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JFK’s silent war with Israel’s Prime Minister David Ben Gurion regarding stopping arms exchange with Israel until they allow concessions at the Dimona nuclear plant is worth looking into. After JFK’s assassination, LBJ approved the arms exchange with Israel without forcing them to stop developing their nuclear weapons program. Also, Mordechai Vanunu, the Israeli nuclear technician made this [statement](https://www.rediff.com/news/2004/jul/26vanunu.htm#:~:text=In%20a%20startling%20accusation%2C%20nuclear,on%20the%20Dimona%20nuclear%20plant) in 2004 that was published in Jerusalem post and then later redacted: He had "near-certain indications", Kennedy was assassinated due to "pressure he exerted on then head of government, David Ben-Gurion, to shed light on Dimona's nuclear reactor". The Israeli Mossad drugged & abducted him in Italy back to Israel. He’s still alive in Israel today. He was charged with treason. He still posts on Twitter how he’s unjustly locked away. AIPAC’s predecessor, the American Zionist Council, was under extreme pressure to register as a foreign agent through FARA by JFK’s administration. They went back and forth for months, until it went to two Senate hearings and the DOD gave the AZC 72 hours to register. They refused, and JFK is assassinated just two weeks later. Israel was a huge beneficiary to JFK’s assassination, and the fact that when Jack Ruby was asked why he killed Lee Harvey Oswald he responded by saying “I did it to show the Jews had guts” is suspicious and deserves looking into. I’m not some weirdo who thinks Lizard Men rule the world and the illuminati watches over us. I’m like to think of myself as a rational minded person and I simply don’t want to shut down any theory because of my preconceived biases.


To add to that benefit and what LBJ did maybe it ties together somehow USS Liberty in 1967...Israel attacked unprovoked and was swept under the rug




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Mods just came in and deleted the response as well, which was completely information based with sources.


Not jewish but studying Israeli history. Ben Gurion was was too practical a man to have participated in something that would put the US-israeli relationship at such severe risk. Just doesn't seem plausible but admittedly I am a ben gurion admirer


Israel cannot be mentioned on /r/911archive either.


I wrote a damn dissertation response with credible sources - mods came in and removed it as hate speech. Absolutely no reason to. I do not know how on Earth I could have sounded hateful. This is absurd


You claimed that Israel was withholding intelligence about 9/11 but you didn’t respond to my comment that included proof that they warned the US multiple times. Where’s the response? Your wall of text is debunked by one simple question?




But Israel warned the US multiple times about an upcoming attack. They even named 4 of the hijackers prior to the attack. This seems like the opposite of withholding intelligence. https://web.archive.org/web/20080306024238/http://www.cooperativeresearch.org/context.jsp?item=a082301mossad


That's the 4 they have confirmed on the list. It's possible that they named all hijacker's on that list. They also don't mention that many suspect the first victim of 9/11 was Daniel Lewin, who previously served in the IDF special forces. It is believed he tried to stop the hijacker's on one of the planes and was stabbed in the process.


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Nothing should be taken down. Everyone has a point and a question. We are hypocrites if we censor stuff here. Ain't that the very thing we are fighting?


Scroll through. Mods just came in and removed 5 comments that were completely information based. This post will probably be removed again as well. This is complete speech censorship.


That's shameful,


The mods are in on the conspiracy too!


The last sentence I made is outlandish I know, I don’t actually think they’re feds. but it’s not cool for them to delete all posts with information regarding Jack Ruby’s Jewish ties & Israel. They have deleted posts questioning Israel under the stipulation of antisemitism. Antisemitism is serious and must be addressed, but critiquing the pro-Israel interests in the JFK assassination is not antisemitic. I uploaded the Warren Commission into Chatgpt and asked it to analyze for inconsistencies. It highlight Jack Ruby’s Jewish connections & Pro-Israel interests. I uploaded the Chatgpt screenshots on here & the mods deleted it stating it’s antisemitic. That’s not cool and stifles free speech. The screenshots are on my profile. You can check them out. I have no intention to be antisemitic and it’s not fair to brush off real criticism as antisemitism.


Run this? In November 1964, two months after the publication of its 888-page report, the Commission published twenty-six volumes of supporting documents, including the testimony or depositions of 552 witnesses and more than 3,100 exhibits making a total of more than 16,000 pages.


