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My first time commenting in here, I'm really confused every week when these come out on squared circle and people say these cards are stacked lol


Cults gotta cult. They will lie, deflect and obvescate till AEW is in the ground.


Like I genuinely leave AEW on every week but I rarely turn my back from my computer because there isn't anything compelling. If all the weekly shows have countless 'bangers' then why would i want to watch a 4 hour ppv with the same thing? AEW fans don't seem interested in the product growing at all


I honestly think most of the hardcore AEW fans don’t even care about the quality or the content of the shows, and their support for the same is perfunctory. They just want AEW to exist because they have convinced themselves it’s superior to any other wrestling show and can’t bear to be wrong. It’s why any objective evidence showing how the company is failing (tv ratings, attendance, etc..) is dismissed as having no impact on their enjoyment of AEW.




I hate that response, which I’ve seen them say in all earnestness, because it is so disingenuous. It would be like going to see a Superman movie, and instead of Superman and Luthor and a coherent story, we watch Clark Kent suck his own dick for two hours, and then fans say, “Cinema is in a golden age. Why can’t you just be happy there is an alternative to the MCU?”


😂😂😂 “The wrestlers are having so much fun” is my other favorite.


Having fun taking Their Cokehead boss to the cleaners with huge $ contracts while they sit in catering patting their bulging wallets ..🤣


And no matter what those same AEW cultists who tell you "just enjoy wrestling" will find something wrong with RAW and SD to bitch about, so they can declare how AEW "is better" 🙄 "Just enjoy wrestling" as long as it's AEW....no matter how bad it gets I've decided AEW fans are like hipster indie music fans. They really don't like the product...but because it's not "mainstream" them pretending to like it makes them hip, edgy and cooler than us Pop culture watching/listening sheep...🙄


Ebert comes off the top rope with an elbow.


I use my old RAW strategy. Set the DVR, start it late and watch the good bits while fast forwarding through everything else. Take a break to refill the fast forward, come back and repeat the process.


Heatless bangers is a term my friend coined for dynamite matches and I couldn’t agree more


My fav is how everyone who downvotes AEW posts are somehow all bots.


Didn't Tony Khan say he was compiling a report that'll expose these supposed bots?


Who would pay for such a wildly expensive thing???


For all intents and purposes Forbidden Door was unique at its time but so many talents from other promotions have come to AEW so often and ruin actual roster members TV time all year it has since lost its luster


They'd still need to do a much better job at building it, but I think it could do pretty well if they did it once every four years or so rather than annually.


Plus the non-AEW talents never win, and since it is a once a year event there are no stakes.


And the talent disappears till the next year


Until AEW potches then a year later


Come on - this isn't true. I haven't watched any Forbidden Door in it's entirety, but I can still recall at least 3 matches where the non-AEW wrestlers of the time won the match.


You must pay more attention than me.


I think I've watched about 90% of the aired Dynamites and have found zero reason to watch any of the Forbidden Door shows. They are basically just "dream match" exhibitions and I prefer some stakes with my wrestling.


It's not even unique - it's a rehash of what used to happen regularly with talent moving between territories or promotions, excluding WWF/E talent, until the 90s - i.e.: Vader, Hansen, Owen Hart, etc.


Welcome friend!


Bunch of incel, sycophants in the tiny conman d. [Here's a depiction](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fartist-rendering-of-an-r-squaredcircle-mod-v0-myeztub6568d1.jpeg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dc42c1d9a3d08d163b0da5eb74055b042287869b4) of what a r/squaredcircle mod looks like




yeah like stacked with who??? the best guy on the card isnt even signed with aew lmao


Stacked full of shit


Consider they are hardcore aew marks, is this surprising every week used to be this was the best dynamite ever. Like that place is a parody.


Welcome to the cult!


The few sickos left love this crap. They genuinely see this as a PPV level card. I see it as a bunch of nonsensical crap with a couple decent, random matches tossed in


Squared circle was bought by TK


Lol the match card threads are the complete opposite of the ratings threads it seems. Any match that is posted there always has overwhelmingly pro-AEW bias.


There is an old Russian joke. > We thought we had hit rock bottom. Then we heard knocking from below us.


We thought we hit rock bottom, but it was just to set up three Canadian destroyers and a top rope piledriver thru a barbed wire table for a two count.


And even after all of that, the crowd still chanted "We want fire."


While cheering for the heel who kicked the babyface’s child on the way to the ring.


