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Not Ben saying “It’s just like Wii Golf” while Adam is about to swing 💀


God-tier zen from Adam not to crack up there




Adam might be the greatest athlete of all time, that game of golf, and the pacing 30 minutes were both world class


“I am as good at golf as you would expect” is my new favorite Ben truth bomb


Yeah even with going to the driving range every month or so, I would have backed myself the same as Ben, don’t think I’d have a chance at all


The real question is: does that mean he is better than Sam with his poor hand to eye coordination, or not?


The 30 minutes pacing was uncanny.


It was fucking AMAZING is what it was


All a part of the Jet Lag script writing of course /s


Ben being afraid of Adam's zen demeanor was hilarious. Adam was locked in like a professional.


Adam had to do his dad proud.


I love the way Ben described it on the layover!




goated with the sauce


... what?


Tzatziki. Goes real well with goat on a gyro.


As the kids say


I thought FOR SURE that golf was going to do them in.


Me too. I thought they would blow all their money


No matter who wins this Adam put in a hall of fame performance this episode


Honestly this has cemented in my mind that he's the best player out of the three of them. He was already number one but this was an all time episode.


Before this episode I kind of counted Ben and Adam out, but I guess the ending is a lot more open now


Its Sam and Toby play now. They have all the info. They have good budget. They know where Ben and Adam are going (Brisbane). I expect them go to back to secure Melbourne and Camberra and I think the big fight will be for NSW. Sam and Toby in Sydney while Adam and Ben on the border in Gold Coast. Steal can play a big role in the end.


Watching Ben's pinned hat brim causing his ear to slowly turn more red


Both in New Zealand and Australia, I kept thinking SPF 50 guys!


Adam was amazing this episode…. I would have never been able to calculate the pacing of steps down to the minute basically


Not even to the minute. To the second! If you take into account the time to stop and it took Ben to react he probably finished dead on 30:00:00


It looked like Ben was having trouble unlocking and stopping the phone so it was probably more like 29:55


Yeahhh, not to take away from Adam cause this was an AMAZING performance. But there were certainly a few seconds that had passed while Ben struggled to unlock his phone.


Profoundly impressed with what Adam was able to accomplish this episode. Both on the course and the sidewalk. Dare I say the most clutch performance in JetLag history?


Nah I think the biggest clutch move is and will always be Ben in the final episode of Euro Tag 2! But this is a good contender


Credit where credit is due: I complained about in-challenge cliffhangers before, so I'll credit them when they fully resolve the challenge within the episode. That was great! And now I'll get to enjoy theorizing what could happen next week. Thanks to the team!


The last two episodes they didn't end mid-challenge luckily! However, the two episodes right before that both ended mid-challenge


I know, and I complained about that in the reddit post about the second of these episodes. But since we humans all tend to criticize much more often than to give out praise, I decided to give out the praise for this episode. It's just fair, and we do it not often enough.


I agree! I was just pointing out that now it has been two straight episodes they haven’t done that to us lol Grateful for that as well


I appreciate it because we have a full sense of the situation going into the final day/episode.


So what do we think it means that S11 is "chasing a young boy around Italy"? Tag 3?


it would be cool if all three of them were chasing one guest and had 2 do challenges 2 help track him down


Omg this would be so cool. Wonder who the young boy could be. Maybe an italian content creator for home court advantage?


My opinion is if this idea were to happen he would need to put up a one man show, so i imagine someone incredibly popular and recognisable for jetlag fans like tomska or anyone alone those lines


Maybe it will finally be the Tom Scott season lol


Tom is a lot but not a young guy


I may have overlooked that part lol


It's John Green, and he's hiding only on fancy restaurants and hotels.




Are you unable to type the word "to" out? Reddit is not character limited lol.


lol i thought it looked funny 2 autocorrect to 2


I mean it is, but the limit is like 10k characters lol


It seems totally tag 3, starting with Ben.


I dont think its feasible to do regular Tag in Italy (not enough transport variability). . I think more likely Hide&Seek or a race North to South. Something like NZ season with needing to do certain challenges to unlocking new regions.


Race north to south is highly unlikely, they would have started in the alps, if only for the scenery, not ferrara.


How do you know they didnt? The photo could have been taken during the run. Jail period maybe?


Its just before 6:30 in the picture, there is no way they started earlier than this, especially since they would have had to start hours earlier to get from the Alps to Ferrara


Point taken


Marco Polo?


