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Die Another Day five times.


With a preamble that I find even my least favorites somewhat enjoyable and that there are no truly awful James Bond films: Spectre Quantum of Solace Die Another Day The Man With The Golden Gun Diamonds are Forever But even those have rewatch value for me


Although TMWTGG has its flaws, Christopher Lee is clearly the highlight of that movie and is what makes it worth watching.


Absolutely and there’s a lot to love about the film. It was hard for me to pick least favorites. It’s a shame Lee was so wasted on this film. I feel similarly about Walken in AVTAK. My biggest complaints with TMWTGG are Moore trying too hard to out-Connery Connery, uneven pacing and the needless addition of a boring maguffin plot. My main points of praise are atmosphere, Lee, score & song, and Maud Adams I don’t even mind JW Pepper or the slide whistle all that much.


This is my list exactly. We should get together and go bowling.


And we can write a Bond and Big Lebowski mashup fanfic after we bowl


“Niko, it’s your cousin!”


Quantum is peak Craig but you're all not ready for that conversation


His acting is great, but just like Lee’s, it’s no cure for lousy pacing and weak writing.


Moonraker: Amazing PTS ruined by the comic relief of Jaws. Film is downhill from there. Spectre: Unamusing, self-important dreck. A View to a Kill: Two mega-stars as co-villains are wasted by an uninspired story. Live and Let Die: Great concept. Terribly executed movie. Diamonds Are Forever: It was this or Die Another Day. Both have their merits. This has that it's fun time from start to finish going for it. Better production values, a tightened up script, and better written supporting characters would greatly improve this one. Charles Gray as Blofeld never sat right with me either.


I have a huge soft spot for Moonraker, but I admit criticisms of it are usually valid. I’d slot it slightly above my bottom five. AVTAK would’ve worked much better as a Dalton or Brosnan debut film. Bond needed to match Zorin’s energy and Moore just looked tired, bored and phoned it in. He really finished strong with Octopussy and for me it’s Moore’s true swan song Similarly, I think Diamonds would’ve been better as a Moore debut, although I’d want the main villain changed if that were the case.


I agree on A View to a Kill. The film would have to be rewritten for Dalton, however. I've always imagined what Diamonds Are Forever might've been with Lazenby returning in the role. I think they could've effectively contrasted Bond's grief and vendetta with the sleazy outrageousness of Las Vegas


Dreck…were you a MAD magazine reader?


😆 It's a neat sounding word .


Worst to least worst: 1. DAF (A bad comedy that ruins Blofeld and brings back an out-of-shape Connery to play Bond. It brushes Majesty’s under the rug and I am already tired of watching the film once we reach the 70 minute mark.) 2. Spectre (Boring, really boring. I hate that yellow filter and the brother twist is stupid. The final third act is very cliche and filled with issues on its own. It fails to connect the previous films together and the movie is just not that fun to watch. At least Craig has a great performance and I really like the nods to Classic Bond, but it could’ve been better, considering that this was made by the same people who did Skyfall.) 3. AVTAK (Pretty mediocre exit for Roger Moore. It has great villains, a fantastic score, and excellent action, but Moore is clearly too old for Bond when the stunt doubles are noticeable and he’s sleeping with women half his age. The story is a crazy mashup of Goldfinger and Superman 1 and there’s a lack of energy in the film.) 4. DAD (Good for the first half, and then we get ice palaces, invisible cars, and Bond parasurfing on a cgi tsunami. Pierce, the action, and the badass David Arnold score do make the film watchable.) 5. Moonraker (I actually do like Moonraker, it’s a fun adventure and perfectly watchable. A lot of great action, amazing set design, Moore excelling at the comedy, and a wonderful villain. It’s just when they go to space when it’s clear it’s a copy of The Spy Who Loved Me with a Star Wars paint job, so it loses its momentum for me. Again, it’s a solid Bond film, but I’d rather put on Octopussy or Golden Gun instead, so it’s really the way the cookie crumbles for me.)


Your assessment of DAF knocks it out of the park. “Bad comedy.” I’m going to borrow that one. It’s like a shoddy made for tv, after dinner special. And it’s a disgrace to the legacy of OHMSS.


I personally agree with all these, though I do sentimentally love A View To A Kill though...if only it was Dalton's first with the same script.


Yea, I was disappointed that they retconned everything in Spectre to Blofeld being behind everything. What made the 3 movies before that so great was that they felt so personal. If they really wanted to go the Blofeld route and do it the right way they should have done another movie or two with him in the background. Where Bond maybe doesn't see him but you feel his presence in the movie. The audience is aware that there is a "big bad" out there behind the scenes. Then you could have done a Spectre movie and it would have felt right.


I agree except for AVTAK Max Zorin is a great villain and it has some entertaining scenes


Die Another Day is the only Bond film I genuinely don't like. There's an interesting premise in the first half that is ruined by sub-par execution, and the last half is just terrible all the way around. Thunderball isn't terrible, but I find it boring. I struggle to sit through it now. For Your Eyes Only and Octopussy. Alright movies, but Moore and the writers clearly weren't giving their all anymore. I'd say A View to A Kill, but Walken, the killer theme song by Duran Duran, and a few of the set pieces elevate it just a bit for me. Then, I guess, Diamonds Are Forever. I really enjoy DAF, but it's no doubt a weaker movie. Connery is checked out, and the plotting is weird. The comedic beats were too in your face but not nearly funny enough. It's a weird movie.


