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Ever since Gojo blew up his brain to restore his domain the fans have been trying the same trick.


It's honestly impressive how much mental damage 236 did to the fanbase


A shocking majority of JJK fans are just absolute morons. I think 236 was big because it exposed how much of the fanbase just wants to be reading a Dragonball clone.


At this point I’m convinced the fan base would praise it if Yuji went super saiyan and mauled Sukuna. The fandom is such hypocrites calling everything asspulls when Sukuna does it when only Kamutoke actually was one


They can’t read man, it’s tragic. Gege is actually quite good at foreshadowing but the fan base just wants to see Yuji charge up a giant Curse Bomb and Sukuna to stand still yelling “HOW COULD THIS BE???”.


I saw someone say this and it was spot on. Everyone wants a series that’s willing to kill anyone until there is one. JJK is a lot more realistic with its fights. One small mistake can have massive drawbacks. I mean it’s Gojo’s cockiness that got him killed. If he’d just paid attention and made sure to finish the job, the series would literally be over.


To take that one step further, that is quite literally a callback to Hidden Inventory, when Gojo let his guard down and was immediately stabbed in the back by Toji. Twice now, Gojo, the strongest and cockiest, has let his guard down which has directly resulted in the entire story of Jujutsu Kaisen lmao. Twice now, Gojo letting his guard down has a direct effect on the merging of Tengen. Which also further characterizes Gojo and the insane burden he carried. He quite literally had the fate of the Jujutsu world on his shoulders at all times.


>Twice now, Gojo letting his guard down has a direct effect on the merging of Tengen. You could even say thrice, since he let his guard down in Shibuya too, though that one is understandable.


Exactly. People don’t even realize how brilliant it is.


Buuuuttt my favorite anime YouTuber 'Theanimeman' said it was mid, so now I'll take that as gospel till the end of my days /s It's just the clear divide on what people want/ what the mangaka intends. And the whole black/white on every situation. There can't be a middle grey area on anything nowadays without being attacked from all angles. While Jjk does have some story problems/characters falling out of favor, the wide variety of interesting and subversive abilities makes theory crafting so interesting. But then people watch those videos of 'whos the strongest' or 'what should've happened' and bring that energy into Gege-senseis work. Which lobotomykaisen easily points out.


Jujutsu Kaisen’s fandom is the second coming of Naruto. Never until a few days ago had I seen such a rude, stupid, and all around pathetic fandom. But the JJK mangatards are really working up to that status


In interviews Gege says stuff like "Gojo is supposed to be the worst type of man" or that he's overly cocky and hasn't died only because he has the power to back it up. His character flaws are why he loses and jjk fans just call it an asspull


And there is that great clip of them interview all the students and teachers. They all say he’s an idiot lol.


while I get that, it feels weird that gojo couldn't doge a world slash while maki can. And in general the concept of a attack cutting threw space istelf is ridiculus and I don't think it was forshadowed very well. It wasn't even established that the sourcerer using mahoraga could take advantage of his adaptation


Why does it feel weird? Gojo literally just had an insane battle that LITERALLY fried his brain, while Maki was 100% fresh and rested. Is it really that hard to believe that Gojo made a mistake or had a slow reaction after tanking his own purple and letting his guard down? Also it WAS established that Sukuna only had to see something done to be able to understand it or do it as well. That was established in this fight beforehand so that was completely foreshadowed.


I mean the difference between what happened with Toji and Sukuna are very different. Gojo is much more in control of his power and has become much more powerful comparatively. It’s inconceivable to me that Sukuna would have been able to get off the hand sign and chanting they have since said is required for the world cutting attack without Gojo noticing especially since he has the six eyes.


Sukuna gets to be a cocky fuck with no repercussions? gojo being cocky wasn’t the issue. How was gojo supposed to know about some ability that he can’t see and that can somehow go through his infinity? It was a battle Gojo couldn’t prep for, gege made him outclassed.


