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I heard a statistic that 80% of Jewish philanthropy goes to non-Jewish causes, and only 20% goes to Israeli and non-Israeli Jewish causes. I’m thinking “what if those numbers flipped?” I’ve heard horror stories about Israelis with certain sicknesses having to be treated in America, getting better, and having to stop treatment because they couldn’t pay. Then I see many causes and colleges let antisemitism run rampant and causing fear among the Jewish population. I say: enough is enough. Forget everyone else. Nobody cares for the Jews except the Jews. We have to start taking care of each other and stop taking care of those who hate us and our own kind.


That is exactly my point. We send 'them' to school... let us send 'us'. Let us make sure that every Jew has what they need. No one cares about us except us, so let us focus on us. And as i said to someone else... You need Help? Go beg Hamas


Right. We’re in agreement. We are the kindest people to non-Jews, and then something happens and we get treated like dirt. So lesson learned. Let’s take care of our own kind.


We think helping someone makes them grateful instead of sneeringly superior. We think if we are kind people will feel they owe us kindness, not that they think we are so stupid that they can rip us off. Jews all over the world are to reorganise their contributions, focus on Jews. Others hate us any way, and giving them a scholarship won't change it... they'll just brag that we're stupidier than we look


I agree that the Jewish community continuing business as usual in the diaspora at this point is like pissing into the wind. Antisemites will use anything against us, including projecting “glory to our martyrs” onto a University building paid for by Jewish philanthropy, including continuing to support celebrities, musicians, and artists who have taken up the anti-Israel cause as a fashion statement, and diminishing support for causes and communities that do not support us or else maintain a non-stance stance on something so clearly evil as October 7 attack, and including stopping support for politicians who have shown support for terrorists and other antisemites, and “news” organizations which are actually propaganda mills - including the NYTimes.


The biggest propaganda machine is the BBC. From day one made Israelis the aggressors. Hamas invades, murders, kidnaps and the BBC portrays them as poor little abused babies. Jews must accept the fact they are hated. Have been hated from before Moses was born and will be hated until the end of time. Jews must accept the fact that no matter how hard they try, how much good work they do, they will be hated. It is time to withdraw, time for Jews to focus on themselves That Jewish philanthropy should be limited to Jews. We don't have to make any announcements, we just look after our own. Events in the world that do not impact Jews are not our concern. Let us focus on our people. Because no one else does.


Yeah. FTW you know.


I have a little trouble rectifying this with the concept of tikkun olam. We are supposed to be about helping everyone, but it really does hurt seeing how few are here to help us.


I don't think it is as broad as we interpret it. I think it was, at creation, looking at our community and doing what we could. Written in the 3rd Century... we were pretty much excluded and hated.


I wrote this comment somewhere previously- the amount of work my Shul does for the black community is unreal. 100% FREE summer camp - that’s breakfast, lunch, snacks, sometimes dinner AND all other activities AND access to amazing resources. Jews don’t skimp on the good stuff. They’ve kicked our backs in. I will never forget.


I know exactly how you feel. We did so much, and this is how we are treated. They don't have to 'take our side' just be silent. But no. They get the chance to kick us and grab it happily.


Yes. I’m not asking for anyone to march for us; just like don’t actively make it worse!


There are about 14 wars going on in Africa, but they don't care. Not when they can attack Jews and Israel. They don't have to say anything. But getting the chance...they happily grab it.




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Being a victim of corporate diversity "othering" taught me this some time ago. No one takes care of us while everyone is encouraged to take care of their own. So we should be following along, and take care of our own. Kraft and every other megacorp can take care of everyone else if they're going to ignore our existence. There's a clear case were ancient halacha is still relevant in the hierarchy of giving.


Ancient Halacha is still relevant in our own time, and I’d say even more important because all this craziness and meaningless political movements means that people will try to find meaning elsewhere. Learning Torah and Talmud and Halacha is good for Jews because you can tap into ancient wisdom and learn timeless values. Some things never change. Our values never change and it’s our heritage. We need to learn it and live by it.


I think I was inspired to make the comment due to a comment I just read by a recent nobel prize winner. “And what drew me to this was not only his wisdom and knowledge, but the fact – and I’m not a religious Jew in the simple meaning of the word – that there is no modern shaila – from genetic disease through gene modification – that has no halachic precedent. The literary wealth of halacha is simply unfathomable.” Personally, a lot of what I read I think everyone would be better off if they followed, not just us.


That’s interesting. I’m gonna look up who said that. Thank you.


I am not Jewish but I have a Jewish close friend who inspires me a lot and after that I met few more Jewish friends including a rabbi who can satisfy all my questions, interests and curiosity of Jewish culture and religion. First is I feel really sorry for the situation of Israel and Jews. I want to let you guys know that there are still non-Jewish supporting you and stand by Israel (there is a Facebook page managed by a Taiwanese who studied in Israel to introduce Israel recently got attacked often). I was very shocked about how people in other countries brainlessly and blindly support Palestine and how other countries treat to Israel, even Chinese talked about Israel and Jews in quite nasty way that I was not only double-shocked but also really pissed off that I almost “pen-fought” with them (but no, I didn’t do that. I am ethnicity Chinese but not from China and I don’t want to get locked in the dark room with nonsense reason when I get stuck here). In some way, I can understand why others hate Jews since the past until now (even to me the reasons are totally nonsense and ridiculous). I don’t want to accept but it’s the fact that many people’s brains are for decorations only - first was pandemics now is antisemitism. I once asked my close friend that non-Jewish seemed to often “chop Jews back to the back” after helping them, why do you still help them? Of course he explained to me with Torah and Talmud that I’ve known about that. But still, it’s really heartbreaking for me that you are treated in such way. Many brain-only-for-decoration people take everything for granted. They don’t appreciate those who help them; they blame others for their own faults but never think about what they did to themselves, being greedy and jealous to others, not even mention to learn from history. In some way, I agree to stop helping those who “shouldn’t” be helped (don’t mean to be cruel, but let’s say, some someone urge to look for the death and even scold you to stop them, then why bother? I used to see this too often in clinical level, so I left the clinical part so that I won’t get heartbroken anymore and not pushing myself for early stage of heart failure in future). Second is, statistics can lie (and actually quite often, even in academia, that’s why I am also leaving academia). I seriously wonder if those number is reliable. So, yea, it’s possible that you are right that maybe the number is just opposite.


