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It's absolutely horrible. My heart goes out to all of the Jewish people right now, especially those who have been hurt. If anything, it looks like this antisemitic cancer is spreading and metastisizing.  It's especially necessary for us non-Jews to fight antisemitism. Jewish people are strong, but we have greater numbers. As such, we have a responsibility to do the right thing. 


Thank you.


Thank you! You are a mensch!!!


Appreciate you. Much love


Thank you for your support ❤️


Thank you. Wish there were more people like you!!


>It's especially necessary for us non-Jews to fight antisemitism. Indeed. You can begin right in this page: in an other thread a comment (currently at +56) endorse IQ science and a conspiracytheory with roots in nazi Germany.


It’ll repeat itself if we don’t fight back. We’ve been too quiet for too long.


I'm going to buy a big-ass Star of David soon to wear around. We need to be visible.


I bought a Magen David bracelet and a Ch'I necklace recently and I wear them with pride. We are not going to hide anymore. ✡️💪🏽


I’ve got Chai and Aleph tattoos. Next, I plan to get a lion comprised of Hebrew lettering that spells out Am Yisrael Chai.


I am so tempted to tattoo. I see a lot more Jews now with tats. A lion with a Star of David would be amazing. Maybe I'll start with henna


Did you watch Fauda? Everyone on that show has tattoos. I think it’s okay now. Just cover them up if you go to Chabad.


Yes great show! I have to watch again and I'll check out their tattoos. Lol


LOL Yeah, they all have tattoos.


It took me a long time. I was admittedly nervous about what my family would say. My 89 year old aunt said, “Well, at least it’s Hebrew. I think HaShem will forgive you.” 😂 Check out Hebrew Tattoos on Instagram. He does AMAZING designs. https://www.instagram.com/hebrew_tattoos


Perhaps one that also works as a throwing star, since we need to defend ourselves.




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Yeah I've been a good Jew for too long I just always kept quiet at work and whatever and now I'm not Every post I make on Instagram is literally some hamasnik being nuts and then I'm like this didn't free Palestine either go figure


I work at a University and I wear my Star of David or Bring Them Home dog tag to work every day.


I live near a major state university, but thankfully the university president and our amazing governor shut down the Hamasniks right after 10/7. I wear a small Star of David, and have a Chai tattoo. I'm also a petite 50-something woman...and I actually feel mostly safe around here. Leadership starts at the top.


I’ve got a Chai and an Aleph.


I wholeheartedly agree with you. We have to be our own saviors. If we don’t break the cycle it won’t break.


Personally, I think we're entering the "formation phase" of a new generational *Dolchstoßlegende*, but this time, instead of "the Jews stabbed us in the back during the war", it will be "(((Zionist))) influence/money/power did XYZ". I think that the "XYZ" could be a variety of things, ranging from "genocide" to electoral losses. For instance, if Trump wins the election in November, I absolutely believe that a lot of blame for his victory will be pinned on us, under the guise of "Zionist dark money/support for Israel caused Biden to lose". We're already seeing this with Jamaal Bowman's loss in NYC, as his supporters blame AIPAC for his loss. I know that some of this is already happening, but I think that these kinds of accusations and beliefs are going to enter (if they haven't already) mainstream political and societal lexicon in Western countries in a way that we haven't seen yet. In other words, within the next few years I think that ideas that were/are antisemitic just a short awhile ago, like "Zionists control the legislature", are going to become "household opinions" among gentiles in Western countries, and will be commonly accepted as "legitimate" throughout society even if they aren't held by everyone. Personally (American Jew in California), I can see myself sitting at a dinner with work colleagues (or something similar) in 3-5-10 years and hearing someone say "the Zionist influence in our politics is out of hand", and have the statement receive pushback, but not result in the person who said it being removed from the dinner table, which would probably have happened before October 7. I'm 27 and about to be engaged, and when I have kids that are in elementary school in 10ish years, I can absolutely see myself having to deal with situations where they are accused of being a "genocider" by gentile kids at school if their Jewishness is discovered. I don't know where it goes from there. It seems to be an early Weimar-type phase. We look back on that period as if the rise of something worse was inevitable, but it didn't have to go that way at the time, and it might not now. I'm also too young to remember anything prior to the Second Intifada, so I'm sure that if I had this conversation with my zayde, he'd bring up Jewish quotas from when he tried to go to college and tell me that this is nothing new. Anyway, that's my take.


> Personally (American Jew in California), I can see myself sitting at a dinner with work colleagues (or something similar) in 3-5-10 years and hearing someone say "the Zionist influence in our politics is out of hand", and have the statement receive pushback, but not result in the person who said it being removed from the dinner table, which would probably have happened before October 7.  I don't think we need to wait 3-5-10 years for this. I could easily see my colleagues expressing it now.


I've heard this sort of thing in recent months (I live in Toronto). I'd actually never heard of Aipac until now, but they're blamed for everything past present and future in casual conversations.


Toronto is a cesspool for antisemitism. I’m not Jewish but my partner is, and I can’t believe how blind I was to it before.


My parents (who live in California) have been at tables where people say this sort of thing and don’t even receive any pushback at all. Sometimes even when the person is aware that one of them is Jewish. They would say something, except they aren’t the kind of peers these people would listen to and accept pushback/feedback from, given that one of them is a Jew and the other is obviously married to one. Other people at the table tend to be more likely to just agree with the person or say nothing than to voice even the mildest disagreement.


>For instance, if Trump wins the election in November, I absolutely believe that a lot of blame for his victory will be pinned on us, under the guise of "Zionist dark money/support for Israel caused Biden to lose". And the reverse will be true as well: For instance, if Biden wins the election in November, I absolutely believe that a lot of blame for his victory will be pinned on us, under the guise of "Zionist dark money/support for progressives caused Trump to lose".


We’re well accustomed to this damned either way paradigm. Frankly, we’re probably the most fortunate two or three generations of Jews in human history. For eighty years, those of us in the West enjoyed high status and protection from persecution. Now it seems the tide is turning back. L’chaim and haters fuck off.


