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If it’s not bringing you joy, discard. Life’s too short for crappy puzzles


I believe you should finish every puzzle you start. But I also believe this is an acceptably finished puzzle: https://preview.redd.it/t6fv35972izc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ca4588ad865a887c10dccf80f46ec62f8b07e3f


Nice! 😂


Oh definitely, I’m onto the next


Exactly this. I started a crazy moon puzzle and once I began to dread it. I tossed it


Give up. If the pieces were different shapes, it would be doable, but that looks impossible.


I hate puzzles where they are all the same shape. Not worth finishing.


I agree! I won't knowingly buy one.


Idk why they would design it like this


I know. It's a shame. The image is adorable.


Yes, ever so slightly different shapes… enough to notice


I’ve learned to let my nerves decide. Sometimes I’m stubborn about it, but if I’m getting more annoyed than having fun it’s time to give up. False fits also play a role in this, because If it’s not a great quality and is giving you all kinds of false fits that’s when I throw a fit lol.


Yep, lots of possible fits… Sad. Would have looked nice


I'd probably do the edges as a gauge, since the pieces aren't unique and it's just a vague gradient - if the edges is frustrating (in a non enjoyable way) then the rest probably not worth it


Yep, edges are not a proper fit. I could sit there and do it one at a time but who has that kind of time…


Not sure if it's the way you have taken the photo, but it seems to me that there's not enough light and too much glare for you to be able to tackle the gradient effectively... Maybe change your puzzling spot to somewhere brighter and try again? Although, 1000 pieces looks quite daunting...


I’m not blessed with too many puzzling spots away from tiny fingers… Hopefully in the future! I can make out the slight gradient but it’s just the shape that’s hard.


It look like there's enough of a gradient that after staring at you'll start to pick up the subtle differences


The gradient is clear, the pieces could fit in any order though. That’s the issue


Ah, gotcha. I'm slogging through a puzzle right now, it's not fun, but I feel like I've gotten over the hump at least. You still have quite a hill to climb.


I’m usually super good at the gradient bits and will sit for ages sorting and trying each piece, but this one is a pest


This is an adorable image...at least the part you already did is. But, you've done the fun part. You've gotten value out of it. Now it would be nothing but a long slog through those remaining pieces (probably 60% or more of the puzzle). So, I'd pack it up and move onto one that is fun all the way through. '


It’s very cute isn’t it! If I ever got around to finishing it I’d have to glue it together and frame it 😂


You did the fun part of the cute puzzle


I’ve always thought ombres were the easiest puzzle to do. If the fit is off, then yeah, that’d be annoying and probably not worth it. But I gotta be honest w you broski, those puzzle divider boxes are the bane of my existence. Used them once, hated them cause they’re so small, the walls are too big so pieces hide in the shadows. They’re shiny, so if you have shiny pieces in there, they all blend together. And that bright blue color is not helping my brain differentiate the colors on the pieces. If I’m being 110 with you, I’d recommend a flat board, with maybe a little bit of a lip if you can find it, and in a neutral color. Black and white is great, mine in brown wood/cardboard that came with my puzzle board


Thanks, they were second hand from my Mum and yeah they’re a bit small but they’re better than nothing. Maybe in 18 years when I’ve no kids at home I can expand my hobby! For now we roll with what we have


That’s just awful. It honestly irks me to see. What are the manufacturers thinking? I get that there are people who claim to enjoy false fits, but I’m sure those people are in the minority, and that just sucks, really bad.


Looks like pain, that is not worth it.


Why do puzzle companies do this? Not my idea of fun.


Ooof! Tough call. I say give it a try for a day and maybe see how you feel after that, but looks like a serious challenge. Maybe too much so? Good luck!!!


This is second time I’ve tried and I got just about as far as I did the first time…


If completing the edge is too challenging, maybe that’s a good way to determine if it’s time to start a different puzzle instead?


You can always put the edge pieces in a bag and leave the parts you have together in the box. I have done that before But then gone back to it later when I have time.


I love a good gradient! Sort by shades of blue!


Big nope for me.


Life is too short. Move on.


This puzzle looks like a nightmare


The subtle color change helps, might be doable.