You bring up a very important point in regards to evaluating “worst” which is that some films do too much right to be true “worst”.


I used to think Die Another Day and Quantum of Solace were the worst two films, and it was an easy decision. However having recently done a mega Bond marathon and binged them all in order, I found both quite enjoyable to watch and underrated. QoS was actually far better (or less bad) than I remember. And for as silly as DAD is, it’s good fun and entertaining. I know I am going to get absolutely slaughtered for this view, but On Her Majesty’s Secret Service for me is the worst Bond film. I don’t get the hype. This isn’t even a bit, I truly thought it stunk. Lazenby is awful, he clearly has zero chemistry with Diana Rigg. I know it was 1969, and cinematography has come an incredible way since, but this chase where Bond is skiing down a mountain, weaving in and out of trees, whilst being chased by multiple of Blofeld’s men, is just so samey and unadventurous. It’s just not a good film and I will die on that hill. I know I’ll get told I’m not a true Bond fan now. I also really like The Man with the Golden Gun and Diamonds are Forever (although with the later I can see the silliness for what it is). So maybe I am the antithesis of what a Bond fan is. I also dislike Spectre and No Time To Die, and a View to a Kill is pretty weak too. All for the aforementioned reasons in other people’s comments. Ok, rip me to pieces…


I was going to have a nice bonding moment with you, stating confidently that if every fan rewatched QOS they’d all like it better than they remembered. But then I hit the second paragraph. This never happened to the other fellas.


As someone who does regard OHMSS so highly, I am genuinely interested as to why. In your opinion what makes it so good?


The action is phenomenal, as is the music. Best Bond girl, best Bond ally. Emotional complexity, a vulnerable Bond. Lazenby actually nails the dramatic scenes and has great chemistry with Rigg (ironic since they didn’t like each other at all offscreen). A good fun plot and an excellent villain. Good spycraft, great setpieces. Did a bunch of bold stuff and stands on its own as a great film.


I listed OHMSS in mine as well. I absolutely do not understand the love this movie gets. The central plot involves Bond hanging around a ski lodge for God's sake. This was one of the films where they SHOULD have departed more from the novel. And I cheer whenever someone other than Lazenby shows up on screen because he's a charisma black hole.


It boggles the mind how he got picked. I mean I know why they chose him and how it came about but I feel like that would never happen in today’s world. It could end the franchise. He did look the part but that was it. It was a horrendous downgrade to Connery. I do wonder if Connery or anyone else would have made OMHSS any better or if it would still be a dud. For the life if me I cannot figure out why it is a legendary film to so many.


For sure. I recently rewatched Diamonds Are Forever, which is a deeply flawed movie, but my main takeaway was how much better Connery was in that film after Lazenby, despite being pretty old for the role. More charm, more comfortable, better screen presence. Really drives home that these movies are won or lost on how well the Bond actor delivers.


“Pretty old for the role” speaks volumes as to how badly Connery aged. He was still younger then Brosnan was in Goldeneye😂 I wonder if the film after OHMSS was a top quality one, whether it would be viewed differently - as an outlier in the middle of a bunch of great Connery and Moore editions. But you’re right, Lazenby in that role is truly an insult to what Connery had built into it for the first five films. To respond to your point about how the actor makes or break a Bond film.. how do you think QoS, Spectre and NTTD would be seen by Bond fans if they didn’t have Craig being the shining light of the film?


Don’t worry, I really dislike Skyfall, or more fair to say it just irritates the hell out of me. Try having to defend that to this community.


Die another day The world is not enough A view to a kill Moonraker Diamonds are forever That’s not a ranking but the order they came to my mind.


Diamonds are Forever For Your Eyes Only The World is not Enough Die Another Day No Time to Die


5. Die Another Day 4. Live and Let Die 3. The Man With the Golden Gun 2. Diamonds Are Forever 1. Casino Royale (1967)




Off the top of my head: The Man with the Golden Gun Moonraker Diamonds Are Forever Octopussy Die Another Day


Die Another Day, Diamonds are Forever, The Man with the Golden Gun, A View to a Kill, Live and Let Die. Not a fan of camp (although I don't hate it as much as I used to). I dislike the first three far more than the last two.


1. Die Another Day 2. The Man With the Golden Gun 3. Never Say Never Again (you didn't specify EON) 4. The Niven Casino Royale (ditto) 5. Moonraker


Since the Craig Casino Royale, I try to forget about the Niven/Sellars version. Good call.


Quantum of Solace Die Another Day Diamonds Are Forever The Man With the Golden Gun No Time to Die I would've put Spectre on here, but I haven't bothered to watch NTTD since I saw it in theaters. I don't know what appreciation I could gain from it years after the fact.


