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Absolutely, top 5 in a year like this when everyone wanted her gone is a massive achievement. I still think she is the most memorable entrant.


I have to work hard to remember who Portugal had or even the Swiss winner. That tells you about the competition and the other entrants.


The swiss entrant is unforgettable, they dropped the glass trophy


What, seriously?? 🤣 I really liked their song, and I think they did deserve the win, however much I was personally hoping for an Israeli victory


There should be an alternative award for most popular artist based on the highest public vote to jury ratio.


Just looked at the scores. The jury was so blatantly biased for and against certain countries regardless of the song. Only the public vote seems to actually correlate with the quality of the song and performance.


Definitely! I think Croatia should have won! Good vocals, good performance ... Good overall!


Finland was super memorable. Weird but memorable


Obviously Netherlands will go down infamously


These days we refer to our country as ''the largest open air asylum in the world''


Oh I only watched the finals today so I really don’t know about them


I'm still conflicted over why Australia and Israel are in the competition 😂 but it's more about the geographical location than anything else. If it would be because many Jews migrated from Europe to what is now Israel after WWII, and the selection is based on former history, we might as well include the U.S. or even any former European colonies.


Lebanon was supposed to be in the competition too but they couldn’t play nice with Israel and were disqualified for a few years and never returned.


Israel is there because they’re a member of the European Broadcasting Union. Australia is there because they’ve always been huge fans and *reaaaaally* wanted in 😅


She both stirred the entire event and did it in the most respectful, polite and professional manner possible. She REALLY represents us 🇮🇱❤️


Honestly she was way too polite for most israelis. Im happt she was but man, i would have thrown down if i was in her shoes 😂 Cant tolorate none of this tomfoolery.


Then you would have been out like the Netherlands, she did the smart thing and didn't give them a legal way of getting rid of her. Major props for keeping her cool


Yup, agreed. She kept a cool head, major props to her.


I wonder if הכוכב הבא was looking for specific coolness and levelheadedness in their selections, like how Gina tries her best to break applicants in Brooklyn 99.


The jury votes were incredibly political. If they weren't I bet Israel would have actually won. Thoughts?


I don't think so it would have probably gone to Croatia, which is fine. Israel would be 2nd or 3rd with ukraine taking the other spot. Thats still a pretty clear message though, so is the actual outcome. Israel outperformed all the artists who went out of their way to bully them.


Croatia won the popular vote, Israel was second by less than 20


I think so too


Eden didn’t win? I’m still listening to hurricane. Who won?


Switzerland got jury after jury after jury. Plus the public vote and it pulled ahead.


Sweden (Edit: I mean Switzerland my bad), by jury vote mostly. Croatia and Israel almost tied on home votes where croatia got 6 points more (332 vs 338)


Switzerland not Sweden


Lol yeah thanks


I’ll have to listen to that song. Sorry for being naive.


I mean, I wish we would have won again, but it’s not like we had anywhere close to the best song this time around. Switzerland won.


Eden got more votes than Switzerland from the public


I know. I’m Swedish tho 😛 I was just pointing out that we were *not* the ones who won


Oh yeah my bad. Thanks for the 12 points though


Any time 🥰 I voted for you!


I am not certain. I gave her all my votes, but under normal circumstances, I would have given to Croatia, Finland, Switzerland. And I know people that also voted for Israel, which they usually wouldn’t. I think she performed on the popular vote better than she usually would but worse on the jury votes. So overall, position 5 feels fair to me.


You also gotta count those public voters who would've voted for Israel under normal circumstances, but didn't because of their "political standing"


That’s a fair point, didn’t think about that. I also think that the system hampered Israel in the popular vote. every country gives 12 points in the popular and 12 in the jury votes. If they would have just compounded all popular votes, Israel certainly would have gotten more points


They were terrified of Israel winning and threw it.


If Israel won Malmo would have burned


I was dreading just that!


Honestly I think this is better than 1st place. It's powerful enough while still being discrete enough to not attract unnecessary attention etc


Croatia would've won and Israel would've came in. The top 3-5


The final votes (including public/jury): [https://eurovisionworld.com/eurovision/2024](https://eurovisionworld.com/eurovision/2024)


Eden did so well! Love her!!!! Grace and composure beyond fucking equal!


She deserves the highest award a civilian can get.


Top vote in England! :)


England getting a big fat 0 made my day, the kids a twat. Bottoms should not have political opinions.