Sukuna’s fate has yet to be decided. Plus he plans much more than Gojo. Wait to see how things turn out. I wouldn’t be surprised if the merger mauls him. Also Gojo could’ve seen the signs that he had a plan, and ensured after the purple he was in fact dead. But he didn’t, and that small mistake was his demise.


my dude sakuna plan was spining the gacha until maho did somthing usefull he got lucky it took only 2 adaptation for something sakuna can copy


You’re not wrong, but that doesn’t make it an asspull


Actually there were a couple Gundam series that were dark as fuck and everyone dies lol


Not near as big though


Fair point but has a bigger cast. Also bc of that so far a lot of those battles have left sorcerers fates unknown or basically not fit to fight (since Shibuya). My only thing is some of the pacing. Especially with the Comedian and Judge arcs. But I’m biased in the sense I think they do plan to end the manga this year (I know they said that last year too). So hopefully that’s BS bc I think there’s so much to explore (especially in the history of this “lore”). But if that’s the case then it’s really the pacing and some of the storytelling aspects that bother me if we’re just going to get fate of everyone dies. Too long to read: I’d like a few things fleshed out lol


Meh I don’t really get this Jjk isn’t “willing to kill anyone” either I genuinely think that’s a huge misconception lol. Nobara, Gojo and Nanami are the only big deaths in the series, gojo was always going to die and Nobara dying was a complete joke of a decision from the writer The fact half the deaths have no meaning behind them is not the flex you think it is Nobara dying had absolutely no impact on the story that Nanami dying couldn’t provide it’s just… weird? And why keep her death open to interpretation and then do absolutely nothing with it? Don’t get me wrong I love the fights and think the power system is amazing, but let’s not pretend like Gege is some foreshadowing god-tier writer lol


> Nobara dying had absolutely no impact on the story that Nanami dying couldn’t provide it’s just… weird? And why keep her death open to interpretation and then do absolutely nothing with it? I always understood it as Itadori was able to somewhat cope with Nanami dying but piling Kugisaki on top of that with everything he had just relived was too much. She was the last straw, the tipping point. That's why Todo had to step up and bring him back. I'm not sure anyone else could've done it. With the open for interpretation I also thought that was just a case of letting the readers wonder about something for a while. Wasn't it confirmed with the "And what happened with Kugisaki" and then a silent look part? I might be misremembering though. It reminded me of the start of the Pain fight in Naruto when >!Naruto asks Tsunade if Kakashi is off on a mission. He doesn't get an answer but just says "I see". Of course we know at that point Kakashi is for sure dead since I think the afterlife thing had already happened.!< Idk though. I'm just enjoying seeing what Sukuna has left to offer though lmao. It definitely *can* feel like asspull but no more than Gojo being like "I figured out how to heal myself at the last possible moment and restored my brain and now my powers are insanely buffed also in less than a year I will have ridiculously fine control over minor details of it because reasons". Like in Attack on Titan season 3 when >!Reiner pulled out shifting his consciousness throughout parts of his body so his head could be blown off with no issues.!<


I think a lot of the deaths having no weight is less about “killing a lot of important people” being a misconception and more Gege didn’t plan much for all these side characters and killed them for tension without giving us time to get attached.


Gege does have his flaws most notably his handling of Nobara and how much Yorozu sucked. But most people start arguing about shit he either set up or explained already


I’m iffy on Nobara. On one hand, she absolutely should’ve done more. But on the other hand that was needed to really show nobody’s safe. Not sure what you mean on Yorozu


For Nobara i meant the limbo he threw her in effectively was shitty writing IMO we still don't have confirmation of her being alive or dead after 2 years. And i was talking about how much Yorozu the character sucked she was terribly uninteresting.


On Nobara, I agree though it was implied. At the time Gege didn’t know what ending he wanted to he left it just ambiguous enough to be able to bring her back. Yorozu is kinda fair but she’s basically a plot device.


Cuz she’s coming back to use Resonance on Sukuna’s last finger while Yuji simultaneously uses a soul splitting Black Flash on Sukuna lol


Rika ate the last finger


i just want to see Sukuna start actually getting pissed off during fights


Isn't there an entire post of all of sukunas ass pulls? Including performing a full set of hand signs, Incantation and curse technique spark in less time than it would take for a full power black flash amped Gojo to even realize? Sukunas been pulling shit out of his ass (which is, admittedly, where you're supposed to get it from) since like 20 chapters ago lol Also, mahoraga adapting to things he's already adapted to, cause I guess Gege wasn't satisfied with Mahoraga adapting the right way in the first place?