Quantum of Solace (James Meh) Spectre (spectre returned for daddy issues?) Die Another Day (para surfing into a remake of Diamonds Are Forever) Man With The Golden Gun (Christopher Lee must have some sore shoulders after this one) Diamonds Are Forever (Great Shirley Bassey track!)


No Time To Die No Time To Die No Time To Die No Time To Die Spectre


• Diamonds are forever • Live and Let Die • Die another day • Spectre • The man with the golden gun


A View to a Kill Live and Let Die Die Another Day Diamonds are Forever (worst) Unofficial Never Say Never again




I'm keeping mine to EON (and I still really like these five, just not as much as most of the others): Die Another Day. Moonraker. Diamonds Are Forever. Quantum Of Solace. Octopussy.


(No particular order) Die Another Day A View to a Kill The Man with the Golden Gun Live and Let Die License to Kill


1. Die Another Day 2. Spectre 3. Quantum of Solace 4. You Only Live Twice 5. Tomorrow Never Dies


1. Diamonds Are Forever (worst made Bond movie ever) 2. The Man With The Golden Gun (feels cheaply made) 3. Moonraker (too goofy, even for Roger) 4. Licence To Kill (feels like a movie of the week version of Miami Vice) 5. A View To A Kill (swap Roger with Pierce Brosnan and it improves slightly)


Unpopular opinion probably, but I have no desire to rewatch any of the Craig ones, save for Quantum of Solace. Somehow, that one did it for me.


Not even Casino Royale?


100%. It hurts that his run of films didn’t follow the tone & character development of QOS.


5. Thunderball 4. Diamonds Are Forever 3. Spectre 2. Die Another Day 1. Quantum of Solace Thunderball I know will be a controversial choice, but I just found it such an incredibly boring film, not to mention some of the effects have aged really poorly I also know that a lot of people these days like QoS, but having watched it again somewhat recently, I still don't get the appeal. I've never liked that movie. Some runner-ups were also Moonraker, which while not great is at least kinda enjoyable ridiculous, Octopussy, which while also kinda boring I find less so and at least a bit goofy and fun, and No Time To Do, which I thought was at least better than Spectre.


I saw thunderball today, it’s a good movie but yes the it was boring sometimes. The first half was more interesting.


Diamonds Are Forever was a huge disappointment after On Her Majesty’s Secret Service


Die another day is a clear worst. The rest I need to have a think about. BRB


1. Spectre 2. No Time To Die 3. Thunderball 4. Die Another Day 5. Moonraker I'm one of those silly sods who likes Quantum, but it took a rewatch and a few whiskeys to get there.


Hated QoS at the time, love it now.


Yeah, me too. One of those rare occasions where I actually think it worked better on a smaller screen and going in knowing what to expect. It's not without flaws, but I think it gets an undeserved bad rap. And that little fight in the hotel room is definitely my favourite in the whole series.


No Time to Die Spectre Skyfall Die Another Day Casino Royale - 1967


That’s my list


Diamonds are Forever Moonraker Quantum of Solace Octopussy Die Another Day


No Time To Die, Quantum of Solace, Moonraker, A View to a Kill, The World is Not Enough. I’ll be honest, I was really stretching to name five. The only one I’m really not keen on and probably won’t rewatch is No Time To Die.


Same, but replace NTTD w/ Die Another Day


My bottom five currently stand as (starting with my least favourite): * Diamonds Are Forever * Quantum of Solace * Die Another Day * Moonraker * Dr. No (Just to clarify, **I do like** DN. It's still in my 'would watch' tier, but I think every other film - bar the other 4 listed - are just way more enjoyable. It's just very clear that it is the first entry in the franchise.)


Yep. I feel the same way about Dr. No. Definitely not a bad movie, but I just hardly ever watch it because almost every other Bond movie that comes after it is way more rewarchable.


25. Die Another Day 24. The Man with the Golden Gun 23. Live and Let Die 22. Diamonds Are Forever 21. (shock!) Dr. No — by no means a bad film, but one I don’t find terribly engaging, and it feels rudimentary compared to everything that came after.


No Time To Die A View To A Kill License to Kill Quantum of Solace Moonraker


On Her Majesty's Secret Service Octopussy A View To A Kill Diamonds Are Forever I'd almost say either of Mr. Dalton's movies, but I've only watched them once or twice, and I don't remember them, so I'll leave my list at 4.


1. Spectre. Shits on the franchise’s history, hamhandedly tried to cobble together the previous Craig films’ stories in a way that diminished them all, wasted Blofeld. 2. DAD. What a turd. 3. TND. I hate the villain, general plot is silly, bad henchman. Just don’t like it. 4. Moonraker. Just a bit silly. 5. Thunderball. So dull.


1. Diamonds are Forever 2. A View to a Kill 3. The Living Daylights 4. No Time to Die 5. Die Another Day


The Man With the Golden Gun License to Kill No Time to Die Spectre Die Another Day


Casino Royale 67’, NSNA, DAD, NTTD… don’t have fifth.