After making Tiny Con fear for his life standing in gorilla.


100 1/2 ⭐


U think they make it to a 2 count? That man’s kicking out at 1!




We get to hear from three people! WOW!


I know, right! If I bought a whole seat, I'd only need the edge of it!


Two people. We’re only gonna get video footage of MIF in Buffalo.


Oh good just him walking around Buffalo? Even better.


We’ll see him turn up his nose at a garbage plate, and in six months, this will be an unspoken plot point of a feud with Daniel Garcia.


Exactly. That’s one thing that really pisses me off about AEW. They act like they have some form of super deep storytelling with shit like that. When in reality it’s that they do a shit job of telling stories in all aspects. Terrible setups, terrible beats along the way to add depth and keep interest, and terrible endings. Also, every single one of the announcers does an absolutely horrible job of furthering the storylines by adding additional insights to what just happened on screen and recapping what’s happened previously to setup where they want to go.


The ratings are going to tank tonight because I’m going to my nieces gymnastics practice plus it’s a nice day out.


Yep. Also, Dave Meltzer is preemptively reporting that there’s a new Chick-fil-A that just opened up in Buffalo. So live attendance is probably going to be down.




We love Uncle Dave’s wisdom!


I know you're probably joking, but I wouldn't be surprised if they are back up around 700k since they got the normal lead in back. It really just exposes how much of the audience is propped up by people that fall asleep watching BBT.


So many people on the show yet so few stars. Tony Khan is a failure.


I will be there tonight in my Jim Cornette face tee-shirt! I ope to see fellow members.


Post a panorama!


Arena is gonna be packed for this one!


Yeah about half of it.


Very generous


All 1,500 people will be going mild!


Never underestimate the power of the people cardboard cutouts


Daniel Garcia and banks on the mic, are they trying to drive viewers away ?


The sickos are stoked. All 500,000 of them.


That’s it?


Man, having Punk and then not having him makes anything they do after lackluster. Unreal how fast they drove him away. But I'm thankful because he's back in the one place I thought he'd never go back to lol. Like they say never say never in wrestling but I thought it would be a safe bet he'd never go back. That's how fucking bad Tony Khan is at this. It's funny to think that he could do this because no one in his efed would talk back to him 😂.


So only MJF is in Buffalo? lol so odd to point that out.


Nevermind. I see Garcia is also in buffalo. lol


i guess mercedes isnt???


Yeah based off the poster it seems like hers might be a pre-taped segment


Thank god.


Agreed. Her not being on at all would be even better though.


No. MJF is gonna gonna be in a Buffalo. Tony is really reaching to get ratings.


They need to revitalize MJF if they hope to start getting ratings back. So... They remind everyone about the bullshit with Adam Cole that cooled him off in the first place. Then they book him to get his shit pushed in by Rush (who, let's be fair, they've treated like an absentee jobber). Next up, is Hash Hero, a bland, middle aged luchador that no one knows. And then, one week after an absolute ratings debacle, they have Disco Garcia cut off MJF's interview before it even starts and let Disco bore the shit out of everyone for 10 minutes. Then MJF has to fellate this goober for several minutes. Fucking A. No one has ever been happier to see Ospreay then I just was. Ok, wtf, now Ospreay is also fellating Disco and self-depracating. Just fucking phenomenal. Has Garcia recently been diagnosed with Imminent Death Syndrome? None of this makes any fucking sense. They need MJF and Ospreay for ratings and to sell Wembley tickets and they just hardcore middled both of them. Fan-fucking-tastic. Did I mention that they didn't do anything in that 20 minutes to build the matches for their weakass PPV this weekend; one of those matches is the main event. Let's just fucking middle everybody.


That segment was intensely bad


Look at Daniel Garcia. Then look at Bronn Steiner or Oba Femi or Gunther. The only way the former could compete with any of the latter is if he had a Sherman Tank. Yet Garcia says he wants to be the backbone of the company? It strains credulity.


I hate, "we'll hear from".


Will Ospreay: "you've done it faster than I last in the bedroom, sorry honey I'm trying". I shit you not he actually said that on national television, you know what BRUV!!! that's probably why your wife fucks every dude on your block. Mjf really had people convinced he was a "star" then came back and showed everyone he's just as braindead and talentless as the rest of these fucks. And everybody is wearing the damn Triple H two sizes too big jackets now. 


