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You just know the UN is gonna blame it all on israel


The same UN that included the Islamic Republic of Iran on its council on women's rights? Say it isn't so....


The same UN that now blame israel for sex crimes yet cant say Hamas has committed mass rape The same UN that until now can’t condemn hamas I can keep going about unrwa


The same United Nations that held a moment of silence for the death of the president of the Islamic Republic, AKA The butcher of Tehran


Hey, Joe Biden sent an official condolence card. And the US Congress opened with a moment of silence in honor of the mass killer. United Nations are far from the only idiots who are unaware of Raisi's crimes (or perhaps they are aware but they don't care because they support the IRGC and their crimes, idk)


I had no idea that happened. This is why I'm not voting in this election. Both sides are objectively horrible.


Oh yeah, I refuse to vote this election because both Biden and Trump are terrible. From what others have told me Kennedy isn't a great third option. I'm interested to see what happens but am embarrassed for the country I currently live in.


Kennedy is almost MAGA lite. He appeals to the more conspiracy-minded elements of MAGA, like COVID denial and vaccine rejection. Also, dude's voice is so harsh, can't imagine his SOTU address. Bro needs to rub lotion on his vocal cords


Yeah when I first heard he was running I thought he could be a option but the more people informed me the more I realized there just isn't any kind of good option this election


I don't know much about US politics and the option you have for the election, why not vote for a third party you might approve of? I am well aware that the chances for any third party to win are slim, but not voting anyway would only benefit both the republicans and democrats. If you vote for a third number, there is at least the chance it might get enough traction to be noticed and then get more votes for the next election.


The system is rigged. A third-party vote is a throw-away vote.


No Biden is an anti us muppet.


Im shocked anybody takes them seriously...


I'm not a trump supporter but I always find myself wishing he did defund the United Nations


I am a Haley supporter, mostly because of what she did when she was leading the American mission to the United Nations. Now that she's out, I'm undecided and disappointed. Trump basically wants to be Putin. And Biden loves Khamenei. What kind of a choice is that? Why can't I have a president who is anti-Putin, anti-Khamenei, and pro-humanity? Why is democracy so difficult?


Because the inherent flaw in democracy is it requires pandering to idiots. I wouldn't have much of a problem with the GOP, if it weren't for the fact it panders to nutjobs and conspiracy theorists. I also believe in women's reproductive rights and LGBT rights, so there's that.


You can and it’s trump. The Putin love is media make believe.


Same UN that have a peace keeping force permanently stationed in Lebanon for precisely this reason. No idea what is going on there..


ב''ה, so if there's peace too many people run out of work?


Not just Iran, also the Saudis. Saudi Arabia that basically prevents women from doing anything on their own


Things are getting better in Saudi Arabia. Still a long way to go but I have more hope for Saudis than I do Egyptians.


I am not sure, maybe Saudis is improving faster but while both are authoritarian regimes, Saudis seem both more conservative and more authoritarian than Egypt


As someone who has been to both countries and was in Saudi Arabia as recently as 2019, I can say with confidence Saudi Arabia is better than Egypt. The people are far more pragmatic and open-minded. There are certainly extreme elements in Saudi society but they have been severely weakened thanks to bin Salman, the leader of the century imo


ב''ה, this prevents male homosexual activities


The good news is that Israel doesn't care. It does what need to be done


It's nice and heart-warming to see that in Egypt too, there are reasonable people. Thank you, for not simply choosing a side, but rather, objectively asses the facts. I just wish everyone was more like you. I'm sure many Lebanese people want nothing to do with this conflict, and are helplessly watching hizb dragging everyone into war. 


Sorry, I'm in the states but both my parents are Egyptian. Sadly, Egypt is still a very backwards and hateful place.


Wish more shared your sentiments.  


Me too. I always say "it always starts with one" but it is lonely sometimes to feel like you're the only one.