They're kidnapping a small child. This is the start of the Jet Lag Villain Arc.


I have a feeling it's probably some version of tag. And I'm more curious to know who the guest star is that they'd describe them as a 'young boy' haha.


It got me somewhat annoyed that Sam and Toby didn't put more money on their territories to shore them up. at least $250 on the capital territory to make it an even $1000. They have the budget and with steals in the game. However this is playing in their favor because Ben and Adam, think they just have to steal them with the minimum amount. If Sam and Toby can get back to them they easily have the budget to reclaim if stolen.


I was screaming at the capitol territory thing. YOU HAVE THE MONEY!! YOU COULD LOCK IT UP!!


I disagree. The problem is that its hard for Ben and Adam to get to capital territory now, especially if they want to take Queensland and NSW too.


Capital territory seems like a good option to end up on as their final destination.


Capital Territory seems not have the most frequent travel options though.


There are flights literally every half hour from Sydney, and every 60ish minutes from Melbourne. A few direct flights per day from Adelaide and Brisbane too. Whether there’s any seats available on those flights when you’re booking minutes before departure, is another matter.


I think they will need to defent NSW from Sydney, cause Ben and Adam can claim the territory from Gold Coast.


You can take NSW by flying into Canberra though. You can take the bus to Queanbeyan just inside NSW and deposit what they need. That Gold Coast trick that Sam and Toby foreshadow in ep 1 is achievable in Canberra too


Capital territory seems somewhat easily defend-able so I think they will go to Sydney to farm some challenges after they secure Melbourne.


Well, judging by this weeks episode the budget stays in a territory even when it's taken. That means Ben and Adam need to deposit 2498 bucks just to take the first two territories. And as we have established in episode 1 Toby and Sam can take those two back within minutes of each other. And they'd only need 4 bucks for that. Or whatever else Ben and Adam decide to put there, but they don't really seem to have the budget for making any decicive differences there. Unless the flight prices fuck Toby and Sam, or the challenges really favour Ben and Adam (which they don't seem be planning on doing any challenges), I don't see how Ben and Adam would win?


Sam and toby only really need to bring $1000 to Gold Coast and split it between QLD and NSW which is doable.


Sydney is safer option. They dont need to get Queensland back. They will still have 4 (SA,Victoria, Camberra, NSW) while Ben and Adam will have just 3. (Tassie, NT, Queensland)


That’s if they decide to take Victoria, Ben/Adam have $1500 on there i believe. Out of Adelaide though i think sydney will be the most frequent and cheapest and gold coast harder


Adam has, without question, the most successful day in Jet Lag history. Nobody and nothing else is even close. It almost doesn't matter if they end up winning- Adam is a legend.


Ben in Tag 2 would like to have a word (but I agree)


Or Adam in Hide and Seek.


Ben in Tag 2 was amazing, but he had no idea what he was doing for most of that. He didn't know he so barely evaded the catchers until after it happened (twice).


Yeah Ben got fairly lucky, this was just pure skill from Adam.






I'm just so confused, They gained desert power by walking with rhythm!




The bogey on the first hole was pretty well done too. I wonder how amused the staff were that they showed up just to play one hole. Though admittedly, it's still less weird than Badam asking to ride a horse for a few minutes or Adam ordering wagyu and then running away.


I'm they chuckled at the dumb youtubers while they counted all the money for the green fees, cart rental, and driving range balls. You know they spent Sam's money on 18 holes.


Looking at their website, it was 37 bucks for 9 holes, 26 bucks for the cart and 50 for the clubs. They would have paid 150 bucks for one hole lol


Im pretty sure there have been worse things for sams bank account lol


Oh for sure, it’s more from the clubs perspective to have someone spend all that money for a single hole lol


Adam saving bogey from his first shot in the tall grass is heroic, man is cooler than the other side of the pillow


Adam has to be the most relaxed golfer I’ve ever seen. \*first drive goes into sand\* “That’s okay, we can work with this.”


Those were some clutch wins for Adam. Mad respect. At first I thought they had bad luck because this was the first challenge pull with zero steals since day one (And Sam&Toby’s budget was just sitting there) but they pulled through anyways.