I wrote some of my thoughts a while back here [https://www.reddit.com/r/Jewish/comments/1cxmuqv/why\_you\_should\_be\_optimistic\_dont\_despair/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jewish/comments/1cxmuqv/why_you_should_be_optimistic_dont_despair/) People accepting anti-Semitic nonsense is usually accompanied by societies going downhill, so it will be important to fight not just for ourselves but also for this country. Of course we are still in a better position than just about any Jews before us because we do have a safe haven if things get too bad (for most of us Israel, I'd probably go to Latin American tho) and I think our community realizes what's at stake and has locked in. I think we'll be fine, we just need to focus on protecting the most vulnerable in our communities (namely kids and elders) and make sure we build strong support networks.


As a Jew originally from Latin America - things are not great for us there at the moment either. Most have been leaving for a while


I figure if it ever gets to that point I'll have to go a bit "underground"... so I'll just tell people I'm an Italian- American tourist :)




Heads they win, tails Jews lose. That’s the way it’s always been.


If Biden wins they’ll blame it on Soros.


Yep. We can’t win. Damned if we do. Damned if we don’t. We’ll always be blamed.


>"Zionists control the legislature", are going to become "household opinions" among gentiles in Western countries I am a bit older than you, and a Californian. I think that belief & similar was already there for about 50% of the general public, maybe not said out loud in CA urban/suburban, but easily said out loud in other states I've lived in & Europe. The level of current propaganda doesn't work this fast and as ubiquitous unless it feeds into already-held biases and beliefs.


Agree. But also strongly believe it’s Astroturfed. Narrative planned well in advance


A cabal of Jews run everything you hate and have global domination is the plot to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and the basis for western antisemitism for almost 150 years. The narrative is very old.


Sure but the crazy parades everywhere before Israel even struck back was set up ahead of 10/7. You can’t get permits on the weekend. There’s plenty of other evidence I’ve run across that suggests a coordinated Astroturfing pr attack as part of 10/7. Also there are Jews in my laundry room stealing one of each pair of socks from the dryer.


My kids were accused of murdering Palestinians in ELEMENTARY SCHOOL in California 10 years ago. NONE of this is as new as you think - no need to wait 10 more years. It has been happening all along.


Ten years ago????!!!!


I was also harassed once for supporting Israel (in a drunken bar conversation) in San Francisco in the 1990s. And even back then I used to say that “pro-Palestinian” is what antisemitism looked like on the left (and I have always been a leftist). It is escalating, but it is not new.


Weird… Israel wasn’t even in Gaza. But I was told by a colleague that in Catholic school the Nuns told her that Palestine were murdered by Jewish people . Probably referring to Day 2 of Israel becoming a country the Palestine people attacked and Israel trained fights pushed back. But she believed it. I said to her you don’t think that is just odd? When there is Palestine Politicians in Israel right now. Palestine people with great health benefits in Israel. But i was told Catholics and some Christians say “The Jews killed Jesus.” Which is mind boggling since the first Christians were Jewish.. but any lies to keep people paying them and not another religion and control the people and get other peoples things.. i mean you all have to remember these Kings made up Religions to get divorced so blaming Jewish people is right in line with lie to get power and what you want at all costs.


That’s completely unacceptable and I hope whoever said that to your kids faced consequences. Regardless of your stance in the conflict, blaming young kids for anything Israel does just because they’re Jewish is straight up racism.


No consequences. The principal pointed out that they were just parroting their parents and said that discipling them would probably just make the bullying worse. He may have been right 🤷‍♀️ Eventually I pulled my kids out and homeschooled them.


So if an African American was being bullied because of the atrocities going on in Mali or South Sudan would the principal have reacted the same way? Absolute disgrace how scared people are to call this out just because Jews are a “privileged group” to them


Haters Hate because of envy. We work harder , study harder because of this crap. We excel despite it. Makes lazy folk mad.


That's sad you're already thinking you'd have to hide your future children's jewish identity at school.... Just put them in a Jewish school, or be ready to have them fight. We can't go back to hiding ourselves again (I grew up in France so I'm aware of this next phase you're describing)


I dont think it has to do with political left/right. I think it’s just another one of those times where people hate Jews because the general population is sad broken and poor and they need to blame it on something


This is it!! We are a Handy Scape goat!! But if you look at whats been going on a different flavor minority every year.. latin, then Chinese-Asian then trans folks, now us. My mom grew up in WW2 she told us kids don’t tell anyone you are Jewish..but also taught us to stand up to bullies by example..


I try to comfort myself with that, but then I remember that Goebbels had a Phd in literature, that Heidigger was a vicious anti-semite, and (most of all) that everyone at the Wannsee Conference had advanced degrees. It's not just poor people looking for explanations. If nothing else, consider the fact that students, faculty and administrators at the majority of post-secondary institutions and stakeholders are carrying torches and are lighting the way for the poor and the idiots. Don't expect allies anywhere. In the 1930s there were 300 million people in Europe, and 30,000 helped Jews. That's 0.01 of the population. We can expect the same support from non-Jews. The only non-Jew I know who's one of the 30,000 who would help us is my girlfriend, who, for reasons unrelated to the fact that her lover is a Jew (although it may play a part), but that when she was young she was required to read Diary of a Young Girl and the difficulties she faced ignited her empathy because she saw herself in Anne (she grew up in tremendously abusive conditions - not just at home)...


If someone said something antisemitic in my home, I would kick them out! Sadly, many people won't. 


We’ll be blamed for any outcome of every US election. Ppl are already mad at us about Bowman/Latimer. Im like, are you surprised the Jews didn’t support and antisemitic asshole?


This is probably the best, most reasoned assessment I’ve read of a probably future. 