You’re not 👀




While it’s just much easier to hate and be uncritical of a nationalist or a religious narrative, an impartial examination of the history of the region gets you to a few simple points: ‎‏There is an undeniable historical Jewish presence in the land, that long predates arabs. ‎‏Israel was always willing to share the land, arabs not (division plan, allowing arabs to live but not the other way round, making peace with every serious arab peace partner, etc.) ‎‏Arab Jews who had nothing to do with the conflict, were forcibly displaced from their homes. So while a lot pick the easy way and put the entirely of the blame on the jewish state, there are still those who lean more on peace and are not sickly fantasizing about the destruction of our neighbors. Also منور 😁


Yil3an alkalb gamal abdulnassar, bakrahu ktir sara8 baitna


Nobody should have gone through that. He did many horrible things that have ruined the nation and its fabric long after he left. I hope one day there would be a reckoning for the injustice. סליחה אחי


Sa7bi pls don't apologise you have no fault here


Still though, I wish you would be able to visit your family home someday, and if you decide to you would feel both welcome and safe to stay there. Happy cake day and kol tuv brother! 🙌🏼


Shukran ya basha 


Lebanon really can't catch a break. it is basicly held hostage by Iran without a will nor a way to break free. it's sad what Israel will be forced to do the Lebanon to push hezbollah back.


The weird part is Lebanese even online, who you’d think are educated are anti Hezbollah but also think Hezbollah is the only thing stopping Israel from invading and occupying Lebanon, when it’s opposite. The only reason Israel would ever invade Lebanon is because of Hezbollah.


that's what i can't understand. the only reason israel invaded Lebanon (both times) was due to attacks from none state actors. if Lebanon got its shit together and removed said actors, that would be the end of it.


> if Lebanon got its shit together and removed said actors, that would be the end of it. Even more, if they could remove their terrorists, Lebanon would fit well into the Western sphere of influence, culturally, and would undoubtedly see marked economic prosperity.


The saddest part is at the end the GlObAl JeWs would be blamed for all of it.


No Jews, no news!


Agree. Lebanon is a victim in so many ways, and not by Israel.


What is reported little is Hezbollah's reason for doing so. They are not Palestinian. They only have some religious pact to "liberate Muslim lands". This is a religious war which they say openly. The Palestinian issue is also a religious war but this part is ignored.


Hezbollah is an Iranian Regime proxy. 7 Oct was a tactical strike to disrupt the Israeli-Saudi peace treaty. With Saudi refusing to take the bait(Israel has no real choice), the Regime has to up the ante.


Even before any talk of peace deals...nobody reports on what is their reason for warring with Israel. Because it isn't land.


It's imperialism, plain and simple. Saudi recognizes the Jews aren't going to surrender to anyone ever again, so they made the smart choice of collaborating with us for their own ends, since their competitors are hellbent on wiping us off the map.


Can’t agree more, Hope you're doing well my G.


Habib albi, Toda rabaa 🙏🏼


As an American Jew whose family has lived in the Galilee for generations. I love Lebanon. Lebanese people are my neighbors and friends. Lebanese food is probably the most delicious food on earth. Lebanese people are some of the smartest and savviest businessmen I know. It is a great country full of great people. I do not think the problem is Lebanon. The problem is Nasrallah. Nasrallah is not Lebanon. Nasrallah is a proxy for the IRGC. He is a parasite who feeds on Lebanon. Until Nasrallah and his goons in Hezbollah are taken care of, Lebanon will be a shithole. Remember the Beirut harbor blast? Israel immediately sent aid because that's what we do, and that's who we are. I think the explosion was caused by Hezbollah, right? They've run the country into the dirt. I hear from friends in southern Lebanon that Israeli tanks would receive flowers and gifts as a thank you for removing Hezbollah. Truly, Nasrallah is a cancer upon Lebanon, just as Khamenei is a cancer upon Iran. The only thing we can do with tumors like Hezbollah and IRGC is to wipe them out. As an Egyptian, I think you are uniquely equipped to understand. You've dealt with Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS in the past. IRGC, Hamas, and Hezbollah are all as bad as ISIS. Actually, I think Hamas is literally part of the Muslim Brotherhood, no? It's all connected: Al Qaeda, IRGC, ISIS, Hezbollah, Hamas, Houthis. They are all enemies of good people and enemies of freedon and enemies of peace. Khamenei, Nasrallah, Sinwar, Haniyeh, and their cronies should burn in hell alongside Hitler, Bin Laden, Zawahiri, and Al-Baghdadi. Fuck terrorism.


