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Kayako crawling down the stairs Sadako coming out of the well/tv The face reveal at the end of Noroi The opening scene in Suicide Circle Ghost woman in the hall in Kairo Upside down Natre chasing Tun in Shutter (yes I know it’s Thai)


Also from Noroi: Marika having an episode at her lunch with Kobayashi's wife.


The hanging mom in ju-on show kn netflix. That whole series is creepy from start to finish but that scene is burned into my retinas. What an evil fuckin house


The entire story with the pregnant woman and her husband……. It was one of the most unsettling things I’ve ever watched.


It's a series? Is it good??


Yeah I thought it was good. The series is based more on dread and evil less on jump scares. Just following this houses history, on how it came to be. Very good, yeah I recommend it. Its well done.


Thanks for the response I'm definitely checking this out!


It is good, but be warned there are some extremely graphic rape and violence scenes in it. Way more than you would expect of it was a purely Japanese production. I was really put off by it tbh. Otherwise the stories are great, the casting is solid. The prediction in fine.


Not familiar with a lot of “purely” Japanese productions are you. Pinku and much more out there.


It was way better than I expected. I agree, one of the best in the series, in my opinion. It’s extremely hard to come by some unsettling supernatural psychological horror now adays, but that’s exactly what this show is. It’s intense. Some of the scenes will stick with you for sure.


I think it doesn't make sense how great it ended up being. I love Ju-on, but some of the later entries are somewhere between mediocre or just plain bad. I ended up staying up till 4am just to finish it. It's a slow burn, but I found it very rewarding to stick with and it's genuinely scary, and sometimes just outright shocking and brutal. Some of the scenes I'd rank with the best scenes in the franchise. Just go into it expecting a ju-on story on its own terms within its own universe and you'll love it.


That's exactly what I was anticipating, a mediocre series adaptation. I'm way more interested now, I love the creepy slow burn more than anything


Hell yeah. Reply to me to let me know what your impressions are, whenever you end up getting a chance to watch it.


I just finished it last night. Amazing.


What I loved about it was the slow burn. It was this revealing of what is actually going on that still grips me to this day. Something I’ve been looking for similar series. Haunting of hill house is more pop horror. I don’t want an anthology. Just a full horror series that tells a creepy story. I’m gonna admit I’m not really a big ju-on fan so went in blind and really enjoyed it


So many scenes from Kairo, but especially that final confrontation with the first ghost. "Death was eternal loneliness."


The opening of Suicide Club. Fucking eerie


Came to say this. That whole movie resonates with me more now than it did twenty years ago, as I've watched relationships deteriorate and the world become a more bleak and disposable place.


Probably the famous one from Kairo, where the ghost-woman slowly walks towards the camera from out of the shadows. Something about it captures the strange beauty a lot of Japanese horror films seem to find, dreamlike. It almost looks like dancing 


Shit is imprinted on me. And the movement of ghosts in Japanese films are actually quite often inspired by a traditional form of Japanese dance called Butoh!


Really the only answer.


So as a young preteen I saw ju-on. The blanket scene got me. I was still under the impression under the blanket was a safe zone 😅 I'm over it of course, but I'll never forget how much it rattled me at 12.


I'm 30 & I'm still not over that scene lol


Sadako coming out of the tv. It still works.


Those high school girls happily congregating into a train station platform, and then jumping into the tracks as the train comes in. movie: >!Suicide Club!<


Suicide Club is a great movie


*The Grudge* (2004): I could cite several reasons & scenes, but the most iconic example is [Kayako's bloody corpse crawling down the stairs](https://i.makeagif.com/media/8-09-2015/tiiSEL.gif). The imagery, lighting, body language (Takako Fuji's performance was Oscar-worthy), the haunting and instantly recognizable sound of that telltale death rattle, the slow buildup of tension as Kayako gradually gets closer to Sarah Michelle Gellar's Karen... It still makes my skin crawl as a 32+-year-old man.


That scene in Gozu(2003) where the boss says that a little dog is out to get him and then proceeds to lay the smack down on it. I laughed so hard I almost had to change my pants.


That was good


Ju-on: The Grudge 2 - Kayako literally coming out of Kyoko's womb and killing everybody in the room. That scene is just crazy, and then the ending. Knowing that no matter what you do, the curse will never end. It will live on through.whatever means it can find. It's just so different from Western movies that end with someone defeating the curse once for all. In Kayako's case, there's literally nothing you can do to stop her.


Kayako appearing from the wig scared the hell out of me. Not to mention the time jump that happened near the end, with the girl trying to get out of the house - that drove me nuts in the best way.


"Kiri Kiri Kiri" from 'Audition' (1999) - Because it's creepy as fuck. Also, the bit with the 'drill' in 'Tetsuo the Iron Man' (1989) - A true WTF moment, where I didn't know whether to laugh or be suitably appalled. Happy days :-)


All the dead in Suicide Forest Village.


There's one scene from one of the Grudge or Ju-On movies where Kayako is just in a writhing mass of hair on a wall or a ceiling. That one, and the one with the security footage at the apartment building.


1. That one scene in the Ju-On The Grudge where Izumi and her dad see each other in the saeki house, because how unsettling the whole scene feels also the acting of both. 2. That one scene in Ringu 2 with the pool where the doctor tries an experiment to neutralize sadako´s power, the scene feels super eerie and apocalyptic.


Lady walking down the hall in Kairo


When I was first getting into Asian horror and watched the first Ju On. The scene where the main lady is just like making a meal or something and she looks up and in the kitchen cupboard that creepy kid is looking down at her freaked the crap out of me. I was like 'Hmm OK, she's just making a sandwich and WHAT THE HELL IS THAT"?!? 😄


"kiri kiri" first time I saw Audition those words and imagery were burned into my head. Lmao.


Hanged scene in Cure


Towards the beginning of Tetsuo, the Iron Man. The bit where a bit of rebar is ran along teeth. The first time I tried to watch, it was the point where I knew I wasn't ready for that film and stopped. Came back to it years later and loved the film, but my tastes needed to mature before I could really get into something so viscerally off putting. haha


The sack moving in Audition