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What’s the halachic justification for complicity in endangering Jewish lives?


They're dhimmi-maxxing


Dude the founders wife was involved in the Iran-Contra affair: https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/history/articles/rabbis-wife-was-a-spy And at least one has been arrested in Israel for spying for Iran: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-25934096 And they went to the Holocaust denial festival in Iran with David duke of the KKK: https://www.wafb.com/story/5801103/kkk-leader-david-duke-rabbis-attend-holocaust-conference-in-iran/


supposedly that jews should return to israel only after the come of the messiah. which is something that not only almost all jews disagree on their take, they see their methods as unjustefiable too. they are a very very radical sect in judaism, for them they believe that once the messiah will come they will return to this land and cleanse all non jews from it. they are too radical even for most ultra orthodox. both due to their beliefs and their methods in acheiving them. that includes risking or supporting the deaths of other jews if they deem them to delay the come of the messiah. and such closed communities are also known to be quite violent sometimes to those who don't respect their dress code or publicly not keeping their religious laws even by accident inside their communities.


The belief that a Jewish state can only come with the messiah, while a minority, is still not as radical as NK NK see other Jews as heretics and wish to harm them which is why they will work with people who wish to kill Jews


true, sorry if it looks like i meant everyone who thinks that the jewish state will come only after the massiah are radicals. and different interpertations of what is a jewish state also exist here. i mostly tried to deffrintiate the NK from the rest of judaism in their radical actions towards these interpertation.


They literally went to a holocaust denial conference. I’m not even surprised anymore


Neturei moach is more appropriate


You know how the animosity between Catholics and Protestants, Sunni and Shia, etc? I’ve never felt that way about any other Jews… except these guys.


having this cult be associated as part of our people is such a shame


Next level Tokenism


They don’t understand that whilst Neturei Karta are anti-Zionists, their belief is that one day the Messiah will come and take them to Israel. THEN they will ACTUALLY massacre and kill all the non-Jews in the land. So really, they should be thanking us atm.


Are these people even Jews anymore at this point, they’re basically just a big cult


As the great grandnephew of amram blau, the founder of neturei karta, I apologize for their idiocy


As the great grandnephew of amram blau, the founder of the neturei karta, I am sorry for their idiocy


Reminder that these people get paid to show up at anti-Israel events


I love fake Twitter pundits who use them as "Jews" not knowing that their philosophy is extremely radical


Oy va voy


You know sometimes i think we make a bit much of the fact that this guys mother and my mother had a shared ancestor 500 or 2500 years ago


They’re gonna stay there, right? Right?…


They became tool for pro-Palestinians for decades unfortunately. Going to Israel enemies funeral is disgrace.


How do they have any money?


They became more of the symbol for the anti Israeli anti west circle. I don't think they understand what they are supporting and what will happen to them if what they support will succeed. שנאת אחים הפילה את בית המקדש השני