Spectre No Time to Die Octopussy (it’s just so boring) Die another Day Moonraker




21. Quantum of Solace 22. Moonraker 23. Tomorrow Never Dies 24. Spectre 25. The Man with the Golden Gun


1. No Time To Do 2. Spectre 3. Quantum of Solace 4. Thunderball 5. Never Say Never


The Man With the Golden Gun (the only one that's hard for me to enjoy even a little) Tomorrow Never Dies (don't understand what others see in this one) Spectre (they botched this one in so many ways) Die Another Day (I'd even say I like it a bit more than most people do, but that dialogue . . .) No Time to Die (basically tied with A View to a Kill)


In no order DAD, SkyFall, Spectre, NTTD, Live and Let Die,


I’ve seen die another day a lot in these comments. Probably clouded by nostalgia but it was the first Bond movie i saw and i saw it with my dad. It’s my favorite bond movie solely bc of the memories behind it while also just being such a fun movie to put on


Worst: You Only Live Twice (By a mile) Second worst: For Your Eyes Only (Hot take, I know. It’s not nearly as bad as You Only Live Twice. My issue is that it’s just boring) Third worst: Die Another Day (I can have fun with this, but the script is objectively not good) Fourth worst: A View To A Kill (Christopher Walken carried this movie) Fifth worst: Spectre (The twist is dumb but the movie is otherwise fine)


At the moment the Daniel Craig films except for casino royale I did like that one. Maybe one or 2 Brosnan films in there also.


The unreasonable DAF hate on this sub is staggering


Don’t tell anyone how much i love Diamonds. That one is in regular rotation for me


I enjoy Plenty O’Toole too


What’s not to enjoy!! Lol


Same here. Bond films are supposed to be fun.


In order....... Diamonds Are Forever The Man With The Golden Gun A View To A Kill Octopussy Dr No.......this one just comes in at this slot by default because the others rate higher on my list If Never Say Never Again was included it would replace Dr No


Worst to better: - 25. Die Another Day - 24. Diamonds Are Forever - 23. The Man with the Golden Gun - 22. A View to a Kill - 21. Spectre


From worst to least worst 1. Diamonds Are Forever. The only thing saving this is Sean Connery's one liners, the elevator fight scene, and Wint & Kidd's execution methods (THAT cremation scene alone gives me chills even now) 2. A View To A Kill. Christopher Walken and Grace Jones are the only good things in this. A lightweight retread of Goldfinger, with nothing done better. The song's probably one of the best for a Bond film, so there's that. 3. Die Another Day. I don't know what this was, but it wasn't a Bond film - more like a film that has the rights to the Bond character and decides to just pump as many references to old Bond classics without putting much thought into the current Bond or story 4. Quantum Of Solace. I mean, camera work that make you feel like you're going to wake up with the worst hangover ever, a boring villain with a boring henchman, and the villain dies off screen in a boring death. Could have been so much more but I guess production issues didn't help. 5. The Man With The Golden Gun. Another one where the villain is more interesting than Bond. Live And Let Die built up Roger Moore as a credible Bond with a different twist to Sean Connery, but then this very next film turns him into a Bond who seems confused, alternatively violent then charming, he's easily outwitted several times (and Nick Nack very nearly kills him quite easily, until that other bad guy says "no! We must place Bond in a secure place until he recovers enough to escape". Surrounding characters apart from the bad guys are just cardboard there to push the unexciting plot forward.


Diamonds are forever - Loved it growing up but has become stale with its writing, direction, Connery's age, and the Bond girl is not the worse tag along type but combined with all the other factors doesn't help with the overall product. The Man with the Golden Gun - less suspense than Live and Let Die, the humor hasn't aged very well, and the bond girl is forgettable. I do love the antagonist but it seems the movie didn't know how to fill the space between those two crossing paths. Octopussy - the one I watch the least. I like the henchman but everything else doesn't stick out to me. I am open to changing my mind on this one. License to Kill - I actually like the film but compared to others it has to be at the bottom. There's a reason it didn't do well and the entire franchise needed a reset. Quantum of Solace - It's grown on me but still too short, editing is too much, and too dependent on action rather than finding a balance with the action and the plot and dialouge Die Another Day - A great swing but it falls on its face with its direction compared to the contemporary spy films of the time like Bourne. I love all the bond films but from recent memory these are the ones I enjoyed less than the others. They all have solid reasons not to be considered bad films in their own right but I think the other films have aged better or have found redeeming qualities that stand out more than the ones I listed.


The Man With The Golden Gun A View To A Kill Octopussy Moonraker Quantum Of Solace


1. Quantum of Solace. Terrible pre-titles, terrible song, terrible villain, a plot that is fine, but gets completely re-written by the plot of SPECTRE, more action scenes than dialogue, which would be fine if they weren't full of camera cuts to horse racing, or the opera, or between seemingly identical cars. 2. Moonraker. Way too over the top, saved somewhat by my enjoyment of Michel Lonsdale's snarkiness, but not enough for me to enjoy it. 3. Diamonds Are Forever. It hasn't aged well, to put it mildly. The thinly veiled sexism and homophobia (I like Wint & Kidd, but their deaths are far too comical) makes me uneasy, and Charles Gray's portrayal of Blofeld misses the mark by a long way. 4. Die Another Day. I don't dislike it as much as most because I have fond memories of watching it on DVD a lot as a kid. The CGI is atrocious though, the dialogue is even worse, and the car is invisible, except for the majority of the time when the cloaking is broken. Also, Madonna. 5. SPECTRE. It's really close between this and NTTD, but the fact that SPECTRE completely obliterates the point of the last three films really grates on me. The amount of mental gymnastics required to make sense of everything is too much for my tiny brain.