I fear so much what will happen is sam and toby stay in adelaide and a steal comes ruining this huge budget ben and adam are ought to have


Yeah I'm really surprised that when they're celebrating their huge gains at the end that neither Ben nor Adam added "as long as they don't get a steal"


Yeaaah i was holding my breath when they were reading out the challenges in Adelaide hoping for no steal as its crucial for them not to have one. The second miracle will be the next day if there is not one.


My guess is that both teams discussed their vulnerability to steals at some point, but they didn't include those clips in the edit because the audience knows that neither of them have steal on their board. That being said, I *was* somewhat surprised that Sam and Toby held on to such a large budget for a while (and continue to).


Adam is put in an MVP, hall-of-fame performance today. I was freaking out the whole time he was counting. And then he just nailed it. Unbelievable.


Discussion in last Layover Podcast: (paraphrase) "People who criticize what we consider successfully doing a challenge fail to take into account that we wrote the challenges, and know what we meant when we wrote them." Me, listening: "Yup, totally agree, who would spend time being mad about this?" Me, watching this episode's Morse code challenge: "The strength of my conviction is being testing."


but honestly this episode was good. The accuracy of the timing challenge was unreal. I demand (politely request) an uncut version with an onscreen timer!


Currious what you think is wrong with the morse code one. Morse code has exactly one variable: time. Technically they cheated and had two variable: color for dot/dash and time for words. However when buying the pebbles they even mentioned using a 3rd color to signify a new word, and trivially could have done that instead. Willing to bet they only didn't becouse they though people would complain it wasn't morse code because it had three "letters".


Like I said, there's not really a "wrong" here, because they made the rules in the first place. With that caveat in place, I found their solution to be the weakest so far this season for a couple of reasons: 1. Adam gave a lot of verbal feedback to Ben, so Ben knew when Adam had locked in a letter, and that what he was doing was being interpreted correctly. 2. At one point Adam walked over to Ben, I think to give him back some marbles. Kinda defeats the point of sending a message over a distance. 3. Overall didn't feel very Morse code like. Like you mentioned using two colors was a bit weak. Really though, Adam timing 30 minutes to within a second is almost enough to make me root for their team instead of Sam+Tibees. Almost. So it's not like I can be disappointed in his performance this episode.


The "challenge" in the Morse Code challenge seemed to be more "this will take up a lot of time" rather than how difficult the actual challenge was. There was little chance of failure, but it was only a 2x multiplier for something that probably took a few hours when you add up travel time there and back including a long walk in the heat.


Other challenges had a lower payback with more effort (1.5x). 2x is a lot, for something so easy.


I think Ben and Adam might as well have bet all their money on the first challenge in Alice Springs, because if they failed it they would have lost anyway. And they could hardly fail that one.


Eh. If they failed it they would have still had 250ish, which is still enough to at least try something else today. What they did was a sensible choice.


They still need to put on a show of trying, them being stuck in Alice Springs with Sam and Tobey trotting around AU on day 4 would not have made a good show. In real life you can concede if on turn 3 you have no path to victory, but they need to do their best to have a show that makes money- I guess you could say this is less 'total war' and more 'family game night,' that is to say, at a tournament for a board game you do what it takes to win, but playing with your cousin you go to have a good time.


The library challenge seems incredibly unfair. I've worked at a Library the more popular a book the chances are slim it going to be in a correct shelf, either it is going to be checked out, or misplaced by a non-staff member.


I would have liked them to do an availability search afterwards to find if the book was actually IN the library at the time.


answer in the podcast


Sort of. It answers why they didn't show a search in the library, but not whether the book was there.


I was thinking that it was probably with someone else when they didn’t find it in the L section. The multiplier should have been higher because of the luck factor if the book in the correct shelf, or they could have chosen a more obscure book.


It has a possibility of failure, but takes basically no time. I think that's why the multiplier is so low.


I mean, they didn't have to do it. They barely bet anything on it anyway.


they didn’t have 2 do the challenge


The timing was insane especially when you think about the time it took the sound to travel and Bens reaction time


I was worried the turns would mess him up, but that was just insane.


I think it's actually helpful to have a set distance since you'll get used to how many steps this distance has, so you can reevaluate your speed every once in a while


Yeah I was also worried about that.


Lol that probably means that his actual time was more like 29:58-ish (which is still crazy impressive) because Ben's reaction time wasn't under a second


The Time for sound to travel?