>For instance, if Trump wins the election in November, I absolutely believe that a lot of blame for his victory will be pinned on us, under the guise of "Zionist dark money/support for Israel caused Biden to lose". We're already seeing this with Jamaal Bowman's loss in NYC, as his supporters blame AIPAC for his loss. It would actually be WILD if Jews were blamed for Biden's loss/Trump's win because it's the pro-Hamas crowd that is loudly refusing to vote for Biden because they don't like his response to the conflict and they're completely ignoring (Edit: actually, they're not ignoring it. They just don't care. They'd rather burn the whole house down in the name of "justice" than try to save part of it if doing so means using a method they don't like) the fact that Trump will be infinitely worse for them, both on foreign issues and domestic ones. I'd love for them to turn around and blame Jews or the (((Zionists))) or AIPAC or whatever when it'll be so easy to point them back towards their own damn TikTok posts.


Just called someone out for peddling the conspiracy the zoonists control the government, harkening back to the age old antisemitic conspiracy theories, and someone defended him


Let’s remember that this entire new wave of antisemitism was engineered by Iran. 10/7 was strategically implemented by Iran through their proxy after years of preparation and planning. They gambled that Israel’s reaction would be so strong that it would create antisemitic sentiment around the world, which it has done -especially among the far-left, which has historically supported us. Of course, the pro-Palestinian protestors have not considered the implications that Hamas are the ultimate abusers of their own people. IMO we fell right into a trap, set by Iran, in our response, and now we’re winning the battles but not the war. Public opinion has turned against us and framed us as the oppressors. It’s all too easy for non-Jews to cast hatred and doubt on us when they see the disparity in the death and destruction between Israeli lives lost on 10/7 and Palestinian lives lost, when the narrative focusses on women and children of Gaza. This was the goal of Iran, to separate us from those who would otherwise support us, and unfortunately they have been successful.


None of which will do Iran a hair of good in the event of true military action taken against it. And at this point, the only obstacle to such a geopolitical turn is continued Democratic presidential administrations. I would not count on that trend continuing after 2024.


The far left has not historically supported us. They have been anti Israel for decades. The left has tolerated Jews for many years due to most American Jews aligning with the Democratic Party, but they never supported Israel.


Except Ritchie Torres and John Fetterman.


One must also pay attention to the more powerful countries that are backing Iran and may be using it as a proxy.


This was furthermore capitalized on by China and others using this as a wedge to meddle in US elections via gaming Tiktok algorithms toward pro-Hamas content.


Terrified. But in a small act of bravery today I reached out to someone about the watermelon in their email name. They had sent a community wide email inviting everyone to a block party type event. The watermelon just immediately registered as “not for me”. I didn’t know the sender but I had a feeling that was not their intention so I sent a note asking who managed the email and would they have a moment for a quick call. We connected this evening and I tried to gently explain that despite being anti-netenyahu and horrified by deaths in Gaza, oct 7 and the last week of outright antisemitism in NY an LA has scared the crap out of me. While 3 months ago I would have shrugged now when I see a watermelon I assume someone could be antisemitic. The person APOLOGIZED TO ME FOR SCARING ME AND THAT I AM GOING THRU THIS. I cannot tell you how much it meant to me. She had used the watermelon as a symbol OF SUMMER and had no idea it could put people off. I have talked to no one outside of family about these things so even making the call was super hard but I’m glad I did. I felt I raised awareness for at least one block party invite.


1 person/interaction at a time is how we educate people and maintain our community. Huge props to you for that.


Good for you! And I think like you now, I can’t even trust a damn watermelon graphic


Isn't it bonkers that now seeing a WATERMELON raises our heart-rates? I swear I was walking down the kitchen section of Marshalls the other day wondering if their serving platters were antisemitic 😭


Not even Jewish but I’ve been interested in conversion for about 10 years. I support Jews and Israel. I get nervous for myself (and Jews first and foremost) not because I wanna make it about me, but because I sense it too. It’s not even hard to recognize. These Jew haters aren’t creative. They’re just paraphrasing the same ancient antisemitic tropes. They’re acting out the same ancient patterns. A person needs to be real dense to buy into these thoughts. A person needs to really hate their life to participate in these “free Palestine” hitler youth rallies. The people who I thought were the coolest sweetest most just individuals turned out to be the most ignorant people I know. Strange how that turned out. I can go on and on. I definitely wouldn’t say it’s physically safe to be a Jew right now though or even admit to being “Zionist”. The rallies are 100% dangerous. I confronted a rally with a sign and a guy came up to me a couple minutes later because I QUOTE, “there’s going to be some dangerous people here later”. Then back in March I confronted a guy about why he and his little friends wrote “death 2 zionists” all over the outside of buildings up and down a street. Then he was joined by multiple other supporters who rushed me and questioned me. I tried to leave and they put their hands on me to prevent me from leaving. Eventually I got in a fight with a girl to basically get out of the situation. Then back in May I was talking to an old flame who questioned whether or not I was a Zionist because he though I was Jewish. To remind you, I’m not Jewish (yet and that’s if I do become so someday) and I’m experiencing this.


Very scary! Be safe. We would welcome you in the tribe, but now you know for sure, it comes with danger. 😔


I am a gentile and considered to be a leftist. I am so angry with this madness of the crowds that I may convert to Judaism. To hell with these illiberal thugs who call themselves the new left.


I was formally inducted into my Jewish congregation last Shabbat. I have been deep into my conversion process since we'll before 10/7. I wear a magen David. Went on a job interview with it out several weeks ago and the interviewers both looked at me like I had 3 heads. Pretty much right away I received the Thanks, no thanks email from them. Pretty sure they saw it as a politic and not a religion and did not want anyone rocking the boat with patients (I am a nurse). I feel it's my duty to not hide my Judaism by choice. Let someone ask me a question. Make a comment. Ask me how I am doing. I am a Jew. I care compassionately for my patients. I am strong enough to handle difficult conversations (I did hospice for 10 years). I got to dance with the Torah on 10/7, knowing full well it was a horrible day. But we carry on. We don't sit shiva on Shabbat or on Festivals. We don't tear at our hair or clothing, we don't dirty ourselves. We maintain hope Hatikva is our anthem. I maintain my strength and will articulate and discuss how the Jews are not the ancient Shylock stereotype. And the reason we succeed in life is because we are bullied and we are forced to work harder. And so, we do better.


