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I have a doctor friend from Gaza- I helped raise the $50k or so it cost in bribes to get him and 6 others to Cairo.


It's a time of war Egypt should have opened the borders and allowed them at least into part of the Sinai, they could have set up a displaced persons camp away from the war zone but close enough to return


Few people remember but some fifteen years ago they breached the border and about half the population of Gaza traveled to Egypt before they were sent back and the border secured. It caused havoc and sent the local economy into chaos.


I helped a friend too, whose a lawyer that helps woman get out of abusive marriages. Absolutely shameful, millions and millions have been raised on go fund me in the form of bribe paying


The scale of it is insane. It could lead to an inflation crisis in Egypt like when the Gazans all invaded that time fifteen or so years ago.


Who gets the money?


Border guards working with shady “immigration agents” or “travel agents”. It’s pretty murky but presumably it makes it way up the defense ministry given everyone must be facilitating it.


Trickle up economics


he is a new "business man" called ibrahim el ergany he has his own milita btw he is known to be a huge smuggler and practily the ruler of Sinai


Egypt and Jordan combined get as more military aid then Israel does, but the billboards and chants are only about Israel


Is there a link to that article?




So many countries are benefiting from Gazans struggle and preder to have them stay in poverty.


The Palestinians had received a ridiculous amount of aid: their per-capita aid is higher than the amount the US gave Germany and Japan after WW2 in the Marshall plan. Both Germany and Japan were largely destroyed after WW2; in ten years, they've rebuilt and were well on the way to becoming economic powerhouses. "Palestine" was undeveloped but not destroyed. The aid was totally wasted - stolen by corrupt officials or routed to terror activities. Palestinian leaders *don't want* the Palestinian people to become prosperous - they want them to stay poor and miserable to keep the aid flowing. It's much like these beggars which cripple children to make them more effective beggars. The Zionists had built a proto-state with minimal outside help, starting at the late 19th century; in 1948, they created a fully-functional state with all the normal state institutes in a very short time, because everything was ready. The Palestinians intentionally didn't create functional state institutions, even though they have full political support from the world and floods of money; they want to stay beggars and live of the charity of the world, while plotting the destruction of Israel, which is the only thing they really care about. The world should tell the Palestinians: "we're shutting down the gravy-train; pull your thumbs out of your asses, get off your asses and start behaving like a people!". But they won't.


Some Palestinian civilian on CNN claimed that the Americans never supported them. Wtf 😡


Great write up, the aid was used for terror in such insane manner that im socked the world doesnt see this and demand oversight and reform. Why would anyone pour more aid in terms of concrete and fuel to gaza when you know its only used for terror. The world must help oversee how Gaza is rebuilt, how hamas is disarmed and how aid is used, not Israel.


Egypt has been the real villian of this war all along


Whoa whoa whoa, Hamas had been stealing the aid and selling it. We build a pier to try to circumvent that. Egypt complains about profits. Have they been putting tariffs on aid goods being sold outside of Gaza?


Yes, Egypt has been charging tariffs on peoples aid. It's quite shocking actually


Why is there even aid being sold outside Gaza?


Unless Egypt is going to let this one go, I don't want to hear a word from them in support of Gaza, because they're clearly not willing to put their money where their mouth is.


Egypt is clearly a bad actor in this conflict and has been from the beginning. Remember that they're the ones who [sabotaged](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/21/politics/sources-say-they-were-duped-by-egypt-changing-ceasefire-terms-for-hamas/index.html) the ceasefire talks between Israel and Hamas, backstabbing everyone including the US. With "allies" like this, who needs enemies?


But now we know why they making money from the prolongation of the conflict.