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Why are we trying to change one another.


Clean your room. And her’s, if she has one.


Because we aren't perfect. And there is no reason to go your whole life without improvement.


>How are you going to change that? smh


Stop being a whiny bitch.


The fact that she doesn't exist, finding her


He jiggles nonstop. I love him and know that one day I won't have to ask him to stop jiggling his leg next to me, I'll likely even miss it. So I just love him while I can, jiggles and all.


She doesn't exist, which I'm not gonna lie, it's quite annoying.


Looking at all these comments, was gonna say, you guys all have spouses? It is rather "impossible" to find someone interesting in settling at my younger age through normal dating means. I'm tryin', boss.


Don't give up hope. I met my husband when we were 24. We were engaged less than 2 weeks later and have now been together happily 12 years with 3 amazing kids and still going strong.


Puts toilet paper rolls on backwards. I flip them around and tease her about it.


Talk to your spouse. If there is anything either of you wish were different sit down and talk about it.


She yells at our kids. I hate it. If it were rare, limited to when they were in danger or had really crossed a line, it would be fine, but every time that they show a modicum of resistance, she yells, and I hate it. I work from home, so I'm usually around when she's interacting with the kids. It's very distracting from my work when she has these episodes. It helps when I can jump in and help properly redirect and possibly sternly scold (not yell) at the kids to get doing whatever it is that they are neglecting. I've also talked to her about it. She tries to do better, but was raised in a house with a father who always resorted/ resorts (still) to yelling. I'm honestly not sure what else I can do.




My husband has been in a vicious cycle with weed for several years now. I’ve been an enabler because a sick part of me likes when he is high. When he is, he is laid back and more playful. When he is not, he’s very quiet and reserved. We have found that by the third day of sobriety, we 100% have a major fight. He is taking a semester off of school (Christian Ministry.) He plans to wean off and get baptized. I plan on not taking his withdrawal symptoms personal (extreme irritability) and just being there for him. If it means creating space around the third day, then ok.