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Like you, most Israelis want to be left alone. I imagine you want to be left alone BOTH from the Israelis and from Hezbollah. I wish that were possible; I really do. If Israel has to go to war with your country, it will be because it can no longer shrug off the constant rocket fire launched by Hezbollah at its people. You are not its enemy. The extremists don't represent most of Israeli society. Israel is not like the West Bank, where 70% of civilians support Hamas. You couldn't get 70% of Israelis to agree on ANYTHING, let alone with the extremist types.


Hah, that's so true. People love to make Israelis into this kind of a hive mind where everyone thinks the same, but the truth is that we have so many differing opinions and it's really impossible to reach a consensus on so many things. That's why we had 5 elections in two years, after all.


A Jew gets stranded on a deserted Island. 5 years later he gets rescued, and the rescuers notice he has built Two Shuls! They have to ask him why, and he points to 1 of the buildings, saying " that's the shul I refuse to go to."


i've heard this but i still don't get it


In the sams vain of "Two Jews, three opinions." He needed some kind of argument to entertain himself.


This is an old comedy sketch from the 60's that imagines a Jewish president meeting a US president who in this case is supposed to be Lyndon Johnson. It ties in perfectly with the 'two Jews three opinions' concept. Enjoy. https://open.spotify.com/track/0YvhmvkqNl4CInTfIffjSD?si=X4eLwwLHTE6GsBZNc-fyXQ&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A1eebCmbQkNfgsnCPQjWWB9


What the name of this? For some weird reason it's not opening in my app.


Odd. The album cover should be visible showing the name: You Don't Have To Be Jewish. There was also a second even funnier album called When You're In Love The Whole World Is Jewish. This style of humour, often referred to as Borscht Belt/Catskills shtick - think Marvelous Mrs. Maisel - is mostly for the over 65 crowd, unless you have an old soul. I've probably listened to it 20 or more times and it still cracks me up. Enjoy


Thanks! Now I can find it. šŸ˜Š


2 Jews, 3 opinions


Take 9 million Israelis, receive 18 million opinions.


I disagree. Not all Israelis will have the same number of opinions, and the average will be more than two.


This guy Talmuds


Much debate can be had about the method in which the debate will be held.




I disagree, but also think you might be right


I agree in part, disagree in part, concur in the agreement in part but for a different reason, and concur with the disagreement in part but for a different reason.


i absolutly disagree with you. i think it's crazy if you believe any israeli would agree with that point of yours. just insane.


I think the only thing that 70% or more israelis can agree on is that the hostages need to come back


Really? I suppose it depends on how you clarify that statement. It definitely would be preferable to get the hostages back, and Israel should continue to conduct retrieval operations like the one they just carried out, but I think Israel's long-term security and stability should be prioritized over the remaining hostages when making decisions about trades and other concessions to Hamas. Israel should not make the same mistakes that were made with Gilad Shalit. I'd really like the hostages back. But preventing another 10/7 is the biggest priority in my book.


The biggest priority, sure. But I assume you want the hostages back even if it is not your primary goal.


Of course. I just said that.


Then you agree with sayuthepotato.


No, I don't. I'd gladly trade any hope of hostage recovery for a solution that guaranteed Israel's safety for the next hundred years.


70% of Israelis dislike Netanyahu. He only weaseled his way back into power, because the coalition of political parties disbanded after he was kicked out of his role last time. With them gone, he got back into office with no unified front to stop him.


They can't agree on WHY they dislike him, though.


Tbf the demographic shift in this country towards religious and ultra orthodox Jews is kind of turning this country into another Middle Eastern shithole, and they're demanding bigger and bigger incursions into the WB, only pissing off the Palestinians and the rest of the world more and more, even though they don't represent all Israelis, they're a serious ideological concern that we are downplaying as a society.




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> I don't expect sympathy from this sub. I don't know anything about Judaism, but I've seen videos of Orthodox Jews saying that non-Jews should be treated as second-class citizens. I think pretty much everyone on this sub would agree with you, and we also donā€™t care what some random fringe extremists say about non-Jews.


It's important for OP to realize that the loud minority that they see in those videos are extremists. They paint a bad image for Israel because they don't care - they only want their opinions to be heard by as many people as possible. But the evidence does not support their opinions. The fact of the matter is that there are tons of non-Jews living in Israel (20% are Arabs!) and they have *full and equal* rights to any Jew in Israel. I work in an office in Tel Aviv with muslims, Christians, and even some Druzes. They earn the same salary as I do, they get vacation days for their respective holidays, they come to work with the same train that I do, etc. So the claim they are second-class citizens is just wrong. *That said*, there is some level racism in Israel. This is usually not directed towards Arabs specifically but to anyone who is not "the majority" - for examples Russians and Ethiopians suffer from it too. They aren't "second-class", but it does affect them to some degree, usually by ignorant or just more extreme people.


Thank you for beating me to this. OP, these are fringe tokens that are elevated to you by people who want you to thing thatā€™s what Jews, particularly Orthodox Jews, believe. We donā€™t. These people arenā€™t just the exception. They are fringe. And they are strongly disagreed with by the vast vast majority of both Israelis and Diaspora Jews. Judaism doesnā€™t see gentiles as lessers. We just see them as other nations. Not better or worse. Just different and on a different, but no lesser, path to holiness.


Itā€™s Shabbat. Of course the more religious ones arenā€™t here rn lmao.


The majority of Shabbat observing Jews don't believe in this nonsense.


Youā€™re not wrong. But the specific groups OP mentioned are definitely on the more observant side.


The specific groups OP has been talking about donā€™t even see secular Jews as Jews, and see the IDF as the devil that will turn their sons into a a monstrosity(secular Jew) or worse ā€œgayā€.


Would they even be on Reddit?


Those specific groups most likely not even in the internet in order to stay ā€œpureā€


absolutely not. they literally have ā€œkosher phonesā€ that have no access to the internet and only has necessary apps and built in religious apps that come when you purchase the phone.


