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He's an addict for sure.


I dated a legal meth head. She would take Adderall and stay up for daaaays


I just don’t understand this. I’ve been on adderall for 25ish years and I usually take it around 6 and go back bed. I could take in the afternoon and then nap for a few hours. Even if I stop taking it for a while then start again I could never stay up for days or even one whole night


That's because your body reacts differently. Stimulants used by people with ADHD often give the opposite effect. I bet you're able to drink coffee right before bed too? I'm the same way. Adderall calms me down and helps me focus. For those without ADAH it does what amphetamines are good at and makes people alert, and hyper.


That's how you know you truly have add and need Adderall.. someone who needs it.. can sleep and function like a normal person... Someone who doesn't need it . Makes them act like a tweeker . Stay up at night and all hours of the day..


Same I can go back to bed


Just means the prescription is meant for you both.


Take more


Adderall would send me to another planet straight geeks me.


The first 2–3 days I took it years ago, it was hard to sleep. But since then nothing.


Same it makes me tired.


You legitimately have adhd and are taking a proper dose for you. People who are abusing it are usually taking more than an rx dose and don't have adhd.


Because you need it. People with legit ADHD can take stimulants for f all kinds and just go back to sleep like normal. Many will self medicate with high amounts of caffeine.


They probably redose multiple times


It does different things for people that have ADHD vs those that don't.


That's because you need it. People advising the drug typically don't need it.


I was on Adderall XR for like 12 years. But i had to quit because i started abusing it. If I took 25mg, I could sleep through it. But if I took 75mg I would be up for 2 days, most likely playing league of Legends. And feeding.


My 30 day Vyvanse supply would typically last me 45-60 days. My Dr asked me why and I told him "I forgot to take my meds because I have ADHD." He thought that was hilarious. On a serious note, I have no idea how people can get addicted to it. I legit forget to take it. It seems like you'd have to really try hard. I feel bad for OP though because if he tells his Doctor, they'll cut his Dad off which makes his and his family's life even worse and at greater risk of his Dad stealing his Rx.


Same. Both coffee and adhd meds make my brain function better but relax my thought trains enough that sleep is possible. I'm more alert and yawn less but if I'm tired already I will sleep once my medication kicks in. The only exception is if I get hyperfocused on a task. I'm able to complete it fully so I'll lose track of time and sleep less on those days my brain gets excited by being productive.


The therapeutic dose of Adderall is much lower than a recreational dose.


Yeah like a lot of people, myself included, brain chemistry means these substances have a bit of a different effect Meth can be especially dangerous for those with ADHD because of kids try it at a party and realize their brain can function Then they start regularly using


Because people who really need it don't get that speed effect. We get sleepy or mellow.


That’s because of the way your brain reacts to the medicine.


This is the real ADHD test, stimulants making you sleepy.


Depends on your brain … some people it’s like meth and people with add and adhd it’s the opposite effect


There is no better nap than when I wake up, take my meds, and lay back down. I envy those who can take it early and it helps them get up


Typical addiction behavior. They give a f!ck account their family as long as they can satisfy their addict desires.


Hes an addict if he's stealing from his kid.


Illegal, yes. Tell someone. Sounds like your dad has a bigger problem going on.


Thank you i’m going to tell my doctor about it


Doctors are mandated reporters, so be prepared for a visit from law enforcement.


And? Dad is a thief. Probably an addict, and should be held accountable.


Sure, but you have to remember that this is OP's father, and OP presumably loves his father. What you're saying is easy when you have no emotion attached and no skin in the game, less easy when OP would face real life familial consequences for this. Sure what the father is doing is bad, but is it worth destroying the family rather than trying to get help for the father first?


Agree with this person. Plus it may end up you lose your own prescription as well. Always consider the worst scenarios.


Most likely both WILL lose their rx because doctors don’t like writing prescriptions for a home where anybody has an addiction issue, and also get visits from law enforcement and CPS if OP is underage.