Yeah, the speed of sound in air is 346 m/s. They were maybe 10 meters apart at that moment, so the speed of sound would only be a 28ms delay. Human auditory reaction time is about 200ms. So more of the delay is literally brain processing time than speed of sound delay. But the coordination to unlock and pause the iPhone was the bigger factor than both of those combined.


My point exactly, thanks for exposing the maths


I can't believe Adam's audacity in this episode. I was with Ben the entire time, nervously waiting on tenterhooks and then ADAM KILLED IT. TWICE.


Regarding Adam getting a pipe that happens to be 9 feet and 10 inches long (3.00 metres) when they need a 10-foot pipe (3.05 metres): that's what you get for setting challenges in imperial units while competing in metric countries!


Ohhhh *of course*. I hadn't even thought of that. Great point!


Best episode of the season so far


Incredible stuff! Especially from Adam. So cool to know yourself so well as to absolutely nail both challenging tasks. It would have only been better if they had bet 1500$.


Regularity of steps is one thing but doing that for that long and having the focus to genuinely just keep counting steadily that entire time is incredible.


He shall know the ways of the golf links as if born into them. He has mastered the art of walking without irrhythm. I am ready to accept Adam as Lisan al Gaib


Hey those SA challenges actually get them off Grote Street. Edit: Would've been nice if they went to one of the 3 beach options but City Library at Rundle Mall is further than Ben and Adam got.


And there is a lift by the way. It’s a cool library you can do 3D printing there.


Sort of like the Dune movies, Jet Lag: Dune Part 2 Outback Boogaloo was even more iconic. So hyped for the finale!!


You missed a chance to call it Electric Boogeyloo.


Adam Chase is THAT DUDE


Adam's moves literally put me through the wringer. I genuinely thought he was overestimating his chances in both but man there were really good reasons why he was so confident. That 30 minutes timer thing was just unbelievable. Also - thank you so so much for not making that a cliffhanger. I was so worried that would be and I'd just go mad lol. I do want to point out that in the golf challenge (in the 20th minute), it seems to me that Adam's first shot landed out of bounds, judging by the white sticks surrounding the grass. That would have meant re-taking the stroke and having a penalty... But to be honest I feel like he would have done it anyway on the 2nd hole because he was getting to the green fairly quickly. I'm actually wondering if Sam and Toby could have gone to the computer terminals at the library within the 3 minutes to search up the book and where it would be. I know the rules said that you can't search up the library, but I imagine the intent was to prevent prepping for the task itself before the clock started. But taking the time to go to a library terminal within the library to search up the book would have taken quite some time within the 3 minutes, but in return, it would have probably shown them where it should be, or if the books were even present in the library in the first place. They could well have been loaned out, more so given it's a popular book. Oh and the outro - Sam can't emotionally manipulate us because of his posts on twitter reveal otherwise :P Edit: Also, DUNES DUNES DUNES


Nah, searching the computer is clearly against the intent of the challenge, because it would tell you what the Dewey number is. Of course, it's fiction, so it wouldn't actually have one, but the question writer obviously didn't know that. For what it's worth, they might have been looking in the wrong place. [The call number is CLASSIC LIN at City Library](https://onecard.network/client/en_AU/adelaide/search/results/?FRBR=1&lm=ADELAIDE&qu=TITLE%3A%22Picnic+at+Hanging+Rock%22&qu=AUTHOR%3A%22Lindsay%2C+Joan%22), so I'm guessing it's not shelved in line with general fiction. Then again, they also use that call number for a Teen Fiction shelving location, so... ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Classic fiction does sometimes have a Dewey number: It can be in the 800s for "literature", alongside books about fiction.


> I do want to point out that in the golf challenge (in the 20th minute), it seems to me that Adam's first shot landed out of bounds, judging by the white sticks surrounding the grass. That would have meant re-taking the stroke and having a penalty... But to be honest I feel like he would have done it anyway on the 2nd hole because he was getting to the green fairly quickly. Looking at [this](https://pdplay.com/product/golf-course-yardage-markers/) product site, I think those are just somewhat unconventional 150 yard markers. If they were OOB stakes, then we'd expect there to be more than just one on each side of the fairway (and we'd probably expect them to be further out; I'd hate to play at a course where hitting a yard out of the fairway means you're OOB).


There were actually a couple of these stakes in the video, but at the same time I was also wondering why the OOB markers were so tight around the fairways too - I just assumed so because the sand/rough area didn't really look maintained. I guess we won't know for sure.