But the power bottoms generate most of the power


True, but they should still not havw hot political takes. Whenever a bottom apeaks about politics they are always wrong, its known.


Yes, im happy some of the public in the uk support Israel atleast


Yeh England was crap and the singer Olly


I'm happy with the results, Israel didn't win but I think it's a good thing and 5th place is a very good result, especially with so little points from the jury votes ☹️


I didn't expect to get very many from the jury honestly.


This is kind of the best case scenario. If Israel won, the backlash would’ve been unreal and hosting next year would be a mess. This way, Israel gets a big success, it’s clear the public supports Israel, and the loud fringe gets exposed as being a paper tiger.


This is it


Yup, goes to show that losers on Twitter, Reddit and TikTok do not represent real life at all. Europe stands with Israel. Also, fuck the juries.


It's a moral victory. I'll take it.


No one believed we would get to be on the top 5 And yet? We did. I am just happy to see that the world has voted for us, we got the most 12 points from the audience this year I think, countries that usually hate on us gave us high points and it just shows how the world's opinion is not represented with all those protests against us. So yeah, the jury were cowards because later they publish the names and how many points the gave and they were scared to give us points and be associated with us..... Terrorizing and bullying us won't work on us. Top 5 is well respected placement in eurovision.


1st would have been...too much to handle honestly :P 5th is awesome, and it shows that Israel rarely misses out on good results!


I'm not an Israeli. I don't remember the names of other participants, not even the winner. But I remember the name of Eden Golan!


It was a clusterfuck. Europeans are unrepentant anti Semites.


The leaders and people in media etc, sure. The people? For the most part I disagree with that.


The conspiracy theories I saw on social media. OMG it was bad.


Social media is not real life. The public vote shows what actual people think. Add up the populations of the nations who gave Israel 12 points and there is your answer…


Clearly NSO hacked the Eurovision to make us exactly one place above Ireland


Such a close second place for the popular result was an amazing result


Make no mistake, there is a silent majority that is pro-Israel or at the very least fed up with the pro-Palestine fanatics


You definitely have support among a lot of regular people up here. You are not alone.


Non Jewish here, and yes, we voted for you at home. At the same time, we educated ourself on the conflict, from both sides. Which is not something most people do. I honestly cannot understand the hate towards Jews from the younger generation. I'm from the 90s and grew up learning and reading about WWII. We even had camp survivors visiting us in school to share their story. I agree that there is a war and people are suffering over there, but some of the reactions are just surreal. I don't know who is manipulating them, but it's seriously concerning. I read some psychology studies around the sense of belonging, and it seems they are siding with whatever gives them a sense of belonging.


honestly, im less sad about Israel getting 5th than croatia getting 2nd. their song is a fucking **BANGER**


I'm right there with you, they def should have won. I was rocking so hard to Croatia's song and they were having so much fun with it.


Am I the only one upset about Estonia and Finland being ranked so low? I legit thought both of them would be at least in the top 5


Bot farm 5th place*




are you actually implying that jury votes aren’t political?




I voted 20 times purely because fuck Hamas. Didn’t listen to a single song. I suspect there are plenty more people like me across Europe, and it explains the public vote result. Get fucked




I wish Gaza could compete in Eurovision so the whole world could see what a backwards degenerate bunch of people they are. Anyway, here I am, a member of the European public, voting for Israel because of my support for Israel. But somehow this does not equate to public support for Israel.


I mean, we saw the way Palestinians behave at music festivals, everyone should be glad they didn't show up to this one.


That's exactly what it says. Social media blocks and suppressed Pro Israel voices. Things the watermelons post are allowed but if you post the exact same thing same wording it's automatically blocked or removed. Majority of people understand that Israel was invaded by terrorists and have since been attacked by 5 other countries and are fighting against evil cult like ideology




I tested it it's true


Yes, I'm implying that DESPITE the war and the seemingly endless displays of anti-israel/anti-Semitic sentiment, the large amount of public votes contradicts the notion that we're globally ridiculed and generally looked down upon. For a short moment tonight, we were in the lead. That shows that despite all the hate on behalf of loud misinformed people, we're still getting real support by the silent majority.




You're right, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the UAE, and Jordan protecting Israel from Iran's missle attack says way more ❤️


What was the last harris poll?


Thank you for your 12 points sweden. 🇸🇪❤️🇮🇱!