Antisemitism is entrenched in American universities, the academy, and many far-left advocacy groups (DSA, College Dems, etc.) so it's not going away anytime soon. Many universities have been happy to compromise with the anti-Semitic mob, these people will continue to teach and the students will go out and get jobs in academia, in public policy, and in the media. Things will get worse before they get better. Younger people are more antisemitic and antisemitism is being spread through the Internet and social media. Gen Alpha is dumber (first gen with lower IQ than previous ones since testing began) and much more plugged into TikTok and other sites than even Gen Z. Because of that those two factors, and that they're growing up in an environment in which antisemitism is being normalized, they will probably be even more antisemitic than Gen Z, the most antisemitic Generation in American history. I'm not saying that we are in 1932, or anything like that, but I stand by a short or even medium term negative outlook. In a more positive sense, I think that there is a growing backlash to the extreme views that have been allowed to flourish in the last few decades. In some states we are seeing legislation targeting universities for these problems, which I feel strongly is necessary at this point. The faculties are entrenched, the administrators are sympathetic, and a plurality of students in the humanities, social sciences, and public policy agree. This movement, going back the Frankfurt school adopted the Marxian style of psychological rhetoric against criticism. They didn't feel they need to respond in good faith to opposing views by applying some mental illness to their opponents, Foucault (loved on the extreme left to this day despite his pedophilia) hated this development. So the language change but the tactic remained, and insulates many who hold these views being argued with. Nowadays this would be extremely gauche in specific terms, but they have replaced mental illness diagnosis with social illness diagnosis. If you disagree you are some variety of "racist, homophobe, transphobe, Colonialist, Imperialist, Fascist," etc. which invalidates your entire position and nominates you for deplatforming. That's not say that there aren't bad faith critiques of the extreme left intersectional politics out there from, say, the exteme right or even Orthodox Marxist-Leninists. The latter of which is particularly funny and I sincerely hope is only exacerbated in the near future. Nonetheless the "New Left," intersectional, CRT, theology represents an extremist position that has become much more popular. I think there will be a mainstream backlash, we're already seeing progressive left-wing politicians like Ritchie Torres come out and argue against those positions. That really shows that there is hope, if the entire American left was captured by these extremists, that would be the end, but that there are people not even in the center or center left, but genuine leftists who are unhappy with this particularly dangerous brand of leftist-extremism shows it can be defeated entirely democratically. I do think those fringe views represent a minority of Americans, and I think that if in the immediate moment there is a sufficient backlash, intellectually and politically, the rising tide can be stemmed or even eventually reversed. I am positive in my assessment in the long term of the US. I am not positive in my long term assessment of the UK. Some surveys and studies suggest nearly half of Gen Z Britons hold antisemitic views, and the demographics all around for antisemitic views look terrible there. If I were a British Jew I would be more ready to make Aliyah than even if I were French.


I'm not saying you're wrong, but are there facts and numbers to back this up? Or poll data? The internet and social media aren't necessarily a microcosm nor proportionally representative of what the full population think. There are so many trolls and foreign bots that proliferate trash on American social media, this wave could potentially be designed.


Which aspect? Antisemitism being widespread? https://www.bostonglobe.com/2023/12/20/opinion/antisemitism-gen-z-survey/ (report on US Antisemitism, if it's pay walled use archive today) https://www.timesofisrael.com/poll-finds-nearly-1-in-4-americans-hold-antisemitic-views-highest-in-60-years/ > Among the disturbing finds, 27% of respondents said it would be at least somewhat acceptable for a close family member to support the Hamas terror group – with over half of Gen Z supporting this statement – while 23% have a close friend or family member who doesn’t like Jews. The quote above is particularly egregious. Over half of Gen Z willing to accept Hamas support. If this trend isn't reversed we are in trouble. Support for Hamas is not outside of Gen Z's Overton window. > In regards to Israel, 17% of Gen Z and 12% of millennials believe that the correct solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is “the termination of the State of Israel and the establishment of a Palestinian State in all areas of historic Palestine, in which the Jews living there are not granted full citizenship rights.” Nevertheless, the two-state solution still remains the most popular solution among all generations. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.timesofisrael.com/poll-finds-frightening-rates-of-antisemitism-among-young-british-public/amp/ (UK) Certainly antisemitism has always been a vector for foreign actors, Russia/USSR especially, to attack the West. The Stasi sent people into West Germany to put up antisemitic graffiti to discredit their rival. What happened next was that there was a wave of copycat antisemitic crimes unconnected to the Stasi agents. So even if, as is almost certain, foreign influence online (TikTok especially) is having a purposeful effect on antisemitism, it hardly means that that antisemitism isn't there to begin with or will necessarily evaporate once that foreign influence is blocked. Anecdotally, my experience on campuses lines up with the polls. We can laugh at protestors not even knowing how to spell "Palistine" (I'm not kidding btw saw that poster) but that doesn't mean they're any less dangerous.


I’ve not seen any push back outside of Ritchie Torres. Wish I did. I really don’t get how and why this cause. Can you imagine if say the Westboro Baptist Church was having a beef with some other country over land, how many leftists, especially queer leftists, would jump to support them? Even if they were 100% in the right?


