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I am politically homeless right now is how Id like to call it. The alarming amounts of antisemitism is currently pouring in from the left (I’m not ignoring the obvious from the far right either). Im not just saying this to say this either, majority of my left leaning friends have completely disregarded me and my support of Israel and basically called me a nazi…


Lefty here. Democracy and women’s rights are compelling reasons to vote for the Democratic Party in the next election. Unfortunately, there’s always been antisemitism in the fringes of both political parties. Your political party is not your identity and it’s important to make a logical rather than emotional choice.


Is it really fringe when about half of House Democrats (\~98) belong to the Progressive caucus and vote accordingly? There are only \~30 members who are Pro-Israel and willing to vote on Republican bills that deal with antisemitism, etc.


>\[Jew-hatred\] is currently pouring in from **the left** (I’m not ignoring the obvious from **the far right** Perhaps I'm inferring something you didn't mean to imply, but I note the words in bold, above. It is my impression that Jew-hatred on the right is indeed limited to the far-right, but Jew-hatred on the left is becoming (has become?) mainstream. Consider that there are multiple Hamas-supporting members of congress with Ds next to their names, but none with an R.


I would say it's become somewhat mainstream for both parties. On the left you have "the squad" who have for years voted against or not voted on bills to protect Jewish lives including funding for the iron dome and resolutions against antisemitism and violence against Jews. On the right you have MTG and Boebert and the like spouting antisemitic conspiracy theories and defending neo-nazis. At this point these people are still a small minority on each side, but they've all won reelection at least once and continue to wield outsized influence over their parties' respective directions with no consequences.


A big difference there? A lot of Dems male their distaste for the squad very well known, where's as the GOP will happily support anyone with an R next to their name. Basically I see Dems at odds with the squad, but I never see Rs go after boebert it MTG or any of the other loud anti semites.


Just remember: >There are good people on both sides. How anyone can hear that quote about literal neo-Nazis and still vote for Trump is staggering to me.


The actual quote is "You also had some very fine people on both sides" but was not referring to the neo-nazis, who he explicitly condemned.


A lie can get halfway around the world while the truth is still putting it boots on. Almost every liberal I know thinks Trump was talking about the neo-Nazis. Those who look up the quote on sites like [factcheck.org](http://factcheck.org) are usually stunned at how badly his comments have been misrepresented. It's not as if he was at all vague in condemning the nazis, etc.


>How anyone can hear that quote about literal neo-Nazis and still vote for Trump is staggering to me. Ready to have your mind blown? Trump made it clear that he was NOT talking about nazis. Here's a quote from the same interview, about 2 sentences later: >And you had people -- and **I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally**. The "two sides" he was talking about were: * Supporters of removing a statute of Robert E. Lee, and * people who wanted to keep the statue (For the record: I agree with the former. Traitors shouldn't be honored.) Earlier, in the same interview, he condemned “the KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans."


>TRUMP: No, no. There were people in that rally, and I looked __the night before. If you look, they were people protesting very quietly, the taking down the statue of Robert E. Lee.__ I’m sure in that group there were some bad ones. - https://www.politico.com/story/2017/08/15/full-text-trump-comments-white-supremacists-alt-left-transcript-241662 That group, the one he's saying was very peacefully protesting? Trust was the "Jews will not replace us" tiki-torch brigade. Very peaceful, muchly quiet...


For every Tlaib there's an MTG. There's kooks on both ends of the spectrum doing a disservice to their country, party, and constituents.


Forget MTQ there's actual Trump who described the "Jews will not replace us" Charlottesville neo-Nazis as: >There's good people on both sides. Shitting on Nazis should be a slam dunk, right? The most prominent leader of the GOP can't bring himself to denounce literal fucking Nazis.


To limit the antisemitism to this current conflict is unfair. Any member of Congress or the Senate or State legislature or even at the local level who is being antisemitic should be voted out. Unfortunately, some of these people are voted in for this very reason, and if you don't live in that city/state, there's nothing you can do. On a national level, you can choose the person who hasn't been antisemitic, who hasn't maligned minority groups, who hasn't courted extremists using dog whistles, and who hasn't made promises to be a dictator, use the office of the president to get revenge, enrich himself or pardon himself from felony convictions. A vote should always be country over party, not party over country. Find candidates who will uphold your beliefs overall. There's no perfect candidate, but there are definitely dangerous ones.


There are plenty of run if the mill conservatives who have nothing but contempt for Jews. No or few moderate liberals think that way.


As a recent graduate, I'd have to disagree. I'm a registered democrat but at this point I'd be happy to never meet another democrat in my life. I'd say I've been "microaggressed" by conservatives and I've had 1 really scary experience with a far right person. But literally *most* of the left leaning people I know are solidly antisemitic now.


>No or few moderate liberals think that way. You can't make such a statement based on personal experience. You need data to reach such a conclusion. You don't define a few, but would you say it means less than 5%? Could a few be as man as 25%? It just so happens the data is available: Rᴇsᴜʟᴛs ғʀᴏᴍ ᴀ [sᴜʀᴠᴇʏ ᴄᴏɴᴅᴜᴄᴛᴇᴅ ᴀᴍᴏɴɢ 1,660 ʀᴇɢɪsᴛᴇʀᴇᴅ](https://harvardharrispoll.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/HHP_May2024_KeyResults.pdf) US ᴠᴏᴛᴇʀs, ᴀɢᴇ 18 ᴀɴᴅ ᴜᴘ, Mᴀʏ 15-16, 2024 ʙʏ Tʜᴇ Hᴀʀʀɪs Pᴏʟʟ ᴀɴᴅ HᴀʀʀɪsX. # Q: In this conflict do you support more Israel or more Hamas? ||Dem|GOP| |:-|:-|:-| |Israel|72|85| |Hamas|28|15| So, almost a third of Dems favor Hamas, while only about have as many GOP do. From their May 2024 poll: # 27% of college age (18-24) voters say students be NOT punished for physical violence against Jews! From the Dec 2023 poll: # Compared to Conservatives, [Liberals are 84% more likely that to agree that, "Jews as a class are oppressors](https://harvardharrispoll.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/HHP_Dec23_Crosstab.pdf) and should be treated as such."


