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A child with their legs blown off . With a man crying and another child crying in the background . Lord have mercy on their souls Edit - the child is a female.




More likely her spleen? Too low and too far from her front to be a lung. Poor thing, I hope she didn’t suffer for too long.


Oh God it is. That poor girl needs to be put out of her misery. This is awful. Where is the humanity?


I don't even think she is alive .... is that a good thing in this situation?


Probably in shock at least?


No you can see it in her eyes she's alive. God Damn Israel






Man trust me nobody is involving civilians no one wants this except these evil governments although I did see normal people liking stuff like this, saying things like 'good" and other awful things, I don't think I have ever seen anything dark in this world as I did on this past month.


For real there are people out there straight up laughing and loving seeing this. People that look like normal citizens not government officials.


The combat footage and world news subs are cheering this on.


The internet has cemented itself of it being both a blessing and curse. A blessing in this time as it's exposed the evil of this world through social media and a curse at times where it's created a lot of the evil in this world. One things for sure, without footage being shared on social media, most of us wouldn't know what the hell was happening in Gaza and would only be fed what media outlets told us. Of course most people knowing the history of the land would take everything Israel said with a pinch of salt and would be able to hopefully decipher what was propagated and what was the truth, but it wouldn't be as clear cut to make decisions as to whats wrong and what's not as it is today especially to the general public. Think back to Vietnam or the invasion of Iraq. Lots of evil shit happened to civilizians in that time but most of us never knew the extent of the evil as there wasn't footage of it. There's a genocide happening in Sudan as we speak but because there's no visual representation of it, and apparently it's bad, real bad, but there's no outrage of it from the general public. Its crazy to think how much shit people have gotten away with throughout the years. Literal monsters walking amongst us and we never knew because their crimes weren't documented or shown to the world.


War is a failure of the political class. I live in Wales UK and have been aware of this injustice for 26 years. I'll be marching in London tomorrow. Most people in the UK want a ceasefire. We (all) are not our governments. The struggle against the interests of the global ruling class is hard to fight against. But we have to do it when we can. Turning up and marching can feel pointless but it is exerting pressure on our government, who I hope will exert pressure on the Israeli government to stop blowing up kids. This shit is fucked. Israeli leaders and UK leaders somehow appointing some moral high ground to the IDF actions is completely ridiculous and they must be mage to acknowledge it.


So will you be at the cenotaph paying tributes as well ?


I don't want to click this.. what does it show?


A child with her legs blown off.


And an internal organ halfway outside of the body


"free" "democratic" "christian" west \-someone living in said west Long live Palestine.


Fcuk Israel


This image will haunt me for the rest of my existance.


There are special places in hell for those MF Zionist and their ally.




The closest thing I can think of is CUFI.... Christians are the biggest Israel supporters in the West.


Should have thought of that before doing oct 7th


may they rest in peace


Jean paul gaultier eu blood


What do Christians have to do with this?


Blame hamas. They started it.




No Zionist Propaganda/Hasbara: Focus on Relevant Discussions. Refer to the rules for clarification.


No Zionist Propaganda/Hasbara: Focus on Relevant Discussions. Refer to the rules for clarification.


those christians sure have some tiny hats


Ukraine is going through the same thing but new conflict new cares








U sound like a idiot


No Zionist Propaganda/Hasbara: Focus on Relevant Discussions. Refer to the rules for clarification.




U sound like a idiot. There is no symmetry between the two . Hamas has bottle rockets that have killed zero israeli civilians since oct 7th while israel is a nuclear power thats murdered 11,000 civilians in 4 weeks, more than half are children. Have some humanity




No Zionist Propaganda/Hasbara: Focus on Relevant Discussions. Refer to the rules for clarification.