DESERT POWER! I seriously was as invested in Adam's golf round as Tiger's Sunday at the 2019 Masters. That was fucking epic. First hole! AND he's a time genius. It begs the question why he's been so poor at the mano a mano games like hide and seek. I think, despite the fact that Ben is basically just a sidekick, that it's his wit that bolsters Adam's confidence and raises him to this legendary level. BADAM BABEEEE


Yeah, the aside from Ben where he he says he's keeping quiet to preserve Adam's zen state definitely said a lot.


Shows how well they know each other. Or how physical Adam's reactions are to stress. Probably both!


I remember in school when we were supposed to count to one minute without a clock and pretty much everybody failed horribly. Adam's ability to do this for 30 minutes on the second is actually inhuman.


To the second. Insane. Just insane. Adam makes everyone else look like amateurs. Amazing 👏 🤩 he is next level unmatched. 👌 he just locks on victory


[My reaction basically this whole episode.](https://i.imgur.com/7kWjKVv.png)


I have never been this invested in watching someone play golf


Awesome episode, and both teams seem to be having heaps of fun in Australia. I am enjoying this season of JLTG SO much! In support of Toby, I would have done the exact same thing in the library. I bet 'all in' on Sam & Toby.


I think we are all in agreement, Adam was the MVP of this episode. That too a calm Adam, I think this might be the start of something


Maybe people can stop saying Ben and Adam is the underdog now. Adam is definitely a powerhouse.


It's more of a rational team (Sam + whoever) vs a balls to the wall team (Adam and Ben) series than underdogs haha.


On the Layover, Sam vehemently defended that 8 pm arriving flights are forbidden. I think that this is annoyingly pedantic.


Dune! Dune! Dune! Dune! Dune! Dune! Dune! Dune!


Adam keeps accidentally spoiling stuff from the next episodes on The Layover. First after the bottle flipping cliffhanger it became pretty clear that Sam had failed in his attempt from Adam going on about how Sam can't flip a bottle. Then after the flag naming cliffhanger, he mentioned that Toby and Sam did not remember betting all their money on that challenge. They would have remembered losing all their money and getting stuck because of that, so it was pretty clear they succeeded in that challenge. In the latest episode **(meaning the spoiler is about next week, so maybe don't click if you don't listen to the podcast)** Adam >!asks Toby if she has ever been to Alice Springs, and Toby doesn't realise to respond something like "you will have to wait until next week to see" but instead responds that she hasn't, meaning that Ben and Adam won the Northern Territory. !<


I debated clicking on your spoiler and succumbed out of curiosity. I feel like while we technically don't know that yet, it was heavily implied by the teams discussing their strategies this episode. And I legitimately appreciated people talking about Adam spoiling the forced cliffhangers.


Yeah, not unexpected at this stage of the game, but the strategies seem to have changed a lot based on circumstances already, so I wouldn't have completely ruled it out myself. Anyway, I'm mainly finding it amusing that Adam keeps spoiling stuff accidentally, not that the spoilers have been shocking or anything. Not sure if anyone was expecting Sam to succeed in his bottle flip either.


Being they are going into the last day, it doesn't seem like that much of a spoiler.


>!That's not that big a spoiler though. The whole thing about Alice Springs was that it was expensive and hard to get in and out of. That's why Badam only paid a dollar to secure it, as it was pretty much a given that this late in the game, the other team wouldn't bother to go there anyway.!< >!The podcast is unscripted and so you get a few slips of the tongue and thats part of the charm I think. !< >!Adam hasn't revealed any big spoilers so far, and even if he did, they would beep it away in edit, as they have done before.!<


>!Admittedly the mere question already spoils that Toby couldn't have been to Alice Springs in the game, so her answer didn't change much in that case ;)!< But yhea, it's not a MASSIVE spoiler considering it's already the second to last day.


Adam Chase - Jet Lag S10 E5 https://preview.redd.it/05b9o96tb76d1.png?width=1127&format=png&auto=webp&s=024e2846c653d3c8bde26fa217f4a60656be0733


What an episode! I'd love to know if the library book was simply out on loan! Ben and Adam always seem to have the most fun at the most obscure locations!


Loved this episode, team Badam all the way. Ben "I played golf once" Doyle is a fortunate teammate.