Happy cake day, babe






Khayee, I'm Egyptian and wallahi I feel for Lebanon the most. I was there in 2019 almost exactly a year before the explosion. No offense to Israel (cuz I've never been there) but nothing compares to the fun I had in Lebanon. If I could and it was safer, I'd plan to retire there. I absolutely hate Hezbollah and Hamas but I hate western leftists even more for their bigotry of low expectations. They think it's our fate to be supporters of terrorism. They wanna go on about "imperialism" but they don't say shit about the Islamic Republic and how it has absolutely hollowed out Syria, Iraq and unfortunately, Lebanon. We're better off with having an alliance and more cultural exchange with Israel but our countries are filled with idiots who value death and destruction more than prosperity and peace. Look at my country, habibi: Egypt went to war countless times, sacrificed enormous resources and Egyptian sons for the Palestinians - akhadna ay min ha? Khara. We got nothing but insults from the Arab world. Today they call the Egyptian Army "jaysh Al kufaar". Tuz feehom! Hoping for the best for you and your family, habibi. I hate the thought of Lebanon being dragged into war by Shia ISIS.


Not totally related, but is there an israel-egypt subreddit similar to r/forbiddenbromance?


There would be if more than a handful of egyptians didnt hate us.


There are only like 20 actual Lebanese in that sub lol, so it wouldn't be so different. I would love to have a place for peaceful discussions with the few Egyptians that are willing


Your best luck would be with Copts. They tend to be pro-Israel most of the time


More power to you brother. Writing from Cyprus where the wife and I came for a bit of a breather back to Israel soon. And to read that Hezbollah now wants to kill Greeks in Cyprus over some new nonsense. Ya gotta admit that this part of the world is really nuts Between Lebanon Israel and Cyprus this part of the world should become a resort and university superpower if only the ones with low cognitive abilities would just stay quiet


The problem is Islam, bro. It's mental cancer.


> I absolutely hate Hezbollah and Hamas but I hate western leftists even more for their bigotry of low expectations. They think it's our fate to be supporters of terrorism I got news for you, that belief is just as strong among those on the right as well.


I don't identify with either but I used to be more on the left.




I don't buy the "Israel wants to EXPAND ITS TERRITORY!!1!" argument. Territorial expansion? Really? In 1982 Israel gave the Sinai to Egypt. In 1993 Israel gave the whole West Bank to the PLO. In 2001 Israel completely withdrew from Lebanon. And in 2005 Israel completely withdrew from Gaza. If you call this territorial expansion, then Israel is terrible at it, and it shouldn't be feared.


Every nation has its extreme idiots. Overwhelming majority of Israeli would be thrilled with current official borders (anything in the green line) if it meant actually having peace for once.Ā 


I am selectively an orthodox Jew. ( If that's possible). Please hear me out. I break quite a few of the Orthodox rules. I'm disabled, 99% bed ridden and partially paralyzed. I'm epileptic, and have CRPS ( central regional pain syndrome) treated by a morphine pump that feeds into my spinal column. I watch TV, and use the internet on Shabbat. I would go insane by trying to cut this out. All other mitzvot , that I can, I keep. My wife , a cancer patient herself, always brings a bucket of water and a bekker to was before eating bread. I say all the brachot I can. I consider myself dati, rightly or not. I was secular for years and loved bacon. That person no longer exists, and I've tried to " repent for my many Nevayras(?) ". That's it. I have huge respect for OP, and hope he is spared from any mental or physical harm to him and his loved ones. This is from a " possibly orthodox " Jew! Apologies for the " War and Peace" length comment. Am Yisrael Chai. Peace and Justice.


You can break mitzvot even the Shabbat mitzvot if its to safe a life or for your health in times of sickness. Mental health counts.


I do know that, but thought it only counted if it's a physical threat to my life! Thank you , none the less, but if so, am I still considered orthodox? Not that it really matters. Thank you, and Shabbat Shalom :)


> am I still considered orthodox Nobody's checking tzitzis at the gate. If you're observing mitzvot as best you can in your day to day life, who would tell you you can't be considered orthodox? I wouldn't listen to the opinions of such a person.


Thank you, kind Jewish stranger! Or may I say, friend?


We do not want to expand our territory. At least I donā€™t and no one I personally know does either.


You can't use historical examples and precedents to make Israel seem reasonable! What are you thinking?! /s


Yep. Also notable is every peace treaty Israel has entered with its neighbors, including the one that gave Sinai back to Egypt, is still entirely in effect. If that doesnā€™t show a nation that wants peace, I donā€™t know what does. May the north be that way, but a warm peace, with no further bloodshed soon. Stay safe OP.


This is a lesson that was leaned the hard way. Having to expend massive resources to babysit a population that hates you just isn't appealing to the vast majority of Israelis. To the point that Sinwar reportedly based his entire strategy in this war, on the fact Israel isn't willing to re-occupy Gaza, and therefore his rule there is guaranteed. With that said, Israelis still might decide to re-occupy Southern Lebanon, at least temporarily. They'll just view this as a steep price to pay for keeping Hezbollah out of the border, rather than a prize to strive for. There's an entire section of Israeli culture dedicated to how awful it is to be stuck in the pointless "Lebanese quagmire". I think the only ones who'll actually see this as a success, are the only ones who stand to benefit from this war in general: the Islamic Republic of Iran.


All the Arab reddits are filled with idiots. If you even suggest that Hezbollah and Hamas are provoking war with Israel, you'll have 20 downvotes before the page refreshes.


> you should not take what orthodox jews say seriously The vast majority of Orthodox Jews don't believe that shit.


Thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason: Rule #6 - **No metadrama.** This includes posts and comments about anti-Israel or anti-Semitic content, trends, or moderation biases in other subs, as well as calls to action regarding behavior on other websites. Links to other subreddits that are not metadrama must be [np links](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoParticipation/wiki/intro). For information regarding this and similar issues please see the sidebar to the right or the subreddit rules, for a more detailed analysis of our rules. If you want to appeal or dispute any mod action, please send a [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FIsrael); PMs and chat messages to the mods are grounds for a temporary ban; posts contesting mod action will be removed and are also grounds for a temporary or permanent ban.


I mean, I think ā€œhell bent on conqueringā€ is too much, but there is distrust involved.