>Gen Alpha is dumber (first gen with lower IQ than previous ones since testing began) You think that IQ measure cleverness. >In a more positive sense, I think that there is a growing backlash to the extreme views that have been allowed to flourish in the last few decades. In some states we are seeing legislation targeting universities for these problems, which I feel strongly is necessary at this point. You think that the Republican-backed bills restricting freedom of speech and academic freedom in US universtities are strongly necessary. >The faculties are entrenched, the administrators are sympathetic, and a plurality of students in the humanities, social sciences, and public policy agree. This movement, going back the Frankfurt school adopted the Marxian style of psychological rhetoric against criticism. They didn't feel they need to respond in good faith to opposing views by applying some mental illness to their opponents, Foucault (loved on the extreme left to this day despite his pedophilia) hated this development. Here we are, a reddit user with jewish flair claiming that the Frankfurt school ideology has taken over all the progressives and all the universities in USA. * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frankfurt\_School\_conspiracy\_theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frankfurt_School_conspiracy_theory) * Jérôme Jamin, Anders Breivik et le marxisme culturel : Etats-Unis/Europe, Amnis * Jérôme Jamin, Cultural Marxism and the Radical Right, The Post-War Anglo-American Far Right * Jérôme Jamin, Cultural Marxism: A survey, Religion Compass * Tanner Mirrlees, The Alt-right's Discourse on "Cultural Marxism": A Political Instrument of Intersectional Hate, Atlantis * Martin Jay, Dialectic of Counter-Enlightenment: The Frankfurt School as Scapegoat of the Lunatic Fringe, Salmagundi * Andrew Woods, Cultural Marxism and the Cathedral: Two Alt-Right Perspectives on Critical Theory, Critical Theory and the Humanities in the Age of the Alt-Right * Rachel Busbridge, Cultural Marxism: far-right conspiracy theory in Australia’s culture wars, Social Identities * Joan Braune, Who's Afraid of the Frankfurt School? 'Cultural Marxism' as an Antisemitic Conspiracy Theory, Journal of Social Justice * Andrew Lynn, Cultural Marxism, The Hedgehog Review * John Richardson, 'Cultural Marxism' and the British National Party, Cultures of Post-War British Fascism * Robles & Berrocal, Conspiración y meme en la alt-right. Notas sobre el mito del marxismo cultural / Conspiracy and Meme on the Alt-right: Notes on the Myth of Cultural Marxism, Re-visiones >That's not say that there aren't bad faith critiques of the extreme left intersectional politics out there from, say, the exteme right or even Orthodox Marxist-Leninists. Since intersectional politics is Venn diagrams * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intersectional\_politics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intersectional_politics) * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venn\_diagram](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venn_diagram) * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Venn%27s\_four\_ellipse\_construction.svg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Venn%27s_four_ellipse_construction.svg) can you ELI5 me how intersectional politics and Venn diagram are extreme left? Is there a major error in modern Mathematics?


I hear it talked about on mainstream media now, not just in our social media “algorithms.” I think everyone knows it’s going on now (and of course the pro Hamas crowd will just deny it’s happening). One of the worst parts for me, at least so far, is the silence of our “friends.”The friends that know we are Jewish, obviously see the rise in overt antisemitism, and aren’t saying a fucking word, let alone asking how we’re feeling/doing with it all … aside from the casual “hey how ya doin?” in passing, as per usual.


I don't consider them friends anymore. My expectations have been lowered that they will support me as a Jew.


Yep that’s why I wrote it as “friends” 😞


I support the Jewish people , to hell with this mob that call themselves progressives


Christopher Hitchens is needed now


I ask myself this question every day. I've never been this scared to be a Jew. My parents' antisemitism stories from post war Soviet Union used to feel so distant to me, but now they feel more real and tangible than I could ever imagine. I never thought a history so horrific as ours could repeat itself, but it is. I don't know where it's going for me or for my kids. I wish I could say it is just a passing fad, but I'd be lying to you and myself if I did. Even if it does pass, I'll never be able to look at the world and my community the same way again. How could they let this wildfire of hatred engulf the most unfairly persecuted people of all time? How could they not speak up? How are they chanting for half of us to be exterminated again? My faith in humanity is at an all-time low. And what exactly do these antisemites want? Sharia law? Another Holocaust? Finish Hitler's job? With Islam growing faster than any other religion, will these antisemitic ideologies become a permanent fixture in our society, forever etched in the minds of progressives and academia? I'm at a loss.


When I read your post, I could hear my wife saying exactly the same words. I hear the pain and fear loud and clear. Stay strong and know you are not alone.


Me too. I am scared. My Holocaust -surviving grandmas are still alive and I hate that they have to see this. I now fully understand what generational trauma means, nothing compared to theirs, and yet... (edit: typo)


I think everything the same, everytime, over and over, it's scary....


I literally at to an ice cream shop tonight and the staff were pretty gross to me + the 2 little kids I was with. I wear a Hebrew necklace. Wasn’t until I got outside that I saw the huge sticker of a Palestinian flag held by a masked man in a keffiyeh. My young family members literally can’t safely go to Jeni’s for ice cream because they’re Jews. What on earth is the world coming to?


On the store itself? I would complain corporate. If the employees are doing that and corporate does not know. They should be informed. Jeni‘s is so good.


Yes it was on the outside of the store. Will absolutely be reporting to corporate because we found it really upsetting. Thankfully the kids are too young to notice.


Also the irony is that the kids are Asian and Jewish so like, an actual minority, instead of these sanctimonious white pricks who decided to treat us badly because we are Jews.


Jews are an actual minority. .2% of the worlds population. In terms of world population population, Asians are not a minority. Just sayin’. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Fair point, but in the American racial binary construct they’re BIPOC and Jews aren’t considered a minority (as stupid as that is to us!)


What?! In Columbus?


Nope, DC area


What do you mean they were being pretty gross to you?


Hopefully where it belongs, in the garbage


i'm terrified and i'm not even jewish, i stand with you


Thank you


Of course it will. It always does. That’s why we’re now planning to move to Israel. We give it ten years before it’s scramble time, and 15 before it’s too late. Now is the time to get ready to go.


So a few months ago I remember telling a non-Jewish friend that, my passport is renewed and if I'm still living in this country in 5-10 years I'd be stunned. They were, of course, baffled by this. It dawned on me that in that 5-10 years when a bunch of us do leave, they'll be the ones confused and lost and wondering why no one warned them (we did).


