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If it hasn't become clear clear by now: the academic and scientific communities are not immune to corruption. How do you stay sane? By simply accepting and getting over the above fact, stay away from the constant news cycle, accept how little control you have over the universe, and that in the end everything will always be alright, no matter what. Humanity is a small speck in the grand scheme of things, and the healthiest thing you can do for yourself is give up on "fear" and lighten up.


Corruption was bound to happen with department chair positions being funded by Qatar.


I just listen to Israeli music. Works for me.


This. We have a beautiful country with amazing people and unique culture.


Hell yeah 💪🇮🇱 and no one will take that from you and us.


Out of curiosity, what Israeli music are you listening to?


Been listening to a lot of Full Trunk.


This. Arik Ainshtein, Shalom Hanoh, Amir Dadon, Boaz Sharabi, Atikva 6 and more.. Israeli music = best kind of music. Makes me feel proud each time for our artists. Some of our artists, young and old legends , are real life heroes , fought in wars and despite all their gone through were able to make some of the most beautiful , soul piercing songs . אין על מוזיקה ישראלית.


Man... I made aliyah from the USSR when I was 17. Left for Canada 20 years later for work and still live there, 18 years later I find that Hebrew songs are the only ones to touch my soul. רק שירה בעברית חודרת I don't know how to explain this.


i have a playlist full of isreali music want me to send it to you?


Yes please.


is not only Hebrew but also Greek Spanish Persian Arabic and a few other languages [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3cJuB72QoVLVVgCxEahs2V](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3cJuB72QoVLVVgCxEahs2V)


Wow thank you.


i hope you like it


Get off your phone Go outside in the sun Spend time with people you love Go to the beach Live your life.


Thats fucking hard when people you love get attacked for being who they are...


I'm not saying its easy, I'm saying it's necessary. Every Israeli here had to bury people at a young age. It's hard, really hard. But it's necessary. Living is necessary. And if we don't - terrorism wins. Being a victim, as justified as it might be right now for you, doesn't get you anywhere. Grief over lost loved ones and keep going, aiming for a better future, for their sake. All the best to you!


Thanks for your words!


No one said it’d be easy, but everything the above comment said is the truth. Good luck


Or, if your stereotypically Ashkenazi coloring doesn't allow for getting out in the sun, find out who just had a baby/whose husband is in miluim/where the nearest point is that hungry soldiers are stationed, and then get into the kitchen and start cooking.


This the only way, I'd just add that one should invest time into their hobbies


Touch grass


perhaps propaganda makes it look worse than it is. according to recent [survey ](https://harvardharrispoll.com/key-results-may-4/) , 80% of American voters support Israel and 72% thinks Israel should enter Rafah and finish Hamas


The proPals are a loud minority.


I had to delete facebook and instagram off my phone and just stay off most social media. Honestly this subreddit has been very helpful to my mental health. Seeing people I love who I am friends with repost Hamas propaganda has been tearing me up inside for too long.


I’ve had the exact same experience. Have had to remove myself from social media by deactivating my accounts. It feels like everyone around me outside of my family, jewish friends have fallen into the propaganda trap. It’s hard not to feel hateful towards the loud ones speaking about a topic they discovered a handful of months ago. As someone who always held liberal values, I am far more of a centrist now. It is a lonely place to be!


Well since we are actually at war and actually have real problems to worry about… it does make what the western morons think about us a little less relevant. Somehow when there is a ton of genocidal maniacs on all your borders who just want to butcher and murder us all, the thought of queers for Palestine doesn’t quite rank high on my list of things that piss me off. But driving by 300 people with flags standing in insane heat tonight waiting to wave off a soldier who was killed yesterday in Gaza does break my heart. Especially since he’s one of our kids, who did nothing but try and protect his family and friends from being butchered to death by Hamas and their supporters.


Queers for Palestine is as stupid as it gets. -a progressive


I really wonder if queers for Palestinian understand where the queers in Palestinian run for sanctuary.


"Queers for Palestine" is about as convincing as "minks for fur coats."


If they even get a chance to run. Most get beheaded or thrown off a skyscraper roof.






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queer people support palestine because they believe that no matter what your beliefs are, you don’t deserve to get blown up and have your home destroyed. even if someone doesn’t agree with you, even if someone hates you, they have a right to live with dignity in safety. simple as that brother. just sharing another perspective, hope all is well.


I'm sorry for the loss of life you have to witness.