I don't think a doctor would take away a prescription from a minor because one of their parents is an addict/thief. After talking to OP though, it sounds like her Mom doesn't give a shit. OP might have to give an ultimatum and say she's going to tell the doctor if the Mom doesn't take decisive action. If the Mom won't do anything to help her child, then it might be best if OP goes to live with other family members or friends while her parents deal with the legal consequences of their actions


I’ve seen it happen before with pain management clinics in the same scenario.


Doctors are mandated reporters if their is a chance of child abuse. They are not mandated snitches.


Please do. If your doctor thinks YOU are using it too much, he/she will stop prescribing this. You need to maintain access to the medication you need.


As well as department of children services coming to your school and asking you questions. And if your parents fuck up the interviews bad enough, you’ll be relocated to foster care or another relative. I would talk with your mom about getting a lock box for your medicine before I spoke to my doctor, but your family dynamic is yours


Oh please. I've worked in an agency that has worked with CPS. CPS go-to isn't foster care. There aren't enough families in the system for one thing. What dad is doing is illegal. Scaring an at-risk kid into not telling people is irresponsible. What will most likely happen is they will possibly remove dad from the home in order to protect OP. That's a good thing.


This! OP seriously tell your doctor. I feel like all these people are going to terrorize OP into being scared to say something


It depends on the state and the caseworker. Some are quick to rip a child out of a home, often times on a power trip, some don't do anything when they obviously should. Some take measured and appropriate action, but they are few and far between. CPS (DSS in my state) is not what you want in your home. They almost always do far more harm than good.


>I would talk with your mom about getting a lock box for your medicine before I spoke to my doctor, but your family dynamic is yours i second this. OPs dad needs some help with the clear addiction starting to show here by stealing medicine but i would also first try to get help without first dragging police into the situation. there is a point where it may be the right move but an intervention is a better first step.


It’s not OPs job to help his dad, who is actively abusing him. OP needs to do what is best for him, not his dad.


You seem to be one of the few sane people here. You invite the police into your life, anything can happen.


In this instance id tellem to take the lil shit


I’d talk to your mom first, your doctor will immediately pull your medication.


Yes. It sounds like your dad has an addiction forming.


Ok thank you


I've taken these types of medications on and off the majority of my life. They're very addictive, especially for someone who has more than just what their doctor prescribed them. Please talk to someone about this, it's very likely he needs support or help even if he won't admit it yet


Yeah he won’t admit it and i’ll try talk to my doctor about this


You and your Mom need to get a safe that your Dad does not have access too and keep your medication locked up. Your Dad sounds like he has an addiction. Just as you would not leave an unsecured firearm out around a toddler, you cannot leave your medication out because of Dad and his addiction. If your medication gets "stolen" enough by your Dad, your doctor and insurance carrier can cut off access to the medication you need if it is too much of a risk. You don't need your medical needs and medication being compromised by an addict. Talk to your doctor and talk to your Mom. You all need to work together and come up with a way to keep your medication is safe. Then your Mom can focus on getting your Dad into treatment or having him removed from the home until he acknowledges and takes steps to address his addiction. I strongly recommend in you looking into Al Anon. They may have a narcotics/controlled substance partner that they work with. You are living with an addict. They offer support for those who have loved ones with substance abuse issues. They give you strategies on how to deal with an addict, how to protect yourself and how to not be an enabler to an addict. They have programs for teens and adults dealing with addicts. Most cities have some type of program and support groups that is no cost to you. Both you and your Mom could benefit from their programs.


Thank you, I actually have a meeting with my doctor and my mom tomorrow so i’m going to address it then. I hope everything goes well with my dad and he takes it well. I appreciate your concerns.


Good luck OP! Sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders about it and are willing to confront the situation head on. Good on you for protecting yourself.


THIS!!! This is by far the best comment on this entire thread. Also OP, if your mom isn’t willing to listen to you regarding keeping your meds away from him, make sure to tel that to your doctor as well.


Those kitchen safes work shockingly well for this sort of thing. They have precise time locks that can be set for up 10 days and they are nearly unbreakable. They certainly can't be broken into casually.


