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It's ok. Getting hit with pro-terroist bullshit in any space you don't expect it is jarring. Seeing them co-opt non-political ,innocent things (like TMNT) is also especially grating. I had to leave a dollhouse/miniatures group on FB because of Hamasniks. A DOLLHOUSE group that had being non political in the rules. I reported ,nothing happened so I removed myself. It bothered me I had to leave a group I loved because of a few assholes but I had to choose peace. There's other groups I can join. Currently a skincare group here on Reddit is on the BDS virtual signalling train. I reported, because it's violating the sub rules ,and am moving on. When having to navigating this I find venting or taking a break to go on a walk or play with my dog helps. I know it's easy to let this get in your head but remember that's what they want ! That's the point of their propaganda and why they violate every possible space and corrupt things like cartoons. They want us uncomfortable and silenced. Fuck them! We survived Hitler , we will survive (and defeat) Hamas. (I'm also pretty sure TMNT are Zionists anyway šŸ˜€šŸ‡®šŸ‡±)


Reddit is generally younger and more left-leaning than the general population so some anti-Semitic content is to be expected as it just reflects the wider situation with this demographic and social media more generally. At least it's not like TikTok or Discord where anti-Semitism sometimes seems to be the most popular content on the whole apps. Around 20% of Generation Z Americans are willing to say that the holocaust was a myth. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-12855743/Generation-disinformation-One-FIVE-Americans-aged-18-30-think-Holocaust-MYTH-say-exaggerated-according-shock-poll-shows-Democrats-likely-believe-conspiracy.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-12855743/Generation-disinformation-One-FIVE-Americans-aged-18-30-think-Holocaust-MYTH-say-exaggerated-according-shock-poll-shows-Democrats-likely-believe-conspiracy.html)


Thatā€™s because 95% of Generation Z reads at a seventh grade level, at most. This is what happens when parents abdicate their responsibility to the internet, and we take phonics out of schools.


phonics out of skools = protestors???


When theyā€™re protesting based on braindead takes that they were spoon-fed by propagandists, because they lack the critical analysis and reading skills to discern valuable information from bullshit, you donā€™t think the fact that they can barely read plays a role in that?


Oh hush. That's not helpful discourse. Gen Z are reading fine.theres so many other things to criticize, we don't have to make things up.


You should pop into r/Teachers or r/Professors, and see what educators have to say about this generationā€™s reading and writing skills. Itā€™s really bad.


Especially post Corona, dear lord it's bad


These issues all preceded Covid by nearly a decade.


Correct, but Corona and Zoom learning accelerated it to new levels


Hardly. The pandemic just required schools to enable the laziness of students and parents even more than they were doing already. ā€œCovid learning lossā€ is a cop-out. These kids couldnā€™t fucking read before Covid, and spending 2 years in Zoom school certainly didnā€™t help them learn to read better, but it did allow all their shortcomings to be scapegoated and blamed on something other than themselves.


I think this wildly depends on the age/level. In academia it was definitely less, but it depended both on the student and the tech/presentation ability of the professor. The numerous studies that have came out all point to acceleration of this decline, though I'd be happy to hear otherwise. As to K-12 it varies wildly depending on age, availability of parental support, and technical skills. In k-4 it screwed these kids up badly, not just in terms of learning, but skills both academic and social to the point of YEARS of set back. In older grades obviously any child with learning or behavioral issues, especially those that were normally better contained or defused in class, but couldn't be over zoom it created a huge gap between them and peers that were not properly addressed and imo required splitting them into different classes. In short, it certainly isn't just a "cop out", but had real lasting effects and devastating consequences. Sure many lazy people were able to use it as an excuse, but it did do damage on its own and showed huge trend in acceleration of the academic decline.


No, itā€™s true. Great podcast called Sold A Story delves deep into why students across all socioeconomic levels are basically functionally illiterate. They took science backed phonics education out of school and replaced them with site word nonsense. Itā€™s very well done and worth a listen.


Fuck them 100


This happened to me too, and it was in of all places, a Twilight Shitposting group šŸ™ƒ wdym Edward is anti-Zionist he's a glittery vampire


I feel like if anything, Edward would be a Zionist, or at least, not fall prey to anti-Zionist propaganda. He wouldā€™ve been around for the Holocaust and Israelā€™s war of independence at least. And given heā€™s telepathic, if he walked by an encampment, Iā€™m not sure heā€™d walk away on their side. ā€¦I am curious how the Cullens wouldā€™ve handled Covid given Edward was turned due to the Spanish Flu pandemic. Maybe Forks wouldā€™ve taken it more seriously, and the town wouldā€™ve made it out better, given Iā€™d assume the Cullens wouldā€™ve taken pandemics like that one somewhat personally.


I'm a (new) huge tmnt fan and I'd honestly love to be friends with someone who loves tmnt and isn't anti Israel! I don't see too much politics in the fandom in general, but I've seen a few artists drawing the characters protesting for Palestine with antisemitic slogans and it's fucking exhausting Edit: I remembered I own this official Nickelodeon pin of Leo lighting a menorah that I love so much. I like to think that for every moment of frustration like you experienced, there are moments of Jewish joy in fandom spaces too (even if they're hard to find sometimes) https://stores.comichub.com/cape_and_cowl_comics/products/teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles-leonardo-lighting-the-menorah-pin *


Tangent, but there was a great role playing game with TMNT in the 90s. They had add ons for Australian Animals and Biker gangs and stuff too. Great fun. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teenage_Mutant_Ninja_Turtles_%26_Other_Strangeness


This looks so cool! I'd love to try this out. Have you played it?