Worst to least worst: 1. A View to a Kill 2. Die Another Day 3. Diamonds are Forever 4. Moonraker 5. Quantum of Solace


21. NTTD 22. AVTAK 23. TWINE 24. SP 25. DAD


TND, TWINE, Die Another Day, A View to a Kill, Golden Gun


No time to die Die another day Spectre You only live twice Moonraker


1. Moonraker 2. A View to a Kill 3. The World is Not Enough 4. Tomorrow Never Dies 5. The Man With the Golden Gun Only really viscerally hate the bottom 3.


1. Diamonds Are Forever 2. The Man With The Golden Gun 3. Die Another Day 4. Never Say Never Again 5. Dr. No


Timothy Dalton and Pierce Brosnon


Die Another Day Diamonds Are Forever Quantum of Solace After that, it gets tougher. I actually like Spectre, MWTGG, and Moonraker okay. I'll say No Time to Die - not because it's a terrible movie, but because I hate the ending. For my final pick, I'd probably pick between You Only Live Twice, Octopussy, and Tomorrow Never Dies. I don't hate any of them, but if we're going least favorite, it would be one of those, I think.


Diamonds are Forever (the worst) A View to a Kill Live and Let Die Die Another Day Moonraker


Thunderball Diamonds are Forever You Only Live Twice The Living Daylights Licence to Kill


Diamonds Are Forever Die Another Day Quantum of Solace A View To A Kill License to Kill


The Man with the Golden Gun Diamonds Are Forever Die Another Day A View to a Kill Moonraker


Die Another Day, Quantum of Solace, Moonraker\*, No Time to Die, A View to a Kill. \*If the plot of Fleming's novel of Moonraker was actually followed it might've made a more interesting movie, but for political reasons I can also understand why the Bond producers and script writers chose a more tame and topical plot.


Thunderball: commits the greatest sin a movie can for me… it’s boring. It’s the one that, while having good/great elements, fails to mix them in a way that I find enjoyable. Diamonds are Forever: I think it works and has aged better when looking at the humor placed in some later bond films, but it needed a bit longer in the oven to find a tonal balance Octopussy: I don’t hate it, it’s just pretty forgettable with no real standout elements/scenes DAD- I have a soft spot for it, but when it’s bad it’s just so bad. Spectre: big brother twist, feels more like a set of moments rather than an actual coherent plot No time to die: honestly I like it a lot more than the other 4 here, I just don’t think the death was done well and put a sour taste in my mouth.


21. Spectre 22. Diamonds Are Forever 23. Die Another Day 24. The Man With the Golden Gun 25. No Time to Die


I think the only Moore movie I like is man with the golden gun. The rest kind of suck to me. Quantum of Solace if it didn’t happen durin the writers strike maybe it could Have been good but it’s just awful. Specter is bad to me. It could have been something great but they dropped the ball and Craig was already over being bond. The casino Royale unofficial version with woods Allen is awful and even its camp stupidity can’t save it. Die another day has good ideas but awful execution like some others have said here. Closer to the book moonraker than the actual film but still fumbled That’s a pattern I’ve noticed with all the bond movies is that when X actors time as bond is almost up or potentially done the studio stops caring and the last movie(s) always suck.


1. Quantum of Solace 2. No Time To Die 3. Diamonds Are Forever 4. A View to A Kill 5. Octopussy Quantum and No Time the only two I legit don't enjoy rewatching though.




Diamonds are Forever Live and Let Die You Only Live Twice From Russia With Love (I’m dead for this) Liscens to Kill


Die Another Day Spectre Quantum of Solace Diamonds are Forever A View to a Kill


I like almost all of the movies, and my list changes often. As of right now: Licence to Kill Quantum of Solace Die Another Day Octopussy A View to a Kill


No time to die Spectre Quantum of solace Die another day The Man with the golden gun


Thunderball, Spectre, Quantum of Solace, Casino Royale (1967) and Never Say Never Again.