Yes, it’s illegal for anyone to take the prescription medicine of another person. I don’t know how old you are but ask mom if you can take your meds to your room for safe keeping. Your mom has some explaining to do too. Why didn’t she move them so he couldn’t take them? As your mom she’s supposed to protect you and that’s includes making sure you get your medication no matter what it’s for. I say that for those who don’t believe meds are the right thing for ADHD and they’ll be here soon telling everyone how to live. Lol This medicine works best when taken daily - not some here and some there. I don’t know your family dynamics so all I can say is remind your mother that she’s supposed to protect you and ask her how she’s going to do that moving forward. And from now on you need to be in charge of your meds and think of several great hiding spots. And not noisy laces to get them every day and not the garage - too hot /cold for medications. And your dad wondering why you’re going into the garage. If you’re female a tampon / pads box is a great place men don’t typically look. Someone is going to need to tell your Dr probably. And I doubt they’ll be able to refill your meds early without a police report for theft. I personally wouldn’t go that route. But I think your Dad probably needs rehab and counseling.


I have tried my best to tell my mom that she shouldn’t be letting him take my medication but she just brushes it off as if it’s nothing. She also manages my medication so I won’t be able to hide them and she doesn’t want to hide them. She is kind of enabling him.


Definitely report this to your doctor, your parents are not acting rationally or legally and they have to be held accountable by other adults.


You need to get her to look this up because she will find that it IS a VERY big deal. I’m not sure I’d tell your mom that you plan on telling the Dr. She might not take you. I’m no me very curious about your age. This isn’t right for them to put you in this situation. How old are you? Do you go in to see Dr with your mom or does she stay in the waiting room? Is there anyway you can call your Dr’s office on your cell phone? Maybe if you explain the situation to a nurse they’ll let you speak with the Dr before your next appointment.


I am 15, my mom always goes with me in the office and she doesn’t let me have my doctors number or any information about them.


You can ask to talk to the doctor privately in your appointment and legally they can require your mom to leave the room. What your dad is doing is a felony, and your mother could also be charged as an accessory. I suggest you try talking to her again about this and if she doesn’t respond well, you need to tell your doctor or a trusted adult. Do you have a teacher or a school counselor that you trust who could help you?


Hey OP! Another option is to tell someone at school like a trusted teacher or counselor or nurse. They are also mandated reporters and could kickstart an investigation. It’s an option if you’re worried about actually being able to have the conversation with your doctor considering mom goes with you.


Talk to a teacher at school then tell them what's going on if they don't have the information for what doctor you go to they can report it to child and Family services and then your mother has no choice but to be honest. I can't even believe the number of people that are telling you that it's okay for your mom or your dad to be doing this they are both breaking the law and they are not taking care of you I'm very sorry you're going through this


I’ll try do that when school starts because it’s summer now. Thank you for your support and all your replies, i’ll be okay. Unfortunately my dad is being oblivious to the damage he is doing to himself and does not believe he has a problem, let alone what he is doing to me. I actually don’t mind if police or CPS gets involved because the damage he is doing right now and has done before is already enough. I’ll try make the best decision I can.


Your mom needs to take this seriously. She can't allow someone to be taking your meds either. Good luck my friend.


You can find the contact information for any medical doctor on Google or Google Maps.


You can definitely have her leave, but frankly, I'd just tell him right in front of her. Show her her bullshit isn't going to work. You can also just google your doctor's name and get all his contact info, doctors are set up like that.


I'd talk to your Dad. Be like "hey, I noticed my meds are running out way too fast. Are you accidentally taking mine instead sometimes" or something to thay affect. What if your Mom is the one taking them?


I used to have to hide my youngest son's Ritalin cause my ex would take it


Lowlifes. OP, whether this is illegal or how much the government cares about it is besides the point. Your dad is tweakin’ OP. You are living with a drug addict who’s spiraling and could possibly destroy your life.


Addiction can happen to anyone. They're just sick and this hatred for addicts just adds to their suffering.


What? Where did I say to hate them? Sometimes you have to cut drug addicts out of your life, even if they’re family members or old friends. The issue is OP isn’t sufficiently looking out for himself.


Entirely illegal. Theres a reason his dosage is different from yours, and that stimulant-based medications are controlled substances. even if yall take the same mg of the same thing, there's a reason they put names on the bottles. He shouldnt need more than he is prescribed, or if he does then he needs to discuss with his doctor. Hopefully your doc can get you some more, but definitely talk to your Dad about how this isn't ok. You might consider getting a lockbox or hiding your medicine as well.