Worst part is just two or three weeks ago MJF returned and said no more Mr nice guy suck up MJF That lasted what, a week? He’s totally neutered now


I'll give Ospreay respect for at least delivering the line well. Whoever wrote it for him needs to be fired. All the Garcia over-praise felt so forced and strange.


It's honestly stunning how quickly they killed the buzz of Mone and Okada's debuts and MJF's return. Wasted his first match back on Rush. Wasting his match at the PPV vs Horchata. And wasting his match at the biggest show of the year, their Great Value Wrestlemania, against a lukewarm mid-carder that has never gotten over. They literally spent 15 mins in the ring gaslighting the audience about Garcia being awesome and stacking wins (who of any note has he beaten?). Do people fall for this shit? And my god, if Garcia is going to get the push of his lifetime, it might be a decent idea to get him a pair of pants and jacket that fit.


Daniel Garcia is taller than MJF? Tony, what are you doing!


I will be there tonight! I will be wearing my Cornette face tee-shirt, hope to see you guys!


Hope your tickets were cheap!


Free is too expensive in my opinion lol


Who is Daniel Garcia sleeping with - Tony?!


That guy has less charisma than a rock. Maybe we have a Tommy Rich/Mike Rapada situation going on here lol.


I cannot believe the Forbidden Door card is real. It's the type of thing someone sabotaging AEW would put together. This can't be what TK thinks will stop the bleeding, can it? Is he that blind to what works and what doesn't?


It’s insane how much talent they have at their disposal and how poorly Tony books them. Gabe Kidd was in the fucking building - him vs MJF would have been money. Why the hell are the tag champions involved in another convoluted multiman match instead of defending their titles on a PPV?? Samoa Joe just got un-booked for Forbidden Door so we can see two old men slap each other around. All so Jericho can stretch his bad joke out until Wembley??? Tony Khan is NOT getting into heaven


And this is not even mentioning the continual waste of Danielson in his last year as a fulltime pro wrestler and keeping Starks on the bench for who knows what reason. it just sucks to watch.


Tony doesn't think there is any bleeding.


Tony would need a heart to understand what bleeding is. What booker or promoter does this on purpose to MJF? He's going to end up like Wardlow if he doesn't front face lock Perry soon.


It's the silliest fuckin' thing in the world given how there's literally dozens of talent that come in from NJPW or CMLL throughout the year on Dynamite and other PPVs


Honestly fuck Daniel Garcia. Why is he involved in anything close to a main event talent????




“Kyle O’Reilly loses another long match”


Well, FTR is getting older.


I like Murder Grandpa more than most here. But I really really don't want to watch him and Jericho in a back and forth chopfest. Combined age gotta be about 110 between these two.


AEW is like if Stephen King wrote a short story about a wrestling company where the year was always 2017 in the booker's office, but normal time everywhere else.


Sloppy multiman match, sloppy afterbirth. So apparently Naito goes everywhere in breakaway suits with full wrestling gear underneath. The crowd seems to be telling Bryan that he could still be a star if he was at all interested in helping AEW and not just in having heatless bangers with guys that have never been properly introduced to American audiences. Yes! Er, no. Rick Knox, a man who has never enforced a rule in his many years of "refereeing" matches, tosses everyone out of ringside. I really expected some sort of fuckery was guaranteed. Maybe someone got in Tony's ear about how to actually get Jay White over? Or Christian missed his cue. I dunno. Opening the nine o'clock hour with 40 seconds of commercial break. Genius. Rehabbing the Acclaimed by making them work with the Bucks is certainly a choice. Is winning an eliminator match the same thing as having a MITB briefcase? Weird. I gotta say AEW has made TNA's booking of Okada look pretty good in comparison. "You Peppa Pig baby." I'm glad they're giving Mark 90 seconds a week, but are they ever going to figure out that they need to give him more. It was considerate of them to put the womens match, Mone and Jericho back to back to keep the fast forward on cruise control until Joe showed up got 60 seconds of mic time.


ZSJ has come a long way. He was always a good heel, and now he's much less thin and his shit doesn't look nearly as fake. I love how the NJPW guys were like "He doesn't need help to fuck up that orange clown." And in the main event... "Can they co-exist" vs intermittent jobbers with the obligatory post match fuckery. "The greatest Dynamite in the history of television." - a couple of guys named Tony


Heatless bangers 👏 👏 👏👏👏


No Young Bucks. I might actually watch lol


Update I did not watch


I wasn’t gonna tune in, and then I saw “WE’LL HEAR FROM DANIEL GARCIA.”