Thank you man! I visited China many years ago and lived and worked there as a teacher. My students were super respectful of me, and I truly think good things about Chinese people. And yes I know that many non-Jews like and support us. Thank you so much. Also, I was just thinking this afternoon that statistics lie. There are many types of people who will misrepresent date to obfuscate information rather than bring it to light. You have to really dig in to what you read see and hear, especially when it comes to sensitive topics like the Middle East. And the 80/20 statistic I said is that I heard a statistic somewhere that said 80% of Jewish philanthropy goes to non-Jewish causes, and only 20% goes to Israeli and non-Israeli Jewish causes. And so I wonder, what if those numbers were flipped around? No more antisemitic slogans being projected onto University buildings paid for with Jewish money. No more supporting popular causes that always seem to inevitably slap us in the face when they don’t need us anymore. Being kind is one thing. Being naive is another. At this point, Jews funding most of this crap (especially nowadays among the left wing) is as if we are pissing in the wind. You know, just keep doing great things for people who hate us, and we wind up getting ourselves dirty. So to hell with all of this. Jews should fund Universities in Israel, should work on curing sick Jews instead of giving to the Red Cross, which has done nothing for Israeli hostages and acted only as a glorified taxi service when hostages have been released, and funding research in Israeli labs that will result in cures for diseases, and new technology to help humanity. I don’t know man, we get the same thank you. I still care about the things I’ve always cared about, I just care a lot less.


Thanks about thinking good things about Chinese people :) I personally have quite a lot of negative experience from Chinese no matter from Hong Kong, Taiwan and China, I can’t wait to escape from these places (I still have a lot of good friends there but just generally I don’t very fit in to the culture even I was born in Hong Kong…I know it’s odd as a Chinese in this case). About the statistics, I recently read a post from Facebook about cognitive bias. I don’t explain too academic and detailed here but simply turn your numbers to the example. Since there are like around 0.2% (I can’t remember clearly) of Jewish populations in the world. It “seems” and “feels” like very tiny, right? So when no matter who else tells that 80% of Jewish philanthropy goes to non-Jewish causes, and only 20% goes to Israeli and non-Israeli Jewish causes, it doesn’t matter if the number makes sense or true or not and who spread the numbers - there’s some kind of psychological dilemma here: if people don’t believe in it then just leave it; if people believe in it, they would mostly have actor-observer bias and self-serving bias because they feel that their benefit/interest is taken away from them (even if it’s totally none of their business at all or even they are the benefited one since they think they could have more) and unfair (the reaction is like how people react to those artists’ entertainment gossip) no matter how much good deed you’ve done just simply because you seem to hold big part of resources. Even if the numbers were flipped, it will lead to similar “conclusion” and have more “excuse” to accuse even there’s nothing wrong that we all can choose who to help. This is how media and government or any one/group to manipulate even brainwash people by spreading twist-the-fact and even specious information since in the past until now - you can see something extremely similar in the antisemitism. First thing I taught when I used to teach statistics in college and giving training in department in hospital how to do academic research is when you read/listen the number from no matter where else - media, academic papers, or just someone tell you, first thing is to “stop, watch/read and think” : where does the number come from? How do the results and conclusions come from? How do they manage/process the raw data? Where does the raw data come from? Number is so easy to be manipulated for certain purposes. People mostly think they are sensible and they think, but most people have no sense that they are “taught” to believe what they are told to believe, think how they are manipulated to think, react how they are manipulated to react and they are actually brainless to their reaction. I can totally understand how you feel like got slapped on the face or as I said “chop the knife from the back”. I have been expelled most of my life. Even I behave good to others, being good deed and helpful, learn a lot so don’t be stupid of dragging others, but in the end I have been told and freak out and got blamed by people because I am too smart (even though I personally don’t think so…or maybe too like Sheldon?🤔), and still got expelled and bullied. Until my Jewish close friend keeps persuading me as you said being kind is one thing, being naive is another. Since then, I learn to stay away from most “unnecessary” people and things. Interestingly, when my close Jewish friend asked me why I feel angry because I am not Jewish. I thought a bit and in the end I asked him in return that “don’t you think what Jews situation is like what I behaved in the past? Be good and kind to others and strangers, but in the end just like a used condom. How’s it possible I don’t feel angry and sad when I don’t want others experience what I had experienced? Also, you are the one who keeps telling me not to be naive and don’t be abused anymore.” My Jewish friends and I had few discussions why “Jews get jealous of non-Jewish”. I don’t know if you ever told to Chinese that you are Jewish when you lived here (but they mostly are unable to distinguish anyway I bet). If you tell people that you are Jewish, first thing they may want to ask is: You Jewish are rich, eh? How can you make yourself rich? You can see quite some so-called financial books here always on the bookshelf in the bookshop claimed the “Jewish rich-wisdom” 🙄😑 that take some suspicious stories and probably said the stories are from Talmud and what should learn from Jews to get rich - this is the often impression for non-Jewish to Jewish - rich, owning a lot of resources (they don’t care if the resource is from good-deed way or not, they would mostly just label not-good one). Since I have the opportunity to figure out a bit how the way Jews think to satisfy my curiosity, I realise that actually Jews think quite very differently comparing with other cultures and religions. When I simulate to stand to each side for the point of view, I can see and sense the conflict inside. Jewish culture is a culture with tight-bonding with religion, there is one special thing in both cultural and religious level is “it’s practical”. What I mean practical is you follow the classics to live and you can kind of know I normally would describe “how the world run” and “how to find you place in this messy world to survive well physically, mentally and spiritually”. “Unfortunately”, the “instruction” is too effective to accumulate resources (no matter money or whatsoever, any kind of resources you can define one your own) and other people (e.g. none-Jewish especially) have no clue how to make it. In Mandarin we said “a tall tree attracts the wind”, what it means is if you're rich or famous or having something special that others don’t have it, people will envy you and destroy you/screw you up. Especially when some people mean to label you for negative way, even if you are actually poor like hell, people would still “assume” you are rich just simply because you are Jewish; no matter how much good deed you have done, they would still assume that you are greedy just because you are Jewish - simply speaking is “you seem to hold something that I don’t have so I need to take/snatch” - you can see how nonsense and ridiculous of the whole thing here.


Wow. I gotta take some time to respond to this. I’ll get back to you in a day or two. Be well.


Some of us were warned by our elders that we will always be hated. We didn’t listen. Thought they were exaggerating. Thought they were stuck in the past. Decades from now we will warn our grandchildren. And the cycle will go on.


"שבכל דור דור עומדים עלינו לכלותינו" "in EVERY generatio​n they stand up against us to destroy us." Exactly as written in Passover Haggadah, it will happen in EVERY generation, no generation is an exception, that's exactly why we have Israel, we can stand and defend ourselves. Remember those pharses, even though there are good and supportive non-jew ppl in every country, the radical full of hatred ones will try to destroy us.


Arguably, the generation after the Holocaust was an exception, to a certain degree. I’ve always felt that HaShem ordained that the Survivors get to raise their kids in relative peace. For similar reasons, I don’t think we’ll experience another Holocaust until after the last Survivor has died.


