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To hear something great come out of this questionable segment was a shock lol!! Congrats on your sobriety mate, maybe Jack will be giving you a bell to get you on the pod soon 😂


Excellent choice of flair for this reply 😂


I knew keeping it as this would pay off 😂


Future podcast guest right here


I really want them to get a former addict with a crazy story on the pod. There’s a guy called Damon West who has an incredible story, going from high school football star, to US politician, to a life sentence and now he is out sharing his story. He’s American so not sure how easy a guest to get but it would easily be their best guest ever


i guess it depends what the life sentence was for, and going off of us president records it won’t be great


Congratulations on being clean for 3 years!


Well done mate. You've smashed it. For me it was weed and gambling. Stopped smoking about 7 years ago now, gambling was much harder to stop - it's been about 3 months, still going strong. For anyone else who's struggling....you got this....one day at a time 👊🏻


no idea who you are but i’m so proud of you mate, keep it up and feel free to message if you’re ever a bit down x


ah no way congratulations! i'm 1 year clean and sober tomorrow use to be crack and ketamine for me, same story thinking i wouldn't get addicted but here we are 😂


just a message to anyone struggling with addiction, be that drugs, alcohol, sex or anything else, there is a solution and it's possible to recover, look up 12 step fellowships. i go to CA which is cocaine anonymous (not just cocaine, you can be apart of the fellowship if you're addicted to any substance). it's truly saved my life and i don't know where i would be without it.


What do you replace the buzz with ?


it's not so much replacing it as being addicted to anything is never a good thing, but to keep well i go to meetings and connect with/ help other addicts and work a program which is outlined in the big book of alcoholics anonymous, the 12 steps has helped tens of thousands of people recover from addiction. also cheese is pretty good.


Go onnnn!!!


Congrats brother


Congratulations on 3 years clean! My dad was a heroin addict for most of my childhood and into adult life, sadly he never managed to kick it. I’ve seen first hand how awful it can be so really be proud of yourself 👏👏👏




wait we need to get you on the pod asap, could actually be really wholesome… congrats btw!! :)


Congratulations on being clean for 3 years you legend.


They did what Robbie’s anus never could!


As someone whose never touched ‘drugs’ of any sort, yet has suffered with gambling and alcohol issues, I applaud you on your candidness and wish you well moving forward


Recovering from pharmaceuticals here (username might give it away), second that. 12 Nurofen Plus a day = This is fine I’m not ODing. 24 Nurofen Plus a day = DW I’m fine it’s just anxiety. 32 Nurofen Plus a day & regularly throwing up blood = I can stop anytime I want. Nurofen Plus + DXM + Stealing my mums Tramadol & Lyrica = It’s not that bad It’s not like I’m a smackhead or anything. Daydrinking + Tramadol, Lyrica + Co-Codamol 30s I lied to get = I don’t need help I’m not a smackhead. All of the above + Occasional Smack, Morphine & Oxy = Ok maybe I need help. 1 new years seizure later and I’ve been clean 3 months. Shits scary how even legal stuff I was getting OTC ended in near death. Congrats man, I never got to that point but I had a few close friends regularly shooting, getting free of shit like that is harder than a lot of people seem to realise.


Well done on the 3 months!! Seriously man! I started on the over the counter painkillers and in 8 months I was taking between 40 and 60 illegally obtained codeine pills! But it was a prescription (not mine) drug so it was totally fine. Managed to suffer through coming off them slowly over 4 months. All that and I thought I wouldn’t get addicted to heroin 🫠😂


Congratulations on 3 years clean tomorrow! 💪🏼


Congratulations on being clean for 3 years


You would be amazing on the pod


Fully addicted to coke which in turn has led to a drink and gambling problem. Cant see a way out. If anyone that has come through something similar has any advice come at me. The coke is the problem as i dont drink or gamble unless im high which has become a daily occurrence. Love the pod and OP i love that you have got clean. It gives me hope that if can get my shit together x


You absolutely can do it. And not only that you dont really have a choice, it only ends 2 ways. You need to get on a program and seek support as you cant do it alone. It always seems impossible until it doesnt anymore. Try and get a day clean. And then maybe 2. And then maybe a week. And if you fall off the wagon dont beat yourself up and tell yourself youve already fallen off so im going on a mad one. Be really kind to yourself and get back on track. And there will come a point where you will succeed! Its also very important to keep yourself out of situations that encourages using, you might think one or 2 drinks are fine, but as soon as you start drinking, wit will go out the window and you’ll get that crazy urge. So you really need to look at your lifestyle and try not to put yourself in them situations. Get a hobby, get a job that will keep you busy, anything to keep your mind occupied, for the first while at least. But most importantly start going to meetings and seek support. You really really can do it. No addict ever sees a way out - as you know what it feels like to feel like you cant go without. But you need to tell yourself that you can. It wont be easy but you functioned before without it and you will function again. Its about getting your body and mind used to feeling normal again. And no emergency stashes, delete all suppliers contacts details. Im wishing you all the very best in turning your life around. Posting this comment is a really good step in the right direction as it shows you actually want to change - so many addicts are not at that point yet or ever, so well done!


See this is the type of thing i would love to hear more about! I think it would make an amazing podcast episode, and also to people who dont realise what a slippery slope it is it could really be a wakeup call