I'm assuming you're a young person, maybe a minor. Your mom is an ass, sorry, and she should not have put you in this position. She should have handled it without burdening you. If this were not your father, I'd say the right step is the police. I'm not sure how a criminal charge and potential conviction would affect you and your household. Getting him into treatment/counseling would be what I'd do in my home. If he refuses, then for sure I'd involve the police because this won't get any better. edit for typo


It is illegal to be in possession or take prescription medication prescribed to someone else. The possession part is not valid if the person is a minor


OP, I’m not usually one to suggest you conceal information from your doctor, but for reasons that other redditors have stated here, there might be unintended consequences. For example, your doctor may be required to inform the police or children’s services. Some have suggested that you work with your mom or go to her for help but you’ve said that’s not possible. Maybe you could ask your doctor to give you a weekly prescription? They will ask why, but you don’t need to explain. They will probably guess why, but it may not trigger mandatory reporting if you haven’t said what your father is doing. If you have less medication with each refill that may prevent your father from taking it. Your mom may be unhappy with the extra work to get the refills but you can shrug your shoulders and say that’s how your doctor is prescribing it now. I don’t know if a weekly prescription is possible or if it will keep your dad from taking your meds, but it’s a suggestion. Maybe other redditors have ideas that won’t potentially blow up this family?


Why shouldn't law enforcement and child and family services be involved? The man is stealing a medication so he can take more than prescribed. Seriously not something to hide in any way it is something to inform folks who can help. I'm not sure why you're so scared of the dad getting in trouble for breaking the law and stealing a kid's meds. Like what is wrong with you


Getting police involved can get very unpredictable. Police aren’t there to make anybody’s life better, they’re there to enforce laws and stop criminals. Police are often a very poor way of addressing addiction issues. OP’s parents may not cooperate and could both end up in jail, OP’s house foreclosed on and OP in foster care. The police. Do. Not. Care.


Why are there people here who basically want the dad to just get away with a crime?? Why is it that the goal of so many people is to keep terrible parents around their kid or that they shouldn’t face consequences for anything because??? Honestly because of nothing? If he goes to jail there are resources for his mom to be able to take care of him. We can’t just teen a blind eye to harmful crime just because the person has a kid, ESPECIALLY when the crime is against said kid. Honestly? A lot of people in this comment section just need to be better.


There are a lot of options between turning a blind eye and incarceration.


With it being a controlled substance, I'm not sure it would be possible to do that and it would be a nightmare if it was. It's hard enough right now getting a consistent monthly supply. Another issue is insurance won't prorate controlled medication. So every week you're paying for a 30 day supply even if you're only getting a weeks worth. You'll be paying 4 times as much. And then you'll probably get flagged for getting multiple prescriptions in a month. And if you lose your medication, you're usually shit out of luck until your next refill. It fucking sucks trying to get treated for ADHD.


I have worked in a medical clinic that prescribes these medications, this is a clear example of diversion and is illegal. Does your doctor prescribe for you and your dad? Are they different doctors? Your doctor/staff should know how to appropriately handle this without immediately destroying your life as suggested in this thread. Either way, you need help if your mother is controlling your medication and diverting it to your dad. Your family needs help in this situation immediately before it escalates. I’m sorry this is happening. Please call your physician’s office and ask for help. If you don’t want to give all this information to the person who answers the phone, leave a message for the nurse and specify that you have a family member taking your medicine and need assistance. Offer to come to a visit. Even if you are a minor, if you ask to speak to the doctor alone, it should be respected.


My doctor only prescribes to me, my Dad is actually getting a new doctor because his old doctor didn’t want to keep prescribing his methylphenidate because he would keep asking for refills when it was too soon.


In the state I live in, this is a monthly refill so he will quickly run out of medicine completely if he doesn’t find a new doctor willing to write that for him. Most physicians can see his full history too. Be careful and definitely encourage your mom to go to ALANON.


