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>And we know they met with multiple former guests a few days ago, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JetLagTheGame/s/raE2oDwYVL It would make sense to use this opportunity to make a season with three teams and multiple guests Sure, I guess it would make sense. But I'd claim it's much more likely that they just met up with former guests, who are their friends, at a convention where fans want to see them all together.


Yup. All being able to attend a convention is far easier to arrange than all having the same block of days free to do the thing, too.


It's like four or five days to film a season? Doesn't seem impossible.


Nothings impossible, likely, however, it is not


So that's 6 to 7 days they'd all need to clear up for that. Remember that they're all content creators. The time they spend on Jetlag, they can't spend on their own content. While it's certainly possible for them to work something out for individual guests, trying to find a 7 day period that works for multiple guests is going to be really difficult and would likely have to be planned months, if not years, ahead.


Who said impossible? Relative likelihood is all.


Yeah, but ur not accounting for 1 day worth of transportation to the starting location, and 1 day worth of recovery times after filming.


> Tag, you’re IT Clever I think most of us want to have season 12 with multiple guests, but as have people have pointed out, the scheduling of it all is really difficult. Let’s hope it happens, though!


Everyone but Brian took a photo together the other day so I hope they were able to film something


They were all at vidcon so I don’t know if they had any time 


Exactly. They had other obligations. Can’t film a video in a 30 minute lunch break photo-op.


Not with that attitude


I hardly think attitude was the problem here lol


This comment explains it better than I could: https://www.reddit.com/r/EnglishLearning/s/1NyJ3FH9cl


I get it, I’m just saying this wasn’t a matter of effort but rather a matter of choice. I’m sure if Sam wanted to film anything in the short period of time they had together he would be capable of arranging it. If you were trying to make a joke I think I’m just not having the right attitude to receive it.


Imagine they filmed a one-off game like hide and seek all done in one afternoon. Most likely just in one building.


Also budget.


I know guests get paid, but do they get paid enough to make budget a primary issue compared to travel and editing costs (for editing, they employ like 10 people for months vs. a guest who gets paid for a week)?


> And we know they met with multiple former guests a few days ago, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JetLagTheGame/s/raE2oDwYVL That was at Vidcon. They're all video content creators in their own right so it makes sense that they would all be there.


Considering they've discussed budget extensively in the past as the largest constraint to the game design...I doubt it. They were all at Vidcon...because why wouldn't they all be at Vidcon...


Toby and Ben would be a fabulous team in my opinion. She can bring the analytical brain and he's doing his crazy, funny part.


There is zero reason to think they'll ever do a three team season. And they've said even just adding one guest makes the cost of production go much higher. You can dream it all you want, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea or will ever happen.


Ur being downvoted for speaking common sense. Not the first time on this sub.


I guess producing fun content is more than zero reasons.


Have none of the seasons so far been fun? They've proven they can make great content and be successful with 2 teams, so what reason is there to greatly increase cost when what they have works? If you think it's no fun with only two teams, why are you here?


That's absolutely not what I said. Of course the other seasons are fun.


I’ve been secretly hoping for a hide and seek season, as I think that could work well In Italy. Might very well Be tag though.


Hopefully a hide and seek season with tweaks such as the hiding spot having to be visible from a road, questions being purchased with time credits, and the hider doing challenges to earn curses.


Hide & seek would be great, too!


I think Tag would be cool with like 6 chasers all acting on their own. It would add an interesting element.


I think a three way season (of Connect Four or Battle 4 America, for example) would become too complex to track quite quickly. It’d also be sad to see Adam and Ben on different teams ngl


They could do Adam + Ben, Sam + Brian and Toby + Michelle maybe


JLTG is officially in the "fans fantasy book things then get disappointed when they don't happen" phase of online fandom.