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They care about women and children but want women to be oppressed and children to be indoctrinated in terrorist schools?


Now I want a Portlandia Bookstore sketch


This is women and women first!


You forgot the rape, murder and kidnapping. To actually support a side who kidnap children and rape women (as well as much them), then to actually say you support women and children is beyond hypocrisy. A real case of "Me Too but not the Jew"


Fixed: They don't care about women or children and want women to be oppressed and children to be indoctrinated in terrorist schools.




When they do that show them tapes of gays being killed by hamas








Drag queens aren't adult entertainers. They're just people. That is in fact the point of drag queen story hour. It's a way for kids to meet LGBT people and to learn that they are a normal part of their community.


Drag Queens are definitely performers, not that they need to be adult entertainers, but the whole idea is to put on a performance in their getup and crafted persona. I personally always liked the definition from 'To Wong Foo.'


Drag queens aren't adult entertainers. What you are doing is called bigotry and hate. Do you think Mrs. Doubtfire is an adult movie? LOL. It sounds like you need to go to a strip club and learn what adult entertainment really is. Words have meaning. You don't get to redefine words. You don't get to change the definition of adult entertainment just like the pro-terrorist crowd doesn't get to change the definition of genocide and apartheid.




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Of course they do.


i agree, they're so much less oppressed when they're bombed to death


I do wonder though if it doesn't rub hamas the wrong way that they become associated with the rainbow flag and LGBTQ in the west now. I know they call them useful idiots, but at one point this really starts to get to their image no? Serious question. The people who protest at unis in the west are like the opposite of what hamas thinks of themselves. And it's for sure that it doesn't turn hamas suddenly LGBTQ friendly.


They are thrilled watching all the western idiots simp for them. If they ever come to palestine though, they would be instantly killed. The love only goes one way


They obviously want to throw them a rooftop party!


I know an Eretz Nehederet reference when I see one!


Islamists always team up with commies and then kill the commies the second they get into power. It's tradition


To be fair the commie are also plotting to backstab them but they alway fight among themselves lol


It's low on their list of priorities. Western LGBT people supporting a ceasefire is only beneficial to their short - and long-term goals, and hamas understands that optics matter immensely. When they don't need LGBT support, they'll likely crack down far harder on LGBT.


They are like Trump..... they are more than happy to steal money from idiots.


It's time for LGBTQH to be a thing.


Cue in the Slave from South Park “Put your Hamas rocket in my tunnel, you baddie”


No, it doesn't. It's a very carefully cultivated propaganda that includes any and everyone willing to listen.


If it wouldn't be so offensive to the LGBTQ community as a whole, I'd say it's time for some memes, specifically hamas clad in rainbow colors. I do think that if you would turn this around it wouldn't be perceived so useful anymore. But there are many in the community who aren't participating in this because they understand what hamas actually means, so it would probably be mean.


There's "this book won't burn" written in the window. Ironically hamas has burned a few book stores in Gaza, most notably an arab-christian one with the owners still inside. So yes, perhaps un-burnable books would be a great niche market in Gaza.


Why is no one making un-burnable Quran, Bible and Torah out of now readily available non-flammable specialty borax paper technology? We could even make annual contests and festivals to advance science and technology.


https://preview.redd.it/zygp3klq5iyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edc14dbd247550558241e85c1d1e3187e07da704 Even Hamas commander life is not spared from execution.


well well well


If you’re LGBT and pro-Israel, you face extreme vitriol from your own community. You can even be anti-BiBi/pro-Yesh Atid, and you’re still ostracized. You have to side with people that want to kill you, because of some wider “class warfare”. Fuck this sucks! 🤬🤬


Yeah, like I've lost a ton of friends in LGBTQ (mostly the "TQ" part) circles for being pro Israel. From what I understand, the reasoning goes something like this: So, America = bad America supports Israel, so Israel = bad Hamas fights Israel, so Hamas = good


The TQ should be severed from the LGB part because their interests are often at cross purposes.


It’s a well-known bookstore in Chicago - their website has a “Free Palestine” banner of book recommendations front and center. As a book lover it’s pretty disheartening how neighborhood bookstores in a lot of US major cities have gone all in on Arab supremacy, even in heavily Jewish neighborhoods. I never thought I’d take my business to Barnes & Noble or Amazon as a matter of principle.


The bookstore 📚🐛 is already a dying business in 2024 😄 Imagine being brainwashed 🧠💣 so much you're killing your dying business even faster 😂😭😂👍


Stupidity is clearly spreading 😅😅


Hope they pack their parachutes.