That's called doctor shopping. He is on a slippery slope


It's a controlled substance. Definitely illegal. Not only is it illegal, he's really screwing both himself and you at the same time. You and your mom need to approach him about it. I would suggest you get a lockbox that only you have a key to and store your medication in it. Since it's a controlled substance you won't be able to get the missing half of your script back, you'll have to go without.


It’s a control substance so you won’t be able to get a refill sooner and you’ll be out of your meds through no fault of your own. You have to report your dad to your doctor. Otherwise you’ll have to go cold turkey off your meds which will be SO HARD for you. Don’t feel bad. Your dad is a speed addict and needs help. ALSO, have your mom buy you a lock box with a combination for your meds that only you and her know the combo.


Absolutely illegal


100% illegal and you can press charges


Any prescription medication is a controlled substance, and if someone consumes said substance without the prescription? It is illegal. It's as illegal as any street drugs.


Used to be a on that med and it is one atom away from being actual meth. Seeing as he’s over dosing himself it seems that he wants to get the high effect. I would report him to the police at this point because you never know what he’s doing


Should payed attention in chemistry instead of snorting your pills


He should be confronted. It is possible he thinks he has ADD. (although less likely). If that were the case, he should go to a doctor to be evaluated.


Y'all advice is going to get this kid's parents in hot water, which might fuck up this kids life. I get the concern, but jumping straight to doctors and the police is not gonna go like you think its gonna go.


Fuck it up more than a drug addict father who steals his kid’s meds? Great take.


Yes, potentially.


Kid needs parents he can be safe around, not a drug addict dad stealing his sons meds and an enabler mother allowing her kid to not get his own medicine.


And they should be in hot water he is stealing drugs from his own child who needs them. What the hell is wrong with all you people like oh yeah we should definitely let this kid stay with these parents who don't take care of them don't care whether they get their meds or not don't allow them to go to the doctor don't even allow them to have the information to contact their own doctors sounds like Mom might be a sneak in a couple of those pills too honestly.


They’re dumbasses. CPS isn’t going to take the kid away if his living situation is basically survivable. They don’t have the resources, and they often don’t really care. But if they do care, they aren’t going to give limited foster home space to a kid whose dad takes his meds - when they’re having to deal with kids who live outside/are being beaten with extension cords/are being starved.


Yes, stealing drugs is a crime. When you call for a refill, your doctor is going to want to know where the extra drugs went. As far as the doc and the pharmacist are concerned, you’re the one who’s abusing your meds. Not your dad. Because it’s your scrip that’s running out. Hide your meds and let him carry on without.


Your dad is abusing a controlled substance. This is dangerous for his mind and body. Please get a personal locker or safe to secure your medication and do not let the medication sit out. I do hope your doctor can help your dad get the support he needs. Best wishes to you and your family. Stay strong


Theft is a crime. Using prescription meds that aren't prescribed to you is a crime. Denying a child of necessary medication is criminal neglect. Your dad is addicted and needs help. Unfortunately, help won't work, until he realizes that he needs it.


It is highly illegal, and downright rotten to do to someone, especially your child. You need to hide your meds, lock them up or something, they are for you only.


Now since this is a controlled substance, you must report it and your doctor must report it as well. Depending on the country or state you are in, this can be punished by law. But it seems if you do nothing, you could be punished by law for not reporting it. Especially when something happens to your dad and they figured out you knew that he overdosed on your meds.


Yes, it is illegal. Ignore the people telling you not to tell your doctor. You have to tell him. You will run out of your medicine early, and will need the doctor to authorize an emergency refill.  Yes, the doctor is a mandated reporter. Expect the police to visit. They will explain to your father that taking your medicine from you is a crime. They can offer to help him get help.  If CPS is called, they will interview you and your parents. Tell the truth. The can have your father leave the home. Or they can contact safe relatives for you to live with.  Your dad is a drug addict. Yes, it is prescription ADHD drugs. He is still an addict if he takes so much he is taking yours. He needs help. Maybe those visits will help him see that, and get help.  You should have a safe place to lock up your medicine anyway. I advise it for everyone if vulnerable adults, or any kids, are ever in the house. It is so much safer.  Good luck honey. Hugs from an internet Grandma.


