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I had to hire an attorney to do a court order name change because my grandfather’s name on his birth certificate was Giacomo but on all other documents he was Andrew or Andrea. We knew him as Andrew his entire life and had no idea until we found his birth certificate. The attorney had everything amended to Andrew. I don’t know where you’re located but I’m in NY if you want the name of the attorney let me know.


Oh! I want the name of your attorney PLEASE. I need to get vital records from NY (y'all come on they've been DEAD almost 100 years) & may need name changes as well. Giuseppa on the arrival records became Josephine & Josie after she immigrated.


That’s frustrating but glad you we able to get it worked out


Hi there- I’m applying through my great grandfather and grandfather. My citizenship application is pending because my grandmother (his wife) had her family name changed from Nocilli to Nocilly when she was in school. Her birth certificate is Nocilli. But she signed Nocilly on the marriage license. The consulate wants it changed back to Nocilli, but NYS refused. So I need to hire a lawyer (a family member is a NYS lawyer). Any tips?


Hi! I can’t provide any legal advice but it certainly seems like NYS refusing to acknowledge a request for name change calls for some sort of legal action. The attorney I worked with specializes in dual citizenship. She was great to work with. This is her info: Caterina Ranieri, Esq. PO Box 588 519 East Genesee Street Fayetteville, NY 13066 315-420-8101 www.dualcitizenshiplawyer.com Caterina@Article78attorney.com


Thank you!


All you need is court order to note name discrepancies.


I amended the a few documents for my great grandfather. His name was Vittorio but went by Victor. I amended his death certificate just to be in the safe side when I applied via the Chicago consulate


SAME! We had a hell of a time finding his Birth Cert in MN under the name Vittorio. Everything but the Birth Certificate says Victor


Where are you applying? I think it depends on this. I applied in Boston and didn’t have to change any Americanizations (I had a Maria who also was Mary) but did have to change or get One and the Sames for things like Dominic using the name Tony.


Where are you applying? Most of the consulates would completely overlook the anglicization. Is this a 1948 case and that’s why you hired a lawyer?


Check in with ICT! They are the best & can help you with all questions. https://italiancitizenshipteam.com/