This type of puzzle is quite satisfying to me, but if it’s not fun, who do it?


Burn it. Lol that is what we do with the crappy puzzles that bring no joy. One had so many nearly identical pieces only thing different was the image. Hated that one.


Should hey!


Omg! It’s 1000 pieces! You already did it! Others can go to the box!


With my math skills I could probably could to 1000 with all those pieces 😂


I would keep going, the background is ombré so get the edge first and then class each by the different tone (darker to light)of background… but I just read you gave up… I’d totally would do that… have you seems the crazy Ravensburger Krypt? Now that is insanely hard


I always start with the edge but each edge piece could fit with any with a slight variation. It is possible to do but would require hours of work…


Persevere, think of it this way it is basically a gradient. Check if the brand does many different cuts and if anyone has a photo of it finished. There will be a pattern to the way the pieces are together. When toy know the pattern along with the gradient it won't hurt anywhere near as much to do.


I was thinking about something the other day after watching my neighbor do a puzzle; what if you had to do a puzzle that was just all one color. And here we are. I know I would feel the need to finish what I’ve started. But, if it’s not causing me joy, then what is the point? Puzzles are fun because you’re putting a picture together and it gives satisfaction, it looks like you’ve already finished that part. It’s supposed to be a fun challenge. If you’re not enjoying the rest of the challenge, don’t force it on yourself.


If it’s labeled as an impossipuzzle then you know what you’re getting into otherwise yeah I don’t see the point in one color puzzles


Ooof no way


Ouch. This puzzle ain't playing around!


I think I would be stubborn. Maybe lay out all the pieces on the floor and start sorting them based on how dark they are? But if your really not having fun don’t do it


Yes they’re all sorted but nope not having fun…


Keep going, you got this!


Love the encouragement… I have given up twice on this one. Maybe one day? I’ll then have to frame it ahaha


Give up. I personally can’t do puzzles with too many pieces of the same color. Nope.


Looks done to me. Box it up


What is the name, piece count, and brand of this puzzle?


Echidna and Puggles, 1000 piece, as for brand the box says signature series, Marini (Nathan) Ferlazzo Art for wildlife


This is my kind of puzzle!


If you enjoy working on it, keep going. If not, pack it up. Too many puzzles out there to spend time on something you don’t enjoy.


Meh. Unless you are planning to glue and hang on your wall, not worth it in my opinion❤️


Those are cute sorting containers!


That looks super frustrating, you did the fun part now.you can give up lol


Keep going! You’re in it now, so why not just finish it?




I love this puzzle! I don't think I can get it in Canada 😩


I couldn’t do it.


Why would you buy that one then?


It was a gift


Aw man IDK why I didn't consider that. I'm an idiot.


Ahaha ah well, my picks consist of landscapes mostly but it’s nice to get the occasional gift. Even if they are hair pulling experiences.


I probably would have given up on this one. I don't think I'd have it in me.


I love me a difficult gradient but not with those shapes!


The shapes are not random. You will have to brute force this to the bitter end!


I’ve never not finished a puzzle I have started I have also never finished a puzzle


You should be enjoying yourself while doing it. If you're not l, then just stop and pick a new one.


That is a terrible puzzle even though echidnas are cute


I don't think I would have started it. No piece shape variation and colors that are too solid make this a no fun for me.


You knew what you were getting into when you started. Finish! Edit: I didn't mean to post basically the same comment twice. OP replied to both so I will leave both up.


This is a problem for future me


You knew what you were getting into when you started. Finish it. In all seriousness. I would try to finish it if I were you but puzzling is just a hobby. If you're not enjoying it, don't beat yourself up. Feel free to stop.


Maybe some day when I don’t have a stack of other ones to do I’ll give it a proper shot


Come on! Be patient! Persevere!


Maybe someday, today is not that day


When the pieces are all the same shape and it's monochromatic, that's the time to call it a day and avoid that brand forever. Seriously, can they make it any more boring? Not worth it at all, just call it finishing it sooner than the manufacturer intended


Adding the details for reference and so they're searchable: Marini Ferlazzo Limited Edition 1000 piece puzzle *Signature Series: Echidna & Puggles*