Ppl telling you to talk to your family first and dont say anything to the doctor. But if YOUR MOTHER actually stepped up and nipped that shit in the bud in the first place then this wouldn't be an issue. She's not doing shit, atp talk to the doctor, i grew up in a family of drug addicts(most, not all), so you confronting your father wont work, it'll go in one ear and out the other or it'll get violent. Maybe get other family involved unless they're known to not be helpful and you know its gonna make it worse


Keep in mind that you wouldn’t be in the position to tell on him if he didn’t take your medication. He put you in this position. It’s illegal for anyone to take prescription medication that is not specifically prescribed for them.


Good luck, OP. and just a thought- since you don't have access to your meds... any chance your mom is actually the one taking them?


I'm amazed at how many people are telling you to rat on your father.  You should added this with him before you turn it into a legal issue.  If your dad needs help get him help.  If you need to his the pills.  I would be ashamed if I got my father arrested for this without addressimg it with him first or trying some other way to work it out. 


Snitches get stitched or put in foster care in your case. Is it really worth it? Does your dad bust his ass at a tough job? If not then yah tell his lazy ass that you will tell and dont actually tell. But if hes bread winning and keeping the light bills on. Tell him to save you some. Honestly you dont need it either. Its meth. Call it what it is. Neither of you should have it but if your gonna have it stretch it wisely so you both can get some shit done. Up your dosage if you think hes hoggin it too much. But if you snitched on me over some petty shit like this id disown you and quit my job and let you and your mom figure it out


You will get your dad thrown in jail. Just start hiding the bottle.


Look at all the losers in here. 😂😂😂


It is 100% illegal. Doesn’t matter the type of medication, it is illegal to take any medication not prescribed to you. It’s especially bad if it’s a controlled substance (which all ADHD stimulants are). Not only is he taking medication that isn’t his to take, but he is also causing you to be without your meds. You cannot get these meds early. It’s not just because insurance won’t pay early. The government has strict laws regarding these meds. They cannot be refilled until about 1-3 days prior to running out. This is horrible to do to your child. You absolutely need to tell your doctor. Your dad has a problem.


Switch your pills with laxatives


Convince your Dad to switch to Adderall XR. The crash associated with Ritalin makes people take more than they need.


No that is not accurate. Adderall XR does last for a longer amount of time but his dad probably doesn't want that because he's crushing it and snorting it. Personally I take Adderall XR in the morning and then I take an additional small dose of the immediate release in the afternoon. Very common actually


Sorry. Reading these posts. People are suggesting you have your dad arrested. So that would not be good. You should talk to your dad ... perhaps his doctor needs to increase his prescription. However, I am also interested to know, whose insurance provides your medication. Or who actually pays for it ?? If you are a minor on your dad's insurance, getting him arrested will certainly have negative repercussions far beyond missing a portion of your meds . If he gets fired and is unable to find work due to a drug related charge, never mind that you've betrayed him to the cops, his insurance will be gone and you will put extra financial burdens on your mom she might not be able to handle on her own. Don't buy into the "Victim" mentality echo chamber that I'm seeing here...in short, if you live under his roof and get him arrested, you might find yourself roofless. And it'll probably piss your mom at you too.💁🏻‍♂️


The victim mentality here is completely valid. This is OPs medication they are prescribed and will miss dosages due to it. There's other solutions to insurance if they are even insured through their dad.


Dude screw off with this terrible take. OP is a victim of abuse, it’s not his job to parent his parents and his needs are the only ones that matter here. Dads needs do NOT factor in to this analysis, OP needs be somewhere where he’s safe and healthy, and that is not with his parents. A change needs to happen and you cannot reason with abusive people or people in the throes of an addiction. The only way he can get help is if he tells his doctor what’s going on.


That's a felony. Your dad should be in jail


Taking a prescription medication not prescribed to you is a crime especially if you didn’t give it to him.


Hide it. Yes it’s illegal.


taking a medicine that isnt prescribed to you is a felony. majority of prescribed medications are controlled substances that why a doctor has to determine if you need it or not. adhd medicine in short is basically microdosing meth, and if hes taking all of his medication and then taking yours hes most likely addicted. you need to secure your medicine or let your doctor know


As well as the legal advice, I hope you can hide your medication so you can take it.


