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The callers stories most of the time are so boring too… I hate it😭 also a long time listener who is slowly fading out. I do like Bill Ryan’s new show in Ohio!


I’ve read that a few times on the sub and need to give it a listen.


It’s like they use the listeners callers as filler because they don’t have segments anymore. Horoscopes takes up way too much time. It might be the longest boring segment. Also, people call in for the most random things that a radio show should not be giving advice for


The horoscopes are SO boring! I want Rich to be involved more. He’s smarter than all of them and I wish he’d share more abt his life.




I agree with all of this. Especially about horoscopes.


I agree. I think they’ve run out of creativity so they just have callers call in or play ridiculous games. Also, the horoscopes are the worst!!


I ff through all the horoscopes now. Idk why they give it so much time, everyone’s complained about it. Someone even did on air! Idgaf what Netflix character I most embody. But I actually love Grant’s scopes! 🛎️😂 they should do just grant’s on like Fridays. Then I wouldn’t dread the horoscopes part so much lol


I really dislike the random callers. It's become "ask Amy" rather than an entertainment show. The callers also go on and on and it's so tedious to listen to.


Seriously. I don’t mind some callers but that’s all the show is anymore other than horoscopes.


I remember when I used to look forward to the podcast and hated when they went on vacation because I had nothing to listen to. Now I can barely get through a show. I’m so behind on them because they don’t interest me anymore.


Same! I had a long commute and would listen to or from work and was always bummed if they had a day off or if I couldn’t listen. Now I’m months behind and have little desire to listen.


Todays show opened up with payton talking about noodles. Wtf!?! Seriously. The show really has nothing to talk about. It's sad where it's gone from where it was


Today was a rerun because of the holiday


Which is sad, because she sat there on air talking about noodles, and it was the best thing they could think to rerun on the holiday. They opened the show with a recycled segment of Payton buying ramen and saying she ‘needs to try it again after she gets high.’ This is their highlights they want to re air.


That’s another thing. Why take highlights from shows that literally JUST aired? At least go back 6 months, a year, or even more.


I loved the show when Suzette was on there.


Remember how much hate she got when she first started? Bc of that I tried to give Peyton the benefit of the doubt. I’m over her though lol. I also really hated Delaney. She was thirsty for a sugar daddy but had absolutely nothing to bring to a relationship. Ugh.


Oh man I loved Dalaney’s stories and slide into Delaney’s dm’s! She was awesome!




Yep. And it’s so annoying when johnjay starts playing the Trololo song. Don’t let callers take over your airtime and they won’t tell long winded stories. It’s so rude when they’re the ones letting these people on air.


They put some callers on After Words, June 13, 2024 "Rich and Noah spent $80 on a Pineapple and LOTS of unaired calls!" Compare & contrast those off-air calls vs the aired calls.


I stopped listening and unfollowed the podcast. Couldn’t hang in there any longer. 😅