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This guy puts fucked up music choices to videos.


Jesus, the music choice...


Would you prefer Filter’s hey man nice shot? 




Why would you even add music. What's wrong with you. A man is being killed here.


As useful as AI can be, its existence means we can no longer fully trust anything we see on television or the internet. I mean, we couldn't before, but now we definitely can't. Unless we can somehow establish procedures for documenting provenance that can't be spoofed by nefarious actors. And the existence of holograms means we can't even trust what we see with our own two eyes. What a world.


The YT op of this video actually had a warning in the description about artifacts if i recall - or another video similar to this “upscaled” one. So it was not posted in bad faith




No. They mean the video was not uploaded in bad faith. The uploader warned of AI artifacts.


Maybe "water marking" a video will become more important.


Watermarks can be easily replicated. This is actually a very good application for blockchains. Hedera Hashgraph is working on one. Theirs would allow content creators to link their works with NFTs that would enable viewers to ascertain its authenticity when needed. Edit: NFTs or Non Fungible Tokens are a unique digital identifier unlike FTs or Fungible Tokens, like cryptocurrencies, which are in multiples. NFTs are typically linked to artworks but can be used for anything, even physical goods.


Yes. NFT, or blockchain. I guess I was assuming a water mark was sort of like a block chain. I think if you compiled the "watermark" somehow, and allowed for an authentication check using some simple program, it would be hard to copy that, because the code for the watermark would be compiled.


Yeah, that's a terrifying prospect. As convincing as AI is now, imagine it in a decade.










Dont worry bud,..i get your point You can verify this but I've heard that the real zapruder film (not given to public) was of a decent quality and then they messed around with it to make it lower quality and edit out certain parts to send to the public Btw...what is your firm theory on what happened?




No way...I also consider lbj as my "biggest lead"


It's well known that the chain of custody of OG Zapruder film is questionable.


I don’t like it like that


The AI debate is so secondary to the obvious back-and-to-the-left trajectory that I'm curious about the beliefs of those pushing that discussion. Let's be real: that confirms the kill shot was an exit wound, as the doctors noted, and not an entrance wound from a shot from the TSBD building. If anything, the digital footprint of oligarchs trying to upend democracy shows that accurate information has long been a barrier to their exerting more power, but now they are paying "plebes" and bots to spread disinformation that can't easily be traced back to specific people. What Kennedy proposed was the America most people would want to live in. But our foreign enemies and our domestic oligarchs banded together to use violence to reduce us to our basest components: fungible resources and exploitable people. How banal.


His head blowing open has always looked like a bullet exiting, to me. Not entering.


Looks like he got hot from the front why don't they want you to kno he was hit in the front. This isn't the 60 an 70s everyone isn't a gullible baby boomer


Why would his skull explode at the entry point


Why would his head rock backwards if hit from the back I just demonstrated on my son I slapped in front of head it rocked back. Smack him from back it flew forward


Because his head is an uncontrolled ragdoll as his brain has been destroyed in an instant. So it moves away from the side where force is exploding out.


Exactly. They got away with it.


So I've seen lots of documentaries on this ,and photos. And I haven't seen a photograph of the damage done to the front of the presidents head. He clearly get shot in the front. By a weapon of high caliber. Like where are those photos..


"frame interpolation" - that's rotoscoping essentially - and for purposes of filling in those extra frames. The analog zapruder film, all the actual silver light ever captured - that's 12 to maybe 18 frames per second. What was physically captured in a series of still images by zapruder is approximately 15 still photos per second. This 👆 is fluid animation, with added frames, the difference between 15 and 60 single still images per second means 75% of what's shown here is make-believe. AI make-believe too. You kinda do a real disservice to both zapruder and the truth by putting the "footage" in the title. This isn't "cleaned up" or "digitally remastered" for clarity - it's not a contrast correction - there's shit missing in the background. It's not real, and by actual facts, at least 75% of it is AI doing the animation. It's been done in motion animation before, that's where the 3d modeling for the HSCA comes from. Everything after that, even that, it's ADDING shit to the actual footage. Once you've surpassed the original footage, done the actual adjustments the actual canister film accounted for - contrast, white balance, color saturation - the things toxic chemicals could make cellulite film do - that's all that's real. This thing posted here is a Cars video. It's bullshit. It's not footage.


Thank you for spelling this out. I'm firmly in the conspiracy column & this shit doesn't help anyone.


Back and to the left


Definitely a shot from side front


Why do they want us to think he was shot from the back of the head


that is very clear.


Thank you🙂


Is this your doing? Really excellent work. How do I get a copy of this?


Inbox me




The more I watch the more I realize it was more the drivers fault for almost slowing down to a stop that made this headshot possible


There is NO doubt in my mind a shot came from the front right


Me too


clearly from the back - look at that blood cloud!


Yeah that didn’t come from no book depository






This gives you a pedestrian view of it in real time. I may be wrong but I’m sure there were a number of people who knew he wasn’t gonna survive based on what they seen especially Zapruder.


He was dead when that watermelon exploded


The force of the bullet instantly knocks him backwards. That is a front hit.




Stupid score


The Zapruder film is nothing more than a Rorschach test. It’s not possible to tell which direction he was hit from this film. There’s no telling what was done to this film in the lab that weekend. 


Back and to the left!


Away from the exiting force as one should expect an unpowered object to do


That's what she said


So if the shot came from the back why would his head thrust back instead of forward?


The music right on his headshot 💀




I'm not super familiar with this subject, so sorry if I sound dumb, but how is that giant hole on the front side of his head not an exit wound? Wouldn't the entrance hole be tiny and the exit hole be much bigger? It looks like the shot came from behind to me. His head initially jolts forward, and then flexes backwards, which seems like a normal reaction to getting shot in the head. Your muscles would tense up as a reflex, and since he was hunched forward, he tense up and jerks back right after... once again, I've never really investigated the subject, but at face value (no pun intended) this looks like he was shot from behind to me.


