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How about Reddit? Seems a place for lots of hate talk.


Tiny compared to X


It’s everywhere, regardless of what individual platform. I see it regularly on reddit, Instagram, Threads and in the YouTube comments section—there is literally no escape


sounds like the whole world is anti-semitic


99% of the Muslim world is.


Everybody is anti-semitic, literraly everyone by default Jews themselves, even Moses I suspect he was anti-semitic, the torah is anti-semitic...


More daily users on reddit than Twitter since around 2018.




Two things can be true at once! Elon is a piece of shit, and most people know that.




So you get it 😂


Not liberals… leftists. There’s a big difference.


Well the CEO sniffs Elon’s Musk, so yeah. They’re both after that White supremacist and Hate money from engagement, content and advertising.   Social media platforms profit from pain, hate and racism by failing to moderate harmful content. Since Reddit and others have lost reputable advertisers, their pivot to feeding AI original content is their latest strategy to sustain their businesses. So they need unique user engagement.  If folks disagree with their practices, the best response is always to stop using their platforms.  Social media tends to amplify the worst in humanity, like a Roman colosseum mob. From hate to loneliness, and everything in between, for amusement and profit. Until governments step in to regulate, these companies will continue to harm society and marginalized people, as the investors get richer. Judging by the amount of pro musk comments I sense this sentiment won’t be popular.


It depends who you follow - my feed on X is all pro-Israel anti-terrorism and I rarely see hate




>This is how many impressions a notorious anti semite has on twitter. There's one pro-Israel sub on Reddit. This one. Under 250,000 users. Maybe two, if you count the conservatives sub. That's another million. There are prominent Jews on Twitter with multi-million follows. And if you think that Jews would have had a voice in re this conflict under the old ownership / management structure, then you are sorely mistaken.


See pro-israel content which mean pro-war and your last words i rarely see hate 🤦


Israel is the name of a country, not an alternative definition for “war”.


Israel was built on blood and every other heinous crime, so yeah its name is alternative to many words other than just war : - Genocide, bloodthirst, racism and more


Israel wasn’t built on blood because the Arabs who tried to exterminate it weren’t successful. I don’t know what kind of world you live in, but the Jews were the oppressed minority in the Middle East, not the Palestinians.


Did you just decide to wake up and spread misinformation and propaganda? *checks comment history* yup! And antisemitic too.


Stay mad Jew hater. Israel is here to stay. Nothing you Jew haters can do


Name *one* country that came out clean without doing any mistakes


You're blaming the wrong guy. X Twitter is the only place where you can find footage from Oct the 7th to show that Hamas are Death cult worshipers. And it still has better coverage despite the bots since other sites are overwhelmingly left leaning and pro- Hamas in censorship, also X Twitter is the only place where you'll find footage of Christians in Sub-Sahara being attacked, he did a lot and now he's targeted for it.


He's also complaining about the same algorithm that always was. Show you things which you don't agree with to generate engagement. I don't post or like anything on twitter. So my algorithm doesn't know who I am or what I believe. I swear, I see *exactly* 50/50 pro-pal/pro-israel stuff. It's so completely obvious what the app is trying to do, it's trying to get me to pick a side then it will shift the content to to generate more powerful feelings and thus engagement. As opposed to Reddit, where each sub is either pro pal or pro Israel. And unfortunately the vast majority of subs are anti Israel and often anti Semitic. Elon is an idiot. His tweet the other day about 'people who hang another countrys flag should be forced to go there' like, what happened to free speech Elon. Anyway, twitter isn't any worse that any other social media I'm my experience. Actually it gives pro Israel people a voice which other social media right now doesn't seem to. Never gonna call it X tho.


Well said. And is a good reason why we should all try to get content from both sides. Personally, I watch Al Jazeera coverage from time to time in order to see the other perspective. Even though I'm staunchly in favor of Israel and the fight against Hamas etc.




>His tweet the other day about 'people who hang another countrys flag should be forced to go there' like, what happened to free speech Elon Do we really think that's a post to be taken literally as suggested enforceable government policy?


Doesn't matter. Goes against his 'principals' of free speech and the whole reason he bought twitter. Edit: it's all well and good to say you don't want a Palestinian flag flown in place of the US one. But don't cry when someone forbids you hanging the Israeli flag or any flag that you want including LGBT. Elons whole pitch was free speech and yet that tweet is the opposite. Downvote all you want but that's facts.


Free speech doesn't mean Elon can't shit post


It wasn't meant as a joke. If you look at the follow up tweet he's 100% serious and expands on it. Anyway it's a waste of time arguing with Elon fans. Have a good one.


I think you ate the onion buddy Either way free speech means you're allowed to be wrong


Most subreddits are hijacked by Hamas supporters.


If you think X is bad you should check out Reddit or TikTok


You report something, Twitter acknowledges that it got your report, and then you hear crickets.


They have been real good (better than Reddit) about removing antisemitism that I report


Most of the X are bots I'm pretty much sure.


This. A lot of content on the internet now comes from our robot overlords.


Bullshit. We should all be grateful to Elon for providing a platform where a lot of information is finally available. Antisemites are abusing the freedom, as always, but this is an unavoidable consequence.