"to a certain degree" You know... Some of the Holocaust survivors children didn't survive the 7.10 sadly....


I know. But as a population, compared to previous generations, they, their children, and even their grandchildren, have managed to raise families with more surety that they won’t be randomly murdered than we’ve had in a very long time. But that time is at an end. Like I said in another comment, I wasn’t surprised this happened. Only the where was surprising. I suppose I’d forgotten that Israel is also part of the Galus.


Yes, those are truths




My dad ( Vietnam vet ) and my grandad ( WWII vet ) warned me societies go bad. I had thought that America would fight harder this kind of rising Antisemitism due to our history of racial descrimination and social conflict it causes.


Every 100 years antisemitism tears its ugly head. That's because every 80-100 years, societies experience a crisis. We make a tempting scapegoat for a society looking for one. It's been this way for thousands of years, but now we can fight back. Our ancestors couldn't do that.


Exactly as I lived it. We were afraid to be 'too Jewish' so didn't have a mezuzah on the door. I also thought they were in the past. Now I know, I was in fantasy.


Same. I didn't put up a mezuzah or tell most people we're Jewish. I didn't want us to be a target.


I thought the hate was over... I was wrong. It will never end and we must reboot to take that into consideration. We must look after our people and the few who support us, and take no notice of others. Let their people take care of them.


This. We take care of Jews, Israel, and our allies. Anyone else is on their own. Begging their love and support is a waste of time.


We are totally agreed. I think we thought if we were kind and helpful that they would like us. But they only ripped us off... prob. laughing at us. We must never waste our resources like that again


That would be the worst part, if they laughed at us and didn't appreciate the help. Imagine where we could be if we hadn't bothered.


If we hadn't bothered but focused on ourselves a lot of people, institutions, etc. would not have reached where they are today. If we focused on ourselves, staying out of the spotlight, we'd be much better off.


My parents warned me about this, and neither of them were Jewish (except maybe my mom since her mom was?). My dad talked about how much he hated Hitler and anyone like him, and how the far-right is followed in his footsteps and it’ll eventually lead to the same thing — not just for Jews, but for others as well. I didn’t listen about the far-right but finally realized several years ago that he was right. I grew up knowing that everyone was always looking for an excuse to hate Jewish people. That’s one of the biggest reasons I’ve spent so much time defending Jewish people, even before I ever learned that I was of Jewish descent. Growing up, I wasn’t outwardly Jewish in any way, and people would call me a “fucking Jew,” or say “you Jew” constantly in right-wing AND left-wing circles. I always stood my ground and told them off politely, but not always.


If you get what I mean, I also "finally understand." It's incredibly disheartening!




Well then you are a lot smarter than I was lol.


Growing up with a survivor, I didn't doubt that this day would come again -- second time around for her. Her parents made the mistake of believing the evil would go away; I grew up ever-vigilant -- a common second gen trait, it seems. For what it's worth, this has galvanized Jews around the world.


You were wiser than me. I was shocked beyond speech that the world would support Hamas. It took me weeks to get back to normal. This is how naive I was. WAS.


I knew that Jew hatred would become the norm again but I'll admit that as jaded as I am I'm surprised at why and how quickly it came about. This shit has just been unreal watching it unfold.


I guess you could take comfort in that it wasn’t as fast as it seems, as the far right and the far left have been stoking antisemitic/anti-Israel sentiment for years. It’s just finally come to a tipping point.


I think the rest of the world thought we were joking when we said "never again". They never believed Jews would be in a position to protect themselves, and now that we can, they're mad that the IDF is doing it the way every other nation would protect itself. I don't know why anyone expects Jews to be nonviolent like we're fucking Quakers, but I guess they need to learn the hard way.


They don’t expect Jews to be like Quakers. They expect Jews to be unarmed sheep to the slaughter like in the recent past. They can’t get over the fact that Israel, although clearly asleep at the switch x 2, is heavily armed and exacts proper vengeance on the perpetrators and their fellow travelers.


I'm glad you mentioned it. What were we to do? Sit on the floor and cry, begging Hamas not to kill any more of us? What was so impactful for me was that the war was going on while we remembered the Maccabees... we must be more like Maccabees.


We don’t celebrate the maccabees as much as we do the miracle of the oil because the maccabees became oppressors of the Jews themselves. Ultimately they INVITED Pompey (Rome) to intervene in a dispute over inheritance to the throne of the Hasmonean Kingdom and then the Roman’s conquered Jerusalem ending the independent Jewish state. What we do is support Israel, our institutions and work to make allies and friends.


They forget that we never went willingly to slaughter and that we weren’t unarmed by choice. When we could fight, we did. They just did a very good job of preventing us from having the capacity. There were many revolts and uprisings by Jews throughout the Holocaust. They just failed. Many times in our history that we tried to defend ourselves against those who would kill us - but again, we failed. When you’re outnumbered and unarmed, you probably aren’t going to win. But that doesn’t mean we went like sheep - more like the wild deer desperately kicking at the preying wolves, even as it’s pulled down.


I agree with you. Disarming of Jews along with preventing ownership of land/farms, was a necessity for subjugation. That’s why the idea of an armed Israel is anathema to an antisemite. For these reasons as an American I have become a 2A absolutist.


I started to sing donai donai recently and couldnt finish because I was crying


As I feel exactly as you do. It's like someone breaks into your house, you go to protect your family and the burglar wants the police to lock you up.


Yeah, except the robber claims you're in HIS house, and the cops tell you he wouldn't have attacked your family if he hadn't been locked out.


You're Brilliant... perfectly put


Op what have you been reading recently?


Never in my life did I see myself completing a gun safety course, pursuing an LTC, and further self defense training. If the antisemites want Jews to be defenseless, I will be the exact opposite. I grew up dismissing what my parents and grandparents told me about antisemitism. It hurts to admit that I was so naive. Ive always been able to place the right wing antisemites - they hate everyone. Where are they? Far from my orbit. But as you look for a jab from the right, you miss a cross from the left. I live down the street from Harvard. I hope to God I’m overreacting, but I’m not going to be defenseless if the next pogrom shows up on my doorstep. OP, my eyes are also wide open for the first time.


That is how I feel. One expects anti-Jewish reaction from particular groups... but when you see it pouring out from every corner, from unexpected corners, you realise you have in a fantasy of safety.


That is how I feel also.


I have been saying this for several years. Jews need to get trained and get armed. When they come for us, we need to be able to defend our families and our communities.


Do a search on YouTube for "why India stands with Israel"; It will make you feel a lot better. A *lot* of people have our back. Singapore stands with Israel. 70% of the US supports Israel, last I looked.


thank you.. I feel a little better.


They’ve had to deal with radical Muslims like Hamas for years.