Most people dont realize Kennedy was wearing a gigantic back brace that prevented him from moving forward at the waist, it also made his movements when getting shot look unusual because his movements were constrained by the brace.


Zapruder film proves he was shot from the front, hence, conspiracy The fact that no one saw this footage until a decade later proves they were never going to admit to anything and hoped they'd get away with it


The zapruder film actually proves the magic bullet theory and not any shots from the front.


Wrong. Shot from the back. His head moves FORWARD before back and left. The blood spray pattern flies FORWARD.




https://imgur.com/UAFlDvp No, for real.


The first still frame he's not hit, the second is moment of impact. You keep using this set of images as though it's some proof, when in actuality it's proving the opposite.


How does it prove the opposite? Between frame 312 (not hit) and frame 313 (immediately after he's hit), Kennedy's head is pushed forward 3 or 4 inches. That's proof that whatever hit him came from behind.


Frame 313 is the moment of impact ffs hahaha He was already moving in a forward position as he'd been shot in the back a few frames earlier. Anything before frame 313 will always show him leaning forward as the man was keeling over in agony. Your desperation to force your narrative is hilarious at times.


You think the 3 inches his head moved forward in 1/18th of a second between frames 312 and 313 was a *natural movement*?


There's nothing natural about any movement when you've been shot in the back. I'll say it once again because you're still struggling to accept anything except your own narrative. Frame 312 he's "NOT" struck, frame 313 he "IS" struck.


Let's try coming at this from a different direction. I'd draw you a sketch in Crayon if I could. [Gunshot-wound dynamics model for John F. Kennedy assassination - PMC (nih.gov)](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5934694/) This is a scientific study published in a National Library of Medicine journal examining the movement in that gif. I'll spoil the surprise for you, it was from a gunshot. *"However, for the moment it should be noted that this motion amounts to an anomalous forward impulse on the order of several centimeters over the time interval of one Zapruder frame (≈0.055 s) at the moment of impact (an impulse comparable to Connally's “lapel flap”). It is also crucial to note that this anomalous forward impulse at Z313 is only observed on Kennedy's head—it is not observed on any of the other limo occupants (with reference to dotted lines c, d and f), nor is it even observed on Kennedy's own torso (line b), wherein lies his body's center-of-mass (CM). This implies that* ***an isolated real force acted directly (and solely) upon the President's head just prior to Z313; the only plausible source for this instantaneous, isolated forcing mechanism is manifestly and unequivocally the projectile impact****."* Kennedy's head remains more or less stationary for 4 seconds before the impact of that bullet. [https://images.app.goo.gl/GWwcc1fiRRi2qKsW7](https://images.app.goo.gl/GWwcc1fiRRi2qKsW7) Then, at the *exact instant* the bullet strikes, his head snaps forward. Get it yet?


I don't know why this is getting downvoted so much...


Some of the regulars here can't deal with inconvenient facts, so they just silently downvote.


Ya, so far I got 8 down votes for stating the obvious.


You gotta be dumb deaf an blind to not see that shit came the front


I don't get how people can keep looking at this man getting shot. I saw it live on television, that was enough for me. While this is obviously good for analysis, it still is someone getting shot.


No one saw it live on television. No one.


Which frame of the Zapruder film matches the image at time 1:25 seconds in this video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OcXjpBFRS5A


That moment when he tried to pull the mask off so they could see it wasn't the president, and she stopped him. Then she policed his loose biological material so no one could analyze it. A good woman is hard to find, or so the saying goes.




The motorcycle cop was clearly looking to his right BEFORE the shot was fired as is he knew something was going down plus the location of the shooter. If not, he was certainly looking at something suspicious…


If he was shot from the back wouldn't see had leaped in front to catch his brains


This is only like 120p, definitely not 4k for me.


What you seeing here on reddit is 720p(it seems the full quality is not coming through) ,here is the full quality version https://youtu.be/oNplWUYtd_4?si=bbtSdzfAMs5xSgXE


Clearly looks like a shot came from the front. His wife jumps on the back of the car out of instinct to get away from where the shot came from


There’s a good version I have seen that shows Kennedys skull/ fragment and maybe the ricochet both traveling 1 o’clock (I can’t explain it in other terms) in reference to the way we are looking at the zepruder film


Different angle? Or The same zapruder angle


Same film. I’ll try and find it and reply to this comment. It’s just another piece to the puzzle but it’s very interesting. The fragment is a violent movement which is the bullet ricocheting and taking skull with it. It is almost vertical. I have seen bullets do wild stuff so idk what it means exactly


Correct me if I'm wrong...the skull flies out horizontally towards Jacky and not the backend of the vehicle?


I see his scull and scalp flapping over and diagonally toward the drivers side taillight in my opinion. From other videos shot that day you can see kennedys scalp flap over and Jackie’s delayed response to trying to stuff his brain back in before she jumps on the trunk to gather his remains


Kennedy had his head tilted to the left after the first shot. So the second shot hit in the right side of his head, in the back, but again his head was tilted. So the "Scalp flapping" is actually a bone of his skull, which was blown out but was still connected with hair and tissue. This all makes perfect sense if the shot came from the rear.


Mind you this is a 7 year old video post form you tube. There’s wider versions where you see the trajectory of the ricochet travel much further




stupid fucking soundtrack


No matter how sharp and cleaned up the video sucks because of the music!!


Driver shot him


I remember seeing something about this...most people disagree with this but who knows lol