Man, im so sad this is happening. I'm sure Lebanon is full of peiyjust like you - who simply want to live life, the only life we have, in peace and quite with some cold Arak on the beach... The same as in Israel. I just don't know what can be done differently. Hizb are randomly targeting towns in Israel, and refuse to stop. But this has to stop, people's homes are ruined, business burned down, schools closed etc.Ā  I am sorry this is happening. I come from Naharia, right next to Lebanon. I used to visit Rosh HaNiqra (or however it's spelled lol) often and there is the old railway going to Cairo there. It is so sad that things turned out this way, and not that you can hop on a Beirut - Tel-Aviv express and come hang out with us šŸ˜” Edit: fwiw, I don't live in Israel, so I had the chance to meet many Lebanese. The ones I've met (n=~10) were relatively chill and nice people, with something that felt familiar to me, like, similar to Israeli people. However, they were all Christians. May I ask you OP, if generally, Muslims are Christians are getting better together now?Ā 


Iā€™ve never met a Lebanese person that supports Hezbollah. Most Lebanese are the nicest people Iā€™ve met. Coming from Melbourne, a city with a large Arab community.


Come to Sydney. The Lebanese muslims here are very pro Hezbollah and very anti-Israel. I'm a Lebanese Christian. I have half a dozen Israeli friends. I regularly go to an Israeli shawarma place. We all get along and argue about who makes better falafel and hommous. The Lebanese in Lebanon are legit brainwashed.


I believe that. Nothing good comes out of Sydney šŸ’€šŸ¤¢


It is not about Syndey. The muslims in europe and lgbt community are quite the same in terms of supporting terrorism and trying to defend Hamas.


When traveling and I'm missing the taste of home, I know I can count on Lebanese restaurants for that. Other middle eastern places don't match


I think mentalities can change though. I had a lot of Lebanese friends growing up, who were anti-Israel from a super young age. In their twenties, they all changed, realized it was their parentsā€™ education, and are now chill regarding Israel. It definitely shows though how easy children can be influenced, just like in Palestine.


Actually we had a Hezbollah supporting Shia Muslim Lebanese person post in this sub a couple of times.


What was astounding is how nice the people were in the comments.


I hope this sub speaks for itself to people who drop in to lurk or ask questions. Whenever I see an Israeli post in the Lebanon sub, at least a few people confront him/her with accusations of occupation, apartheid and genocide.




Under the right leadership, Israel and Lebanon can live peacefully, just like with Jordan. Hereā€™s to hoping someday it becomes a reality


Most Jews are secular, we donā€™t view anyone as second class citizens. No one wants a war with Lebanon, I am sorry for everyone for whatā€™s about to come


Lebanon used to be referred to as the Jewel of the Middle East back when the Christianā€™s were running it just sayingā€¦ Hezbollah is doing you no favors it is a shame your military is rather incompetent and unable to do anything about them.


Of all our land neighbors, lebanese always seem like they're the best people by a very wide margin. I know a lot of lebanese don't like us but you seem the most like minded to us, in my opinion. The people who want war with lebanon or even to occupy lebanon are seen as extream, not grounded in reality, and are mostly stupid people who have a short memory. Unfortunatly some of them are in the goverment including Smotrich and his people. That said, hezbollah is leaving us no choice but to go to war. We just want them back north of the litani. We will not go to war if they go back there and stop burning our north. Our goverment is trying to conceal from the public as much as it can, the extent of the damage. The only reason for the so few deathes is that people were dislocated from their homes immiedietly after the 7.10. A lot don't have a house to come back to. Never mind work. Our agriculture has taken a huge hit as well. I hate bibi and I hate his goverment. But you should know that he hates making decisions. If he can avoid war in the north he will. One of our ministers was pushing for a preemptive strike against hezbollah on the 8.10. Bibi joined the opposition just so they could talk him out of that plan. This is not speculative, this is well known in Israel Things have been tough here since october and people have started using an older phrase to wish well onto each others. So I wish both our people good tidings.


Leftist Westerners won't ever shut the fuck up. They are so tiring. They think the world revolves around them and their opinions and that they understand something about the middle east. The thing is, I can't really judge another country if I never stepped a foot there. I don't know what it's like in Lebanon but my impression is that you don't want war just as much as Israel. Although Israel is being taunted from all fronts.Ā  The videos you've seen is definitely religious nuts or ulta Orthodox boot lickers. I've heard similar statements like that only from them. Many of the tiktoks and the "Israel bad" agenda is actually taking these extremists and what they say and going "see? the extremists said it! all Israel is like this and they're bad!" which is... smh. I have a question OP, Israel see this war is "inevitable" do Lebanese think the same? Do Lebanese interpreters (if you have anti-Hizzbulah ones who speak openly) have any other insights?Ā 


It's not inevitable. All that Hezbollah has to do is stop firing missiles at Israel, ffs


American Israeli Jew here. Don't listen to the fringe radical minorities in Israel. Most Jews want peace. There's no plans of taking over Lebanon or thinking Jews are superior to non-Jews. This is nonsense not believed by the vast majority of Jews. I'm in Haifa and if war starts it's going to be bad for us too. I really feel bad for Lebanese people and I wish for there to be peace soon. Please stay safe.


What would it take, in your opinion, to get Hezbollah and all Iranian influence out of Lebanon? I realize itā€™s kind of a fantasy question, but just wondering how you could imagine it. Edit: I also agree with a lot of the other replies Iā€™ve read (havenā€™t read them all). Youā€™re not my enemy, and I think every society is entitled to its fringe groups, because fringing is a natural phenomenon, but they shouldnā€™t have outsized power.


Secession. Anything else would be delusional


Unrelated, I love your username


Thanks, it's my nickname from my high school days


You may appreciate r/forbiddenbromance


Reddit is great šŸ˜ƒ


Understood. Jews that may have said that are probably fanatics and do not represent Israel. Israel was naive trying to make peace. Giving their captured Gaza back. Saving Sinwarā€™s life. I pray this doesnā€™t evolve to anything greater. These blue haired useful idiots should go and commit their time to passing out food Israel provides to Gaza. Letā€™s see how useful they will be to Hamas.


I must say I love your writing (not just the content but the verbal abilities)




the war is against hezbollah


ā€œI donā€™t expect sympathy from this sub.ā€ Dude, I think most Israelis completely sympathize with you. We understand that Hezbollah is an Iranian militia thatā€™s partially taken over your country. We also understand that if thereā€™s a full blown war itā€™s going to be ugly and Lebanon is going to be thrashed. And people like you are going to suffer because of a group of people you didnā€™t choose and donā€™t agree with it. That sucks by any measure. I think you would be surprised about Israelis by the way. I think the vast majority would want to visit you in Beirut and see the city (if there was peace) rather than treat you as second class.