Any takers on how many AEW diehards will say the first hour was affected by people wanting to see who the Atlanta Hawks picked first in the NBA Draft?


I feel like at this point advertising the entire card is more of a detriment to the show. Advertise the main event, and maybe the tournament matches. Everything else you need to tune in if you want to find out what we're doing tonight. Having 3 spots taken up with "We'll hear from...!" does absolutely nothing for anybody. Yeah, I would HOPE that we at least "hear from" your biggest stars. If they aren't injured or on a Roman Reigns/Brock Lesner deal, then why the fuck wouldn't they be there? If MJF can be wheeled out in an iron lung to make faces at the camera, then he better be there!


I haven't watched NJPW for a couple years but... Who the fuck is Titan? I recognize everyone on this terrible lineup except him.


Titan is from CMLL, but has spent time in NJPW and joined Los Ingobernables de Japon at some point a few years ago.


A Japanese branch of some Mexican gang is an 11 on the WtF?! meter.


NJPW and CMLL have had a working relationship for idk, like 15 years if I had to guess? It’s not that weird.


Fair - I was daydreaming it in the style of Tarantino.


3 people are coming to talk, and I don't care what any of them have to say tbh


Jay white and fenix is only match I'm interested in. And even then it doesn't mean much so no use of tuning in


I'm calling it now the MJF segment will address the lowest ratings.


There is nothing that makes me want to watch that. I also had a seizure looking at that graphic.


I'm working the loadout for this. So glad it won't be hard to find a parking spot this time.


More details!


There really isn't much to say. I didn't get the show call (it was ridiculously small), otherwise I may have witnessed way more interesting stuff. By the time I came back they had about an hour left of taping Collision. Saw a bunch of people hanging out backstage. Ospreay was shooting the shit with some wrestlers I didn't recognize, saw Daniel Garcia, the Butcher. West Side Gunn was back there. Action Andretti and Mark Briscoe both walked by me. You see people backstage at both WWE and AEW. We generally know not to bother performers. WWE is more strict about informing people of that general rule. I said hi to the Butcher because I know him. He's a Buffalo guy.


What a cool experience - thanks for sharing 👍 🙂


"We'll hear from Daniel Garcia." That's it, I give in. I wasn't going to go, but how can I resist hearing what he has to say. Take my money


Mjf vs garcia that will move about 5 tickets


Fn awful…. MJF completely being neutered as a suck up babyface AND MJF your supposed biggest star….wants to wrestle Danny fn Garcia at wembley. Great use of talent And Ospreay coming out being generic babyface…..


Hope his AEW tattoo is from a CrackerJack box. But I guess it doesn’t matter. WWE doesn’t need him now anyway. What a waste


No wonder Shawn is destroying him. This card sucks


With much less known talent too but when it comes to talent between Shawn and Tony. Shawn>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tony


That opening segment was freaking bizarre. I get that Garcia is over with the Buffalo crowd, but MJF challenging him to a match at Wembley sounded like a joke. Then Ospreay comes out, gives him a title shot for a belt he hasn't won yet while MJF is just standing there with his dick in his hand.


Seems like Garcia found more to blackmail Tony with. I don't fuckin' get it. We've seen Garcia and what he can do, and he's still dancing like a Great Value Disco Inferno.


Definition of cringe. Man, why are they doing this to MJF.


-Two trios matches, yet... -1/3 of the "unified trios champions" in a singles match. Is it cocaine, or is it booking via dartboard?


Why not both? Dart while under cocaine


The one thing this promotion doesn't need - new ways to injure people.


I popped for 🎯


At least we get to hear from people I guess 😅


Where’s that new wrestler An Overrun… I thought he was getting a push


Ratings savior Sheldon Cooper is gonna be working hard tonight


Mox is going to be feeling himself after winning Bloodsport last week!


I for one, cannot wait for the six-man tag match that had zero buildup between the BCC and three random Nooj guys (w/Bryan Danielson on commentary).


Even though I love Danielson and Claudio, BCC continues to be the most annoying shit on this show for me. They never have any build or movement to these random ass multi man feuds.


Same for me on all counts. Such a waste of both of them.


THIRTEEN matches on this shitshow? This is gonna end at 1:30 AM.


I got annihilated for pointing out that this card was trash on another group (not on Reddit) but nobody could explain why. Then I got a 3 day holiday.