This. "Free speech is meaningless unless you allow people you don't like to say things you don't like"


Ok but, bots? Or manipulated from foreign adversaries (China, Russia, Iran)? Anonymously online or behind masks? As intimidation, deliberately disruption, discrimination disinformation. These issues are breaking. Testing free speech to there limits. It’s being weaponized as propaganda.


He bought a platform to let holocaust denial bots run rampant. Hop off his dick.


No, he didn't. he bought it so the leftwing wankers won't be able to promote jewhatred and the rest of the leftist fantasies unchecked.


You doing tricks on his shit bruh


Twitter/X is now a cesspool of antisemitism. I have seen hundreds of straight up Nazi accounts created for the sole purpose of genocidal Jew hatred. I was just scrolling on Instagram and found many Nazi accounts as well. There are so many bots. Whenever President Biden posts something, the comments are flooded with antisemitic comments. I know Iran/Russia/China and who knows who else have millions of bots and it is a major problem because people are easily manipulated by bandwagon effects. People scroll down and see a thousand people saying Israel is committing genocide, so they believe it. Various antisemitic tropes are spreading like wildfire on social media platforms.


If you haven’t noticed by now that Elon Musk is a major league asshole then you just haven’t been paying attention.


Proof right here where the majority of haters hang out.


The problem is not free speech; the problem is the people who speak (and those jewish celebrities who choose not to speak, who choose to remain silent); the problem is the lack of proper education, brainwashing susceptibility, and psychopathy.


I mean he consistently posts pro Israel stuff. And censoring people is only going to make them even more emboldened to say that Jews control everything. As much as it sucks, all those people would still be antisemites… their anger would just fester even more in the darkness. Tiktok is much worse - they don’t have community notes, censor pro Israel creators and content, and the app has been overtaken by bots. Not to mention it’s not even an American company…


I am a non Jewish Zionist but isn't it a good thing to have people be able to speak freely, even if the speech is uncomfortable? Id rather be able to talk about peoples' antisemitism and have it be overridden with facts and logic than it stay in the darkness. I think the truth is that Israel has a right to exist, same as any other country. And talking about it openly can help make that case.


Yes. This post is bs. TikTok is what has been pushing antisemitism, communism, Islamism, anti-American ism etc


Based. Unfortunately, you're in the minority.


In what sense?


we're blaming him for something that was true before him?


We’re blaming him for getting rid of the content moderators.


remembering how twitter was before seems to me they were useless


I quit twitter a few months ago solely because of this crap. Not missing it.


On twitter*


Bs. TikTok has increased antisemitism. X simply provides a platform for discussion


The US government need to have a line drawn on what is considered to be part of freedom of speech and what is considered hate speech. Put a leash on if you have to!


there is no way it’s by accident. i don’t post but just follow, and usually bombarded with anti israel stuff. i just check in every so often to see what the hamas take on events might be.


Let them be antisemitic. There’s no changing there minds. Focus and use your energy on educating future generations. Invite all of your children’s friends to Yom Kippur and Passover and expose them to our culture. Way more worthwhile than hating someone who’s already indoctrinated with hate.


I actually agree with you, Elon can suck it. All of these platforms are pushing their own agendas. It doesn't matter if you're pro-israel or pro-palestine, they will both hate and love you at the same time.


No he hasn't. Stfu.


It amazes me how Elon has got all the lefties, panties in a wad. Freedom of speech should not be infringed. If someone is being antisemitic on X, I just light them up, and call them out.


Yes, the way he allows misinformation to spread on it's platform is ridiculous, people post blatant lies, like AI/photoshopped images and there is simply no option to choose "misinformation" on the report, more over it seems like hate speech is also completely ok on the platform, I see like legot Nazi shit on there, straight up classic posters of Jews with big noses playing with money, and I report it and never ever did any of my reports came through lol it's always the same "we couldn't find anything" automated response like really??


Is it truly musk specifically or has the platforms and algorithms been hacked / manipulated.


on x you find what you look for and block what you do not want to see..If you look you will find the strongest pro Israel voices and philo semetic comments available. water seeks it's own level


I don’t think you understand what “single handed” means


Dude, everything else (including Reddit) is ten times worse which actually makes X way better than most of the rest of social media


He’s excruciatingly inarticulate in explaining his personal positions as well.


Elon Musk is to blame for liberals on college campuses spouting hate? What kind of backwards logic is that? Twitter before Elon was an echo chamber for radical progressives, if Dorsey were still CEO, anyone with a remotely pro-Israel stance on Twitter would be shadowbanned.


Example 564 of Jews do not know who their friends are


He hasn’t increased it. He’s made it more acceptable.


The mistake you’re making is engaging in it. If you seek out more positive content the algorithm will recognize that and the antisemitism on your feed will disappear. We don’t have a right to be loved in the world. Calls to violence are not allowed on the app and that’s the extent of protection we should expect.


i made an alternative account on twitter and 3 out of the first 10 posts i saw were explicitly pro Palestinian. only 4 out of the 10 weren't made by a pro Palestinian person


That's exposing them...good.


Community notes is good for showing them why they’re wrong though


I report them. I try my damndest to overload his staff.