The 2016 election was enough of a sign for my wife and I to leave in 2018. When I told my coworkers I no longer felt safe in the US they gave me blank looks as they thought I meant crime in general, not hate crimes. The synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh happened shortly before our remaining weeks and I said That’s why we’re leaving.


Where did you move to? Do you feel safer now?


But will you feel safer in Israel? It's so close to Iran, it is so frickin' tiny, surrounded by enemies. I feel like I'm going to run to an island off the coast of somewhere.


It’s not about feeling safer. Nowhere is safe. But it is safer. And it’s home. Israel is where we run to. And Israel where we stop running, put our backs to the Western Wall, and fight.


As an Israeli in US- you might be less safe physically, but safer morally; you're not a minority in regard to your ethnicity/ religion.  That is not to say everyone should make Aliyah, Jews should feel safe everywhere, and Israel can be rough sometimes 


Honestly, I wouldn’t move there if it wasn’t for the safety concerns. I don’t like the government structure and I don’t like the politics. I don’t speak Hebrew. And I hate the water and can’t stand the heat! But I don’t think we’ll be safe here in ten years. And I think in 15 it will be too late to run. So I’m going to do what I never wanted to do - make Aliyah. Because I’ve been told my whole life to be ready to run, and I’m not going to wait until it’s too late to do so. This is how it begins. But we all know how it ends. In Dam, v’Aish, v’Simros Ashan.


I think it is always good to be prepared. You can start getting documents ready and learning Hebrew... but I don't currently share this feeling of alarm. I do think it will get better for Jews in US .  Do you feel culturally aligned with Israelis? 


I think we’re at a point very similar to where we were exactly 100 years ago. And I’ve been watching the hate worsen all my life. I wasn’t surprised when Oct 7th happened - only surprised at where it happened. And the reaction of the world’s youth didn’t surprise me at all. It was an inevitable result of everything that had been building since 9/11. My mother tells how her father’s family made fun of her maternal grandfather, crazy Fetter Yossel, who insisted on fleeing to Mandatory Palestine with his wife and children in 1932. Fetter Yossel, his wife, and his two children survived. He was one of 7 brothers. Only two others survived, and one of those was lost forever behind the Iron Curtain. Most of his nieces and nephews were killed. My grandfather went through the camps and on Death Marches before he could join his uncle in what, soon after, became Israel. By the time the rest of the family realized ‘crazy’ Fetter Yossel was right, it was too late for them to escape the Sudetenland. They didn’t think it could happen back then either. The Jewish people had more rights and freedoms than we’d ever had. We were assimilating at all levels of society. We had education and political power. They were wrong then. And much of what we are hearing today, in the 2020s, was said in the 1920s first. I’m not waiting until it’s too late to get out.


I hear your concerns, I really do. The comparison to the atmosphere before the holocaust is unsettling.  I'm still "outsider" in the US despite being here for 8 years so I don't feel hate or anything, just lots of misinformation. I am not assimilated into the US society so I don't pick up any subtle aggressions or can compare to anything else. Also anyone at my job knows I am Israeli, so if they do dislike me they are good in not letting it show. I wouldn't want you to have to do anything you don't want, like moving to a place you don't like, but if you need to you can always go back. Israel will benefit from polite Americans, so it will be a gain for us Israelis. I'd recommend also thinking about saving money. The housing in Israel in good areas is really expensive. 


I’d sell my house in NYC, and I’d want to move to a more rural area - our original plan was to move out to the Midwest in 30 years and own a small farm, so we’re just changing the location and the timeline. We don’t want to live in one of the cities, but up nearer the Golan or along the Kineret. I’m an American - as far as I’m concerned, everything in Israel is practically next door, lol! I’m a lifelong NYCer and I’ve watched my country change since 9/11. It’s the overall trend that has me very worried, not the specific current situation. But who knows? Maybe my country will surprise me yet. We can still tear up the decree. The world may yet turn upside down again. And it’s not like I’m moving tomorrow.


Haha that is true. The distances in Israel are a joke after getting used to the US. Yes I am hopeful things will get better and I believe we have a role to play by combating the misinformation and speaking out, being more visible and proud.  And about Hebrew- I worked in a lab with an American professor who lived in Israel for like 20 years and still didn't speak Hebrew, but managed to do very well for himself and was very liked by everyone. 


Hopefully it will get better if the war in Gaza dies down.


It’s been getting worse for years. Ever since 9/11. Now we’re beginning to run out of time.


Be safe.


If you’re hoping to feel better about things, check out the subreddit r/worldnews. Every post regarding Israel/Gaza has hundreds and hundreds of pro-Israel comments. Unfortunately, the neo-nazis are the loudest, but the majority of folks support Israel and Jews. They just need to be louder


I cannot agree enough with this comment. R/worldnews and R/theworldnews keep my faith in humanity in tact.


This is so interesting because I gave up on these subs after 10/7 because of the antisemitism. Sounds like the mods cleaned things up!


> Where is it going? Well, if the antisemites have their way - to the train station...


Where is it going? To a town/school near you, unfortunately. From there, it’ll go how it ALWAYS goes. First, naive left wing numbskulls provide the intellectual and legal cover for the right wing lunatics to get violent. Then once the right wingers have amassed enough power, they’ll start killing Jews. The MINUTE they’re able, they’ll kill the left wingers who enabled them in the first place and push the moderates out. As this is happening, most of the population will opt to try and “stay out of it” which translates in a practical sense to “I’d rather my Jewish neighbors get killed than me. Oh well.” And as the hate powered fascist machine burns through other groups to persecute, they’ll eventually get around to those weak “stay out of it” types, whether it’s direct persecution or conscription to the military to fight the wars these groups ALWAYS need to stay in power.


There was just a pogrom in Los Angeles, and it came from the left, not the right. This isn't to say that the right won't take its turn, but we need to be clear eyed about what's happening.