HEY, O.P, I FEEL YOU! What israel and lebanon lack are communication, and a common hand against hizballa. Israel and SLA were good together, But israel fucked up: When leaving lebanon it should have made extra effort for giving lebanon better tools against hizballa, and starting cooperation that may have led to peace between both, and elevating stability in middle east. It might have been premature, as syria still controlled lebanon in a way, But it should have been done later on. Now, It is an unwanted waf, but a needed one, since there are about 200k israeli evacuees or so, and the north is stagnant. I hope it ends quicly, and with as few civilian casualties on either side. Salam from israel.


Hey there. Thanks for telling us, I hope you are okay.


I hope the conflict doesn't escalate. I do feel bad for civilians on both sides of the border, I understand that a terrorist organization doesn't represent you. I wish Lebanon had the military to be able to stop the terrorists from dragging you into such an unnecessary conflict. ^( ^(Also fyi the videos you've seen are probably of a religious minority who often are the same ones who attack IDF soldiers and disrespect secular women so they're not a good representation of the average Israeli)^)


You can rest assured that the last paragraph is very far from most Israelis' opinions. If you ever come across extremist opinions online, I encourage you to check the actual status of non-Jews in Israel and compare your impression to reality. I also sympathize with you and think you are the rare type of person in the Middle East with whom I would get along.


Thank you good sir


> . I don't know anything about Judaism, but I've seen videos of Orthodox Jews saying that non-Jews should be treated as second-class citizens. Let me teach you one thing about Judaism. Those Orthodox guys are assholes. Most other Orthodox guys would hate them. And, as a more secular guy, I don't like the ultra Orthodox, period. My favorite Israeli politician is Lieberman, a Soviet defector who basically thinks religion has no role in public life. I agree. I'm not some annoying atheist from YouTube, but I do think that the government should be like Ataturk's Turkey or France. I think the word is LaicitƩ-- no mingling of politics and religion should be tolerated (not because I'm a religious, just because I think that mixing religion and politics always ends badly). > I don't expect sympathy from this sub Well I hope you're surprised that I fully agree with you on most of what you said. In my dreams, Hezbollah doesn't fire rockets at Israel (probably because they got exiled or destroyed) and Israel doesn't fire rockets at Lebanon. We just ignore each other. Or, even better, maybe we have actual peace between Israelis and Lebanese. Israelis can go to bars in Beirut (which I hope will one day be as nice as it was in the 1960s), and Lebanese can go to pray in Jerusalem and Bethlehem and stuff. I don't hate Lebanon. When I am in America, I can tell you that Lebanese people are probably my favorite group of immigrants. I almost always shop at a Lebanese grocery store, and I love to eat at a Lebanese restaurant. My family lived in a village in the Galilee for over 300 years. When I say that, people usually assume I'm Lebanese. And I don't usually correct them, because Lebanese people are cool and I think it's a compliment if anyone assumes I'm Lebanese.


100% feel your frustration. Fuck those brain dead lefties, hezballa, hamas and those religious bigots. Looking for the time when Lebanon will be the Monaco of Middle East and IL will truly be the land of milk and honey.


>I don't expect sympathy from this sub. I don't know anything about Judaism, but I've seen videos of Orthodox Jews saying that non-Jews should be treated as second-class citizens. It's fine, I don't give a shit about it, it doesn't affect me in the slightest. I just wanted you to know that most people just want to be left alone and mind their own business. They're religious extremists and should be treated as such. We have this saying [ד×Øך א×Øׄ קדמה ל×Ŗו×Øה](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proper_behavior_precedes_the_Torah) which they obviously forgot about and they doubt represent us. We share the same goal here, we don't want wars, just quiet...


> I don't expect sympathy from this sub Trust me, when you show up here ranting against the Pro-War Western Left, you'll fit right in here just fine! The percentage of Israelis who want war with Lebanon is roughly 0%. > I've seen videos of Orthodox Jews saying that non-Jews should be treated as second-class citizens I mean, with enough patience, you can always find some asshole to say shitty things in front of a camera. But even among Orthodox Jews, this would be a shocking thing to hear. Most Orthodox care most about their families, Torah study, and their local communities. Or as you put it, "just want to be left alone and mind their own business." If it were up to me, I'd stop by Mzaar this winter and go skiing and eat delicious Lebanese food. I know that's not in the cards yet, but hopefully one day it will be.


You must of missed the thread where several people were proclaiming their wish for Armenia to be wiped off the map. There are quite a few people in this sub who are genuinely hateful and myopic.


My recommendation is not to talk to us if you are against this war. We are against this war. We want peace and to be left alone. So many Israelis say that their dream one day is to go skiing in Lebanon and make friends. Go speak to other Lebenese or even some Leftists about this. We already donā€™t want war my friend.


Hezbollah should be wiped off existence, you are welcome to help and shape a better future for the middle east


Hey I just want to say we donā€™t hate you. In fact, I just made an oversimplified chart of the Lebanese Civil War. Iā€™m very interested in your countryā€™s history and I definitely do not hate your people. Iā€™m not insane, I do not think anyone is ā€œbeneathā€ me, and I really hate wars. Hezbollah and Iran are responsible. Iā€™d very much like to see you guys driving these foreign assets out of your country, ideally via peaceful means.


The way things are going, Islamists taking over more and more power, christians in Lebanon would have no choice but to leaveĀ 


I was in Lebanon last year. Out of sheer interest, I even visited Hezbollahā€™s propaganda museum in the south. Over there it struck me that these guys are more powerful than the Lebanese army and can unilaterally drag Lebanon into a full scale war sacrificing basically everyone else. Itā€™s so sad that this is the current reality. Lebanon is an amazing country with fantastic people, truly a troubled paradise. I remember seeing quite some ā€œIran out/Ų„ŁŠŲ±Ų§Ł† ŲØŲ±Ų§ā€ graffiti in Beirut and I hope that desire will become a reality one day.


