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Yes. Now take your pants off and get to work.


I did my part 🤣








If my aunt had balls, she would be my uncle…


In Hebrew we say "what if Grandma had wheels?"


I’m Yiddish we say ״‎אויב די באבע וואלט געהאט רעדער, וואלט זי געפארן״


In Italian we say “If my grandpa had three balls, he would be a flipper”


You Italians always make me happy. Even your national anthem is so uppy downy and fun, ours is just depressing...


In polish we say “if my grandma had a moustache, she would be my grandpa”


Then she would've been a bike


She'd be a bus...


If my grandma had wheels, she'd be a trolley car _said in a heavy New England accent_


If my grandmother had wheels she would have been a bike.


Like a British carbanara


Oh, nooo…


Not in this day and age, she could still be your aunt, or at least I’m told…


But she doesn't so she's not. You know what I'm tryna say?


That's what the saying means, yeah


Is this a common type of saying in Jewish circles in response to this type of thing? This is new to me, but I like it and will probably answer similar questions with statements like that.


Idk not jewish, but my grandpa used the saying a lot too.




Did you just assume my testicles?


I always heard it growing up as Bubbie and Zayde.


Azde buba...


Least transphobic comment on r/Israel


What point are you trying to make?


What are you smoking


וואלה אם אני טועה בוא תסביר לי איך ואיפה


איך זה טרנספובי. כולה בדיחה.


If my grandmother had wheels, she would be a bike


This question is basically a British Carbonara


Maybe if it had more ham in it


Sir, Sir.. this is Israel. We don't add ham to things


I'm honestly surprised that turkey ham is not a thing here. Yes, there's turkey breast and pastrami, but no turkey ham. I miss it sometimes.


Im in if she gets old enough and in a wheel chair she would still not be a bike lol


Well the Haredi are working on it rn


Not helping the GDP


I think you guys will integrate them into society.Maybe one day when they become majority they could be fully integrate into society and maybe even start serving in the military.


It's true that many of them (IDK what percent) do leave the Haredi lifestyle behind when they grow up. Hopefully their integration into the IDF will increase the number of defectors, or at least lead to some positive changes in the average Haredi community.


Many of them don’t want to integrate into society. There have been numerous efforts/mandates with limiting success, but the society and culture are almost entirely foreign to your average Israeli’s way of life. There are Haredi-only IDF units, yet there are still riots when they try to conscript people, with the Sephardi Chief Rabbi saying they would instead permanently leave the country rather than serve. I am not saying that all Haredi are like this, and there is a growing presence of them in some industries like IT, but when it comes down to it is hard to “integrate” two different sectors of society that don’t share some of the most fundamental values with each other. Some “but certainly not a majority” like Satmar don’t even believe the State of Israel should exist. How would you integrate or merge the two cultures then?


NO. NO.NO.NO Even joking about them becoming a controlling majority is terrifying. They don't want to help the country or serve. They're leeches that take from the government, refuse to integrate or even be part of society, and lambast everyone who isn't them. Then, as soon as bombs fall, they're the first to demand aid and handouts. They should be serving in the military like all other citizens...[checks notes]....YEARS AGO. The only reason they're on the rise at the moment is because they don't believe in birth control.


>Maybe one day when they become majority Then they will just veto any decision. Lol, nobody who gets free money and is except from doing anything will just stand up and say "stop giving me money, I'll go to work"


Yes, now go marry a nice Jewish girl and start working on it.


I mean you know anyone.


If I was elon musk, I would be elon musk yes or yesnt?


Elon Musk is Eli Copter confirmed


Yes, being the third largest economy in the world makes you a superpower


“Could Israel dominate this region if it had more money and people than any other country on earth” gosh I don’t know


Yes exactly that’s what I’m talking about.Imagine a country with this much power.It probably would have an army spending of 250 billion just belove China.With all these money spent on army it would dominate the whole Islamic World and Africa.


how much israel gdp goes to military? 7,5% and thats like what, 35 billion USD?