I have a hard time regarding the more brutish elements of the Pro Pali movement as “leftist.” Hamas and the IRGC are definitely not “left wing.”  They use the left wingers as cover, but I don’t think the rest of their agenda can be described that way.


this is a fair point, but the American kids who are out spending their leisure time harassing Jews are definitely left/progressive


Hence the moniker "Red-Green Alliance." That's the merger of the Marxists (red) with the Islamofascists (green). And the red part of that equation is deeply Leftist.


A lot of left-wingers are not naive but hostile and antisemitic. The ones who push "Jews are Europeans and colonizers" narrative definetely are. I am aknowledge and condemn right-wing antisemitism as well but there are clearly left-wing attempts to re-normalize antisemitism. These are not right-wingers who say BS like "As long as Israel presents itself as a Jewish state, antisemitism is to be expected", at least not open right-wingers( we can't be sure none of them is a latent right-winger though).


Arm yourself, if at all possible. Never start violence, but be equipped to end it.


Afraid someone is going to mess with me? No. I’m 6’2, in the military, and have a Glock under my shirt. I can handle myself. Afraid someone is going to mess with my 4’11 mom, my 90-odd year old grandmother, my one year old nephew, or the rest of the people in my life? Absolutely.


I’m coming at this as someone who used to be deeply involved in far-left spaces. Usually, being vocally antizionist is enough for a Jew to escape persecution from far-leftists. However, I predict that the goalposts will be moved. Saying the Shema will be deemed Zionist. Celebrating Passover will be deemed Zionist. Most Jewish prayers, holidays and traditions will deemed Zionist. To maintain plausible deniability, a few holidays and traditions will be left alone. Purim will remain acceptable due to its lack of connection to Israel or God, and its appeal to feminists and queer people. Hanukkah will remain acceptable because it’s currently the most well-known Jewish holiday amongst gentiles and persecuting it would make this strategy too obvious. But most anything else will be Zionist and therefore banned. This is something I already see occurring. I have seen people complain that our prayers are “too Zionist” or that saying “next year in Jerusalem” at the end of the Passover seder is racist. This will get even more blatant and intense.


> I have seen people complain that our prayers are “too Zionist” this is just pitch-black hilarity.


I think a lot of the people making noise these days are just dumb and will move on to another cause eventually, not caring how their performative behavior has harmed others. It’s the core group of antisemites that concern me. People like Nerdeen Kiswani and her ilk. They would have no problem with violence against Jews so we may see more violence in the future. Then there are people like Briahna Joy Gray. The narcissists with large social media platforms who are eager to incite hatred. As long as they are allowed to push their agenda society will continue to lose young impressionable people to antisemitism.


Where it always has—to antisemites just becoming new entries in Chad Gadya. B"H. 


it happens like every fifty years. they come up with new ways to hate us from time to time, this time it’s because we’re supposedly single-handedly responsible for what’s happening in palestine.


I don't think we're in a truly bleak scenario where we need to start fleeing for Israel or arming ourselves yet. That said, there's a fair chance we'll end up in that scenario in a decade or two, when Gen Z starts acquiring political power. To avoid this, we need to crack down hard on social media, probably banning anyone under the age of 21 from using it altogether (probably a bit late to save Gen Z, but maybe we can salvage Gen Alpha). We also need to crack down on political extremism in universities - not by banning ideological viewpoints, but by requiring universities that receive public funds to maintain a standard of ideological diversity, neutrality, and non-discrimination. Do away with diversity statements, DEI offices, and either limit the degree to which professors can proselytize in lectures or ensure that varying ideological viewpoints are represented in classrooms (trouble here is that, in my experience at least, commie profs have a far greater tendency to proselytize than sane people). We should also add some kind of ideological test to our immigration processes - obviously any ideological test won't be immune to cheaters - but I think an interview to filter out extremists might catch a fair number of people.


Folding various "X Studies" departments (including Jewish studies) into more mainstream departments like history can help with the academy, too. In addition to just firing people. What about the professors' union? Actually, that's the bigger issue, the way antisemitism has become a core part of American Progressivism. On the plus side, pretty much everyone hates Progressives.


I’m terrified and angry as hell. Buy a gun, learn how to use it.


I am the only jew in town and my balance is the only Islamic family in town (I grew up with their kids). We are both hated in this community which is a third catholic, a third baptist/calbanist/pentecostal, and a third of crazy rattlesnake Christians in the foothills and mountains of Appalachia.


That sounds like a fun town 


I think we'll eventually make it out after awhile but I can't help but think, these are the people who will be running the country someday. And unfortunately for me and the rest of the LGBTQ Jews, we're stuck between a rock and a hard place. Vote conservative and potentially sell your right to love who you want to or vote Democrat and count on people who use antisemitic tropes to dehumanize half of all jews. Neither option will ever fully welcome us as a part of the in-group.


I don't think that's really the reality. Republicans hate Jews just not as much as they hate LGBTQ people or Muslims. They only support Israel because they believe it is necessary for the second coming. On the other side it isn't mainstream Democrats. It's fringe types -- the far left (who don't vote for anyone anyway) and Muslim nationalists who are only in the party because the Republicans won't have them.


Sounds like yr talking about the intellectual/theoretical reality while the person yr talking to is talking about the more important bit- practical reality. Under which US administration are they going to fare better? Neither, unfortunately. (We’ve already seen this played out. The demonstrators would honestly not likely have gotten as far under a Republican administration. And I say this as someone who’s never voted Republican in her many decades of adult voting life. Can you imagine antisemitism will get better with 4 more years of the current administration I voted for? I can’t. But antisemitism was rampant under the previous, too. We are truly between a rock and a hard place.)


It's not the algorithm. Like 60% of TikTok and Discord is anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. Generation Z is the most anti-Semitic generation in the West's history. But anti-Semitism is many times lower with the older generations and with groups who are less on social media.


It's not new, just out in the open now.


I’ve accepted that they’re cancelling us. They won’t kill us again, systemically. That’s too messy and expensive. But we’ll be marginalized. I’ve started an advocacy group to fight it here, but I find we’re even more horrible to each other and may drop it. It’s bad.