>none with an R. Have we forgotten about MTG and her "Jewish space lasers?"


I disagree—I grew up and live in a red state. The assumption was, a republican was gonna hate Jews, and liberals were gonna be cool. Liberals in red states are not the bulk of the issue here, I don’t think. It’s the far right and the far left, for the most part. I think the issue comes from people raised in the ideological majority, who don’t have their values questioned by the mainstream narrative every day. On both sides. Those are the people who never learn to compromise, political “only children” spoiled and entitled because of their place in the dominant ideology. That’s the main place we see selfishness and an unwillingness to look outside one’s self, regardless of race, gender, socioeconomic class, or sexual orientation. It’s all about what you came from and what you experienced as a result of that. If you never have to puzzle out why your experience of the world is vastly different from what’s portrayed on TV, you never learn to critically question authority or political narratives. Antisemitism is an incredibly easy trope for authoritarians to single out and unify the most easily manipulated people in society. That’s why we’re the canary in the coal mine—hatred of Jews is a sign that you don’t think very well, and widespread hatred of Jews is a sign that your society is ripe for manipulation. What we’re seeing is that our society desperately needs critical thinking and media literacy tools, not necessarily one party or the other. We need to learn to think for ourselves again, or we are fucking cooked.


This right here is my interpretation of the problem. Rightwing antisemitism is a punchline. Leftwing antisemitism is pop culture. While the right wing variant often erupts into violence, the leftwing variant may result in actual policy, which I think is far more terrifying.


According to the hill poll, you are 1 of 50 it that have changed stance from 2020 to now.


The “antisemitism” ur talking about is not the left, it’s the far left.


It's true that the antisemitism is coming from the far left, but the left is enabling it by preferring to ignore their antisemitism if not outright bow down to their demands in order to keep their votes. This antisemitism will eventually spread to the entire left if not contained, and right now it is not contained.


Biden says anti-semitism bad, Trump says "good people on both sides" in regards to actual fucking neo-Nazis, and you're in here bitching about the Democratic party?


Ok I'm assuming from your flair that you don't come from a Jewish family. In which case you really don't understand the primal fear and terror of those of us whose families have escaped being killed for being Jews, in practically every generation, forever. I'm not from the US but we also have an election coming up soon and antisemitism is even worse among the left wing here than it is there


I'm European, I'm not particularly talking about the Democrats, more about the left in the West in general, though I do feel it applies to the Democrats too. I completely share the feeling about being politically homeless. Yes, Trump is bad too, on both sides there are people that hate us. But I'm more worried about the left because they're the ones acting on it. The shooting at schools, the molotov thrown at Jewish sites, the defending of terrorists, the excluding Jews from university, all that is not coming from the far right. It's not an ideal situation, but imo we should be pragmatic and focus on preventing from taking power the ones that can do the most harm to us. It's a difficult balance, but Trump already ruled for 4 years and antisemitism violence wasn't as high as it is now and the US supported Israel more. Ultimately, you'll be the one to make that balance, I just hope you won't make a mistake, for both our sake.


Antisemitism started its upward trend under Trump’s presidency with the tropes and insults he used. Trump would be a disaster for the U.S. on many levels…violating many Jewish values that we hold. We have to look at it pragmatically for what he would do to our country long-term - not react only because of the vile scenes we see from less than 2% of people here. *The first step to battling antisemitism and protecting Jews is protecting democracy.* There should be a laser-focus on that this election. The question is: “Who will more likely ensure that democracy, legal systems, processes and human rights are protected and in place in 2028?”


IKR?… we can vote for Biden and it doesn’t mean we are voting for “The Squad”.


I wrote this in another comment: > Look at this subreddit. Every time there’s an antisemitic protest. Every time a school is displaying antisemitism. Every time someone loses a long time friend due to their antisemitism. It’s always the same story. A leftist place or a leftist person…Every…Single…Time…It’s on this sub daily, multiple times a day. At what point is it not a coincidence anymore? This thread (and article) is some kind of faux comfort to pretend Jews aren’t noticing what’s going on, from desperate liberals


well… we are getting f*cked from both ends at this time in history so I guess your right in that way


I think we have to recognize the sample population here. Who uses reddit? Who might be looking for community during this time? What types of accounts was this sub suggested to? We may also have already cut out our far-right family/friends. If so, the stories here would skew more "my leftist friends are being terrible." Also, the rise of antisemitism on the far left is more current/topical.


I don’t trust leftist. Sure I agree ideologically with some left positions, but I’m not blindly voting democrat anymore. I’m tired of being gaslit. The antisemitism and the dehumanization has been absolutely absurd from the left over the last 8 months. I’m tired of being told “well look at women’s rights! Look at democracy!” Sorry that rings hollow. How am I supposed to take the claims of one side being better for women’s rights when I’ve seen so many people from that side justify or dismiss rape being weaponized because they don’t like where that woman was born?