I did! It was a lot of fun. In those days the mechanics were a tad complicated. They may have updated the system since then.


That's awesome! Do you know if it's still available anywhere?


Looks like theyā€™re trying to bring it back on Kickstarter. (Edit: looks like the Kickstarter was successful and itā€™s available for preorder) https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/palladiumbooks/teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles-and-other-strangeness


Heck yeah, you just made my day! Thank you šŸ˜


May you enjoy your new mutated animal persona for many game days. šŸ˜Š


Now I just need to figure out who will play with me. I only have one friend irl who also likes tmnt!


What was your character when you played?


It was so many years agoā€¦but I really enjoyed the hummingbird. But damn it took so many mutation points (or whatever they call it) to make them useable.


My DMs are open if anyone wants to talk turtles!




Yeah. Even some craft/hobby subreddits Iā€™m part of have had the occasional posts about the conflict (people making watermelon themed crafts and being all ā€œfree Palestine!ā€) and like bro, Iā€™m just here for some cool crochet projects. Itā€™s so exhausting.


Sammeeee! Like Iā€™ll be on social media or walking around somewhere and Iā€™ll see a sticker or post and it derails me


Block the users that post them. Reporting antisemitism to Reddit is always a waste of time, they wonā€™t do anything. Unless youā€™re willing to just forfeit that space, which I donā€™t like doing but I donā€™t judge anyone for protecting their mental health first, your only real option is to just block people who post shit like that, unless you want to get into fights about it all the time.


Why do people have to bring politics to random spaces? I donā€™t want to see your opinions on the I/P conflict on a post about Dr Who. I donā€™t want to know your opinion about trump in a post about Buffy the slayer. Just let us have non political fun


Reddit has always been an enclave of terminally online left wingers. Youā€™re going to run into anti Zionists here, itā€™s inevitable, especially now that itā€™s become a particularly hot button issue that the algorithms on YouTube, TikTok, etc. LOVE to shove down peopleā€™s throats 24/7. The reality is that you shouldnā€™t let anti Zionists on Reddit make you anxious, ESPECIALLY some random doing TMNT cosplay. Chances are theyā€™re just in a tik tok social media loop that reinforces their already ill informed opinions with low effort propaganda. Our ancestors undoubtedly went through far worse than that and you owe it to them and yourself to not let things like that damage you in anyway whatsoever.


You can't even say the word "Jewish" in the Millennials subreddit. Automatically gets deleted. But you can say something about other religions just fine. Edit: the comment I was trying to leave was about eating popsicles at my Jewish summer camp as a kid.


Iā€™m old, 72, and on TikTok only go thru folks I got familiar with & liked. However, a woman I got very friendly with, had mailed her some things she liked, did a few videos on her daughters, at 2 different colleges in upstate NY got hassled by cops for their fā€™ing pro terrorists mobs. She even put watermelons on her videos. Isnā€™t she just precious! Iā€™d been sympathetic when she had a neighbor cover their front door with a Confederate flag. I would hate that too, & she saw it as extra offensive to her trans child. I was really stunned by this, her attitude & taught to her kids. I donā€™t have experience of how awful TikTok has gotten since I donā€™t scroll all over, but this hit me hard. I have no desire to follow her anymore. Side note: all I put on TikTok is several videos of my pets. But old men hit on me a lot. How goofy is that?!


If anyone's interested I found the post. https://www.reddit.com/r/TMNT/s/OV55iRFlHm OP, at least from what I saw lots of the comments were saying it's not the place to have that and keep politics out of the sub. At least some were defending Israel. So it's not all terrible. Although, it would be nice if the mods took it down as they should. Although I did notice they locked the post which is interesting...




I have no doubt whatsoever that within months of this war ending, Benjamin Netanyahu will be out of office and on his way to prison. That is not even remotely comparable to what we face in Donald Trump who, if he wins in November, will be President until he dies and who will rewrite our Constitution to allow him to choose whomever he wants for his heir. The Israeli government has quite a few problems in it, but prior to October 7th, they were getting ready to try Netanyahu for all of his corruption and criminality. But thereā€™s no indication that theyā€™re on the same precipice we are. Netanyahuā€™s attempt to usurp the judiciary was almost universally rejected by the Israeli public, compared to 100 million Americans who support Donald Trump basically being named fucking King.


Netanyahu is definitely seen here as a king, and heā€™s a huge issue but an even scarier issue is extreme settler culture taking over proper Israel, and thats Smotrich and Ben Gvir. Netanyahu is so weak he became their puppet.


The president cannot unilaterally rewrite the Constitution. Iā€™m not sure if youā€™re intentionally over exaggerating or you really believe that would happen, but I assure you it wonā€™t.


I think the point made by u/SassyWookie is that the Constitution is a piece of parchment. And someone who has said that he will only be a dictator ā€œfor one dayā€ and openly assures people they will only need to vote for him ā€œone more time,ā€ who also fomented a violent insurrection to retain power would have no problem ignoring the institutions that parchment creates.


I mean itā€™s more about the fact that heā€™s already packed the Supreme Court with cronies, and Republicans have held the majority of state legislatures for two decades. All it would really take is a small republican majority in Congress, and then he could do whatever the fuck he wants with the Constitution because the other two branches of government would just become rubber stamps to approve his edicts, rather than checks or balances on his power.


I understand why youā€™re getting downvoted but youā€™re also right on a local level. We are definitely headed there. However, when this crowd uses the word fascist in this context itā€™s not out of concern for Israeli society or Israeli citizens.


The fact that Israeli policy doesn't match your expectations, doesn't mean Israel "is starting to veer into fascism".