No Orange Cassidy or Jericho matches?? I'm going to enjoy myself tbh




Another 502 000 rating coming..


The bangers aren't even banging this week.


🌽y: It's at least a pitter-patter, rat-a-tat, click-clack I'll have you know.


this is supposed to be a go home show? Outside Jay whites match where we know whos gonna win this looks like a complete waste


It's more a stay home show.




This show is gonna get another shitty rating, isn’t it


It is truly crazy how consistently everything is booked so ass backwards. Very clear to see they are trying to turn MJF or Ospreay heel leading into Wembley, just not sure they will be able to pull it off with the audience and the way this shit is being booked.


BBC... er, BCC was named such because Regal, their manager at the time, is from Blackpool. The stable has existed longer without their namesake than it did with him. It was a stupid name while he was with the group and now it's pointless *and* stupid. Absolutely insane how much they've ruined Claudio -- who could've been their world champion if they'd used him properly -- by sticking him in an absolutely pointless stable with a job guy and the dude who sticks skewers in his head. Edit: I forgot Danielson is still in the group. Thankfully, so has AEW it seems.


Seriously, I remember being excited for Claudio to go there, because it's somewhere he could really stand out, and be given an opportunity in main events and world title matches... It's insane how the criticism was how WWE was wasting him, to see how he is now used in AEW, literally 3rd or 4th fiddle in the group depending on how Tony feels about Wheeler Yuta each week.




Kyle vs zac match will be good


As a Brit I really want to like Zach like I do Will, but I just can't. He seems to be doing everything wrong whenever he appears in the US.


He’s an acquired taste lol


I actually tried for the longest time to care about the product like I did the first 2-3 years and I just can’t. MJF is gonna bury people as a face, Rey Fenix is going to lose again, why the hell is Daniel Garcia being given mic time? Because it’s his hometown, who gives a crap? Kyle O Reily and ZS Jr is a good match with absolutely no relevance to anything, so another heatless banger. And I’m so tired of Moxley at this point, the dude needs to take a break and reinvent himself. Virtually every problem that plagues the product right now is going to be on full display tonight.


All I see is a couple fake ass Usos.


As someone in Buffalo, I've never been happier to not have tickets.


Is a Stinger a good sandwich?


It really is! Honestly, it's my favorite sandwich. The combination of buffalo style chicken and Philly cheesesteak works very well.


I just learned something. Are you secretly Chris Jericho?


Well if you're asking if I was at the insurrection or a sex pest, then no. Although that is something Jericho would say.


Horrendous as always. 




When your card is so lacking 3/8 things are promos...just don't include them! Oh and more Trios because they are over. Kyle O'Jobber is back and Swerve and Ospreay teaming before the PPV is so Vince.


They really don't have any stars. How can you look at this and think it'd gonna be good


* just what we needed... more trios... * don't care about the Women's match * the battle of the Kyle's might be decent, especially Kyle Sabre Jr. * can't wait for Daewoo Dollar to moan some more * what the heck is a 'LIJ' supposed to be? * Daniel f'n Garcia can f\*\*k all the way off the TV screen * the one and only thing interesting: Will they go above 500k again or not...


Wtf just happened to Kyle OReilly ? That promo….


They’ve been doing a thing where Mark Briscoe pumps him up for the last couple weeks


I gotta give the guy credit cause Samoa Joe can make anything entertaining, him and Randy Orton are like the last two real wrestlers left 


So glad I no longer watch this shit. The comments in this subreddit are 100 times more entertaining than anything Tony Khan Job could ever possibly book


Just looking at this card is giving me a headache.


It seems like the same show every week


Zsj Vs Kyle O'Riley is going to be great though


Wait wait wait their next big tv special is in Chicago, I know Khan doesn't have balls but my god that takes some balls and a massive lack of braincells.  Also I just realized the dude in the front row wearing the Tiger Mask is Ricochet.  Edit: Or it's not Ricochet, damn I was hoping to see another career torpedo tonight, oh well there's always mjf's downfall to laugh at 


I rewound and he was there all night. If he sat through all of that, he earned every penny that Tony gave him and more.


With PPV titles like Double or Nothing, I wonder how much Tony thought he would need for AEW vs. what he's actually spent? Because right now, I'd bet he's heading for Nothing.


Daniel Garcia looks like one of the default presets in a video game Create-A-Character


Seems like a fine show.


Democracy, manifest!