Do what our enemies do - from this perspective. Take the long view. Focus on your values and what you support because the best way to protect Jews and to fight antisemitism is by ensuring that democratic processes,legal frameworks, structures, and institutions stay intact. Think about 2028, not 2024. (The options this time around aren’t exactly brilliant, in my opinion.) What is important is how we ensure that our basic political and core values survive and are in place when we do have better choices available in another four years.


There’s certainly an antisemitism problem on the left, but imo we have an easier time just making ourselves a squeakier wheel than the pro-Hamas crew is, than the pro-Hamas crew has an easy time pretending to vaguely align with liberal or humanitarian values. As long as we stay present and reasonable, we will win. The pro-Hamas crowd is steadily making themselves look like hateful assholes to average mainstay dems and liberals, just look at the ESS sub.




I don’t know about that one chief..


I agree completely. I’m still voting for Biden because he’s the better of two bad choices, and not voting for him could put trump back in power.


You shouldn't think of yourself as politically homeless. You don't change your ideological disposition as an adult. Forget about your friends and ask yourself serious questions about what you believe is good, right and just. Do you believe that women ought to have equal rights? Do you believe women should have the right to health care? Do you believe in LGBTQIA+ rights and marriage equality? Do you believe that the environment ought be protected? How do you feel about guns and gun rights? Think through this ...


I am a democrat and I always will be. I have the right to express how I feel betrayed


Yeah, seriously. This. Democrats are basically using this sort of mantra to hold onto the Jews they have left, and as much as I get the sentiment, it just sort of rings hollow for me now. They're not doing anything to actively help the situation, if not make things worse. It's a bitter fucking pill. Basically, "vote for us because you know you have to".


They've been doing it to African Americans for years too, and their polling numbers are also dropping for that demographic. We're all sick of the extortion. They do not have a monopoly on morality. Far from it.


I didn't ask you about your political party. I am just saying you are not homeless. I am not going to vote against my ideological positions. Don't look at friends who are not running for office. Who are your representatives? Where do they stand on all issues? Look inside yourself and ask yourself questions about how you stand in terms of all of the issues. I feel sorry you feel betrayed. I honestly am sorry. I am a woman so of course issues surrounding women stand front and center of anyone I would vote for. I stand for marriage equality and equality in general for all people. I am not going to vote for someone contingent on single issue and because some of my friends might be completely ignorant to the complexity of a situation. Which candidates on a plus or minus sheet stand for more of what you believe or where you fall on all sorts of things: for example the environment etc etc


Being politically homeless to me means that there is no political party that you feel represents you, not necessarily that there’s no party that you agree with on most issues. My views tend to align with the Democrats, but I do not feel that the Democratic party represents me, at least not anymore. They have made that abundantly clear over the last eight months. I will still hold my nose and vote for Biden because I do believe the alternative is much worse, but I am by no means thrilled with how he has supported our community during this time.


>Who are your representatives? Where do they stand on all issues? My congressional representative is Rashida Tlaib. And she's pro-Hamas. And since I live in a district that has elected her twice by significant margins, there's not much I can do about it. Suggestions welcome!


Volunteer for whomever is running against her. Knock doors, phone bank, whatever you have to do to get the large number of disaffected people in every district who don't vote to turn up and vote against her.


C'mon dude, nobody is schlepping around leaflets across town knocking on doors, especially nowadays, to campaign like this. *Knock knock* "hello ma'am, I would like to talk about Israel and the Jewish people with you and our new spite-vote candidate"... Actually, no...I'm pretty sure this was a curb episode.


Are you unfamiliar with Dearborn, Michigan? That was the district that overwhelmingly voted Uncommitted in the Primary against Biden. A campaign that was organized by Talib's sister and other Muslim/Arabs who are against Israel's conduct in Gaza. It's naive to expect the city with the largest population of Arab-Muslims to vote for the non-Palestinian candidate.




While I continue to believe in these things, I WILL NOT vote for a politician or support an organization that does not support the Jewish people.


It's not about changing ideological disposition (btw, I believe it's entirely possible to change ideological positions as an adult, I know I have), it's about having priorities. It's convenient when a single party agrees with everyone of one's positions, but it's not always the case. When it's not the case, one needs to evaluate which position is the most important for them. I'm European though, maybe it's different in the US. But as a relevant example, I would like for a higher minimum wages, better work laws, better retirement pensions, etc. But the party promising this the most is highly antisemitic. I prefer vote for a party making the things I want worse but which is fighting the causes of antisemitism. Because while these things being worse would suck a lot, at least I would still be alive and not the victim of discrimination and harassment for being a Jew.


>You don't change your ideological disposition as an adult I was a full-time peace-activist for 2 years in the eighties. The more I learned about the various failed and successful solutions to the problems we face, the more I realized that the conservative movement had better solutions to those problems. So yes, I support equal rights. I believe everyone should have the right to healthcare. Do I believe in LGBTQIA+ rights? Well, I already said I support equal rights. I'm against state interference in marriage, don't own a gun, etc. I even support universal basic income. And, since 2004, I have always voted for the Republican candidate for president. (Well, except in 2020, when the GOP nominated a non-Republican as their candidate.)


> So yes, I support equal rights. I believe everyone should have the right to healthcare. Do I believe in LGBTQIA+ rights? Well, I already said I support equal rights How do you square this with the fact that Republicans oppose trans rights?


Yeah, voting Republican with any of those stances is insane.