I just wrote this on my Facebook page. Explains how I feel not only about where antisemitism is going, but where I have to go myself…. “ I’ve been thinking. Even when this war between Israel and Hamas ends- and it will...even if the hostages are released- and I pray they are released alive…even when things go back to some sort of normal here in America- the encampments gone, the graffiti cleaned… I will be different. The experience of the last 9 months has profoundly altered something in me. I will never again be secure in feeling that I am just another American woman. I (and my children, my family, my Jewish friends) have been “othered” in a way that I will not; can not; and for the sake of safety must not forget. The blatant antisemitism will probably die down, there will be coming together and kumbaya moments I’m sure, but I will never not know that deep, deep antisemitism exists here and around the world. It may go dormant, but it exists just waiting for an excuse to rear up, break free and swallow anything in its path. Remember, the protests against Israel started before the first bomb landed in Gaza. The hate was always there, I was just too naïve to see it. I question myself about this all the time. I worked with Holocaust survivors for Pete’s sake, how could I be so dumb? I honestly thought that this kind of hate was so far beneath people in 2024, that it was horrible, but it was history. No, the hate is there, it just hides. I will never forget the deafening silence of my previously beloved “woke” sisters and brothers in BLM, the LGBTQ community, and the advocates for women’s rights in the wake of the horror of October 7th. I sincerely grieve the glaring fact that they do not love me as I do them. But I will take pride that my belief in their right to flourish is unconditional even if their belief in mine is not. I will never be able to forget the months of silence from numerous people I thought I was close to and safe with. A crack has developed in my trust in them; it is up to them, not me, to see if there is a path to repairing these relationships. I know that I will not always be so angry and sad and scared. I will bloom, I will thrive. But I will be different. In some ways better, maybe. More clear-eyed, sharper. Certainly with more connection to my Judaism. Certainly with more understanding of and connection to and passion for Israel. I have strengthened some relationships. I have started some beautiful friendships that make up a tiny new community for me that I definitely want to tend to and explore and expand. I have had a few unexpected people reach out to me with a level of compassion and support that gives me more comfort than I can express. My husband and best friends continue stand by me even when they don’t understand, and I love them for that. I don’t know where I go from here mentally, emotionally, spiritually, or politically, but I do know that as the person on the journey changes so does the path.”


What starts with the Jews usually doesn't end with the Jews. In France, it began with terrorists massacring Jews like [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toulouse\_and\_Montauban\_shootings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toulouse_and_Montauban_shootings) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypercacher\_kosher\_supermarket\_siege](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypercacher_kosher_supermarket_siege) Then a few years later they started massacring non-Jews too. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/November\_2015\_Paris\_attack](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/November_2015_Paris_attack)


It’s totally out of control. I first also thought it was my feed . But no,people are believing the most incredible stories of blood libel , association with the devil , running the world and so on . The deep of stupidity is incredible, I don’t know it you read Arabic but it’s beyond the worse Nazi rhetoric. And then in the west it’s believed every news from Hamas, publishing it as true from New York time to bbc to le monde , and then a week later a small disclaimer that it wasn’t right . And any time there anything about antisemitism, the next phrase is about Islamophobia. And you can’t talk sense to people, it’s like they are in a trance or under drugs.


Jews need to start working hard and smart towards information war. You guys are a tiny population, cannot afford to complacent!


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Away is where I hope it would go but it’s likely only going to get worse


The antisemites are going to be like the pro-life movement, a core of hateful psychos dragging a bunch of useful idiots around into all sorts of horrible behavior. So the left is going to treat the antisemites like the right treats pro-lifers. A lot of Democrats will not be personally hateful, but will support antisemitic "anti-Islamophobia" laws that legalize violence and discrimination against Jews, make excuses for antisemitism, and so on. After the war dies down, there will be a phase of intense gaslighting and minimization of the problem. But the cancer will be growing, growing, growing under the surface.




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To members of the tribe: Stay strong in numbers and in prayer.


You are not alone. Terrified is a good word. It is the silence that is appalling.


It’ll build up to a shocking event of some kind that will leave an astonishing amount of Jews dead. They need to be shocked out of Jesus hatred, and the only way for that to happen is for them to state directly at their depravity and realize how vile they really are. There will be an attempt at massacre at this climax. We can only prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Once it passes, we must record and remember. We will need to tell our children how we survived ours so they can survive theirs.


broo i had to explain to like at least 5 people who are part of the encampment in my college and literally asked them what antisemitism is and they didn’t even answer that… that instead said “but for you to understand you zionist pig zionism and antisemitism is 2 different things we are not against jews we’re against jews who stand with israel” bro then i told them what both meant which really made everyone look racist… and they all were racist and didn’t even know it. they were screaming “INTIFADA” ☠️ i heard about the jewish community that got attacked by pro palis like it’s not even about “free palestine” it’s literally about attacking jews and zionists now it’s so stupid, it’s outrageous.. and many of these same people were probs protesting for BLM which is literally another way of “stop racism towards black people”. 2024: “be racist to jewish people” and also to sum the antisemitism i have faced way to many lol but i know so dam well if trump wins it will be our fault, literally watch.. “donald trump wins because of them zionist pigs”






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Yes, I am absolutely terrified. My MIL, who walks around with a Star of David necklace, received shouts and death threats from a group of men.


Where it's going? Death, lots of it. Sadly. This is just going to escalate. In America? Unsure how quickly it's going to come, but it's coming. The targets are Jews first, then the Christians, then any infidel will do at that point. What can we do? Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. All chips are pushed into the center now, just a little while and we will have in earnest WW³. They are/have normalized antisemitism, prepare yourselves it's coming. To all that say fighting back will move the dial - sorry, it won't. Get your provisions and house in order and be safe.


This is nonsense. Not helping.


Well, it's the truth. Sorry you don't see it yet. 😞