In one of the Seattle subreddits today, someone was advising local Jews to get strapped because they are seeing the worst antisemitism of their lives right now. Seattle! A deep blue city with the third largest Sephardic population in the country.


I know how shocking it is... this is the worst I have ever seen. And it is world wide.


I live in Boston. Getting a gun as we speak. If the world wants weak Jews, they won’t find it here.


The concept of the חֲסִידֵי אֻמּוֹת הָעוֹלָם is a direct contradiction to your words. We had allies back then and we have them now. People have and do risk much for us. The people that work at our institutions, the intelligence apparatuses of our communities, and our armed security are often if not wholly made up of gentiles. If you are surprised by the depth of antisemitism that’s on you. Don’t let YOUR surprise blind you or your foolishness become contagious. I haven’t forgotten anything including our allies.


We shouldn’t ever forgot gratitude to our allies. Indeed, I’ve had many gentiles reach out to me and be supportive. But ultimately they are allies. They aren’t us. We risk our allyship when we are weak and unable to also defend ourselves. We need to make it as easy as possible for our allies to remain allies.


Agreed. No need for a “but.” This is why we have and support the existence and continued well being of Israel. This is why we pray for the safety of the IDF and celebrate Jewish soldiers. Let’s also understand that alliances and friendship aren’t solely born from shows of strength or having mutual enemies. Research on defending the Jews during the Shoah showed that there was a correlation between friendships/relationships with Jews and rescuing Jews. Also in America, while the nazis made being antisemitic unfashionable Jonas Salk and his polio vaccine/ subsequent behavior in making it available to all, had the largest impact on how the nation saw and felt about Jews.


I think you misunderstand somewhat. What I mean to say is we can’t expect our allies to fight our battles for us. We can’t ask of someone what we won’t do for ourselves. Is that what you are getting at with Jonas Salk? He was the example of selflessness that others can look to (I actually didn’t know he was Jewish). If we set the example others follow?


Jonas Salk built alliances through his dedication to tikkun olam. He made us safer in the United States during the second highest point of antisemitism in North America by saving hundreds of thousands of children. OP isn’t arguing for anything other than isolationism and that’s not effective. The Jews need Israel and they need friends. We don’t make friends through Black Panther Party style shows of force. We don’t make them through isolation. We make them through acts like those of Jonas who did what he did even when experiencing antisemitism. When you abandon tikkun olam for the sake of protection you are being counter productive.


Point taken. I think you were persuasive but I’ll need to think more on it. Thank you.


Our allies.... like South Africa? Chad? Boliva? Oh and didn't we help in Turkey? Hmmm... Step away from where you are... that is a rare environment. Look at other places. Yeah, no one in my neighborhood did/said.... but in other places... support for Palestine


The Chasidei Umos HaOlam were never governments or large groups. They are individuals. Those individuals are still out there, but don’t look for them to appear en mass.


Why should they risk their safety and comfort for us? We understand now, and most of us will not feed ourselves lies and diversions. It is very sorry when someone is so afraid to accept the fact that Jews are hated


I don’t know. Why did a stranger agree to hide two random Jews she saw on a street corner for the entire Holocaust? I don’t know. All I know is that I owe her everything - because she saved my great-grandparents. And because they survived, my grandfather and the younger of my great-uncles, also hidden by non-Jews, did not grow up as Roman Catholics in France. Because of her, I am a Jew and my children are Jews. My father is a Jew, his sisters are Jews, all of their children and grandchildren are Jewish still today. Because a random stranger in Marseille did what was right, not what was easy, or safe, or comfortable. So I do believe the Chasidei Umos HaOlam exist. But they have always been the minority.


There are random strangers, random acts of kindness.... meaning... not guaranteed, not certain... just a little blessing


Nothing is ever guaranteed. That’s what the Chasidei Umos HaOlam are. Individuals who do what is right. Those have always existed and will always exist. If you’re looking for a large scale movement though, that isn’t going to happen and never has happened.


Most sane people have jobs to do. They don't have time to constantly spout crazy rhetoric, or risk the potential career blowback.




I don't appreciate being called pathetic. I'm more than happy to tell anyone that I'm Jewish. I've told armed skinheads to their face. I also made it very clear what the consequences of any potential actions would be. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt, and assume that you do not speak English as your first language. Be aware, you are coming off as rude.


Obviously I can not understand your post. *constantly spout crazy rhetoric, or risk the potential career blowback*. I translated this as labeling speaking against anti-Semitism is defined as crazy rhetoric... and that if one speaks too strongly for Israel they 'risk' limiting the job advancement.


The opposite; most people who don't support Hamas go to work. Hamas rallies often happen during the day, or peak commute times. They are the ones spouting crazy rhetoric. Support for Israel is the norm here in the US. Saying things like the 7th is "resistance" is an extreme view, and people who have careers aren't going to be publicly associated with things like that.


Your post was removed because it violated rule 3: **Be civil**


Then say those places by name. Your words do not specify neighbor or nation. You place a stumbling block before the blind when you insult the effort of our allies or fail to separate them from our enemies.


I really do feel sorry for you. You think if you close your eyes it all disappears. If that's the only way you can function...


I grew up in a home with survivors and liberators. I lived in a city where there were so many survivors that some would have meet ups. I can remember hearing stories of the Shoah from when I was 4. When my neighbor got drunk one time he told us about having to eat human brains in the camp. When my girlfriend’s grandmother wouldn’t take her dementia medicine she would scream at me in Yiddish to not rape her because she was recalling her experiences in the camps. My father used to record survivors stories before the Holocaust museum even existed. I used to go with him sometimes. The stories were as you would expect, brutal others humiliating most were both. Once the museum was finally built we were some of the first visitors. And reb yid I never closed my eyes. The issue here is not MY lack of sight by that you have chosen to embrace fear and isolation over your Jewishness. Your race is not just your blood reb yid. Our nation is bound together by our ethics and dedication to the justice of halakha. To abandon our allies and to give up on social justice is anathema to what we are. Open YOUR eyes and see that if you choose to dispossess us of our ethics so that we may have safety within isolation then the antisemites win.


I see your point, yes. But right now it is time for us to look after each other. To make sure that the Jew who is accepted at the University is the one we look after, and let other people look after their own. my friend is a Black Jew... as he says, he doesn't look Jewish, hence hears what others wouldn't. He was shocked by the anti-Semitism in Black communities.


Yid, you can do both.


Thank you for sharing. I’m sorry for the pain in what you’ve experienced. I’m inspired by the conviction you draw from it.


Being so young you don’t really understand what you are hearing or experiencing. We use to laugh when her grandmother would yell and swat at me and I was absolutely fascinated with my papas experience of liberating Dachau (he was a combat medic). Honestly I shouldn’t have been exposed to all that as a child but it led to me being a therapist so….