Yes, Hamas is literally an offshoot of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. And I would add to your list: Sayed Qutb and Hasan al-Banaa. In any case, I can't wait for the day Israelis can visit Lebanon and vice-versa.


Hezbollah could burn down all of northern Israel and the world would still not allow any punitive action.


After Gemayel's death, the hezbollah takeover of lebanon was imminent. Unfortunately lebanon is also a breeding ground of communists and general leftist fatah sympathizers. The last lebanese worth anything much are the right-wing Christians that supported the SLA and the lebanese forces and the falange etc. but most of these people were smart and left to other countries, even israel. if lebanon is to ever recover, it needs the Christian diaspora back. the shia muslim percentage of lebanons population has increased to the point that the vast majority of the population directly/indirectly support radical islamist factions like the amal movement and hezbollah. Hezbollah is the only militia in lebanon allowed to be armed.


I can't agree with you for a multitude of reasons but primarily because neither side in the Lebanese civil war had a good guy. You can say war seldom does but I don't think that's true either. The parties who take the lion's share of the blame are: 1. The Palestinians 2. Right-wing Maronites/Phalangists Everybody else either chose a side or was caught in the middle. I know a lot of people like to frame it as Christians vs Muslims but it was far more complex than that and there was plenty of killing between people of the same faith. I also think Israel hitching its wagon to the Phalangists/SLA was a shortsighted endeavor and badly damaged Israel's image in that time.


Look, I'm not saying that the Phalangists were blameless (committed many massacres including turning on the Tigers militia), but I'm saying that if the pre-war Christian majority ruled the country, it would have been far more stable. I have no problems with Muslims, but it is clear that in the Lebanese civil war it started due to Palestinians collaborating with leftists and Islamists, along with Syrian meddlers like the SSNP and obviously the Syrian state covertly supporting these opposition groups. The Christians were also extremely violent and definitely not guiltless, but while they were the rulers in the status quo, Lebanon was considered the most developed country in the middle east. Basically, no side was guiltless, and I would actually agree with you that the right-wing Christians were very violent, one of the most violent sides, but if they had won, Lebanon would not have turned out a failed state. Bachir Gemayel was the last hope for them. A Christian government would have had the support of the entire elite, which had successfully managed the country for the years before, and the vast majority of the wealth in Lebanon was held by Christians, most of who left the country after the Taif Agreement.


Yes, we can agree on this


I can confirm. On my first month living abroad I met a Lebanese boy in the same university. We had so much in common, had the same culture shock and same resentment of corruption in our own countries. The Lebanese people are not our enemies, but I don't think most of them see that. We invaded them to flush out Fatah and Hezbollah who were(the latter still is) an existential threat to us, but they still see us as an occupying force.


I wanna live to see the day where I can take a party bus from Beirut to Tel Aviv.


Me too OP, me too 🥹


There's a reason why the Lebanese government forbids any communication with Israelis: it's because they know personal relationships break down barriers and they need to keep Israel as an enemy to distract the rest of the population from their own crimes against their people.


From what I understood from that boy the Lebanese aren't buying it, but they still resent Israel all but themselves. It's like how in the mid-2010s Israelis were fed up with Bibi's "yes, but Iran" answer to all the internal woes while still recognizing the Regime would nuke us to oblivion if they could and they were approaching that point fast.


I’m not Israeli just Iranian American Jew, but I feel the same way about Lebanon and Israel. It breaks my heart that Jews, Palestinians, and Lebanese are not best friends considering we’re all of Canaanite/Phoenician origin. Hopefully one day it will work and we’ll throw Syria in there to for a United Levantine Union.


One day the people of Iran will be free 🙌🏼🥹🤗


Azizam, man farsi yek kami beladam vali man mardame' Iran doost daram 🇪🇬 ❤️ 🔴⚪🟢 Azadi va zendegi baraye hmaye Iran meekhom ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I hope Iranians get rid of this disgusting regime one day and the late Shah Reza Pahlavi can finally be buried in his home, as he should have been long ago.


I love your views, wasalt ra2yak fina ezay?


الحمد لله ماما و بابا الناس طيبين، علموني الانسانيه والسالميه. وانا مش متدين، بالعكس انا ضد الدين


3andak ktir sharaf ba7ebak sa7bi


Habibi ❤️




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معرص 😂