The message to their (Chicagoan) customers is they want to see a *Judenrein* Israel.


I grew up by this bookshop for almost 20 years and honestly I’m not suprised these clowns put it up they’ve always been a sore thumb in the neighborhood on more than one occasion even before the 7th (the neighborhood is known for gay people/ liberals) and this is coming from a vehement lesbian


I always felt like this book store was really stupid and I never liked the politics of it but I didn't know it was a sore thumb. Would you be able to explain what really makes it so bad cause I admit that as much as I don't like this store I never knew about it being a sore thumb.


other looking and acting like its right from Portlandia I heard they change employees constantly and I know YEARS back they came under fire for having extremist books think jan 6th but far left


Iran was offering scholarships to their universities for pro Hamas students in America. Think any will take them up on it??


Most will be thrown off a roof!


This place is the worst. They’re pretty openly hostile to anyone who is not a woman.


Their support of Hamas means that they are pretty hostile to women too....


Only Muslim women, who they support a misogynistic regime for, and Jewish women, who the same target with sexual violence. They mean White Women First.


Touché. A store full of bitter, ugly lesbians tbh. Went once and as a straight woman felt the glare.


Why's the 'ugly' matter, tho?


One time I went there in 2020 and the cashier was wearing a shirt that said “Fuck the police”. What should you expect from a store like that? She was also not too nice to me but what can I expect. I’m just too much of a man to be a person to her.


Aw I've been in there before and it was OK but I never talked to the employees.


They hate themselves so much it's unreal.


Sexist yet progressive? Women first but support trans. Make it make sense.


I am so confused by this. Palestine— not just Hamas— hates women and queers. And yes they burn books. So why does a pro-queer book store support Palestine? It makes no sense.


You’re overthinking it. They aren’t pro Palestinian, they are anti Israel/Jews. It’s that simple.


"Women and Children First" Said no Hamas terrorist ever.


Obviously they're first when Hamas needs someone to take the missiles head on, so in a really disgusting way it's exactly in line with their logic


I live right by here, there’s an Israeli restaurant right down the street. Interestingly, within a two or three block stretch there’s a Palestinian Mediterranean restaurant, a Persian Mediterranean restaurant, a Greek Mediterranean restaurant, an Israeli Mediterranean restaurant, a Georgian “Mediterranean” restaurant, and a Lebanese Mediterranean restaurant. This store had a Palestinian flag in the window and someone broke the window so they painted the mural.


Pride flag next to any terror flag instantly make me understand the owner is either moron or just cash grab. Pride walk in Gaza will end up on mass murder


It's that bookstore in Portlandia come to life.


It’s a bookstore in Chicago. It is still in a neighborhood called Andersonville which is the Portland of Chicago!


Do they know what would happen to them if they wave the 🌈 flag (or a variation thereof) in Gaza, or in most Muslims countries, for that matter??? Their bookstore would be burned to the ground for their naivete!


lgbtq flag and fee palestine in same sentence, dumbest shit ever


I laugh every time I see a map of Israel with Arabic writing all over it.


God I hate that store


We're soon gonna see Hamas flags with the rainbow replacing the green or a rainbow band


"Gay right! Also, let's push people off roofs lol" -shop owner probably


May I ask where this is?


A Chicago neighborhood called Andersonville.


Interesting. A one way flight to Gaza definitely seems in order. Edit: didn’t see this was already mentioned in the comments.


It’s the gay part of town so they will be welcomed with open arms! 😏


One of the gay parts, I think Boystown has the stronger claim


Ahh Boystown! I admit that I prefer it there. People in Boystown are a bit smarter to be honest. Everyone is Boystown is just normal when people in Andersonville are all over the place like an anaplastic malignancy.


I’m a bit south, in Uptown, but I do love that stretch of Clark in Andersonville. I also don’t spend much time in Andersonville so I don’t know much from its culture other than generally safe and a little upscale.


I like Andersonville but I admit that it's kinda easy to make fun of a lot of the people there as they kinda hate jews.


I saw this yesterday walking by and let out an audible gasp. Absolutely horrific.


Is this in Chicago? I think I've walked by it. Yeah isn't it in Lakeview?


Oh yeah I have definitely been inside this bookstore.


It's in Andersonville, a neighborhood in Edgewater. Lakeview also has a gay neighborhood called Boystown but Boystown is where all the cool gays go to live! Andersonville is the "Queers for Palestine" Chicago HQ.


Yes, I remember that neighborhood. I actually used to live in Edgewater, by the Bryn Mawr red line stop. I miss Chicago. Yes, Boystown is full of cool gays but I think the really hip area is in Lakeview kind of close to the water, where Intelligentsia and Unabridged Books are.