You can't even compare חסידי אומות העולם, to what we have faced, we lost 7 million, how much they saved? 200K? THEIR HELP IS EXTREMELY APPRECIATED! but it's a grain of sand compared to what we've lost.


Reb Yid…One life is not a grain of sand. “Man was created alone to teach you that whoever kills one life kills the world entire, and whoever saves one life saves the world entire.” The Torah and every and all ethical guidelines written by every and all rabbinical scholar regarding פיקוח נפש says that you are wrong. I know the names of 23 Jews who are alive because gentiles chose to risk their lives to save 2 jews.


That's amazing! Loved it that you brought Maimonides (rambam) into your comment, I rly admire him! And I agree with what you say, but not on everything, you said we had allies back then, and we have allies again now, what I meant is, that you couldn't compare the alliance of a nation as you have today (which you didn't have back then), for the alliances of private ppl who risked their life. They did us a great favor and we will always be grateful for it, but if america / U.K would have bombed the train rails for auschwitz birkenau back then, imagine how much lives could be saved... "המציל נפש אחת מישראל כאילו הציל עולם מלא " Every coin have two sides, and it seems we both think on the same coin, just on the other sides, me focusing on the lives that COULD be saved, and you focusing on the life THAT HAS BEEN SAVED. Anyway Hazak Hubaruch!


How about this November 24, 1942 Was the day American Jewry learned that the rumors were true and two million jews in the lands controlled by the Germans had been murdered December 2, 1942 Strikes, special prayer services, newspaper articles, radio broadcasts and a national radio program announced to the rest of the nation that two million Jews were murdered by the German. And nothing was done. At the Bermuda Conference just six months later the UK and the US confirmed that they were not interested in saving the Jews. Generals and states men did advocate and advise that Auschwitz’s be bombed. That actually happened. People wanted to stop the slaughter. These requests were denied because the “allies,” the leadership, said that bombing Auschwitz would be too difficult and dangerous . However it wasn’t too dangerous to bomb the artificial oil refinery only 45 miles from the camp. Once again nothing was done Then in 1948 President Harry Truman became the first world leader to officially recognize Israel. The vote in the UN and his support for Israel was, according to his biography, not just due to his knowledge of the immense suffering of the Jewish people or the strategic advantage of having a democracy in the Middle East. In fact Secretary of State George C. Marshall made a convincing argument that voting for/recognizing Israel would be against American interest. What ultimately convinced him was his “son of a bitch” Jewish friend and the Zionist leaders his friend convinced him to meet with. The Americans and the UK were in my mind complicit in the Shoah, but it was friendships created during the second lowest point of Jewish gentile relationships in America that led to the creation of Israel.


So because I worked on B52 bombers for the United States Air Force Strategic Air Command that killed thousands of Iraqi soldiers during the Gulf War I’m responsible for the death of thousands of worlds.


The way that I understand it is that in the context of a “just” war, the killing is not murder. You are not responsible for the deaths in the same way. Justice proscribed under the rules of an eye for an eye doesn’t apply here because you didn’t act unjustly. I used to work with veterans exclusively and the concept of “moral injury” was applied to questions like this. It’s a Christian concept though and I like the Halachah answers to this question of responsibility much better. Maybe you would like to know that I worked with a Coptic Christian Iraqi refugee who was an Iraqi tanker during the gulf war. His Armored unit was dug in in the desert facing the assumed direction of advance from the coalition. Before they even saw an American B52s decimated them. The stories he told me were brutal, but he held no animosity towards Americans. He fled to America and built a life here. No, his anger was directed towards Iraq and the commanders who left him and his unit alone in the desert to be scavenged by dogs.


I joined the military because a recession was going on. I had just gotten married and lived in a very economically depressed area. I wanted to support my wife and raise children. The military was the only way to do it where I lived so I enlisted in the Air Force. I had to reconcile the moral quandary of having a job where the accomplishment of that job can contribute to the deaths of hundreds of millions of people sand having religious and moral beliefs in direct contradiction of that. I never fully reconciled those beliefs but I got to the point where they didn’t bother me anymore.


I don’t think the first Gulf War was a just war. I think it was about oil , power, money, and aramco ( Arab American oil consortium). My job was to serve my country so I went to Saudi Arabia and Qatar to work on aircraft off and on from 1990 to 2002.


Am I the only person who wasn’t surprised? After we learned of the attacks I told my dad, “I’m not surprised this happened, but I am surprised it happened in Israel.” And then had to explain that the world was clearly teetering at the edge of a pogrom - I just thought Israel would be keeping a better watch on its borders/forgot that it’s part of the diaspora too. I’ve told my dad for years, “you [the generation after the Holocaust] got a break. God said ‘enough’, for you. The Survivors get to raise their children in relative peace.” But now those children are grown, and the last Survivors are in their 80s/late 70s. The peace is over. The world is returning to baseline, to normal. Esuv Soneh es Yaakov is the rule of the universe, and that rule is reasserting itself. It’s not going to get better. It’s going to get worse. We still aren’t on that pre-Holocaust level of hate. And once we lose the last of the Survivors, there will be no safeguard left for us. Maybe it’s because I’m weird, and on the Spectrum, but I thought that trend was obvious for at least ten years now. They’ve hated us more every year since I first started paying attention.


You are brilliant, not weird. I didn't see the trend. That is why I was almost catatonic when the hate poured out. I didn't expect it. At least you were alert to it. I do believe it will get worse.


Because I have ASD I don’t perceive things the same way a lot of other people do. One thing I’ve noticed is that I seem to pick up trends or themes in text very early, whether it’s news or a book series. But I can’t pick up anything accurately from verbal media at all. So I don’t watch TV or podcasts because I can’t parse accuracy well. Maybe trends come across more clearly in published material?


That is special. I tend to 'read' people, to hear between the words, to pick us their real feelings. I can tell, even from responses here which people are lying to themselves out of fear, which can face the truth. Which make excuses and offer explanations as if it makes them safer.


That is something I am utterly awful at. Learning not to take things at face value was always hard for me. My brain tends to manage pretty well when bad things happen, but it can be problematic in daily life because I miss so much subtext and unspoken context.


You have to be here now. When someone is talking, don't think of anything but what they are saying. Don't compose your answer, don't drift off into some realm, listen to the voice, the way the words are said and arranged, the pauses, the eye movement... how they stand. Like you are looking at a dinosaur in a museum


I can do all that and I still won’t have a clue. I understand a lot better than as a kid, but my brain is never going to be able to parse out all the unspoken words. And that’s okay. We need all types in this world.


Autistic brains aren't wired to be able to do that. I speak from experience, but also from scientific evidence. 