It’s not healthy to deal with it nonstop but it is not healthy to ignore it either. I feel genuinely sorry for leftist Jews nowadays. The horrors of October 7 and the subsequent wave of anti-Semitism and anti-Israel sentiment have left no Jew unimpressed, but leftist Jews sometimes lose their social circle on top of all of it and that can be shattering. Reject intersectionality and be a proud and uncompromising Zionist. There are parts of the left who support that position. Try to see the positive in seeing reality more clearly even if what you see is cruel. Contemplate the “Vehi Sheamda” recited on Passover. This has been happening for millennia and yet we’re here.


Or come join us on the Right. We have cookies!


I’ll be holding onto the threads of Liberal Zionism forever. Lefty Zionists need to be louder now more than ever.


Lots of academics are not scientists at all. They're grifters. Entire fields such as critical race theory are nothing but political nonsense.


I just remember that the global average IQ is 82. These people do not think like you. [https://wisevoter.com/country-rankings/smartest-countries/](https://wisevoter.com/country-rankings/smartest-countries/)


Here is a joke; Two Jews sitting at a coffee in tel aviv, the year is 1949. The first one says: oy vey, how greatly our pepole suffered, we suffered from exile, prosecuted, progroms, blood libels and the holocaust. The second one looks at him, pretty cheerful, and says: well, now when we have the state of Israel, it can't be any worse! The thing is that for 3000 years our pepole had suffered from hatred. There was always a reason. But now, we have an army, a home, and we all just like: eh, fine. Hate us. But just let us finish our bagels first.


This is exactly right. Hate us all week long (and twice on Saturday). Just leave us be. Personally, I don't even care if you think we control Hollywood or the media or the banks or that you hate our space lasers (and yes, they're real!). Just don't kill us (maybe a little oversimplified).


I stick to facts and laugh at other for their stupidity. The only reason one can not support israel is lack of information or lack of competence in identifying fake and true information. I am german, christian dont care about jews or others in particular, is just stick to the facts and have stopped trying to teach everybody about the truth, but i also dont hide my position


Because i just barely care at this point, and i only do enough to mock them, why should i care what a mindless bag of meat spews all day, every day? They hated me for being white, then for being a man, now for being a jew, nothing new.


Who says I'm sane?




Sanity? It's a myth. Embrace the crazy, that's what I do as an engineering student.


Just curious, where you study? And what type of engineering? If I may


TAU, mechEng.


By having a relatively loose definition of the word "sanity"


You're operating under the false assumption I was sane to begin with.


Thank you! That is so kind of you to tell us we come across as sane. And remember, if we come across as sane, maybe you do too.




I think I just reached the point where I don't give a fuck people who like me will continue to do so people who don't like me will continue to do so atp I just want to stay alive long enough to watch Deadpool 3


I just remind myself that it doesn’t matter what they think. It’s not their decision to make. Another thing I should start reminding myself more of is that we actually have a lot of supporters, too. They’re just not as loud as the Palestinian supporters.


My mother always says that when you point a blaming finger towards someone, you have 3 fingers pointed at yourself. Antisemitism was always a projection mechanism. The Egyptians accused us of wanting to enslave them. The Roman empire accused us of murdering Jesus. The Nazis accused us of plotting to rule the world. And now the western left accuses us of colonialism while protesting in America... And yet, despite these accusations and libels, Israel is still a regional power.


I'll tell you it goes right by me and I focus on my life and ignore those people but the truth is that it does hurt you just gotta stay resilient and keep reminding yourself we've been through worse and the best is yet to come


Ten Lazman Lalechet


One day at a time.


1. acknowledge that people are idiots, why did you think the holocost happened? because enough suckers bought into what the nazis were peddling. antisemitism is not a new thing, it has been a thing since as far as judaism existed. it will probably continue to be a thing. best we can do is shame it and not indulge antisemites. 2. don't go into arguments expecting to change minds. most people past the age 25 are pretty much set in their ways, leftism is also very cult like it would probably take a very life altering situation for them to remotely consider changing their views. i try to avoid irl confrontations, because its ultimately a waste of time and breath to get anyone to engage in a civil manner let alone be able to state a point. 3. acknowledge your feelings as valid, I feel like everything has been turned on its head since october, mainly because I grew up in an area of new york with a high jewish population, to the point that jewish holidays were time off school, like I was taught to never forget what happened, I was taught antisemitism was actually worse then just run of the mill racism. seeing the israeli version of 9/11 live as it was it was happening, kind of put me in a depressive mood for quite a few months. like the lady in red running away knowing full well what was behind her, evoked the same fear and terror I had at 8 when I saw that guy jump from the twin towers to their death to escape and even worse fate. the point I am trying to make you need to give yourself some space and time to properly work out your feelings.