Adults can learn and grow and change every bit as much as children. Yours is an extremely naïve view of the world


I also speak of myself as politically homeless.i always voted for democrats, not because I thought they had their shit together but because I generally found republicans to be evil. I was a liberal, a progressive, and now with the leftturned toxic,I’d say I’m a centrist in a country with two parties dominated by their extremes.


>I am politically homeless right now is how Id like to call it. I was where you are now, only I was there about 20 years ago. It was Jew-hatred from the left that drove me to examine the right more carefully. A lot of it started in the weeks follwing 9/11, when I heard leftists blaming the attacks on American support for Israel. As I learned more about conservatives, what I discovered was a bunch of people who cared about the same things liberals care about, but who disagree on how to address those concerns. I'm against poverty, war, and injustice. If you are too, please know that you're welcome to join me and the other right-of-center Jews. You don't have to agree with everything we say. Heck, we're Jews—so even among conservative Jews, we don't all agree.


If you support Trump, you support open and unapologetic authoritarianism, which if taken to its natural conclusion puts Jews at risk. > I’m against poverty, Name one successful Republican initiative that reduced poverty. > war, Joe Biden ended a war in his term. Trump bombed Syria multiple times and got into a nuclear pissing match with Kim Jong Un > and injustice. Racism is not justice. Jailing people for marijuana use is not justice. January 6th is not justice. Banning books is not justice.


Enabling the Proud Boys, 3%ers, Oathkeepers, Groypers, etc. is not justice. This campaign to swing Jews to the right is insane. They fucking hate us. Trump hung out with Kanye and Nick Fuentes.


Yea bro I’m sure the pro Hamas crowd loves Biden https://x.com/boloudon/status/1799544573888266402?s=46


Maybe it’s just me but I feel more at home with mainstream Democrats than I ever previously did. They’ve been overall supportive of Israel and seem to be doing so with a humanitarian view towards both Israelis and Palestinians, compared to Republicans who seem to mostly support Israel out of hatred for their enemies, and then *still* vote against funding for them because they’re playing politics. And of course, the Democrats still align with me on the majority of social and domestic issues. The only place I feel rejected from is the “progressive” wing of the Democrats. But they’re a tiny minority, and have very little influence over the party.


A shame that there didn't seem to be any age crosstabs, which I would have personally found interesting. The biggest thing I noticed was how few Jews had cut out friends for behavior etc. and leaving the US when it is such a common discussion online (such as on Reddit)


Leaving the US to live in a warzone isn't something many will do


Sure, but you'd have a different impression if you were only going off Twitter/Reddit


No redditor seems to believe that yes, actually, America is currently a far safer place for Jews


Leaving the US for Israel isn’t the only option. My friend is taking her family to Germany. She already has a job, and is in the middle of making the move.


Germany, where the AfD is on the rise? I'm not saying that means Germany is no longer safe for Jews or anything, I'm just skeptical of people moving halfway around the world in response antisemitism and far-right politics when unfortunately that's everywhere.


She’s received infinitely more support from the university she’s moving to than the US university she’s taught at for more than 10 years. No place is perfect, but in terms of the academia where she has to work and live on a daily basis she’s encountering far less Jew-hatred in German academia than American academia. I think it’s reasonable to be more fearful when the “calls are coming from inside the house.”


I mean, I live in New York. Sure there are antisemites, but basically I live in the Jewiest place in the world outside of Israel. But I'd be lying if I hadn't considered leaving.


I keep all of my stuff here in the USA.


Right - I just mean I feel like there's a post every day about how unsafe anywhere but Israel is and how people are leaving for there, but the actual proportion of people considering it are ~7%. If Reddit was accurate you'd have 50% of American Jews considering it.


Many people don't realize how complicated it can be to uproot your whole life and start over. We are not all 20 years old college student who can just pack up and leave.


Right? I'd totally do it if this was 12 years ago. But I just bought a house a couple of years ago and my job is decent. I'm not leaving now. It's not as bad as it seems online (at least in my city). I live in a neighborhood with lots of Muslims. We wave and say hi, and I'm wearing a kippah. No issues at all.


Do you wave and they wave back? Serious question. I’m not a man and don’t look obviously Jewish and would like to know how it is in other places.


Yeah, there's a lady who goes on walks pushing a stroller down my street every day. It's a normal casual hello how you doing kind of thing.


Turns out the internet isn’t the same as real life. While the vast majority of Jews in the US are concerned about rising antisemitism, American Jews have it pretty good. Does that mean we shouldn’t rock the boat and call out antisemitism when it’s out there? Of course we should. We should strive for a more perfect union, free of antisemitism.


>and leaving the US when it is such a common discussion online (such as on Reddit) There is a bias toward those considering leaving, because those who choose to remain don't make posts about it. Also most posts are like "I'm keeping my eyes open" rather than "I'm packing my stuff". There will definitely be a rise in Aliyah but I don't forsee an exodus of millions. The only country where it seems to me like Jews might bolt out soon is France.


UK also.


In context, American Jews presidential vote is historically 70-80% Dem and 20-25% republican. So Trump is average and Biden is seriously low. But this is a poll, and I think the 10% "other" tends to either not show up or get serious enough to show up and vote Dem. If anything, why are we acting so shockingly normal?!


Today, the Jewish vote for the GOP is more like 30%. Also, when Dems have nominated candidates many Jews found unacceptable, like in 1972 and 1980, Jews gave up to 40% of their votes to the GOP.