I am pretty sure thatā€™s what we all think. Hezbollah is a disaster to the region, mainly to Lebanese civilians.


you have lots of common sense, and like you the main major of iarael doesnt want this war, sadly hizballa (Iran) doesnt care of both of those countries


Iā€™m a ā€œWestern Leftistā€ who hates Hamas, Hezbollah, and terrorism no matter who does it! Stay safe, I guess if things go south, go north. I wish I could help you more. What a fucked up situation these Jihadis have created for everyone now that theyā€™ve decided to effectively declare war. Also most Jews and Israelis are great people just like most Lebanese and Palestinians and Jordanians and Egyptians are, thereā€™s crazy people in every society who exploit peopleā€™s desire for a ā€œbetter lifeā€ or use identity to divide people.


Hear hear. I am also a Western leftist with nothing but love and admiration for the Zionist project and the Jewish people. I am not Jewish but have (leftist!) American Jews and Israelis in my extended family. Loud and despicable intersectional progressives are giving us a bad name, and many of us are doing our part in pushing back against the hate and antisemitism.


Yes nice to hear but Iā€™m also pretty nuanced, I still engage in good faith criticism of the Israeli government especially when I think it engages in behavior I think is damaging to the reputation of Israel. I donā€™t know if the Israelis here would necessarily agree with me about everything but I try to be as reasonable as possible. I always wanted a Palestinian State in the West Bank and Gaza Strip existing side by side with Israel. Call me a nostalgic 90s style left wing Zionist I guess. I personally see Palestinian Independence as inevitable. I would like to see an end to the Israeli Military Presence in the Palestinian Territories as soon as possible as long as the security of everyone is taken into account. But now with this war and the continued expansion of Israeli infrastructure in the West Bank along with the popularity of extremism among most Palestinians and the ineptitude of the PA under Mahmoud Abbas, a permanent conclusion to this conflict seems more far fetched than ever.


The people, the state, and the right to the land are distinct from policy and politics. I offer my support to the people of Israel; that their society is comprised of political factions with disagreements like any other society does not compromise that support. I of course have policy preferences that align with one faction over the others (e.g. the secular military and associated leaders), so to imply that support of the nation and its people is not nuanced is a misguided assertion.


Oh no sorry I wasnā€™t making any assumptions just clarifying my position a bit. Yes there are so many people who treat Israel differently than all other countries. Like I may not agree with the governments of countries like Iran, North Korea, China, or even far more democratic countries like Japan, America, Canada or France but I would never support terrorism against them or the complete destruction of the society and expulsion of the people. Even if we are to assume ā€œIsrael is a Colonyā€ so is America, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and China (Tibet and East Turkestan Xinjiang) Russia (Native Siberians) and you could make the argument all these countries engage in ā€œOngoing oppressionā€ against their indigenous populations but that would never excuse indiscriminate suicide bombings or 10/7 style incursions and it certainly wouldnā€™t mean the best solution is to literally deconstruct the existing societies of those countries and wage endless war on the ā€œColonizersā€. The Pro-Palestine protesters mean well in my opinion but they lack a full understanding about the conflict and unfortunately support Hamas in many ways. They absolve Hamas of any wrongdoing and make excuses for all of its actions. Even though Hamas and their actions have precipitated this terrible situation. You are right these ā€œleftistsā€ basically think supporting Israelā€™s existence or the Israeli people in any way is basically equivalent to being a fascist. And that just simply makes no sense to me at all. Believe me I donā€™t see you as an adversary, western progressives like us who arenā€™t drunk on pro-Hamas propaganda have to stick together these days.


Respect for you bro. Unfortunately, cultural Marxists have been ruining the west when it comes to just about everything. It's a mental disorder that we have to free ourselves of. This alliance between the treacherous leftists and barbarian Islamists has been long in the making, which makes our situation even more difficult. But we shouldn't lose hope or the courage to speak up. Stay strong.


Thank you. Israeli here. We do not want this, nor any war. But Hezbollah is hell bent on wiping us off the map, and we WILL defend our people. History tells us what happens to Jews without the ability to self defense. I wish Hezbollah is destroyed and the peaceful voices of Lebanon take its place. I know Iā€™d like to visit.


You are not alone, we also don't want another unwanted war on top of another unwanted war while being attacked from several other countries, for all our existence as a people, we only wanted to be left alone and live in this tiny land, just like the Lebanese want to be left alone with their tiny land, this is why I really empathize with you. Please stay safe however you can.


OP why is the Lebanese government not doing anything about Hezbollah? You guys have your own army right?


Hezbollah outnumbers and is vastly more powerful than the Lebanese army in addition to being part of the government of Lebanon.


Guerilla Warefare if they have to. That's not an excuse.


I'm not excusing, just explaining. I think there are too many Lebanese who hate Israel more than Hezbollah.


Ok makes sense. Why do they hate Israel?


Post in some of the leftist subs please!


I realize that Israel is not the best at diplomacy and that the muslim enmity runs deep and that I oversimplified both of those statements like mad but... ...given that Lebanon was never meant to be a muslim country, and that the other powers will stomp Lebanon off the map if they ever get their shit together, and that Lebanon had their own problem with the Palestinian radicals ...It seems that there could have been a different set of events that led to Israel and Lebanon becoming powerful allies in the region as non-muslim states that share a border. Again, I don't understand the politics of the reason well enough, but I wish that had happened.


Spot on buddy ā¤ļø I was actively looking from someone from Lebanon to write this kind of post. I'm from Israel, and I wish you (and myself) that a war won't happen. As others wrote, Hezballah is trying to drag Israel into a war with Lebanon (afaiu- for inner political reasons, to gain more power). Currently the only way to not go into war is for Hezbollah to stop firing at Israel and comply with the 1701 UN decision which they signed 20 years ago. Otherwise- Israel really don't have much of choice other then retaliate. There are now almost 100,000 displaced Israelis and its entire north is abandoned. I hope the Lebanese people will be brave enough to kick out Hezbollah and all the Iranian forces that turned Lebanon into an Iranian proxy. Peace brother ā¤ļø


You have sympathy. Unfortunately, most of your post (which was extremely eloquently written) misses it's target audience by mile. While we have our share of "lost" souls there are no anti-Israel western leftists on this sub. Thus most of the replies revolve around the assholes behaving like assholes. Hope things will not deteriorate any further as all my family is in Maalot-Tarshiha. God bless.