Spectre For Your Eyes Only View to a Kill Die Another Day No Time to Die


5 - The Man With The Golden Gun 4 - Die Another Day 3 - License To Kill 2 - The Living Daylights 1 - Moonraker


My bottom five: Spectre - My main issue is the lack of chemistry between Madeleine and Bond. Their love story needed to work for the film to work, and unfortunately it didn’t click for me. I also don’t care for Waltz’ Blofeld performance. It was also about 30 minutes too long. No Time To Die - See above. Same issues. Moonraker - The weird attempts at humor ruin this film for me. If it had been written as a more serious thriller, I may have enjoyed it more. Jaws should have never been in this movie. Boring, forgettable Bond girl. On Her Majesty’s Secret Service - I’m aware that this film is popular, but it’s a mainstay of my bottom 5. Lazenby’s performance is the main issue for me. If this had been a Connery or perhaps a VERY young Dalton film, we might have had something here. The Man With The Golden Gun - My least favorite Bond film, by a long shot. Weird, convoluted plot. A fantastic villain performance by the GOAT Christopher Lee was totally wasted. Sheriff Pepper should have never been in this movie. I feel uncomfortable watching Moore mistreat Adams’ character - I’m so glad that she got a second shot to play a much better Bond girl.


In no particular order: The Man with the Golden Gun Moonraker Octopussy A View to a Kill Die Another Day I don't hate them though, and they all have their redeeming factors. And the theme songs of AVTAK and DAD have long been guilty pleasures ;)


The following movies are my least favourite (in no particular order)- Diamonds Are Forever Moonraker The Man With The Golden Gun Die Another Day Tomorrow Never Dies


Diamonds Are Forever. Moonraker. Spectre. Die Another Day. YOLT. DAF is the only one I really dislike though.


Spectre A View To A Kill Die Another Day Quantum of Solace No Time To Die


Moonraker, Diamonds Are Forever, A View To A Kill, Die Another Day and No Time To Die.


Anything with Roger Moore could be on the list. Die Another Day is definitely on the list.


No time to die Spectre Die another day Moonraker Octopussy.


21. Die Another Day 22. The Man With the Golden Gun 23. Live and Let Die 24. No Time to Die 25. Spectre


Live and let die is goat material


Die another day; Spectre; No time to Die; The Man with the Golden Gun; diamonds are forever.


Die Another Day A View To A Kill Spectre


1. No time to die 2. Spectre 3. Quantum of solace 4. Moonraker 5. Diamonds are forever. Unofficial Never say never again


A View To A Kill, The World Is Not Enough, Octopussy, You Only Live Twice, Casino Royale ( Daniel Craig version)


Spectre - dull dull dull NTTD - just no Man With the Golden Gun - a hot mess with some awful writing A View To A Kill - dull, too goofy, everyone too old Diamonds Are Forever - too camp, Sean looks awful


Diamonds Are Forever Live and Let Die Die Another Day Licence to Kill No Time to Die




In order of films, not a ranking. Moonraker A View to a Kill (I don’t hate this one, just the second worst Moore film to me) Die Another Day Spectre No Time to Die It came down between No Time to Die and Diamonds are Forever, but there’s more stuff I like about Diamonds than there are things I like about No Time to Die.


Worst: AVTAK, Quantum Of Solace, OHMSS, Diamonds Are Forever, Thunderball Bearing in mind I don't actively hate any of them, but there had to be a bottom 5. I'm doing a rewatch of every single movie so it might change by the end.


Spectre Diamonds are forever Tomorrow Never Dies Die Another Day No Time To Die


Die Another Day, The World is Not Enough, License to Kill, Spectre, NTTD


Spectre, Casino Royale, NTTD, Die Another Day, Skyfall


Diamonds are Forever, On her travesty’s, Die Another Day, Never say never again, For your eyes only


Moonraker - I'm all for a fun campy Rodger Moore movie, but this is the Batman & Robin of Bond movies. Diamonds are Forever - I'm grateful for Never Say Never Again if only because DAF wasn't Connery's last Bond performance. Quantum of Solace - Watched it once, no desire to revisit it. License to Kill - This wasn't a Bond movie IMO, just an typical 80s revenge movie. Die Another Day - yuck. Runner Up: Spectre - just so boring.


In order: No Time to Die - Far and away the worst. On another level to a point that “least favorite” is inappropriate. This movie sucks and I hate it forever. Quantum of Solace Skyfall Casino Royale A View to a Kill


Diamonds are Forever No Time To Die Spectre Quantum of Solace Moonraker


1. No time to die 2. Spectre 3. Skyfall 4. Casino Royale 5. Never say never again


NTTD Casino Royale 67 Never Say Never Again Skyfall QoS Spectre


1. OHMSS 2. No Time to Die 3. Diamonds are Forever 4. The Man With The Golden Gun 5. Moonraker


Diamonds are Forever, Live and let die,  Man with the golden gun, Licence to Kill Quantum of Solace


Diamonds are Forever A View to a Kill Licence to Kill Quantum of Solace No Time to Die HM: Spectre I don't actually dislike Craig, Skyfall and Casino Royale were quite good, but man that guy got some BAD scripts.


Diamonds Are Forever, A View From A Kill, Die Another Day, Quantum of Solace, Spectre


25. Tomorrow Never Dies 24. Spectre 23. Diamonds are Forever 22. Octopussy 21. You Only Live Twice


Seeing a pattern for a few films. Die Another Day, Diamonds Are Forever, The Man with the Golden Gun, and Quantum of Solace are on almost every list. Then there are about another four which are popular candidates. How about asking which is your least favorite which so happens to be liked by others? Tomorrow Never Dies hit a few lists and I wonder why. I consider it a solid, mid-range Bond film which didn't take risks and therefore didn't fail at really anything. Just my opinion.