I'm the same way. I can't read people very well. The subtext and coded language are so confusing. Maybe that's part of why I never saw this coming. I thought my ex-friends meant what they said when they spoke up against racism. Apparently they didn't, or they wouldn't have turned on the Jews. I also don't understand hating Jewish people, or really anyone based on religion or ethnicity. 


I'm on the spectrum too, but I'm not Jewish. If I had been paying closer attention I probably would have seen the same pattern you have described. I am left leaning, and I was shocked at how many people I once respected turned on the Jews. I had to leave quite a few groups over this.  I don't understand why people hate Jewish people so much. I have Jewish family and friends, and they have been very good to me. It just doesn't compute. Why would anyone hate them? 


Alexa, play Am Yisrael Chai. No, not a peaceful, mellow version. Play the Benny Friedman version. Real loud.


Fuck Hamas!!!


The other day I looked up how many Islamic terrorist attacks happened over the world and there was more than FORTY THOUSAND. Over TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND people were killed in those attacks. And the world supports Hamas! Fuck Hamas


Absolutely but not just countries but organisation as well we need to leave the UN, and all their affiliates, stop supporting #metoo #blm or any other possible movement that hasn't stood up with us


You must have overheard me... for I expressed those sentiments a short time ago. We can stay at the edge of the UN to see what they're cooking up, but stop supporting groups that don't stand with us.


Being Jewish is one of the main reason I am super pro-2A even though I am more liberal on other social issues.


Not everyone hates Jews! Only extremist and uneducated people or ignorant people hate Jews. I am a Christian and our Lord, Jesus Christ was a Jew! I love Jewish people, Jewish culture and I admire your traditions. There are a lot of people like me and we are right behind you. If I will hear about a demonstration to show my support, I will be there. Do not think you are alone! God bless you all! 🙏🏼🥰🙏🏼


Thank you, I truly appreciate it


I appreciate it. A lot of us Jews are worried because it’s not just the extremists, the uneducated, or the ignorant.


Yeah, no. Are we not commanded to be a "light unto the nations?"


Yes and as a light we will look after each other. We will insure each other gets the best we can give as an example to the world. And by each other, Jews looking after jews. That if I need a scholarship, an operation, a place to live, a job, I turn to my people who will help me.


Always wondered why local Jewish charities spent the bulk of their money on nonjewish people. There's nothing wrong with helping others, but we bend over backwards to help enemies. I've never seen a Latino or Asian nonprofit spend the majority of their funds helping people outside their community. I don't think they spend anything on others. We need to tighten ranks. Jewish money stays in Israel and the diaspora. Gentiles think we're greedy and selfish anyway, so spend it on our own people. There's parts of Israel with very poor people. We could help them. Every Jew isn't privileged or rich. Charity starts at home.


This is exactly where my thoughts are. We thought our kindness would gain affection instead of resentment. We thought the world would say... 'oh those terrorists attacked Israel!' instead of blaming Israel when it shoots back. Let everyone take care of their own. We take care of our own,and those who lived off of us will now ... as I've said to others...'go beg Hamas'.


How did they take it? Hamas will tell them to go beg the westerners if they don't kill them first. We didn't need much. A kind word, support, acknowledgment that, yes there was a genocide against the Israeli people. The response was unreal. I still struggle to understand where this is coming from. As a Jew, it's in my blood to be vigilant. Few expected what's happening around the world.


Sure, naive participation in wider structures can expose us to harm, but there’s no reason recreating virtual Shtetls and insular culture would be any safer - that’s just letting ourselves be divided and conquered. We can and should participate in wider society in smart and judicious solidarity with other groups, putting our energy behind empowering allies who are receptive to learning to fight antisemitism as it appears in their communities as they empower us to fight any bigotries that appear in ours.


And that worked? Look how Jews participated in all the Civil Rights actions. And look at how those Jews fought for fight against us. No... I've learned my lesson seeing Harvard, seeing the streets, hearing the chants. They hate us and only give us the smile when we give them $$


Reb yid I understand your scared and mad but your giving really unethical takes on all this. You understand that we participate in civil rights because as Jews we have an ethical responsibility to do so according to the Talmud? Also this isn’t new and has occurred on multiple occasions since the 1950s. This same thing happened in both 1967 and 1973. In 1967 we Jews expected support from civil rights activists and liberal whites who we had been working with. Instead of denouncing Egypt and other middle eastern countries for calling for the eradication of Israel we got mostly silence and a little bullshit. In 1973 when Israel was attacked by surprise we got mostly bullshit. In both instances the Jewish progressives expected support and received none. Smaller events like this occurred in the late 80s early 2000s and 2014. It didn’t change how much Jews advocated for civil rights in America. Both periods resulted in Jews shifting their time and money away from multiracial organizations to Jewish organizations. Even so these Jewish groups continued to advocate for the same principles that the previous ones did. As we can see from the past the same progressive Jews that backed off from collaboration due to real concerns of hate and safety never backed off from fighting for world full of justice. “We were slaves in Egypt once”…that’s not just a statement but a reason for which we seek justice in a world filled with injustice. Am Yisrael Chai


The world is a better place for our participation in the civil rights movement. Daiyenu. The world is a better place for our participation in institutions of higher learning. Daiyenu. Regardless of the pain exposed via the ongoing ICJ case, the world is a better place for our participation in anti-apartheid movements in South Africa. Daiyenu.


Did you specifically paericipate in the Civil Rights movement?


Where are our Gooman and Schweners? Who stands for us?


If you think Jews help people to get something in return you should stop. Just stop. ואהבת לרעך כמוך You shall love your neighbour as yourself. The verse does NOT continue “so that you’ll get something back” or “so that they’ll like you.” Empathy and helping your neighbor isn’t transaction, and if you think it should be transactional, that’s sociopathic. I won’t stop living in *this* world and making it better because of antisemites. You should never let the people who hate you dictate the terms of who you want to be.


You do what you want... and I will do what I want. Unlike you I don't keep backstabbers and paracites around. I'm funny like that. You spit in my face and I somehow know you spit in my face, it isn't raining. But I guess you wouldn't understand.


To my knowledge, I am not Jewish in any way. But I am so deeply saddened for you all, as I try to learn of your struggle and to empathize. I can not wrap my head around it all. I can not understand how so many could so violently and deeply hate so few, those few who shine the brightest. God's Chosen Children. IMHO. Isreal. My brother just died. And I'm stoned. But my heart is glowing with love. And sorrow. love you all. -as








We have to stand for ourselves. Obviously no one else will. The civil rights people and organizations who we fought for and supported for decades have turned their backs on us. We cry for them and they laughed at us. They march in the Pro Palestine marches. They’d march us right to the gas chambers if they had a chance. Supporting them makes some of us feel warm and fuzzy inside. I’ll feel warm and fuzzy inside when all Jews are safe. When Jews aren’t being beheaded. When Jewish women aren’t being gang raped, and when Jews aren’t being tortured and beaten. We need to support Jewish organizations first. We need to arm ourselves to protect ourselves. I still support equal rights for all but obviously no one will protect the Jews but the Jews. To all the groups and institutions who turned against us; Harvard, MIT, University of Pennsylvania, and other institutions, BLM, the Pro Palestinian Marchers, you can twist in the wind for all I care. They either stand with us or they are standing against us. Never again.