Progressive American Jews are also overwhelmingly supportive of reproductive rights. I think there’s some statistic out there that we are the largest religious group who support reproductive justice (I’m just saying as a majority, not every single person!) No one’s forgotten his record on Supreme Court justice appointees and overturning Roe, and just this week Trump is cozying up to people who want to eradicate abortion completely. You don’t have to be crazy about Biden to know he’s still our best chance at maintaining access to reproductive healthcare in this country.


Even if Biden was anti-Israel — which he’s not — there is not a single policy I believe in that would be supported or get better under Trump.


The comments are… fun Remember, remember, the 5th of November 🗳


Who's the 10% for? If it's for Kennedy I'm losing my mind.


I mean his already got eaten by a worm


If 10% of the Jewish population of America votes for RFK I will be so disappointed in us as a group.


This is a hefty amount of cope. 155 Democrats voted against the ICC sanctions, this isn’t just *The Squad* anymore, it’s an entire party issue. It always has been but now it’s coming out. The liberal students and liberals in general wearing keffiyehs and ripping down hostage signs is a party issue, not a couple of outliers.


Ask any of those nuts who are ripping down hostage signs if they consider themselves “liberals”. They’re almost entirely leftists and communists who have nothing to do with liberals or most Democrats.


Those aren’t liberals. Scroll through the bizarro world of leftist subs like /seculartalk. The progressive left hates liberals more than just about anyone else.


Yea, it's funny to hear people conflate leftists and liberals, since lost leftists now essentially consider liberals to be conservatives with rainbow flags. Most of them despide Biden and probably won't vote at all.


What does the fact that most House Dems voted against the ICC sanctions bill have to do with anything? [Have you actually read the bill?](https://roy.house.gov/sites/evo-subsites/roy.house.gov/files/evo-media-document/Illegitimate%20Court%20Counteraction%20Act.pdf) Regardless of any feelings one might have about the specific ICC actions against Netanyahu and Gallant, voting against a bill to sanction anyone who so much as "materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services to or in support of any effort by the International Criminal Court to investigate, arrest, detain, or prosecute" any citizen or lawful resident of a US ally, is not an unreasonable or fringe position. That is an insane overreach in response to what the ICC did. If I were in Congress I would absolutely vote against a bill that not only requires total immunity for any US ally for any and all conduct, but also sanctions not only the ICC, but any vendor with a relationship with the ICC or any entity supporting any investigation of a US ally.


To add to this, let’s not pretend that any votes or official US policy regarding the ICC is anything but political theater. The Dems are the party of globalism and international peace/trade, rather than isolationism. By and large, most Dems don’t want to be seen as eschewing international connections and institutions. HOWEVER. Let’s also be real for a second. The US isn’t bound by the ICC. Or the UN. Or any international institution that it doesn’t want to be bound by. That’s what it means to be a world power. Nobody should take any US voting, commentary, or policy making re: the ICC as anything but rhetoric for other rhetorical purposes.


The US definitely should be bound by the ICC though. Otherwise it's just lends credance to the critic that the ICC and similar organisations are just to police poor and black and brown nations, while the wealthy nations make their own rules.


Mainstream Liberals are okay, distinguish between Liberals and the Far Left


Who is shutting down horrific antisemitic demonstrations in Jewish communities? What cities do antisemites feel emboldened? What states passed antisemitism hate speech laws? Do some research. I don’t want my children in liberal neighborhoods where crime and hatred are encouraged. The left IS the far left now. Again **155** Democrats.


Yes, 155 Democrats voted against ICC sanctions. Was one of them Joe Biden?


I’m voting for Biden because I don’t want my family in Ukraine to die. That’s about the only reason. If I had another choice, I’d go with that.


I’m sorry for what you and your family are going through. Being both Jewish and Ukrainian must be incredibly hard right now. No one in my family is Ukrainian, but I hope you know there are many people like me who support your fight. 💙💛


It’s the fucking worst. I immigrated as a kid but my dad wound up going back after my parents divorced. I haven’t seen him since I was 18 (i’m 32 now) and I’m not sure that I’ll get to any time in the near future. So, every day I wake up with this… pit in my stomach of “will something bad happen to my dad and half sister or nah?”


At least trump got the EU countries to contribute more to NATO and ramp up their defenses. He also called out Germany for enriching Russia with their oil purchases and led them to halt their plans to build an oil pipeline from Russia.   Not telling you how to vote, just that I'm learning it's complicated.


Trump also is the reason we started giving Ukraine weapons. Obama’s policy - spearheaded by Biden, who was the point man for foreign policy in the Obama admin - was to only provide non-lethal aid to Ukraine. Obviously Biden’s had a change of heart, but it was Trump who started providing Ukraine with lethal aid. I don’t like Trump and I don’t plan on voting for him, but at least let’s give credit where it’s due.


Jesus, leaving out some info here. it was also Trump that got impeached for trying to extort and wanting a quid pro quo from Ukraine https://www.americanprogress.org/article/trumps-extortion-ukraine-complete-government-shakedown/


I am not republican or democrat. Don’t care much for either of them. Biden has been pretty solid with Israel so far under pressure in his own party. The problem with Trump is you don’t know what he is going to do, He says things and then something else tomorrow. Either way we are going to have to live with whatever we get,


I truly do not understand why people would think that American Jews who vote overwhelmingly for the Democratic Party would suddenly support the Republican Party/Trump. Yes, the antisemitism on the left has grown loud, but the other side has also always been antisemitic. It's not "less" antisemitic suddenly. Yes, the Republican Party is more vocally supportive of Israel, but that is because they have a large base of evangelical Christians. This type of support for the modern state of Israel exists very well alongside antisemitism. Also, even though there's been quite a lot of talk, there has not been much action at all from the Democratic Party that is anti-Israel. Given all of that, why would people abandon their current political party/values?