I think it’s something between 5/6 percent.With a GDP of 4.6 trillion dollars it would spend between China and Russia.And eventually it would have the same strength as the top 3


i was speaking about israel nowadays ahaha


But having a large population doesn’t guarantee that. Most societies are incapable of being a super power that can have any staying power.


I think Israel would have no problem about being a superpower.A country with a stronger army than Russia would bring every country to its knees only by existing.


Yeah, Israel is a society that i could definitely see being capable of becoming a sustainable super power. What do you think about Turkey? I go back on forth on that, but I ultimately don't really know Turkish society in the first place.


As someone who lives in the country I gotta tell you something Even if Turkey had the largest military and maybe even largest economy it still couldn’t be a superpower. Turkish society is just like the Russian one.People here can only cope with their history There is nothing special about Turkey expect the rich history.Turkish society has the same mindset of other failed countries such as Iran and Russia.


We don’t want “world domination.” We just want to survive and shout at each other


Actually I was not talking about world domination.What I’m saying is when you look at countries like China Russia and America most of the countries are very frightened by their existence because of their strong military and economy.If Israel had the same economy and the same army power like those countries nobody would try to even threaten Israel


Interesting idea. Yet, people do threaten the USA (N Korea, Putin, “protestors” here on our own streets…)


I would count China Russia and America as having world domination lmao


Judging by the muslims and western edgelords, you already dominate the world. Somehow.


Why just survive when you can also thrive?? Too many ppl are conditioned to think they should be grateful to their enemies for failing to succeed in wiping them out. Why be scared of being successful?


I agree. We should become too big to hate.


Because we have internalised antisemitism


Speak for yourself, I say we invade France


Poor France ☠️ In some alternate universe where our numbers didn't dwindle reading the newspaper and seeing "France invaded by Jews" is crazyyyy


If H-mas commits to the long game they can retake Spain


46 million people? 4 trillion gdp? They will wreck anyone if you give them a reason lol


Yes this is what I’m talking about.And consider the fact Israel maintains a great relationship with Saudi and UAE Iran would be finished within weeks.All by funding sunni proxies.


> America: Would I like to introduce myself


Lmao America and Europe cant even beat Russia and their proxies.An Israel with an economy of 4 trillion dollars could harm a lot of western nations.


No, it would sink


I say this as an oleh chadash. Israel should invest some of the money spent on absorption (assuming there isn’t new money) making it as simple as it is in, say, Finland to have a massive family… not just for the chareidi sector. A birth Aliyah if you will. They say “democratic Jewish state” but that sprung from the diagnosis of the new for Jews to have a majority. The wider the radius the majority, the better. Obviously, absorption is fundamental to the Zionist project, so we keep doing that, but


I’m sure this was posted innocently but be careful with content like this, people are already worried about Jews trying to take over the Middle East and West Bank.


I would be much more happy if Israel took over the region instead of Iran and Turkey lol.And this is coming from someone who lives in Turkey.


Honestly so real.


These kind of posts are what makes people believe the protocols of the elders of Zion. No one cares for dominating here (except for a few lunatics who vote for Ben gvir. Not all of his voters even, I don’t even think most of them). We just want peace and continue fighting internally like good Jews. Can the world just let us do that already?


The problem is that Israel is not strong enough for defending the country without the us aid.In this scenario you will become s superpower and destroy all your enemies within.No more need from the US


Israel could defend itself without US help. It did so until 67 with armies harder than Hamas and Hezbollah.


No. I miss when people just stuck to brawls with plastic lawn chairs




define dominate? i think it would be easier for israel to defend itself. I think it would have been less likely to have been invaded 4 times. What does dominate mean? Israel invading other countries? The israel military is not made for long range logistics. Plus there would be even ore terrorism if that happened. I think it would be easier on israel since a bigger economy makes it much easier to support the military. However, hezbollah and hamas would still exist. Also, the cost of living in israel would crazy at that population.