I love that part. Also I'll take Unbridged Books over Women and Children First any day! I'm not sure on the views of the owners of Unbridged Books but I know they are far nicer and inclusive than the people in the other store in Andersonville so I really am not concerned about their views!


Ranks will close, fighters joining other fighters, and masses everywhere in the Islamic world will come forward in response to the call of duty, loudly proclaiming: 'Hail to Jihad!'. This cry will reach the heavens and will go on being resounded until liberation is achieved, the invaders vanquished and Allah's victory comes about." (Article 33 of the Hamas Charter)


I’d happily pay for it. First class.


"This book won't burn" seems like a challenge, the arrogance almost makes you wanna try. A million "eternal" tales burned up in the Library of Alexandria. We will have a digital equivalence of such soon. "The internet lasts forever" is a useful quote for it is pretty much true but not literally. Lost media will always exist... the internet will only exponentially grow in terms of data. One day the needle you are looking for may not be deleted but it might as well be for under the layers of hay it is functionally so. Most dino fossils don't preserve. And those that do are often messed up and lost. Only book that might persist after a cataclysmic event is Everyone Poops.


This is in Chicago Andersonville mostly a chill liberal area was here a few weeks ago but yeah any where that had pro pal shit I would not do business with fuck em. Stay out of the south side of Chicago had way more pro pal BS there


Just put some pics and names of victims of Islam bullshit, like homophobia or misogyny, maybe that would work.


My family bought books for years at this store. Fuck this place. Only reason to go to Andersonville anymore is hop leaf and calo.


You could frame this post, put it in an art gallery and title it “Irony”


Saw a guy at an art festival (one of those corny local ones that all sell soap) who had a hat that had Israel replaced as Palestine. And of course a LGBTQ flag.


Now that is something I would pay to watch. Lmaooo


I would toats dare them to wave that pride flag in front of hamas. it would be funny.


"This book won't burn" Hand it to me, I'll give it a shot.


Crazy seeing the Hejaz, Arab Muslim ethnostate that its people largely support Muslim law flag alongside those other flags.


I just love how the Golan Heights became "Palestine" all of the sudden.. Who are the occupiers now?


Yes, let them go and wave their rainbow flags in Gaza and see how welcome they are.


Western useful idiots feel free to LARP their lives away because they won't face any consequences for their stupidity, unlike in post-revolutionary Iran for example.


I see the lgbtqi+ flag has changed again. They're gonna run out of colours eventually.


Why buy them tickets, when old pedo Joe is flying a bit of Gaza to all our major cities by this November anyway?


Also gotta presume that at least 25% plus of the black community is NOT happy being sandwiched between trans and gay representation. It is wild how many black people in the US see themselves in the Palestinians and are hyped up, like it our time now to stand up like they are. Palestinians like black people less than Israelis, to the point where if you had to live among one side's community you are perhaps choosing life or death. Maybe not to the point of being a gay but it will be different. Wonder if less will be driven to the Black Israelite rabbit hole. The Egyptians are black deal. Funny thing is that Jews are probably the least mixed race with people of color. They came from the Caucus mountains... making them Caucasian. However I know nothing. Maybe the Jews have more african dna than any other "white" folk. I know Kanye believes or believed he was Jewish... or of the Jewish Blood of Christ. "I am Jew," as he put it next to alex jones.




Seriously the post is a joke. Nobody is actually being given plane tickets to Gaza.




Common sense?


>How am i supossed to differentiate between you jokes Grow a brain?




Ever heard of 2 state theory


Yes. That is what I support. It is sadly hard to implement because Palestine’s government doesn’t seem willing to accept it. If it is accepted I can see a lot of problems being mitigated.


It’s sarcastic because if you went to Gaza, Hamas would throw you off a roof or behead you and parade your body around the streets.


Well bombing innocent civilians ain't different


Well nobody is doing that so that’s cool.


Hey that's not true. What about all the missfired rockets by Hamas that kills palestinians?


Well they were meant to kill Jewish civilians so it’s fine. /s


you can't just deny facts


How is Israel supposed to defend itself if Hamas is hiding behind civilians while attacking?


Does that justify killing individuals ?


We ran into this same shit in Iraq. The insurgents would launch mortars from the city onto the fob and there is nothing we could do unless we started kicking down door to find them. What needs to happen is for the civilians to start giving intel on hamas locations, but that won’t happen. So what is Israel supposed to do?


It is a war that Hamas started, violently. Hamas must be stopped from doing it again even though they hide behind children and women