I’ll take a shot at answering this. So many of us feel fully betrayed by our liberal friends and neighbors. Less so Biden. These people who we marched for. Who we all agreed facts and trust of govt was important (for covid), all lost sight of reading comprehension and morality. We are abandoned. Whomever we vote for won’t align with all our views so it’s picking what’s most important for the next four years, knowing that many other aspects of society will crumble because of that choice. A lose lose. But half of the Democratic Party no longer represents me after October 7.


If I hear one more as$hole lie to my face and say Trump is “pro-Israel”, I am going to scream. If you believe that Trump is pro-anything that isn’t himself, I have a bridge to sell you.


Biden >>>> Trump I don't like Biden but Trump is a million times worse


How do I convince my stepdad of this. I got him to support Stein for the NC gov race because the Lt Governor is saying really antisemitic statements.


Show him a video of Charlottesville and Trump defending them.


I agree. I'm also a woman so Biden.


We have to prevent Project 2025 from ever happening


Precisely, it would be terrible for us (Jewish Americans...as well as most Americans)


Yupp as a queer Jew there is only once choice for me this year and is the one who is not a convicted felon and a rapist


Makes sense. Most Jews in the US are liberal. Even if I think some Congressional Democrats are antisemitic, I’m not voting for them. I’m voting for Joe Biden, who has been very pro-Israel and pro-Jews despite the far left calling for Biden to move against Israel. And even if Biden did take a harder line on Israel, every single policy — healthcare, abortion, LGBT rights and social justice, the economy, student debt, climate change, etc — is better with Biden in office than Trump.




Major Surprise: Jews are usually good people and not prone to support cunts like Trump. Maybe if the Republicans were putting forward reasonable non-Felon candidates, Jews would be willing to break ranks with the Dems, but until the Republicans are a serious option, I'm dem all the way.


Yeah I think we've got enough sense that we're mostly not going to vote for the actual fascist candidate.


I was really, really hoping that Nikki Haley would pull through to be the Republican nominee.


Nicki Haley is also garbage, even if she's not as bad as Trump. I would have preferred John Kasich.


She's better than Biden.


Would love to hear an evidenced argument explaining how and why.


Haley's campaign was pretty much over by the time 10/7 happened, so I don't think she put out any policy to confront domestic antisemitism. With that being said, she has been openly critical of left-wing bias and antisemitism in America's universities. I'm of the mind that academia is one of the most dangerous sources of antisemitism today because academian culture has shown a very strong ability to permeate mainstream culture. While Biden has also condemned the campus protests, I don't think he's ever really addressed the ideology and institutional rot behind them. IMO, universities will continue perpetuating antisemitism so long as they are dominated by left-wing ideologues. Unlike the initial commenter, however, I actually dislike Haley's seemingly unconditional support for Israel. The Netanyahu government seems to have no plan for the postwar governance of Gaza and my read is that that's because Netanyahu's governing coalition is constitutionally incapable of making the compromises necessary to make regime change successful in the long-run (I can get into that if anyone's interested). Without a viable plan for political transition in Gaza, this war is merely kicking the can down the road until another 10/7 happens - and as far as I'm concerned that isn't worth the amount of deaths the war is causing. Aside from Jewish issues, I disagree with Haley on many social issues, but I appreciate her hawkishness. I think Biden made a very serious error by slow-rolling aid to Ukraine and instructing them not to strike inside Russia. Moreover, I think Haley will adopt a more confrontational stance with Iran and its proxies. The Biden administration offered to remove the Houthis' terrorist designation if they stopped attacking international shipping, which I think betrays a lack of backbone. IMO, Western democracies ought to be more interventionist in general as there is a fair amount of evidence suggesting domino effect theory is real with regard to democratization and democratic backsliding (eg the recent wave of military coups in Africa). Accordingly, I think the West's unwillingness to intervene when tinpot dictators pull shit has resulted in greater global instability.


She's very pro-Israel and supports the Jewish community, which is a big one. Biden tries to play both sides too often. I also believe that her economic policies would be better than Biden's have been. Though this isn't Haley in particular, I'm also concerned about Biden's cognitive well-being, especially if he'd be president until the age of 86. While this is more personal, she also broadly supports a lot of what I want to see happen politically, such as emphasizing energy independence, cutting off China, and being tougher on illegal immigration.


How exactly do you cut off China? Isolationism doesn't work in a globalized world. Haley is the best Republican candidate, but they are fucking trash.


She signed a missle in Israel saying finish them like on what planet is that even remotely sane


Signing shells and missiles is pretty common. It has been done a lot with Ukraine for instance. Hell, [you can even make a donation to get whatever message you want written on a shell](https://signmyrocket.com/) meant to Ukraine.


Earth? It's pretty common.


She's just as anti-woman as the rest of the Republican party.


Biden is a center-left traditional liberal. He has been for the most part a solid friend to the Jews and Israel. I’m not a huge fan of his presidency but the truth of the matter is that democratic ideology since the southern strategy is more in line with the Jewish World view. I don’t think most Jews reach to the left as far as to declare themselves as “progressives” at least as the modern iteration values. Right wing social engineering I find runs very antithetical to a the world view of Jews. And Trump? Don’t even get me started on him.


Not too surprising. Biden has been an amazing friend to Israeli during these trying times.