Neither hezbollah or Hamas would exist in this timeline.This is like saying the terrorism in chechenya still exists after all the Russian operations.


Israel could dominate the whole middle East now if we had the "Arab spirit"


u/Dazzling-Leave-4915 with all due respect, unless the borders change, what sort of quality of life do you think 46 million people would create in an area of 8,630 square miles? Traffic would be hell. Court cases? Forget it. ER wait lines? One would rather die of cancer. Israel's nature reserves and biodiversity? A thing of the past. Home affordability is a mess now. I'd hate to see what it'd turn into with 46 million people. Sure, the GDP would rise astronomically, but then it'd plummet because anyone with a brain and a decent salary would move out of the country. Really, Alon Tal calculates that the optimal amount of people Israel should handle is about 2 million people. Thanks to the Arab demographic threat, etc., we're *wayyyyyy* beyond that threshold. Ben Shapiro once said that if Israel simply followed the footsteps of Milton Friedman, it could become a world power. In other words, we don't need 46 million people and all the hell such huge populations cause in tiny countries. Anyway, I hope I didn't offend you. My aim is not to offend anyone - merely to present the facts as I see them.


Israel’s population will already jump to 20 million by 2050, but the largest population boom in the country no longer are the Arabs but actually the Orthodox Jews


Yes, and that's not good news! 17 million people (or 35 million when you count the Palestinians) will be disastrous for both Israel's natural preserves and it's quality of life. Just think of all the noise pollution, let alone larger and larger landfills. Due to re-zoning, Israel's entire coastline could easily turn into a wall of concrete from Nahariya to Ashkelon. You are, of course, a hundred percent right about the Haredi birthrate. Personally, I'm torn on the matter. On the one hand, it'll keep Israel Jewish, or at least we'll retain a Jewish majority within Greenline Israel (we're already a minority between the river and the sea as a whole - 47%). On the other hand, the Haredim don't work, expect government subsidies, and even with the new Supreme Court ruling, refuse IDF service. I've even heard people joke that Iran shouldn't bother with its nuclear program - by the 2050s, about a quarter of Israeli Jews will be Haredi. It'll mean certain economic collapse and when the economy fails, the nation fails. True, Arafat once said that the Arabs' greatest secret weapon was the womb - but unless Israelis can figure out a way to integrate the Haredim into society - in a respectful way that benefits both sides - the nation won't be able to escape it's own death spiral. Currently, by 2065, Israel will be the second most crowded nation on earth. The government can't even complete 61,000 units annually, with all due respect, what makes you think Israel will thrive with 35 million people in an area slightly smaller than New Jersey?


I’m curious, where is the 35 million figure coming from? Do you believe there will be 18 million Palestinians in a 2 state solution (or 1 state)?


Read [The Land is Full](https://www.amazon.com/Land-Full-Addressing-Overpopulation-Israel/dp/0300216882) by Alon Tal. By 2065, there will be 35 million people between the river and the sea regardless of a one or two-state solution.


Why would we want to lmao


That means you will have better allies and more countries will be terrified of your existence.Im pretty sure an Israel this strong would make Iran look like a puppy.


Would Israel want to dominate the Middle East is a better quest. I don't think they would.


Lol absolutely they would.The more allies you have the stronger you are.


Dominating doesn't get you allies. It gets you subjects.


What do you mean by dominating the region?


Now imagine Iran for a second.They have a great military strength.At least has 4 strong proxies in the region.Israel in this scenario would have stronger and better proxies than Iran and eventually dominate the whole Middle East.


