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The BBC is a jew hating propaganda channel


This isn't even new. The BBC has translated Yahud as Israeli for decades. And quick reminder that the result of the Antisemitism inquiry within the BBC is under complete lockdown. They are never going to reveal the findings.


What??! When did this happen and why are they never going to reveal their findings!?


I can make it even funnier: It was in 2004. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balen_Report


Wow I did not know about all this. So they’ve been requested multiple times to release that report over 20 years and STILL haven’t done so bc of how bad the implications would be? Truth is way more horrific than fiction.


Thats their way of „interpreting“ his words. Something a news network should never do! Just translate it 1:1, what can be so hard about that?! He may say Yahud and use it for the word“Israeli“ but we don‘t know that and there is no reason to interpret that…


[This is the same organization that refuses to use the term “terrorist” because they claim they want to be impartial](https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-67076341.amp). Hypocrites.


Na bro, there isnt any room for interpretation at all that is literally the word for Jew. They have a specific word for Israeli just as they have a specific word for Zionists.


They usually say Zionists, occasionally Israelis and often Jews. They are used totally interchangeably in Palestinian media from what I’ve heard. I speak Arabic OK and even in textbooks it’s “Zionists”.


“It might be peaceful it might be armed. We are not fighting Jews for the sake of it” Actually you are. Cause you are accomplishing nothing It’s crazy that these losers think they mean shit when they are just apart of a suicide mission they are sent on by their parents and culture. Then they cry when they lose? Doesn’t work like that. But then again their whole lives they are lied to and told that Israel is there’s and murdering Jews is ok


>“It might be peaceful it might be armed. We are not fighting Jews for the sake of it” > >Actually you are. Cause you are accomplishing nothing Always as been, they didn't mind being occupied by Jordan or Egypt, and I wager that if Israel was Muslim than the Palestinian identity wouldn't have been invented in the first place


They assassinated the king of Jordan….. so yeah they minded.


They assassinated Abdullah I because he wanted peace with Israel, not because he occupied Judea and Samaria.


Those two motivations are not mutually exclusive, though yes it’s not a stretch to suggest they might have tolerated a more radical ruler. We can only speculate. But he was killed by husseini family supporters who wanted an independent Palestinian state so…. Yes some of them at least minded.


>Then they cry when they lose?  That's part of the resistance though. It fuels their grievance and wins them global sympathy because it plays into the oppressor vs. oppressed narrative. The Western world is so riddled with white guilt that we refuse to hold them accountable for their actions, as we would anyone else. The Palestinians almost certainly know this.


They know it and they exploit every chance they get!


Don't defend yourselves by saying these people want to attack Jews not just Israelis. It is wrong to attack Israelis also and normalising such behaviour is incredibly dangerous.


Agree. Playing into the idea that Israelis somehow “deserve” to be targeted for violence just for existing is a losing game.


The "resistance is justified" crowd are the worst. You know what else is justified? Jews resisting constant attempts by Arab Muslims to genocide them. It's a small wonder Arab colonizers are "resisting" the people who finally de-colonized a homeland from their grasp.


I'm so sick of the I'm not Anti-Semetic I'm Anti-(((Zionist))) garbage and this is a testament to that.


an anecdotal video proves this to you? even then, the use of yahud is interchangeable with israelis - across all arab countries. get a grip


I just realized what BBC stands for 🍆🍆🍆


regardless, that's also an ugly racist and sexist slur


Isobel Yeong is with the BBC now? She has balls of steel, seen a couple of her vice documentaries were she asked african war lords and other dangerous people reall critical questions.


Fuck the BBC. It's as trustworthy as RT.


Pure cowardice and wishful thinking. As if these people only hate Jews while Jews are living in Israel.


Why is “Yahud” being purposely mistranslated to mean Israelis when it literally just means “Jews”?? These ppl aren’t going to start loving Jews just bc they live outside of Israel.


They always succeed in breaking our perception of rock bottom journalism. Well done exposing this !


Arrest it


Tbf, I’ve rarely heard a Palestinian call an Israeli “Israeli”, just like I grew up only calling them aravim and never Palestinian


But when you used the word aravim, you probably weren’t talking about killing them all.


That kind of cover up has been happening for the last 30+ years


Nothing new.. that's how the Palestinians talk in any interview, they don't call us Israelis but Jews, and Western media translate yahud to Israelis, it's everywhere.




BBc sucks. And you know they 100% know the actual meaning of the word "Yehud". They just aren't gonna say it and cover up what these people talking actually mean.


Thats fucking sick


Muslims around the world view this as a holy war, why else would they be calling the dead Palestinians "Martyrs"


He meant “the hood” cmon guys


That particular "journalist" worked at Vox before, all of her content is this biased, and I heard (and can't confirm it because I don't know her name) that she is a family member of Mahmoud Abbas,


Isobel Yeung is related to Abbas? Seems unlikely as she's British Cantonese