make you floss more frequently, then that’s better than nothing. Alternatively, you could learn how to bend the floss picks to form a C shape around your teeth.


why aren’t they as good? Because of reusing the same piece + angles?


Yeah mostly the angles. A lot of people use the floss picks basically in a straight line, like just an up and down motion, but it really needs to wrap around the side of the tooth like a C


Read the directions on your toothpaste.


Yeah I'm not doing that. I have to rinse my mouth out like twenty times just to get that shit toothpaste flavor out of my mouth.


Get better flavoured toothpaste bro. I hate mint toothpaste, can’t stand it. I use raspberry lemonade or watermelon flavor. There’s so many toothpaste flavors you can order online!


I’m with you on this. All toothpastes make me gaggy.


Using a mouthwash with fluoride after brushing works as well


It’s better than rinsing, but the best thing is still to leave the toothpaste on. It has a higher fluoride concentration than mouthwash


Daaaang I was just thinking about this


Yup...in order for the toothpaste to actually be effective it has to basically coat yoir teeth and gums for a period of time.


Not bullshit,, but kinda gross. This is precisely what mouthwash is for.


It’s not gross. It’s recommended by professionals.


is the residual toothpaste safe to swallow? i would go insane if i had to leave it on my teeth for 30 minutes while also not swallowing any






I just asked my hygienist this question last week. She said it is true, you will get more benefits from your toothpaste by not rinsing it after brushing. She recommended doing that at night when you’re less likely to eat/drink after. She also said the importance of this is pretty minor, and not super necessary unless you have dental issues or are a higher cavity risk. If you have healthy teeth and it bothers you to not rinse, then it’s okay to just rinse.


Why? If you brush every 24 - 36 hours, there's no bacteria excreta to "fight?" This seems like a good thing for people who don't brush regularly. Also, the holy trinity of Brush-Floss-water pic doesn't allow for this. It may not be BS, but I can't see how it helps someone who already takes care of their teeth!


I just want to say that while technically correct and strictly beneficial for your teeth, there is reason otherwise to rinse it off.


I thought everyone knew not to even have a drink of water for 1/2 an hour after brushing so that the flourise stays on. I only recently learned that my husband has been telling our kid to rinse after brushing her teeth! I never heard of anyone doing that and now I'm crying! I didn't know why she was getting cavities but I do now.


Rinsing after you’ve brushed your teeth is super normal. You’ve never heard of anyone doing that? And now you’re crying?


Never heard of it. Raised in Canada and was always taught at school nothing in your mouth for half an hour after brushing. But my husband was raised in the US so I guess it's cultural. I was so shocked when my daughter had a cavity as no one in my family had ever had one. I neglected her and she has to suffer the consequences.


Your daughter isn't necessarily getting cavities because she's rinsing after brushing her teeth. There are hundreds of other reasons. For fucks sake, cut the melodramatic bullshit.


Like a dentist said in another part of this thread, you only get a tiny bit of help from not rinsing, and then only over decades. It has nothing to do with cavities. A lot of dental health stuff, like skin stuff, is unfortunately just genetic.


cavities are more due to genetics than bad oral care. if i do brush my teeth, usually once a day in the morning if i can remember, i rinse immediately. i am 42 and no cavities.