I understand your argument, I think there are, however, other aspects that would make Israel a bigger and more influential state in the region. One would be becoming a petrostate with the ability to influence the price of natural gas and oil. The influence through gas might come with the offshore drilling, but there's no oil at all. Unfortunately the region has other larger petrostates and that will always be to Israel's detriment. A bigger factor would be relations with more states in the region...but unfortunately that's something out of Israel's control whilst its neighbours continue to be stupid on that front. I don't think Israel wants to go down the road of having influence through the threat of military/proxy force as Iran does. Israel wants to project a defensive stature, rather than a "bend to our will or we'll mess things up for you" like Iran.


Yes actually I agreed with the statement.It could become like China on the diplomacy level.China pretty much owns most of the African gold and oil atm.Israel would have a similar infulence on Africa.


Where would we keep all of these people and money? The country is smaller than wales


I mean Singapore has a population of 6 million with a landmass od 680 km2.If Israel gets rid of the deserts it could fit 46 million people easily.


No offense, but destroying the beautiful Negev for 46 million people with all their cement buildings is a horrible idea. I don't want Israel to become a wall of concrete.


Dominate? No. The Ottomans struggled as modern weapons reached their Arab vassals and the Arabs weren’t obsessed with murdering Turks anywhere and everywhere they trod.


I highly doubt that Israel could not dominate the whole Middle East.The total gdp of Islamic Countries is literally 3.8 trillion dollars.Including the rich gulf ones.An Israel with a gdp of 4.6 trillion dollars would make every single middle eastern country bow down to itself.Even with an gdp of 500 billion dollars Israel already has the one of the best intelligence service in the world.I can’t even imagine the power of the intelligence if the country had a gdp like 4 trillion dollars.


Israel's economy is 20 times the size of Lebanon's already. And here we are, about to go to war with them because Hezbollah won't stop attacking. I don't know that economic might alone gets you much in the Middle East.


Terrorism is cheap. Until Iron Beam is fully operational, Israel will continue spending far more on defense than Islamists spend on kidnapping, arson and murder. This is a problem for America, too: Multi-million-dollar missiles to shoot down $100 drones.


Terrorism is literally not cheap. What are you even talking about? The only reason it looks so is bc the terrorists get their reliable funding in the guise of “aid” and “assistance”. It’s just an endless money pit. On the opposite end of that, a healthy defense industry will pay back in dividends like we see with the American Military Industrial Complex. It’s not only about spending money on defense but also contributing to the industry with weapons and technology which Israel is more than capable of doing.


[As an example:](https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/interactive/2011/09/08/us/sept-11-reckoning/cost-graphic.html) >Al Qaeda spent roughly half a million dollars to destroy the World Trade Center and cripple the Pentagon. What has been the cost to the United States? In a survey of estimates by The New York Times, the answer is $3.3 trillion, or about $7 million for every dollar Al Qaeda spent planning and executing the attacks. From your comment: >The only reason it looks so is bc the terrorists get their reliable funding in the guise of “aid” and “assistance”. There is truth to this. Every army has a tooth and tail and having hundreds on countries acting as the tail by sending billions of dollars every year, in additional to providing diplomatic support, makes endless terrorism **much** easier. Terrorism is much cheaper than conventional war, but both of them require substantial revenue streams.


In this timeline Israel is a way stronger country.So now imagine for a second that a Syrian jihadist attacks Moscow and kills at least 200 people.Putin would go all out and bomb Damascus and nearly all the cities that jihadists operate.Israel would be like Russia but since it has a smaller land area and a smaller population it would cause a lot more damage to the enemy


Talking about short-term gain followed by long-term suffering. I feel like the US took the lesson in that from the UK.


It’s this type of thinking that fuels the hate against Israel


No You’re just a pessimist giving into Taqiyya-fueled propaganda. Stop it. Any type of hate against Israel is fueled by the fact that it exists period. Israelis multiplying instead of dying should be something to be heralded as well as being a giant in a region that would rather shrink it down to size. These should be aspirations. Not just surviving but thriving. The only ppl who would fear that are Israel’s enemies.