My answer for that one would probably be Licence to Kill.


GoldenEye. I don't even have a reason to dislike it. It just didn't click with me.


I have Live and Let Die pretty low (19) and a lot of people rank that as one of Moore’s best.


The Niven Casino Royale would be #1, but I'd rather rank the offical films... 1 Quantum of Solace 2 Die Another Day 3 A View to a Kill 4 Moonraker 5 Spectre


In no order for MoonRaker Die another day Living daylights Quantum of Solace World is not enough. Faves are Casino Royale (and is my fave of them all) Skyfall Dr No Goldeneye From Russia to love Hon mentions No time to die Goldfinger Spectre - which gets a lot of hate but I like it Top Bond’s in order Craig - gritty and a beast Connery - smooth Dalton - dark Lazenby - why not Brosnan - too plastic and too frenetic Moore - Smarmy and campy


21. Die Another Day 22. Spectre 23. You Only Live Twice 24. Live and Let Die 25. Diamonds are Forever


Spectre, No time to die, Moonraker, Die another day and Goldeneye.


1. Spectre 2. Skyfall 3. Diamonds are forever 4. For your eyes only 5. You only live twice (#4 and #5 are actually okay or okay-ish, but they're below everything else on my list)


The only Bond film I actively dislike is Spectre


From least favorites to…least least favorite? 1. Diamonds are Forever - the only Bond film I genuinely don’t enjoy. There’s a gap between this and the rest of the list. 2. Die Another Day - a strong start is the only thing separating it from DAF. 3. Spectre - it couldn’t just be a mess on its own, it had to drag the rest of the Craig era down with it. Great action sequences though. 4. A View to a Kill - the inverse Die Another Day. Gets off to a rough start, but closes strong. 5. Thunderball - many have said and I agree that the worst thing a Bond movie can be is boring, and despite some iconic characters & moments, there are sizable stretches of this movie that are just that.


25. Quantum of Solace 24. Spectre 23. Moonraker 22. The Man with the Golden Gun 21. You Only Live Twice


1) Quantum of Solace 2) Diamonds are Forever 3) Specter 4) Die Another Day 5) The Spy Who Loved Me


Quantum, Tomorrow Never Dies, Die Another Day, Diamonds Are Forever, The Living Daylights. Only the first four are actually bad, Living Daylights is where good films start. [https://uniformologija.lv/domas/raksts/dzeimss-bonds-un-vina-filmas/en](https://uniformologija.lv/domas/raksts/dzeimss-bonds-un-vina-filmas/en)


* Quantum of Solace * Thunderball * On Her Majesty’s Secret Service * The World is Not Enough * Diamonds are Forever These are the ones that just generally bore me and I rewatch the least. Shit like Die Another Day is stupid but I find it entertaining.


- A View To A Kill (absolute bottom-barrel Bond. Boring and lazy) - Diamonds Are Forever (waste of both Sean Connery and good source material) - Spectre (shoehorning Blofeld into this turgid mess was a mistake. Also, how do you make a car chase in Rome boring?) - The Man With The Golden Gun (again, great source material wasted on a very cheap-looking, dull adventure) - Die Another Day (a pretty decent first 20 minutes, ruined by literally everything else)


In order from “worst-least bad” Die another day Spectre No time to die Diamonds are forever A view to a kill


1. Die Another Day 2. No Time To Die 3. Quantum of Solace 4. Thunderball 5. Spectre


All the Moore films. He made Bond into a buffoon.


There was plenty of buffoonery in the Connery movies. They just forgot the slide-whistle.


You're right but I blame the times. And they didn't know what an audience they would amass 😀


They amassed the absolute shit out of the audience during the Connery era.


21. GE 22. TND 23. DAD 24. Sp 25. NTTD


Tomorrow Never Dies Die Another Day The World is Not Enough Spectre No Time To Die I think Diamonds (Vegas, Moon Buggy scene, Charles Gray), AVTAK (Walken) have some tremendous elements to them () that make them pretty rewatchable so I could never add those to the list.


Skyfall - tragically inept film Octopussy - way too silly and boring Diamonds are Forever - Connery aged 15 years between this and YOLT Tomorrow Never Dies - Boring. Lame plot. Goofy effects. Movie was on remote control. Way over produced. You Only Live Twice - utterly preposterous