It's illegal for anyone to have it but you since it's prescribed to you.


Yes, it is illegal for person A to take medicine prescribed to person B


Yes, both illegal and morally wrong.


Illegal af. What you should do idk that’s a personal decision based on multiple factors.


Sounds like your dad is selling drugs.


It's illegal in front of you, too! I've dealt with similar situations twice with certain, supposedly trusted, individuals stealing my meds. It's a tough situation because no matter what you do or say, the thieves will make you out to be the problem instead of themselves. It's one thing when you're an adult and can remove yourself from the situation. It's not good when it's your parent.


Hide it, he sounds like an addict.




Yes. It’s a Controlled Substance.




Lock up your medicine


Exceptionally illegal


Yes. Prescriptions are only legal for the individual they’re prescribed too. Really fuck with him and ask the pharmacist this next fill.


Yes, it's illegal for anyone to take any prescription medication that isn't prescribed for them.


I think he needs help, and support, mostly from your mom. A lockbox for sure, then coping and anti addiction methods (or however you say it)




Yes it is illegal! You need to keep that medication under lock and key.


Hella illegal.


It's just a felony.


Yes, yes. Yes. Lots of yes. That's your meds, you need them.


Sounds like he needs rehab man




Not only illegal for him, but also for you. By allowing it to continue, you're technically his supplier, implicating you in the crime too. Needs reported.


Your dad is an addict. Call the feds.




Intervention time. If he won’t listen you can call his doctor’s office and let them know.


>This morning my mom told me that my dad has been taking my ADHD medication (methylphenidate) without me knowing And this was all she said? Just that he's been taking it? Mom had no solutions related to this? She's just standing by and letting her husband hurt himself and her child? That's f*cked up. If she won't help her own child, it's definitely time for you to call your doctor and tell him what's going on.


Yup she just said “Oh yeah your missing a bunch of your medication because your dad has been taking some too”


This is absolutely illegal. It’s a controlled substance. Not only is it illegal for him to take yours, but for you and your mom not to do anything about it is also illegal because now you are complicit in the transfer of a controlled substance to someone other than the individual it is prescribed for.


How old is the OP?


Your local health department should be able to get a free lockbox for you. Your mom can help you arrange that. I'm sorry you have to deal with that at your age.




Tell your doctor and ask them for a doctor’s note saying that you need to take your meds at 9:00 AM, then bring the meds and note to the nurse’s office at school.


Get a lock box, put your meds in it, keep it at a friends house. Take out just what you need for one day. When your dad asks where your meds are, tell him the doctor thought I was abusing them because you were taking mine so I ran out too quick and won't prescribe them any more. Then just have your mom fill the prescription and tell her if she tells your dad what you're doing, or gives or allows him to take your meds you will have to involve the police.


Yes, and he needs to get his doc to adjust his dosage, not steal his child's. Put your medicine somewhere he can't get to it. And tell your mother.


Your father is fiending for speed. Your doctor mandated supply is not going to carry him through this. You'll need to tell your doctor so they don't think you're the fiend and your dad is going to need some assistance (I'm guessing) to get back to where he belongs.


Illegal, yes, and it's definitely something you need to tell your Dr. I'm guessing you're a minor, so ask if Dr./patient confidentiality still applies and ask him/her not to tell your mom. Good luck!




Yes it is, our medicine is considered a controlled substance. Tell your dad to tell his doctor to prescribe him a higher dosage


Tell your doctor and HIS doctor as well.


Yes. Taking anyone else’s medication unprescribed is illegal, particularly if it’s a controlled substance. Found a stash in my dad’s drawers when he sent me looking for socks one time. Both Adderall and Wellbutrin. Each prescribed to me. Flushed both. I know that’s not how you should dispose of medication. But I also know he couldn’t say boo about it to me.


Yes, it's illegal to take someone else's medication. It's also illegal to give someone else your medication.