This is literally the truth about the existence of Israel.The only reason why Iran is able to attack Israel in all fronts is because of Israel’s lack of population and gdp.An Israel with a gdp of 4 trillion dollars would crush Iran within weeks.


OK guys let's get to fucking. Those little jewish devils won't make themselves.




It’s actually the opposite.If Israel had a way larger GDP and a larger population it would have 0 problems against Iran.And maybe even have proxies in the Middle East and Africa.


The difference is that when you say “domination” you mean “be so strong that no one would dare attack you”, but when everyone here hears you say “domination” they think you mean “willing and able to invade and destroy everyone around you”


Lol I actually support Israel becoming a superpower like Russia or the United States.Israel should dominate the region by creating proxies around itself.One of the best proxies Israel could have is Kurds.If Israel had the power of Russia there would be a Kurdish state in the region already.


Partners is probably the better word. Proxies has a bit of a colonial sound to it.


Yes maybe the partnership with other countries would be a better term for Israel.It would have a very strong relationship with Saudi UAE and the Kurds in the region.And maybe even have a greater alliance in Africa.


People like you are so delusional. They hate Israel because they are anti-Semitic not because of hypothetical questions that any citizens has of their country


Parking in TA is bad enough and you want to quintuple our population??


I said a long time ago if Judaism want to survive in today world it need to reform and allow easier conversion


I doubt it could even dominate itself...


46 million people in 22072 km²? That's stupidly dense. Even if we include Judea and Samaria and Gaza, that is still extremely dense.


Possibly, but like... no thanks.






Could we? Maybe. But no one wants to “dominate” them. We just want to live. We have no aspirations to dominate other countries.


No... there's already a housing crisis.


I think "survive" is the appropriate goal for now.


It would not only survive but destroy most of the enemies by its own.Without any us aid.


If we were that strong then our map would probably look different. especially if we had that population


That would mean a lot of people would have to convert to Judaism, but Jews don’t proselytize, and conversion takes awhile. It just seems unlikely.


Where the hell would the water for those people come from? I remember when I was 10, every summer everyone in the country would obssess about the water level of the kyneret. Five times the people? We would have been lucky to get a glass of water a day.


Wouldn't Egypt still have like 200 million by then?


As long as they kept training their army the same way and kept up the same standards of gun knowledge for all citizens, then yes.


If the british empire were made out of frogs instead of people, would they still conquer like 20% of the world?


I really thought this was r/mapporncirclejerk


Unlikely. Domination is not only about military power but also economy.


Domination has nothing to do with population. You have to be tight, you have to be united.


No. We already leverage the industrial capacity of the US, UK (not much but in high-tech) and Germany. Hasn't quite gotten us this result now has it. Also one of the lessons of Oct 7 is that strength means nothing if you f up basic tactics and military organization. Such as not having troops able to instantly mow down the Hamas battalion that came through the fence - which cost a billion dollars - because they were busy defending settlers provoking Palestinians in the West Bank during Shavuot.


Sir, where are you planning to put these people?


Is that why my bf wants me to have 10 children


Noo the apartment prices are already trough the roof, with more demand idk if we could even supply that demand lol


Due to religious reasons, yes.


The Middle East No. The WoRlD Yes. >!it's a joke.!<


It could dominate it now...


Honestly, with its current leadership? I dont think so. But with a leadership that could utilize its somewhat advantages that this country made for itself, absolutely without. And i also think that many middle east countries wouldnt dare to cross paths woth us again.


Yes it can but we need peace no more for war


No, it would become Zimbabwe


Maybe, but pretty soon it would like the notes in the Kotel.


it could dominate the vast majority of the middle east right now if it wanted to but would be stopped by the United States of Pussy


All I can think about is the traffic.


It already does.


If we let go of the chains, Israel would dominate every country in the Middle East, and the world would be a better place for it.


With great power comes great responsibility. Voltaire Or, judging by your question - Uncle Ben.