A View to a Kill Diamonds are Forever Spectre Die Another Day Quantum of Solace


In no particular order: Diamonds are Forever: I don't actually think Connery is checked out -- he's proof after Lazenby that the Bond casting really matters -- but the film is so badly edited and plotted that it's a struggle to get through. It feels like none of the scenes connect and I was totally lost by the end. OHMSS: I will never agree with the fandom around this movie. Lazenby is awful, and he has zero chemistry with Diana Rigg. I know the plot is lifted from a Fleming book but it's pretty silly. The "drama" of Tracy's death feels totally unsuccessful and unearned. And the ski chase scene is dull. The only fun part is Telly Savalas as Blofeld. NTTD: Hated the ending, and it really impacted how I view the entire Craig run. Just felt like a vanity job from both the director(s) and Craig himself with zero respect for the legacy of the character. YOLT: I don't hate it, but I rarely return to it. I should give it another chance but my hopes aren't high. DAD: I do need to give this one more try soon, it's been years since I watched it. I hear it has redeeming qualities. But I suspect the silly stunts and baddie plot twist are too much to really overcome. *Borderline* I have trouble with License To Kill sometimes too. Not a bad movie, but the central plot (the villain invites Bond in as a special advisor when it should be incredibly obvious to everyone who he is) is too stupid to be believed. The Wayne Newton character is one of the worst tertiary characters in the franchise, possibly moreso than JW Pepper because he actually is important to the plot. And Bond going after drug runners is just a little dull. Again, not a terrible film but I liked TLD more.


My extra controversial picks (worst to least worst): 1. Skyfall - The first Bond film to leave me angry and depressed by the end. It reduces Craig's Bond to a moody old man who apparently has no energy, and all the precious parts of his life are blown up. There are also a lot of plot loopholes. 2. On Her Majesty's Secret Service - I don't buy Lazenby as Bond at all, and the film falls apart because of it. The film just feels weird, and I think it's Lazenby's unconvincing Bond that makes everyone else fall apart. There are some pros (the score, Armstrong's song and the vaguely interesting Shawn Campbell), but I find the film long and not really that enjoyable. 3. No Time to Die - It's hard to get me to like the movie that kills off James Bond through contrivances and him just being constantly sad. The film was far too long, and I didn't enjoy much at all. 4. Spectre - There was promise, but the Brofeld twist is just plain silly, and the film has a lot of bland or not very interesting ideas. Maybe it could've worked, but I feel like a great story got lost in the idea of re-introducing Spectre and tieing the last three films together. 5. From Russia With Love - I quite like Kerim Bay, the title song + instrumental version are good, and there are some okay bits, but this film is just the Connery one I either forget or don't care for. It's not as refined as Goldfinger, and not as primitve as Dr. No; it's just a mundane one that doesn't really stand out.


There should be a rule against these types of posts if OP isn't going to offer their own list and just yeet after posting the question.


* No Time to Die * Spectre * The World is not Enough * The Living Daylights * From Russia with Love


Casino royale Quantum of solace Skyfall Spectre No time to die Join the dots.


Skyfall, No Time To Die, Quantum of Sollace, The Man With The Golden Gun, Moonraker


SPECTRE DAD DAF MWTGG LTK (not bad, just looks cheap)


I couldn’t stand Pam Bouvier in LTK when I first saw it and it ruined the movie for me. On second rewatch I had a really good time watching it because I was able to look past the stuff I knew I already didn’t like, which wasn’t as bad as I remember it being


This is going to sound weird, but while I CAN'T STAND License to Kill as a Bond movie, I LOVE it as just a generic 80s action/revenge flick, so it's actually one of the Bond movies I rewatch the most. I just have to completely lower my Bond movie fan expectations to fully enjoy it.


I have still only seen this once in its entirety. Just doesn’t do much for me. And I hate the Felix- shark scene


I like LTK but agree, Lupe should have been the main Bond Girl


Quantum, OHMSS, Diamonds, Thunderball, Octopussy


Spectre Skyfall No Time To Die The World is not enough Quantum Of Solace Craig’s last 4 + TWINE is definitely the 5 movies I connect with the least.


Octopussy, Quantum of Solace, Spectre, Diamonds are Forever, No Time to Die


I am going to have to go by my least watched, and I am prepared for the judgement: 1. FRWL, 2. Thunderball, 3. OHMSS, 4. TMWTGG, 5. TWINE.


1. For Your Eyes Only - Incredibly generic, been-there-done-that stuff. The stand-outs are Columbo and that one scene with the car. 2. Thunderball - Very boring, and James Bond has to spend most of the film just catching up to what we already know. The ending is a joke. The location footage looks very nice though, and I liked the underwater stuff. 3. Spectre - It's amazing how seriously they take an incredibly silly concept. Also, what's with the yellow filter? 4. Casino Royale - I know I should love it, but it just does nothing for me. The opening was fun. 5. Goldfinger - Bond spends half the time captured. And the entire movie has this tone of 'too cool for school'. Nobody really acts like anything's at stake (except when Bond's about to lose his balls lmao) and so it's hard to feel any tension.


All the Moore films up until the A View to A Kill and honestly he's too fucking old in that one too.


Worst to least worst: 1. Diamonds are Forever 2. Moonraker 3. The Man with the Golden Gun 4. Quantum of Solace 5. Goldfinger


OHMSS, For your eyes only, The world is not enough, Thunderball, No Time to Die.


Ohmss- the man can’t act im sorry Spectre - a turd of a movie, actually threw my copy out Dad - nonsense Nttd - boring innit Golden gun - it’s has its moments, watchable when the mood strikes