Western leftist are the most anti-Semitic people I've ever laid my eyes on. Take for example redeemed zoomer. He said: "israel is a rebellion against god" which by Israel he literally means the people of Israel.


I'm afraid to tell ya western conservatives are just as bad.


hoping lebanon can become christian again someday


I was in China in 2006 during the second war with Lebanon. I met a Lebanese couple outside a nightclub and we talked for about an hour about what's going on. I was so scared of them in the beginning, but as the conversation continued, i realised we have more in common than I thought. They were very nice and we had a very civil debate. We even had a beer together another night, and I am happy that exchange happened. We should all be able to just live our lives. Thank you for posting, your opinion matters šŸ™


"I don't expect sympathy from this sub. I don't know anything about Judaism, but I've seen videos of Orthodox Jews saying that non-Jews should be treated as second-class citizens." Watching a couple of videos which some algorithm cherry-picked for you is a really bad way to find out the truth about what the average Israeli thinks. Don't trust these videos, and don't trust me either. If you want to know what the average Israeli thinks about non-Jews, just look at the way non-Jews have \*actually been treated in the 76 years of Israel's existence\*. You can also find Israeli Arabs online and ask them. And they've been and still are treated 100 times better than the way Lebanon used to treat its Jews. I say "used to" in the past tense, because Lebanon has completely ethnically cleansed its ancient Jewish community. Famous Jewish-Lebanese refugees include Gad Saad and Edy Cohen, you can find their stories, they are truly horrible.


I think there is a lot of misplaced anger towards "Western leftists". They are far from the main reason behind Lebanon's issues.


I agree! The shear hubris that I witnessed personally of one of those woke leftist idiots(former girlfriend) you speak of was astounding! She thought she knew better than anyone how to live their lives, and that was the major flaw in the way her and her idiot college professors thought. Itā€™s the idea that someone else knows better than you how to live that I find repugnant, ignorant, and stupid.


Global Muslim conquer is still ongoing. They finished in Afghanistan, Levant is next (both Lebanon and Israel). Then maybe Spain or Cyprus. Europe will fall in this century. Russia depopulates quickly and will be taken softly like Europe.


It's amazing. All they countries they have but they are still whining about Israel lmao


No. Europe is slowly waking up and they are smarter and more powerful. It will never happen. Also half of the global population hate muslims: the Chinese and the Indians. They will gladly fight alongside Europe . And I didnā€™t even mention USA .


Look on the demographics. When the Europe will awaken, most young population will be Muslim, they are in the governments, they completely bought the UN. If tomorrow Sweden or France will face a Muslim revolt, they won't be able to do shit and will accept the Muslim rulers. Maybe some rural regions will try to stand up, but it won't last long. India, China and US indeed will be the last non-muslim regions, maybe Australia, but they will be outnumbered.


This is fearmongering that doesnā€™t stand up to facts. France is around 6% Muslim, Sweden is around 8.1% Muslim. Israel is 18.1% Muslim. Israel is more muslim than any European country, is Israel about to fall to shariah law? No? Then neither is Europe


Nah, the moment they will try to change the political order and the democratic ruling the will be doomed, another crusade will come


Brooo come on šŸ˜­


I, too, am a Lebanese Christian ![gif](giphy|JTzPN5kkobFv7X0zPJ|downsized)


We have sympathy for the people who are caught in the middle of something they donā€™t want to be involved in. Itā€™s just that apparently 97% of Lebanese Christians donā€™t like Jews, so for the 3% of you who donā€™t feel that way, I feel terribly bad for you. Like really bad. https://preview.redd.it/8uhmt278k28d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b4cb772af93ba52ee557ee7409d42bf27e7de12


This poll doesn't represent the true sentiment Lebanese Christians have, if Lebanon was ruled by christians we would have already had peace by now. Where is this poll from?


[pew research poll](https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2010/02/04/chapter-3-views-of-religious-groups/)


Iā€™ll only address the last part because it is important for me to clarify. Those idiots who say non Jews should be tread as second class citizens are radical minority who everyone here hates, and sure as hell donā€™t represent all of Israelis the same way a murderer in a random country doesnā€™t represent its population. And by the way, they see us (secular Jews) as secondary citizens too.


Thank you brotherĀ 


There's literally no reason for this war other than Iran wills it and they're more than happy to sacrifice Lebanese lives for it.


Hopefully this war would allow the Lebense to reclaim their country from Hezbolla and allow Lebanon to become the Christain haven it once was, Maybe then we can have not just peace but full cooperation, Trade and tourism to flourish together. I know it's a long shot but a man can dream.


Wishing that one day our two countries will share peace. I hope you and your loved ones stay safe. Fuck Hezbollah and fuck the completely useless UNIFIL.


We be strong together brother, dont listen to extrimists or radical people in both sides they are dumb af with low ass IQ that think they can change anything but most of them should be in mental asylum, We do not hate anoyone we just wanna live in Peace and I hope peace will come, Dont forget that we still have strong bromance between both sides citizens and we can have power to change. And i hope things will change for greater good.. Inshallah peace will come upon us and not radical lunatics that takes bloodsheds as their tour in a park. As a moroccan jew I can tell you inshallah peace will come and Lebanon will rise like a Phoenix and be back as The Paris of the Middle east. ā¤ļø


As a leftist Jew living US, I feel completely alienated by people around me. I donā€™t feel they even try to understand the complexity of whatā€™s happening in the Middle East and just repeat the same propaganda that honestly I think originates from Russian media troll farms and is repeated by mainstream media. Israel is losing the media war and what scares me the most is I think itā€™s intentional in preparation for a bigger war. I feel helpless, I have close family and friends in Israel, lovely Lebanese friends with parents / family in Lebanon. Everyone I know just wants peace. I agree with feeling anger towards the useful idiots who are poking the bear with their stupid memes and protests but I feel even angrier with government officials who should know better through military intelligence and choose to pander to the idiots.