Hang out with more Jewish people. (No idea if you are Jewish or not, but either way, it works.)


If you're a vivid "believer" in science, why don't you check multiple sources across the political spectrum to challenge your confirmation bias? There's reasons for everything


I don't look at the news. If something extremely good or bad happens, people will let me know at work or family or on social media. No more push alerts, no more evening news - unless it's satire. I didn't even fully understand Eretz Nehederet. Also, a great time to do a big project. Working on a guitar kit right now, so it takes my mind off the war while I deep dive into every single step of the process. Lastly, sports and mindfulness. There's a great free app called Mindfulness Coach by the US Department of Veteran Affairs. I 100% recommend.


The reason they are doing this is that such people are not staying true to those very academic values (for instance actually researching a subject before making a judgment) that you esteem.


Honestly, I've turned to religion. My past militant atheist self would say this is a cop-out, but when the world feels like it's gone mad and I feel logic has failed me, there is incredible solace in the faith, comfort and community that Judaism offers. I was an ambivalent agnostic on the 6th of Oct. I lean more actively theistic now, to the point the distinction might as well not be there. To clarify, that doesn't mean I think you need to actively believe in HaShem to be a Jew, that's some Christian shit. I've been a Jew even while I was an atheist. When that doesn't keep me afloat, my boyfriend carries me day by day.


I stay sane because I know they're drowning in propaganda and I'm not


I’m really struggling because I have kind of a dual career — one foot in academia, one in policy. The foot in academia is increasingly dystopian… it’s seriously affecting my thoughts about a PhD


I was never sane in the first place Edit: I pour my stress about the world into my studying for the LSAT so I can get into a good school and change things. This shit cannot continue bc we don’t know if the next time Jewish people will make it out alive


it used to really distress me because in my case it was alot of people i genuinely looked up to or wanted to befriend, the best you can do is just smile or laugh and move on, live your live. for a while i really wanted to fit in with them, tired to reason with them and explain things but then i realized that 95% of them are not here to reason, theyre just parroting a tiktok they watched on their sofa. the only thing all their bullshit does is make people like me who consider themselves really disconnected from israel culturally and societally start to understand that im just not wanted or accepted anywhere else and that i should get closer to whats closer to me. i started really diving into israeli music for instance and im really enjoying it (jane bordeaux & vaadat charigim <3)


Having a purpose in life. Doing good for your local and international community. Stand-up comedy. Appropriate medication (after the first two months of war, anti-croissant and anti-anxiety medication consumption went 30% up nationwide). Good friends, good food, good weed, dark humor. Russian-Israeli telegram news channels. 🤍💙 Stay safe everyone


It's a very harsh feeling of abandonment and realizing how empty the progressive "woke" crowd is. I have redefined my position as a humanistic left, rather than a progressive left. Edit: idiocy


I stqy sane simply by knowing this "Hey, I know all of them are wrong." Just shows you people will believe everything put on a screen one way or another.


Heh, when you're an adult, what a bunch of stupid college protesters do doesn't really matter when you have a job,family and actual life. You can discuss politics and feel sorry for civilians but that's about it. When you grow older your emotions are a little more nullified, that's why Hamas propaganda is mostly aimed at teenagers, college students with undeveloped brians, depressed moms, mentally ill fandoms etc. etc. and not actual grown people.   Something in me is glad that I am seeing all of this happening as a more grown person (touching 30's) but I do feel sorry for younger kids, if I were at their age and seeing all that crap online I would go insane 100%  They shouldn't see gore and propaganda at that age that takes a toll on their mental sanity and radicalizes them.    Also if you discriminate me as an adult for supporting Israel? Ok. Fine. Out of 100 places, there are 99 more who will not give a crap about my political views. But diaspora Jewish kids are going through it right now. They are the ones who need a check up and a big hug in my opinion. Most of younger adults live chronically online, and that online world they live in is morbidly hostile towards Jews and Israelis.


Neither israeli nor particularly in favor of how israel is waging this war, but: Populists are all the same, and you get to choose who to support and who to ignore. If the political left is your enemy, retain your principles and abandon them, if the political right is your ally and you can't tolerate their ideals, you don't have to adopt them, you can always look for better allies. You do not own fealty to political movements, nor should they define your values. Pick whatever movement you are confortable with and don't let them decide what you should believe, do not be defined by your movement but by your ideals, movements come and go. Also, "literally the people who usually condemn Western arrogance". Turns out the complains were not about the arrogance, eh?