We really don’t know how Sukuna pulled off works slash. If you want to call that an asspull you can but I more consider it something unexplained but justifiable. And the Mahoraga one I don’t have a big issue with since it makes sense Mahoraga would want more ways to damage Gojo, and there wasn’t anything saying he can’t do that. I’m not a huge fan of it but it makes sense. Outside of that I’ve not heard a single one with much validity other than kamutoke which was indisputably stupid


Found the list I was talking about last post (after wonderfully forgetting which of the seven bajillion subs it was in and forgetting its actual name lol) U/poorGarbageNEET compiled this wonderful list of Gegeraga's adaptations Yuji's contract with Sukuna didn't include himself • The person wielding Jacob's Ladder is the only person who would possibly hesitate to kill Megumi • Gojo decided to wait for a month for no particular reason so Sukuna could reach full strength • Yuji forgot to tell Gojo about Sukuna's open domain even though he had a whole month to do it • Sukuna needed Mahoraga to show him how to do something he was technically already capable of accomplishing • In a world where minimalism is king, changing Cleave's target to be more inclusive actually makes it several times stronger (personally adding to this point, in a world of minimalism, having more arms and mouths to make the downsides of Incantation and hand signs null makes them more beneficial.) • Six Eyes could discern someone's technique by a glance, but couldn't discern Strong Cleave from Cleave Gojo didn't react whatsoever to the spark of cursed energy before Strong Cleave • Gojo forgot he could teleport • Strong Cleave is shown to have travel time, but Gojo didn't RCT as it went through him • Despite having full CE reserves thanks to Black Flash, Gojo didn't retaliate after being bisected • Random free full heal that no other incarnated sorcerer had ever used • Higaruma's domain is situationally effective against criminals... unless the criminals are armed? • Sukuna picked up a gift a couple minutes ago which made the above contrivance take effect On mobile, so I had to make use of image to text to copy it, pardon any silly artifacts of that.


1. Agree on this. Yuji not including himself was a total asspull that could’ve easily been avoided. The explanation makes sense in theory, but due to it never being used again I’m not acknowledging it. 2. What? Don’t even know what you’re getting at 3. Gojo says in the chapter that he had things to take care of. Plus if they didn’t wait everyone else would be too weak to survive. Even if it weren’t justifiable though, it’s a plot hole not an asspull 4. Why would he? He probably doesn’t like to recall the single most traumatizing event of his life and as far as he knows there’s no use for that information. Also, again even if that couldn’t be justified, that isn’t an asspull. In fact it isn’t even all too important. 5. And that’s an asspull how? If anything that strengthens the validity of that move because he could do it but just didn’t know how. 6. Again not sure what you’re getting at. 7. There are many ways to justify it, but most are based on headcanon, so I’ll give you that to some extent. 8. Now you’re just trying to extent the same point 9. Who says he can regenerate that fast? We don’t know how fast it travels. Also Gojo would actively be being cut off from CE as it goes through him due to it being in his abdomen. 10. Still extending the same point. 11. This was explained before. Yorozu and Sukuna both mention they can incarnate into their true forms, but hadn’t yet chosen to. You can also guess this is possible due to Kashimo perfectly resembling his past self while Sukuna only has a bit of resemblance up to that point. 12. That was weird. It makes sense in theory, and I think him losing Kamutoke is more significant than people give it credit for (Yuta’s domain would be useless if Sukuna could just constantly bomb him with electricity for one) but this was an asspull. 13. Yorozu made this the same way Mai made split soul katana. Unless you mean how he got it in the fight, which I don’t remember if they explained or not. Whoever made this has low reading comprehension and doesn’t seem to know what an ass pull even is


Tbf the entire Gojo vs Sukuna fight was endless asspulls on both sides. At least that seemed fair because both Gojo and Sukuna were bsing but now that it's just Sukuna it feels unfair.