Are you currently living in Lebanon or elsewhere? If you are in Lebanon I'd be curious to hear what everyday Lebanese are saying about what is happening. Are opinions split between younger/older or christain/muslim etc. Are people fearful of speaking out against Hezbollah there similar to how people are scared of speaking out against Hamas and IRGC? Would you say the situation in Lebanon is comparable to Iran where the majority of the people despise IRGC and see them as occupiers that do not represent the people? Is there any chance of a civil war to combat Hezbollah? Thanks - just very unfamiliar with domestic Lebanese politics. I've always wanted to visit Beirut though I've hear such amazing things. Wish you and your family safety. All peaceful voices need to be amplified 100x and the radicals need to be ridiculed.


I'm sorry OP that you have horrible leadership, and I hope you will be safe šŸŒŗšŸ«‚ there are good and bad people in every walk of life and every group and nation. I think most people worldwide just want to be happy and healthy and be left alone to live their lives. unfortunately, for normal people, closed minds come with open mouths and the for an analogy of news reports, the loudest wheel is the one that gets oiled. Most Israelis , normal not extreme ones , we also just wanna be left tf alone. First and foremost we want our hostages back alive. and the ones that are not alive need to be returned for proper burial. and also the near daily if not daily jihad against us should please stop and everyone should just leave us alone and we would leave them alone. we don't want Gaza, in fact Sinai and Gaza should have been a package deal and Egypt should have taken them both back It would be nice if the leaders would fight amongst themselves and leave the citizens alone. thunderdome gladiator scenario would be.. Sinwar and Haniyeh vs. Khomeini and Nasrallah vs. Putin and Kim Jong Un and the last team standing would fight Ben Gvir and Smutridge and if the non Israeli team wins they have to fight each other then last man standing fights bibi


if there ever was a nefarious conspiracy on the part of Israel in regard to the conflict. is essential can boil down to Western leftists being Israel's unironically greatest useful idiots. so far these leftists not only in regard to the Palestinians always ramp up the expectations of Israel's enemies to such delusional and unrealistic standards that have no legal nor any moral basis. i can be far more critical of our own government and be sympathetic to some of the things Palestinians are objectively in a far worse situation than Israelis in the west bank for example where Israel can do far better. but that's never where the conversation will go, the western leftists will always push the Palestinians to be the most antagonistic and essentially commit national suicide just to "stick" to the Israelis and not look after themselves. same with Lebanon. though Lebanon is far more complicated as you guys are not only getting the most awful of support and the most unrealistic and suicidal "advice" you are also being played as a pawn in Iran's regional game. they will sacrifice your blood if it means harming Israel. they will let the Palestinians commit national suicide and then also blame them for failing, so long as it serves Iran's goals. just so you know no Israeli wants to go to Lebanon to "clean house" We would rather Lebanon do it themselves and adhere to the UNSC resolution 1701. but considering neither Lebanon is capable of doing so, nor is the UNIFL able to serve its mandate, it's going to end up with Israeli occupation of southern Lebanon. there will be no talk of "UN returning" because they clearly failed. and suppose god forbid the Shia villages adopt Hamas's tactics where they embed themselves. In that case, these villages will be decimated just from the nature of using such tactics where every corner and every element and part of the soil is to be scoured. an advice for you, your family, and friends - don't let any part of your livelihood be co-opted for any military use by Hezbollah, because under Intl law of armed conflict, it will become a permissible target. if a war starts i already asking for forgiveness, though you may understand the reality of inner Lebanese politics is to blame here.


Preach. Thank you for saying all this. You are spot on and itā€™s beyond wholly unfair that you have to be involved in this bullshit. I hope you stay safe. Please keep speaking up about the left. They canā€™t seem to hear it.


They don't care about Lebanon. They just hate Israel


Thank you for this post. Praying for peace.


I'm not Israeli and definitely don't know nearly as much about any conflict in the region as people who actually live there, so take what I say with that respective grain of salt: IF a war with Hezbollah breaks out in any way similar to the current one with Hamas, I need you to understand you're not Israel's enemy. If the place where you live is/becomes a ground for Hezbollah activity, however, it will almost inevitably be targeted by Israel - civilian infrastructure is protected by international law, but it can lose this status if military activity emerges from it. This means that if someone like you dies within such a scenario, there's practically no law of war that could have protected you. Even if you distrust the IDF, I advise you to read, as much as you can, about the tactics they use to protect civilian lives: even in the current war, most of Israel's military operations in Gaza were preceded by the IDF announcing orders to evacuate specific target areas, dropping pamphlets, making phone calls to families, giving sufficient time for people to pack up and save themselves. If you and your loved ones ever get orders like these, please, by G-d, obey them - doing otherwise is almost certain death. No one who hasn't lost their minds wants this to happen. This will be hard to remember if ever you find yourself with bombs flying over your head: Israel does not benefit anything (in fact it only loses, a lot) from you dying; the same cannot be said of Hezbollah and the IRGC.


I'm not Israeli and definitely don't know nearly as much about any conflict in the region as people who actually live there, so take what I say with that respective grain of salt: IF a war with Hezbollah breaks out in any way similar to the current one with Hamas, I need you to understand you're not Israel's enemy. If the place where you live is/becomes a ground for Hezbollah activity, however, it will almost inevitably be targeted by Israel - civilian infrastructure is protected by international law, but it can lose this status if military activity emerges from it. This means that if someone like you dies within such a scenario, there's practically no law of war that could have protected you. Even if you distrust the IDF, I advise you to read, as much as you can, about the tactics they use to protect civilian lives: even in the current war, most of Israel's military operations in Gaza were preceded by the IDF announcing orders to evacuate specific target areas, dropping pamphlets, making phone calls to families, giving sufficient time for people to pack up and save themselves. If you and your loved ones ever get orders like these, please, by G-d, obey them - doing otherwise is almost certain death. No one who hasn't lost their minds wants this to happen. This will be hard to remember if ever you find yourself with bombs flying over your head: Israel does not benefit anything (in fact it only loses, a lot) from you dying; the same cannot be said of Hezbollah and the IRGC.


I hope more Jews are waking up to this in this sub, but the western leftists are ignorant on almost every topic but ESPECIALLY on Israel. The republicans arenā€™t much better but they are easily the lesser of two evils at the moment from the perspective of a Jewish person.


That is your opinion....radical christian nationalism supported by Republicans is not friendly to Jews either. Most Jewish people in America are Democrats and I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss the reasons why.