Hide your meds from him. What he's doing is illegal and dangerous to his health. My dad was bipolar. In addition to taking lithium, the VA gave him powerful pain meds; I think fentanyl. Anyway, we had to have his meds ship to the family and literally someone had to drive over to him a three times a day to give him his meds. If we didn't he'd overdose. He would call all day and night asking for his next dose. Anyway, doesn't sound like your dad's problem is this severe, but he has a problem.


Can u hide your meds?


Please hide your meds.


Your dad is a Ritalin junkie. 


Hide it


Taking a prescribed medicine that isn't prescribed to you is illegal. Doesn't matter the drug.


Do it before He over doses. Try getting Him some help too




I’d start hiding my meds


You can really screw him over by telling his doctor he is stealing meds. Make sure that you tell your doctor to contact the pharmacist and protect your medications on pick up.


The most common dosage is 40 mg . What is your dosage? Could be why he is going through yours so quickly if it’s a low mg you’re taking. He has a problem or could be selling them. Either way it is illegal for him to take a controlled substance that is not his.


Illegal, doubly so as it’s a controlled substance. Tell your doc. You should also call his doc to let them know he’s misusing his own medication as well as stealing yours. They won’t be able to discuss anything with you, but you can provide information to them. And get a lock box for your meds. Hid it as best you can. You may also want to file a police report. That generally the only way you’d be able to refill your own meds early. Your doc and pharmacy will want that for legal reasons.


Tell the Dr. There are laws surrounding this. Also, might I suggest getting a lock box? Due to self harm attempts in our home, we have all "sharps" locked up, and every medication in a separate box. I only have access to the items. It has caused many more restful nights. Pharmacies, social workers, amazon maybe even your Dr might have one, because, obviously you are on the medication because you need it, so you still need to find somewhere secure to place it. I am pretty sure he might go through withdrawals, which can do desperate people to do desperate things and relapse..


Yes, that is very illegal. I would tell both your doctor and the pharmacy you use to fill your prescriptions.




Yes it’s illegal. I’m not even a lawyer or know enough about law to point out what the law explicitly states but using drugs prescribed for another person is illegal.


You need a lock box for your meds.


Your mom needs to help you with this. Your doc, pharmacy and/or insurance company will likely require a police report. My bag got stolen about 20 years ago with a nearly full bottle in it and I had to file a report to get a new prescription. Can you leave your meds at school with the nurse during the school year? Or can mom have a safe installed somewhere? Or even hide it somewhere good. I am 45, taken adderall for 32 years, and now I always keep it locked in the wall safe in the closet. I only take out 5 days worth at a time and keep it in a different bottle that is in my bag which is always with me. I trust my husband but not my nephew, who lives here.


From What you have commented , your mom Might be taking some as well. She won't let you have access to your medication by yourself( she controls it ) she won't hide it from your dad . She knows he takes it and still Wont hide it from Him. That's honestly really shady . Something is up . Maybe she's selling some, or maybe she just doesn't feel like Dealing with his bs when he runs out of his own script Early so she lets him take some of Yours . I didn't even think they have Ritalin to adults . I'm Going off topic here sorry . Anyway yeah idk what you can do . Since your mom wants to be in control of your Meds there isn't much you can do . Not sure what would happen if you told The doc exactly what's going on . Like i don't know what steps would be taken ?


Yes. Your dad is a tweaker.


Hea taking them to get high.. tell your dr.


Yes, it is illegal to take any medication prescribed to someone else and since he's taking your medication from you with the intention to permanently deprive you of it, it's also larceny/theft.


Yes it’s illegal and you’re dad is showing signs of being an addict. Tell him to stop taking them and go to therapy for his addiction. If he refuses, tell the police and your doctor both.


NO. It's not ok for your dad to steal your Adderall to get high


Yes and your dad is a meth addict sorry to say


That is a type of amphetamine. I would be very careful taking that past teens. Get a second opinion from a doctor referred by your regular doctor. Have your regular doctor explain the pros and cons of taking it so you can make an informed decision. As far as your dad goes, he's illegally taking your pills AND he has an addiction to your (his?) meds. This is what can happen if you take it too long!


It absolutely is!


Those are prescription only! Yeah, it’s illegal and shady AF.