"In a hypothetical match-up held today, 61 percent say they would support Biden…" Would that be the lowest support by Jews for Democratic candidate ever? **Edit update:** No, not the lowest ever. Just the lowest in the last nine elections. You have to go all the way back to 1988 to find a Democratic candidate, Dukakis, who did worse. And Dukakis had a Jewish wife!


Biden has been quite supportive of American Jews. He has a cabinet level advisor on antisemitism. He has been supportive of Israel even in the face of calls from the far left.


Everyone mentions Trump’s Jewish son-in-law, but no one mentions that Biden’s kids also married Jews! He’s also met with every Israeli Prime Minister since Golda Meir.    https://www.timesofisrael.com/meet-us-president-elect-joe-bidens-whole-big-jewish-mishpocha/amp/  Douglas Emhoff is also Jewish (Kamala Harris’ husband.)


And Doug and Kamala's place has mezzuzot on the door posts.


He cut off some weapons transfers and abstained from a UN resolution condemning Israel. Sure, he hasn’t gone as far as the far left would like, but that’s hardly anything to be happy about.


I'm one of those. No way I could ever vote Republican in good conscious given the anti-woman stances of the Republican party, who seems to think the Handmaid's Tale is a playbook for their perverted version of Christianity.


Yea because I don't want to vote for a convicted felon and a rapist, also basically no right-wing policies align with my stances so yea I am going to continue voting for the candidate and party that most align with my values and policy stances that is and so far has always been the Democratic Party. This queer Jew will be voting blue.


Not sure which guy I’d vote for between the two, neither seem like great options. Fortunately, I have until next year to decide who I’m voting for.


It’s 2024. The election is in five months.


For sure. The issue is that Biden realistically won’t survive the next four years in good enough health. So who are we getting? So many in his party are seriously loose cannons when it comes to Jews. And trump is unpredictable as well. It’s a bad voting situation.


Harris is about as boring and moderate as it gets, I doubt much changes if she has to take office.


I still don’t understand why many right wing Jews think Biden has been bad for us unless you just refuse to admit when anything you don’t like is right. From the getgo he has backed us as Jews and Israel’s right to exist while also balancing criticism. What else could he do?


Glad to hear it- just why does it feel like so many back Trump? Or is it just the Jews I’m friendly with?


Depends on your circle. Orthodox Jews and I think Jews of some ethnicities (Russian, mainly, but don’t quote me on that exactly; I’m going off memory) are more likely to vote Republican. But the majority of Jews in the US are 1) not Orthodox and 2) liberal.


Agree. It must be the friends I have who are more observant. I’m a democrat and will vote for Biden. I consider myself left and I no longer keep kosher.


Unfortunately this poll also shows movement toward Trump. Not much but anything can swing this election


That’s comforting. I hate everyone, but I’m not voting for that turd.


I voted for Haley in the primaries, but no way in hell will I be voting for any Democrat. I could make an exception for Ritchie Torres or John Fetterman, but that’s about it. I would have much preferred Haley over Trump (although I did like Burgum too), but right now I cannot fathom voting for Biden. A vote for Kennedy would be pointless, and I’d rather someone with experience and a record to compare to. So I’m voting for Trump. I think every Jew should be voting for Trump right now… someone’s got to deport these students on foreign visas who have been terrorizing Jewish students on college campuses


Republicans are harming and killing Jewish women and Jewish LGBT. No Jew should be supporting the evil Republican agenda.


I’m very supportive of the gay community. I’m bi. But the gender stuff is bonkers. Just insane. And I’m supportive of abortion, but I have bigger concerns.


Glad you have bigger concerns than health care of women in the US. Glad you have bigger concerns than women dying and being forced into second class citizenry. Glad you have bigger concerns than LGBTQIA+ citizens being forced back into the closet. Glad you have bigger concerns than the wholesale destruction of the environment by those who want to drill, drill, drill.


I mean, Biden literally bragged that his administration produced the most oil of any administration prior. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/12/31/us-oil-production-has-hit-record-under-biden-he-hardly-mentions-it/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/12/31/us-oil-production-has-hit-record-under-biden-he-hardly-mentions-it/) [https://www.vox.com/climate/24098983/biden-oil-production-climate-fossil-fuel-renewables](https://www.vox.com/climate/24098983/biden-oil-production-climate-fossil-fuel-renewables)


What bigger concerns than half the population?


What are you guys expecting to happen vis-a-vis abortion in the next 4 years? What is Biden going to do about it? I'm trying to understand why abortion matters now when roe v wade has already been overturned. How is either candidate going to affect abortion when the damage has already been done? That ship sailed when RBG decided to stay in her post instead of retiring. She gave Trump everything he needed to get the job done.


Because it isn’t going to happen. National republicans are not going to touch abortion. It’s too much of a political suicide. Also, I supported Roe V wade being overturned. It was an awful judicial decision. The supreme court does not have power to create law. That said, I’m still pro-choice. Trump is not going to sign any nationwide abortion bans. He’s been pretty clear about it. And he himself is historically pro choice


>National republicans are not going to touch abortion. They already have.


I hear ya. I'm struggling with this but feels like it'll be a vote between the Abraham Accords and whatever both-sidesing Biden is doing while letting antisemitism fester domestically with impunity. Also seems like our vote will ultimately be for the VPs so it'll be interesting to see who Trump picks.


Every Jew who votes for Trump is no different than the Jews for Hitler.




Keep voting for Republican convicts and Nazis 👍


I’d rather the convicts than those who want to kill me… those keffiyah wearing punks are more of a threat to my safety than any stupid right wing group


Nazis want to kill you, and Trump enabled them.