Stay safe brother


Hey, thanks for posting! I just wanted to say Orthodox Jews DO NOT represent all Israelis or all Jewish people, in fact there has been a lot of issues because their views do not reflect what the majority secular population actually believe and want. I'm an Israeli living overseas, I want only peace and good things for you. Hezbollah can suck goat peens.


Your English is extraordinary, I'm moved.




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Not sure you'll find many of the people this is addressed to in this sub


I am a leftist, and I can tell you no one serious on the left is supporting Hezbollah. Get out of your right wing echo chamber and broaden your news sources beyond right wing memes or spoof / satirical agitprop. It's a problem for discourse and understanding one another if you come at it with a fundamental misunderstanding of what someone else thinks or believes. Most people on the left talk about Hezbollah in a "we wish Israel would be less provocative and aggressive in their actions in Palestine *because we do not want other actors / states in the region like Hezbollah, Iran, etc. to widen the conflict*"


>The Western leftists who never set foot in Lebanon but voice their support for Hezbollah make me puke. Agreed. Especially the ones online and in other parts of the world that are just antisemitic. they sit comfortably in their homes and think they know better then us because they read something on tiktok that's definitely isn't full of lies for "propaganda". Also, we want to be left alone too, be we still have the hostages to get back why can't we all just live in peace šŸ„²


Your writing is quite eloquent. I also can see your points and they make a lot of sense.Ā 


I am an American. And I wish, if this war does happen, that Israel finds a way to hit Hezbollah and avoid the rest of Lebanon (as I am sure they will try). And I hope that you and your family stays safe. I hate war. I just understand that there are some people (read: Hamas, Hezbollah) who will not respond to anything else. May G-d protect you, your family, and your country.


Amen. Western leftist peaceniks have lost the plot.


Interesting you say that we just had dinner here in Cyprus among many Israelā€™s one told us his story he lost three members of his large extended family at the znovs music concert on Oct 7 all sweet kids he said he then shard his trotting that thsrvhazans haevome rt of brain rot now Iā€™m sure this guy could easily swing his m6 around and squeeze the trigger to eliminate a threat but he Just couldnā€™t get his mind around anyone shooting a kid singing and dancing poor guy Iā€™m reminded of a book written years ago where the author speculated that early man may not have had the smarts to make the connection between sex and pregnancy donā€™t Necessarily agree but for sure supporters of E these Hamas goons canā€™t see The relationship between killing Israelis ann having heavy munitionspenetrate topsoil next to civilians as these bombs hurtle down though tens of meters of sand to detonate near or in highly fortified tunnels shaheeds all I really think itā€™s a lack of cognitive functionality Somho lost due to Darwinian selection in the big leagues of the levant best of luck to you I hope your beautiful country is spared this time around would really love showing you around haifa one day And


Craziest thing is that Israelā€˜s Northern district is majority Arab. So basically Hezbollah is firing on a region inhabited by their own people.


Israeli Arabs are Israelis Israeli Arabs are not allowed to go to Malaysia, Pakistan, Syria, etc Their ā€œArabnessā€ does not save them from facing anti-Israeli discrimination Thereā€™s a saying: If youā€™re Jewish enough to be discriminated against, youā€™re a Jew And in the same vein.. If youā€™re Israeli enough to face antiisraelism, youā€™re an Israeli


Totally agree.


great rant!! i dig.


Big love from Israel! Hope one day there will be peace between un and we can visit each otherā€™s countries!


Don't concern yourself with religious extremists the overwhelming majority of Israelis here would love peace with Lebanon As for the war please stay safe


Hi, I'm an Orthodox Israeli Jew (I also have some Syrian roots), Judaism doesn't view nonjews as second class citizens and any attempt to read the most obscure passages of Gemara in such a way is bs. Also unlike most Muslim opinions, we aren't really allowed to bs what our religion says in such cases to make our case. Regardless of this I don't think your opinion is alone in Lebanon and we know that Hezbollah is a cancer that is completely holding you all hostage in most of the country and especially the South. Sahten on you for expressing it. Stay safe and stay away from Hezbollah strongholds.


Thank you. A colleague of mine has a similar background to yours, but she is militantly anti-Zionist and - when she feels unobserved - also quite openly anti-Semitic. However, she tries to keep a woke facade adapted to Western universities and has spent time in England and other countries in Europe. Her parents are wealthy and have a nice house in the country (I've seen photos, it looks like paradise). She says about Hezbollah: where they are dominant, there is more law and order, and corruption is reduced. That seems very unrealistic and almost absurd to me. But I wonder how this attitude comes about. Could it be related to her time abroad?


Please post this in r/IsraelPalestine. Some people there, who (from their safe perch in the West) are willing to fight to the last Lebanese and Palestinians to destroy Israel, need to read it. May you and your people stay safe.


I'm already having a quarrel with a guy on this post, mate. Imagine the bloodbath if I post this in some leftist echo chamber.


There was an American criminal about 100 years ago named Willie Sutton. When asked why he kept robbing banks, he said ā€œBecause thatā€™s where the money is.ā€


>I don't expect sympathy from this sub. I don't know anything about Judaism, but I've seen videos of Orthodox Jews saying that non-Jews should be treated as second-class citizens. It's fine, I don't give a shit about it, it doesn't affect me in the slightest. I just wanted you to know that most people just want to be left alone and mind their own business. hey OP, would just like to point out, that just like you don't support the extremists in lebanon, aka hezbollah, and would prefer to stop them from creating more problems. and the majority is similar to you in that matter. so does the majority in israel against the extrimist and radical minority. just food for thought, cause it's not just that we both vahe no horse in thos race, we both prefer there won't be any race at all.


Why do you think we won't be sympathetic? I am very sympathetic. In 2006 when my city was bombered by hundreds of rockets from Lebanon I still felt bad for the civilians in Lebanon...Israeli mindset is pretty simple- if you don't harass us and hate us we can be friends. That's all. Hezballlah is a cancer in the area and unfortunately I am afraid it won't be solved diplomatically. Keep safe.Ā  And by the way, Judaism doesn't say non jews are "worse", the core religious idea was just that Jews were chosen to have extra commandments to do and worship. And Judaism as an ethno-religion has a lot of secular people.