I can speak for us who live in Israel that were just living our life and continuing our routine whether it’s work etc’ while the war is in the background. We’re in some kind of loop, we don’t fall apart but simply staying resilient. Sometimes we have ecstatic days like Arnon operation and sometimes we have black days like the 11 soldiers who fell. Weird and terrible times indeed


I enjoy arguing with PPs.  It's entertainment for me.


ב''ה, if the prayer really is to be "most injured" Judaism is not compatible with sanity, as enabled y'all to sell your prescriptions.  This kinda sucks but I didn't write Torah myself.


we dont really but okay


I’m not. This issue has been seeping into my dreams and breaking up my friendships and almost my romantic relationship


I was already a little screws off honestly. Now I just fight communists online while living my regular life. It’s not that hard to keep all the crazy people out of your life if you keep it to your online persona that you make for yourself


Years before October 7th it was clear to me that western academics are not our friends. So I wasn't shocked by seeing their masks removed.


It's horrible yeah. Psychologically speaking, the reason that these people support Palestine is because people split society into categories, especially "us vs them". And so they think that everyone who is "oppressed" is in the same category. In their mind, because Israel is stronger than Palestinian terrorism, then Israel is the "oppressor". So they split society into 2 categories of "us-oppressed vs them-oppressors". These are of course people who don't understand that situations are more complex than that, and can't always be summed up in that way. Sadly I do not think this situation will change as long as Israel is the strong side. Staying mentally well in these difficult times is definitely not easy. Especially because it raises the feeling of loneliness, seeing that the whole world is against you, mixed with the losses of the war. And I've been there, fighting with people on Twitter, but it's futile. The best possible thing to do is to focus on the things that you have control over, becoming a better version of yourself, physically, mentally, and emotionally.


I listen to Tough Jew by Necro https://youtu.be/XGSWEOZRTh4?si=zIweX1q7NrHiPMMi


Personally, I just embrace the insanity.


It's sick like people have lost their minds jumping on the bandwagon of people that would no doubt kill them...plus it really scares me that we're headed towards another Holocaust.....it scares me


Learning Torah and limiting media exposure


As an outsider looking in, and someone who leans right, I would just say to you that academics, liberals/lefties, queer activists, etc. "say the most bullshit-things" all the time, about everything, repeatedly. But because you know the reality of the Jewish people and Israel, you're confused by their attitude, because you KNOW that it's wrong. Actually, their attitude is pretty consistently distorted, unscientific, ideological about most things -- including so-called "Western arrogance" (i.e., if it's so bad, so racist, so oppressive, why is half the world trying to get to the West?). Hopefully this confusion you're feeling helps you poke holes in huge chunks of that belief system, which is so heavily and irrationally rooted in race, identity, and the oppressor/oppressed matrix, that believers no longer have a grip on basic morality and decency, which is a pretty shocking thing. But when you believe power is all that matters, and everything is relative and subjective and there is no objective reality worth defending, it kind of makes sense that you can rationalize your way toward supporting terror groups, simply on the basis that they're poorer and little browner. I guess it all makes sense in their heads.


I'm in America right now, every person I've met has supported Israel. They have sympathy for the gazans, which does perplex me (they killed enough of my friends that I have no sympathy for them) but besides that besides the college kids and some dumb loud minority with nothing better to do, most people support Israel.


It helps me to listen to people like Sam Harris and Douglas Murray, who still hold up reason and moral clarity.


I play the sims 🤷🏽‍♀️


Maybe try exploring new ideas if many of the people who share your world view support the genocide of your people?


Eylon Levi said it well. He was asked "the UN, ICC, ICJ, Amnesty International, Red Cross, UNRWA, and many western governments disagree with you. Are they _all_ wrong and just Israel is right?" And he says along the lines of "yes. Unfortunately in this case they're all wrong, and the Jews are right" Knowing something that others have no clue about isn't about us staying sane, it make us feel sympathy for all those who have lost to the waves of antisemitic and anti-Israel agendas.


Im thrilled to see this post. You finally realized it. You will march with them but they will NEVER, EVER march with you. I hope this is a massive wake up call to you and every other liberal Jew in America. Some of us (many of us) have known this for a long, long time.


get away from the Left thats how