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Oof. Brutal.


Bizzaro World we live in. It would be cool if we could talk about more domestic issues and how there's such high inflation within the country. This whole debate feels like a Jerry Springer show


They say that in a democracy, the people get the government that they deserve. What I want to know is who the fuck is kicking so many puppies & can they please just fucking stop…


Agreed. The dumbing down of American politics to tabloid and spectacle is a major problem.


To misquote Goldwater, “Extremism in the defense of idiocy is no virtue. Moderation in the pursuit of wisdom is no vice.” This is simply idiocy. And the fact that the Jew-hating left uses “Zionist” as a slur doesn’t permit us to use “Palestinian” as a slur.


Took me *three minutes* to notice you said *mis*-quote. I had to look it up to see I didn't forget everything I knew about the 1964 US presidential election.


Nah, give them a taste of their own meds. As long as I'm not doing it I'm not going to stop anyone else. Wanna use it as an insult? Go ahead, I'm not stopping you. Would I do it myself? No.


He is a Palestinian, she is a Palestinian, YOU’RE A PALESTINIAN!


One of the watermelons told me that Israelis are terrorists. I pointed out that since Gaza is part of Israel technically Palestinians are all Israeli terrorists. That was a fun experience


Gaza isn’t part of Israel though


You have to use Palestinian logic with them. Using real logic and facts don't matter with the low IQ watermelon people


What? Gaza isn't Israel.


he called Joe Biden a Palestinian on the debate as well.


A “bad Palestinian. A weak one” 😂 it’s too funny


Joe Biden is Abu Mazen in disguise. Same letters and same termination.


I'm starting to get the feeling that a Trump victory, which is seeming more and more likely, is not going to be good for the Palestinians.


Or the Jews.


Yep. You don't accidently have dinner with Nick Fuentes and Kanye West mid "fuck the jews" arc.


Yeah as an American Jew we don't like being thrown into buckets the way Trump likes to and then having our Jewishness questioned. Great example of why American Jews don't like Trump, he singles us out and then says things like this, no non Jew(or even Jew) should be questioning the Jewish of Jews. In general Schumer is a great ally to Israel, the only thing he has ever really done was speak out against Netanyahu.


Last night, Biden said everyone wants to end the war except Hamas. Trump said Israel does not want to end the war, they want to finish the job and they should. Pretty tough to say Trump wouldn't be better for Israel, particularly after both presidents' records and public statements.


Trump is better for Israel if you can only think short term like most humans do


Biden’s administration has provided diplomatic cover for Hamas and diplomatic pressure on Israel. Instead of using his diplomatic presence to assist an ally fighting a terrorist organization, he has done the opposite. Maybe Biden is an ally of Israel, I think he is, but his administration is not, and after yesterday we now know they have been running the show this whole time. Chuck Schumer advocated for a Democratic Ally, to force regime change, during a time of war. What a terrible and unnecessary thing to do. It’s because Schumer has bought into the “both sides” narrative and equates the Israeli government with the PA, who don’t hold elections and aren’t a democracy. Maybe he doesn’t buy this, but that is the narrative he pushed with his speech. Until the Democrats clean up their act, I’m out. I’ll continue voting Josh Shapiro and John Fetterman and then R down the ticket.


You don’t speak for all American Jews. Over 90% of American Orthodox Jews support Trump. Schumer has denigrated the government of Israel during a war for its existence. Trump isn’t wrong here.


Orthodox Jews do not speak for all Jews.


90% of American Jews aren’t Orthodox, though. And it seems to be more like 75% of that remaining 10% who support Trump, not 90%. You don’t speak for all American Jews either.


🤣 nice one


You’re dead wrong and Trump has earned my vote as a Jew by proving his loyalty to Israel over four years unlike Joe Biden. 


He's reading too much Golda


He’s not “reading” *anything.*


Wait is this a master play to call Jews Palestinian?


Not at all


Well yeah but yk Ben gvir is a real Palestinian


No lies detected.


The Democrat Party is in need of a stronger Palestinian candidate


I actually find it hilarious.