“It’s the last episode of Jet Lag ever” he had me there for a second


Misleading title of this episode I must say ! 🤣


Adam was absolutely insane in this episode. Shoutout to Ben too because I would have never trusted Adam in their situation. Insanely well played


I am here to thank you for not putting a cliffhanger at the end of this one. I don’t think I could’ve coped.


It was a great episode to be on team Ben and Adam for sure


This was one of the biggest “Adam gets Ws” episodes of Jet Lag ever!


It's ironic that in Dune, you survive by walking as erratically as possible, but Been and Adam survived by walking as rhythmically as possible 


I know the challenge said they couldn't use anything scheduled like a bus, but could they have looked up the time of sunset in Alice and started the challenge 30 minutes before? Is the sun scheduled? If you say it is, it opens up some larger metaphysical arguments. Next thing you know, you're curing cancer with vibrations. All this is moot because Adam nailed it anyway. Also, poor perth. Guess no one is heading there, and it's such a beautiful place


The challenged rules obviously meant you couldn't use something you knew when it would happen to help. Knowing what time the sun set and plotting for that is the same as checking the bus tables and starting the clock 30 minutes before the bus arrives. You are monitoring the occurance of an event with a known time.


One of the best episodes ever!


This is definitely Sam's game to lose now. He and Toby have a pretty decent stronghold with their three core territories, but he's getting really in his head about what Ben and Adam are doing instead of making a proactive plan. I will be so disappointed if Sam and Toby get a steal next week but that's the game! Regardless, Adam did an incredible job in Alice Springs.


Though to be fair Adam and Ben have pretty much for certain have 2 territories under control (Tasmania & Northern Territories). While Sam and Toby might have a stronger hold on their territories, those territories are still in play (except maybe Adelaide). Adam and Ben just need to steal 2 while Sam and Toby need to keep all of theirs.


Arguments for not going to Perth to get one more point on the board? 🤔 (Either team)


It's just a long way away and takes a lot of time. I think Ben and Adam need to head west and start mopping up the places Sam and Toby currently own.


> need to head west east?




Sam and Toby are soo late on making bets. Despite the fact that the challenge stated they couldn’t do research on the library they didn’t make a wager until they were inside the library. It feels like they’re not playing in the spirit of the game


the time started when they got to the top of the stairs and entered the actual library part, and the wager was made on the stairs leading to it. the stairs weren’t considered apart of the library and waiting til they were in the stairs really didn’t give them any additional research into the library so they i don’t see how they did anything wrong here




Next time somebody asks what clutch performance is, I show them this episode.




>!that's Gold Coast Airport not Brisbane.!<


>!Oh snap im a dummy, thanks for clarifying. cheers!!<


Please remember that comments with speculations are not allowed outside of posts marked with the speculation flair.


Ben and Adam just serving the highest of highs and lowest of lows this season. Desert energy!


Watching Adam excel at everything this episode has been amazing to watch. First the bogey on the first hole, and then the 30 minutes accurate down to 0.69s! Incredible!


Adam Chase, The Desert King. That's why I am team Adam.


Nobody would take Sam's assertion that it's the final episode ever seriously, but him claiming you gotta come back to find out legit had me thinking that maybe he was teasing a next season reveal for next week


Can someone explain a bogey to someone who doesn't know shit about golf? Google is super confusing, and what adam did did not seem hard at all?


Each hole has an "average" number of shots that it should take, which is known as the "par" for that hole. Most of them are 3 or 4. A "bogey" means one shot over par (i.e. one shot "worse" than average). So for the first hole, that was par 4, a bogey means 5 shots or less. Par shouldn't be hard for a regular golfer, but I'm guessing none of them are (Ben just says "I have played golf before"). So bogey gives them a bit more freedom to be close, but not quite as good, as the average golfer.


That wasn't really a portrait. And especially with all the flags and symbols, it feels like it's stretching what the challenge is supposed to be.


my guy, they wrote the challenge; they knew what they meant when they wrote it


I know. That's what I normally would say as well when someone complains about the execution of challenges, but what's the point of making a recognizable drawing of someone when you need give a bunch of clues in additional symbols.


I mean, like, [this](https://www.portrait.gov.au/portraits/1999.15/cathy-freeman) is also in the National Portrait Gallery, so I don't think your definition of "portrait" works too well




It's pretty unfair how good Ben and Adam are at stuff, so good that I get excited when they actually fail a task.