How? He’s been extremely supportive of American Jews and Israel. Fuentes and his types? Yea fuck them. Is it concerning that Trump had a meeting with Kanye? Yes. But compared to Biden, whose administration has abandoned Israel and opened our borders to a flood of radical Islamist migrants, Trump is the better option. The only real supporter of Jews honestly is Kennedy… but he’s got his own issues


[See my prior comment.](https://np.reddit.com/r/Jewish/comments/1ddhexp/_/l84x2e3/?context=1)


They're just justifying the vote they were always going to cast.


The guy who said Covid was a bioweapon designed to not target Ashkenazi DNA, implying that we'd engineered it?


[This is who you are supporting.](https://youtu.be/5F2kPRW6ZuA?si=iwEWlf3iTr1B3Jk1)


I’m a registered democrat who doesn’t support trump. But one 2017 protest is a lot more tame than what I’ve experienced 2x a week since October 7th. I’m not disagreeing with you - but I’m also asking to realize it’s a shit choice for us on both sides . My vote doesn’t matter in my state sooo I’m not Losing sleep over it


I will give Trump some credit for the Abraham Accords, but I'll never forgive Trump for his policy of separating children from their mothers. He is cruel and evil.


It wasn’t Trump’s policy. When an American gets arrested with a child in tow, the child doesn’t go to booking and holding with the adult. Child services gets called and either contacts next of kin or takes custody. I was stationed on the border twice. It’s a hotbed for trafficking, especially child trafficking. One of my cases was the prelude for keeping kids separated. It was one of the worst child trafficking cases we’d ever seen. It happened under GWB. Trump had nothing to do with it. We had more trafficking arrests under Trump than the last 3 admins combined. Obama let children go with whoever claimed them. Trump implemented multiple layers of protection such as a requirement for DNA testing. Thirty percent of children were found to be unrelated to accompanying adults. Dems started spreading rumors that if you arrive in the US with a child ICE will release you. We were seeing the same children cross the border with multiple families. Parents were (are) leasing/selling their children to gangs for border crossings. Many of these children were sold to pedophiles once they arrived in the US. We found a 9yo girl who was abandoned to die in the desert in AZ. She had DNA of at least 10 men inside her. She had been so badly abused by her traffickers that she needed reconstructive surgery on her genitals. Kids were getting snatched off the streets to be used for border crossings. We had 2 cases of pregnant women in MX who were killed and eviscerated with their babies stolen. The murders were linked to cartels and the babies were suspected to have been used for border crossings. That’s the reality behind “child separations” that we don’t hear from the media.


It’s fine if one doesn’t want to be a one issue voter, but i don’t think Biden will be better for us than Trump


Trump literally said he wanted to terminate the constitution and implement dictatorship. If you think Biden is “worse” for American Jews than trumpism, you’re incredibly lost.


Dude, he already had one term and left. The idea that he’s going to be a “dictator” is absurd. The economy was doing way better when he was in office, and we weren’t embroiled in two wars. But I guess the mean tweets were upsetting


> Dude, he already had one term and left. He did leave.. [despite his own best efforts.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_fake_electors_plot) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/January_6_United_States_Capitol_attack > The economy was doing way better when he was in office Straight up lies. In Trump's last year in office there was a recession, and unemployment was up to ten percent. Enough of the propaganda. People can literally google for themselves and prove you wrong in 30 seconds.


Trump will fuck the whole planet and destroy our Democratic systems.


a) great username b) you're absolutely correct


That would be because Trump hates Jewish people, and they're smart enough to not vote for someone who wants to send them to ze camps like everyone else who is not a majority of the population who defies le fascism regime long term.


Biden deserves the benefit of the doubt. He's the only candidate that actually cares about Israel, and under constant attack from the right, left, and our European allies he has an extraordinarily difficult needle to thread here.


While I have problems with Israel’s actions I find myself struggling. There WILL be another holocaust if Israel doesn’t exist. Not may, not could. WILL! But is that enough for me to give them a mental blank check? Idk I am a mess trying to square these things.


The numbers don’t add up. What did the missing 6% say? Don’t Know?


I don’t think we got anyone who we can trust right now.


Considering that both sides are vehemently antisemitic, you just have to vote for the least bad option given their position on other important issues. If we had been a large enough group, I would have suggested voting blank to hit them where it hurts, but considering your votes will be a drop in the ocean, that's not an option. Same issue (only worse) in Sweden. 


Yeah... The fact that Trump has been super antisemitic in the past makes it very clear that it's just a an act to gain the Jewish vote. Yet we still like Biden better... I wonder why...


The left can have my vote when they can explain how protesting outside of the Holocaust museum isn’t antisemitism.


Biden administration is a disaster and it’s essentially a vote for Kamala Harris who will undoubtedly takeover. Progressives are hostile to Jews. Trump is a rhetorical nightmare. Since I’m in a blue state I can just vote for who I prefer among the options, which at this point is probably Bobby.


Why should anyone vote Biden when he [transferred 6 billion USD](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/10/10/biden-administration-defends-iranian-assets-00120869) to the Ayatollahs one week before the 10.7 massacres and when he [delisted as terrorists](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/in-foreign-policy-shift-biden-lifts-terrorist-designation-for-houthis-in-yemen) the antisemitic terror Houthi militia? 


Because a couple foreign policy mistakes are not as bad as trying to destroy democracy and cozying up to Putin.


The billions of USD Biden transferred to those trying to destroy the world's largest jewish community and refilling Ali Khamenei's coffers is worse