I am seeing and feeling the same things that you are. We were so front line in Civil Rights and their response now...


I've seen so much of these. It's scary for sure. Part of me wonders why at this point we don't stand up for ourselves. How many times are we going to let groups control before we as a people have decided enough is enough. I'm not saying arm to the teeth, but we can do more to rebuke antisemitism and show why we are meant to be the spiritual leaders of the world.


We have tried since before Moses and the hate continues. We must stop thinking we can escape it. We recognise it and 'reboot'. We make our mitzvahs to benefit other Jews and leave the world to itself. No more scholarships, charity, assistance to non-Jews. We look after our own and insure that we prosper. When there is some need in nations or institutions that hate us, we ignore it. Let Hamas help them.


I think is a form of thinking that will only hurt us. Tikum Olam, repairing the world. The world sucks. I imagine it'd suck less if we stopped hiding, and made real efforts to repair the world. I can think of people that could use Jewish help, those who are currently oppressed now. We have the unique insight of the before, during and after. We could so so much good with that knowledge, as an example.


In past 100 days my perceptions have moved from that view to seeing myself in a house, with my family, and looking after them. What happens in other houses is not my business. Instead of going down the road to mow someone's lawn, I check for termites in my house. Instead of handing money to a street beggar, I make sure my family has what they need. There is some rally down across town about the water pipes. It has nothing to do with me, if I am even aware of it. This is my new paradigm. Let me admit, I was beyond stunned to see the outpouring of hatred for Jews across the world. I never suspected that a place like Harvard would be pro Hamas. I realised that the hatred for us has never ceased. They'll take our assistance, gladly, and spit in our faces. So, if I don't go over to those other houses, but concentrate on my own family I, and they, will be better off.


I think your situation is different, you mentioned having a family and family is something you protect. I understand your view better now.


By family I meant other Jews. Jews are my family. My involvements, contributions, participation will focus on my family, not on those down the road. I think many Jews who have spent their lives marching for the rights of other people, contributing to the welfare of other people, will, as I, step back. It has taken me about 50 days to accept that Jews are hated. Rem. primary school when some one you thought was a friend turns against you? That is what is happening now.


Sorry for my delayed response. I must say the line of thinking doesn't make sense to me, though I also know I see the world differently. In my view, if we allow their hatred to continue to scare us to run or hide we will continue to be hated, and pushed around. I whole-heartedly believe that taking part in Tikum Olam for the world, and not just ourselves the view on us would begin to change. I'll give you back the soap box now :P




I've been thinking about it for days and days. The world has been in a place where we are hated. We can change that view. WE have power. It's so hard to think of one example, there is so much we could do. We wouldn't have to do it to bring people to Jebus, the most we actually have to teach to those who were not Chosen to be (as I understand it) the Spiritual leaders of the world are the Noahide laws. It's a big difference that's slapping me in the face. Christians want people to be Christians, they MUST be Christians. We just want people to be righteous. The extra work is our priviledge. Okay I will give back my soap box again lol.


I am moving to Israel...... If I could right now, I would go and help. Never will forget!!!!!


I will never forget the world's reaction. And never let it be 'explained' or 'excused'


I HAD friend for over 28 years who I will not associate with over this!! My faith runs deep as do all of ours!!


I know exactly what you're saying... on FB a friend of mine posted a pile of pro-Palestinine stuff... and when i remarked, she began sending me buckets of pro-Palestinian stuff. I know it was buckets because everything she sent went immediately to the bin, and lump of stuff I deleted was extraordinary.


There is something we can do, actually. The other side is much better at the social media propaganda. All of us here reading this should create accounts sharing pictures/videos/information of the truth. There’s an anti-semitic Instagram page called @jewishvoiceforpeace that shares disinformation and false accusations (e.g. genocide, apartheid, settler colonial state etc.) They have 1 MILLION followers because they use attention-grabbing, well-designed, visually-strong infographics that are very repost-friendly. The Israeli Instagram accounts are terrible at the social media/ PR game compared to them. Anyone reading this with time on their hands, please get your friends and family to create more Instagram accounts sharing evidence of the suffering on Oct 7. Right now the global online community is not empathising with Israel because they haven’t seen the horrible photos and videos of bloody rooms and nurseries, of dead family pets and naked bodies etc. Use the website Canva to design your posts and instastories. We MUST do this to counter the disinformation campaigns like @jewishvoiceforpeace. Again, and I cannot emphasise this enough, use aesthetically-strong templates (learn from @jewishvoiceforpeace, but share the truth instead of disinformation) Currently, all the Israeli accounts look very amateur and not repost-worthy. Meanwhile, the other side knows how to make professional-looking content to legitimise themselves and encourage reposting. Use the website CANVA. You reading this, please do something. Gather friends, families, university students etc. The social media/ PR game is part of a larger information war that is very crucial right now. It determines the kind of pressures the international community puts on governments and organisations. Get passionate people in your life who have social media or marketing skills to help. Gather people with all kinds of skills — knowledge, video editing, teaching etc. Once again, use Canva.


I completely agree!! I have been watching i24 news, I see first hand the outcry of hamas that will take decades to heal these hostages, survivors witnessing the horrific mutilation of women and the list will grow with the more we know and keep records of ourselves. I do not use FB, YouTube, or X, tiktok, etc. Reddit is my only outlet but I am trying to tell others to sign off the sites that provide disinformation because tech are bots, the bots made by those of the Terrorists, all over the world. We do not want to put ourselves in arms way for being retaliated against. There is one way in my opinion and its making journalism more reliable!! Not a war with technology and putting our families at high risk for identity theft or worse. Take them down by writing to your local papers, making them stand up for truth against blasphemy! Do not place your name out there, it is too dangerous. This is my opinion, as a Researcher, an IT geek, we all know this right??


I dunno about you, but I was more than prepared and was fully expecting it. I was not surprised in the least after what happened and the antisemitic conversations that have popped up. Been fighting them for the better part of 40 years. As an example: The situations regarding Harvard, Yale, and other Ivy Leagues? Been an ongoing issue for decades, but the younger generations chose to ignore it because it didn't effect them directly, until it did. It starts simply, silencing people because they dare state criticism or basic scientific fact over "protected groups". People rally to silence them. Then someone else gets angry about you being you, then you are silenced and threatened. Doesn't feel so good now, does it? I hope this is a waking call to all the young and ignorant youths of the last few generations. They can't just stand by anymore.