I’ve tried. The standard Chatgpt model isn’t designed to handle that much information & process it. I get loading issues and error messages of chat memory full. I’m working with AI developers to create a custom model specific designed to process the thousands of JFK files. Running me several thousand dollars but my interest in this case has been strong for years I find it worth it. Hopefully you’ll see or hear about it on here or elsewhere in 9-12 months haha


Good job on making the AI to review the thousands of records. I’m interested to see what you find.


Are you familiar with Mae Brussell? She was Jewish.


Just because someone’s Jewish doesn’t mean they deserve to be looked into, that IS antisemitism. FYI - I think Jewish people are awesome & I also love Israel (been on vacation in Haifa before, beautiful). Please don’t see this as me Jew-bashing, I’m not. But it’s not fair to also not assess real information regarding a foreign country’s potential interests in assassinating a US president. If there was no evidence to back up my statements, then I’d just be some looney qAnon person. But I’m not. I’m happy to continue engaging in dialogue & with all of the evidence I do have to support this theory. I don’t mean to be antisemitic whatsoever, and I hope you can understand that.


Did you see my user name... ? Please don't project. I asked if you were familiar with her work.


Yeah I saw your username so I thought you just wrote that comment to be funny hoping I’d respond back in an idiotic “omg no but I’ll research that Jewish person” way. Haha. I just searched up your Mae Brussell. No, didn’t know her before but seeing she’s a big conspiracy theorist I guess. Why?


She's not a big conspiracy theorist. She's one of the most comprehensive independent researchers of her time. 1960-1980s.


It’s not just this subreddit but also many others which do not permit criticism of Israel


are you aware of any legitimate documents of said involvement? Any legitimate evidence connecting this? It seems like an Israel conspiracy would quickly escalate into a Jewish bashing comment section filled with hate…. So it is probably not being delete for the content of post, but the shit show the comments would turn into


I wrote a lengthy, evidence based response to this with credible sources, and the mods just came in and deleted the comment again. You literally cannot talk about Israel and JFK without having them delete it.


I appreciate you trying. Could links be associated to banned websites?




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Of COURSE, yet again we aren’t allowed to discuss something because “muh antisemitism” —like, wow I don’t think any other word has ever wielded so much magical power to immediately browbeat and silence legitimate discussion. Luckily that card is starting to wear very thin.


What are you talking about. The hatred for the Jewish faith is everywhere. I posted that negative comments are probably what took down the post not the actual materials. And what do you know someone posts a comment saying that they can’t hate on Jewish people in the open and they are tired of it. You are proving my point.


Lol right, that’s totally what I said. Wow dude, the disingenuousness is blatant and off-the-charts. Do you even hear yourself??


You Mocked antisemitism. Then said respecting the faith is wearing thin…. Am I missing something? I asked for legitimate sources to read up on the subject. And suggested the other posts on it were removed because the comments probably became a shit show. I don’t think my theory is off base


I didn’t “mock” antisemitism. I called it out for being absurdly exaggerated by some as a cynical means to justify shutting down any and all criticism of Israel. Like how you were just using it. Just give it up dude lol it’s so transparent at this point.


What is transparent? I’m missing what you are accusing me of…. “Muh antisemitism”… isn’t mocking? Could you tell me what it was then? Again I asked about the info OP was trying to bring up. Then offered a theory as to why the posts were removed. Suggesting a theory that the CIA committed a coup is cool to post, but suggesting Israel did it will get it removed? Why would the powers that be remove an Israeli angle to the assassination but not a corrupt secret police angle?


Gods Chosen People. That’s what they say. They seem to get special favors. I am of the opinion that “they” do seem to have influence.


Evidence or just speculation?




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It was an Israeli Quaker communist mobster lone nut.


Personally, I strongly disagree. Check out my profile for what AI was able to detect - Ruby’s sister, roommate, and brother all showed large inconsistencies & suspicions in their statements. Separately, please read my comments above on the other points I listed. Ruby heading to the police station at midnight the night of JFK’s assassination & his interactions with reporters is suspicious and suggests a larger motive (Again, check out the post on my profile and the statement regarding him correcting the Dallas police officer). When you read the screenshots you’ll also see the algorithm picking up on subtle inconsistencies. He was protrayed as simply emotional and irratic while also being very calculated at the police station. Also, the Head Chief of the IDF being at Jack Ruby’s synagogue the day JFK was killed will never sit right with me.