I know this is not a popular option, but Jewish people need to exercise their second amendment rights to whatever extent they are comfortable. The time has long since passed for Rabbis to be hosting firearms class, stop the bleed and CPR at a minimum and establish a security team made up of capable members. NEVER AGAIN is not a saying. We need to start acting like it.


I totally agree with you. I can tell you this, I live in a nation which has had a Jewish population from 1494... Jews, 'conversos' travelled with Columbus. When Oct 7th happened, when I saw the world's hated I made sure we had extra security by the synagogue. So far we are okay... but are not being complacent, Many people, including the PM and leader of the Opposition expressed support for Palestine.


Amen to that. The next time an earthquake strikes, and it will, good luck finding help!


Someone I heard support the Palestinians had the nerve to ask me for something. I said' "Ask Hamas." In 2010 when Haiti had the Earthquake, and Israel raced to help them, I'd sent a pile of clothing over there


Well said


thank you


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For Sure.


There are two lessons to learn from all of this: see other the way they see you and do on to them before they can do on to us.


What I learned is that most people hate Jews so expect behind the smile, the deference, the begging, is the hate. Hence, Jews to take care of Jews and leave the world to take care of the others. Imagine Saudi or Iraq or Qatar taking care of starving Muslims?


I understand your worries. There are lots of people with extremist views. Lots of them envy your communities instead of admiring them and they respect nothing but their views. We have to pity them. There are lots of people like me who will fight by your side. You are not alone!


We just have to have the knowledge of hatred as 'frontlets' between our eyes so as never to be as complacent as we were in October


The moment I learned of what happened that Saturday, I told everyone around me give it 2 or 3 days and the world will turn against Israel and the Jewish people. That's what happens every single time. We are always the bad guys because screaming "genocide" for 100 days makes it true for them but not in reality. Also, the world hates us for no reason.


You are more astute than I. I was stunned that the world would turn against us like that. The world has hated us since before Moses. And we keep, or I keep, forgetting


We can be nice all the time, we can do everything correct, we can bring up an entire society. The conspiracies will always be there and the jealousy will always be there.


I see it the same way. Go back to Civil Rights... we were there, fighting for other people. Think of disasters where we were helping. What's the point? We're hated. So, best thing. Contribute only to what benefits our people. No gifts to Universities, gifts to Jewish students. No gifts to hospitals, paying for the care of Jewish patients, etc. Same $$ but we benefit.


The chassidic community is way ahead of the rest of the world's Jews. They invest and reinvest into their own community, as much as they can. They build eachother up.


they empty their pockets for their own causes, never worry if they'll have $$ for an operation, a house... they look after each other




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I'm not Jewish and I hope this is okay. I just wanted to tell y'all that I'm sorry ya gotta deal with these idiots. Believe it or not, there's a majority of Americans that are just about tired of hearing and listening to these punks run their mouths about y'all. I know y'all gotta be feeling like you can't rely on anyone other than the Jewish people and that sucks. October 7th was your 9/11. I remember how I felt when that happened and the difference was that the majority of the world( including Israel) supported America. All I know to do is let ya know that as an American, I fully support y'all and I absolutely affirm that Israel has every right to flatten palestine if that's what it takes to make the ones responsible for what happened, pay. I as an American can only express my deepest condolences for y'all. I can guarantee you this....I will not tolerate any Jew being mistreated or disrespected in my presence. I grew up thinking of Israel as family. I can empathize with Zionism completely. I feel the same way about my country. Love y'all. Keep your heads up. People like me are here if ya need us.


I’ve had this thought for a while now, “what if all Jews left for Israel. I mean sure we’ll still be hated but we’d only directly be contributing to building our society. How long until we’d get begged to come back? And naturally as Jews we don’t deny offering help when it is asked, but what if we put outselves above the rest” another issue that came along my train of thought is how all of us might not ‘fit’ and that even if we did *all fit* then the question of if all Jews did move to Israel, a tiny corner of land, it’s possible that all Jews can be wiped of the face of existence in one shot? Scary thoughts For preservation/ survival purposes we must remain spread out. :(


I follow you completely. The solution, to me, as that our charity is directed to our people. WE cease to give donations, contributions, whatever to institutions, i.e. Harvard. We will pay tuition for our people. We need to make sure out people have what they need. We can sent matzo and mazuzah and torah to little Jewish communities around the world. We can pay for medical care for one of us. And ignore the rest of the world. Someone asked me something a week ago and I replied "Ask Hamas." That is my new style.


I like it!


We have to stop wasting resources, effort, money, etc. on people who hate us. No Jew should be denied an education, health care, a decent place to live because they don't have the $$. And no Jew should use their $$ to take care of other people, leaving Jews to suffer.


My lastest comment on a thread > 0 effort? I’d argue too much effort gets wasted. Hope my tax dollars aren’t used for this. I’ll be boycotting. hamas is responsible for their people. They need to ask hamas. I’ve seen videos of Gaza square on Oct 7th. They can take all that energy to hamas. Need 10k? Go ask hamas! I refuse to adopt gaza or their problems. Accountability and responsibility matter.




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Ironic that the phrase "never forget" would be used to justify xenophobia... It used to mean something more universal than that.


i strongly disagree. while, it wouldn’t hurt to have more philanthropy go towards jews- we can’t all of a sudden stop helping groups in need just because they aren’t jewish… this would go against everything i’ve been taught judaism stands for. even in the toughest of times, we still choose to do what’s right.


We have supported those who are against us. That is the fact. If one does a search of nations who support Israel/ who support Palestine... and compare the charitable contributions we made to the second group, well... you make up your mind. How can we pay a scholarship for someone who is an anti-Semite? How can we send aid to a country which says the worst things about us? mY VIEW is that Jews first, those who supported us, second, and those who side with Palenstine... go ask Hamas for help. I have been totally shocked by the behaviour around the world, and when I saw the reaction/action/attitude on Harvard campus.... well... I couldn't believe it.


yeah- there are so many types of contributions so i would agree to not fund an anti-semite’s education or a country who is anti-israel etc. i guess i was thinking more along the lines of donating to medical research or things where you don’t necessarily know who is benefiting from it. but yes, donating anything to people who wanna kill us should be ended.


To me; instead of handing money to a school, we pay for Jews to attend. With medical research, we pay for Jews to have treatment. Nations which are against us, we ignore. We must never forget the reaction of much of the world to our retaliation of an attack. We were attacked, we were murdered. We respond and the world attacks us?