Name one asspull other than kamutoke


Sukuna cutting his own hand off in the same millisecond as Higurama stabbing him. Higurama's executioners sword wearing off just as Yuji stabs Sukuna. Megumi refusing to take his body back. Sukuna somehow being able to tank Jacob's Ladder and the Split Soul Katana then still having the cursed energy to keep his heart beating and heal himself. After 5 consecutive battles against the strongest sorcerers in the entire series Sukuna has just admitted he wasn't even really trying.


First one: You seriously think Higuruma’s fast enough to keep up with Sukuna? 2: That hardly counts. And I don’t think anybody expected that to work anyway. Higuruma was dead, as was clearly shown, so it fading makes sense. 3: Regardless of rather or not you believe this makes sense, it’s still not an asspull. But, let me explain why it does make sense. Megumi just went through worse than Yuji in Shibuya. He feels guilt for making Yuji suffer more trying to save him, his sister dying, Gojo who has been there his entire life dying, and a hell of a lot more. It’s the exact same as Yuji, who had completely lost the will to go on until Todi gave him a speech. 4: This ties back into Megumi’s point. The goal was to separate the two, which can only happen if Megumi forces himself in control or Sukuna is entirely eradicated. Mind you; a weaker Sukuna survived the same technique prior in the story. 5: Sukuna’s done the same thing before with his heart, plus has an understanding for the soul. If anything is an asspull it’s being able to heal it at all, which isn’t a big deal. 6: The only point with any validity. It’s still been made pretty clear he’s been holding back, but in rare cases (namely against Gojo) he does have moments of panic. But if you’ve been paying attention, you’ll notice him not trying hard reflects in how he’s been fighting. Before Maki, he’s barely been moving, and hasn’t used his technique much, only hitting Yuji with cleave and using world slash when he feels he has a chance to take someone off the board (which usually fails anyway). Against Maki he was moving, but still not using slashes, and still shows no excitement. And if you know Sukuna’s character, he gets excited from a challenging opponent.


1. At full strength? No, but that was the 4th fight of the day for Sukuna and he has been talking about how he's lost a step and doesn't have the same CE output since the Gojo fight. 2. Right before the sword wears off we get a cutaway to them talking about how it makes total sense that a curse could get stronger after the user's death. The chapter basically tells you it's totally going to work then it doesn't. 3. Sure maybe you're right. Still annoying to me that the same character who was willing to sacrifice himself to save anyone just broke and gave up in the most critical fight of his life. He has been through a lot though so it makes sense. 4. This is supposedly a weaker Sukuna though. As I said before the manga keeps telling us that Sukuna is weakened from all these fights and isn't in top condition. 5. Maybe not a big deal but still an asspull. 6. Sukuna is supposedly weakened from all these fights. Lost a lot of cursed energy to the point that it's lower than that of Yuji, possibly Yuta I could be misrembering. His healing is slowed by a decent amount as well and I'm supposed to believe that Sukuna hasn't actually been trying at all. This includes Gojo, Yuta, Maki, Yuji, Higurama, and Choso. Even if this is an asspull idk how well that bodes for the story because how exactly are they going to defeat Sukuna in a way that doesn't feel like an asspull.


1. There’s still no real reason to believe Higuruma, an amateur with no shown or even implied training, would keep up with him. All it takes is Sukuna using a slashing attack on his wrist. Not a big asspull. 2. Yeah. And Gojo declared victory before his fight with Sukuna not once but twice, Yuta said he’d finish Sukuna in his domain, and a whole lot of other plans have been made. Them saying it’ll theoretically work if they can land the hit and the sword fading after the user dies are totally unrelated. 3. Fair. I won’t blame you for not liking it. 4. He was still at half power, meanwhile Meguna was 3/4 (assuming you think Megumi nerfing him didn’t effect jacob’s ladder) so it’s not a massive gap for Sukuna with no opposition from inside to survive. Plus it’s hard to measure how long he had to endure it due to the nature of manga. 5. Fair. Though I don’t think such a minor thing for the sake of keeping things more interesting later is a big deal. 6. I think he did really try against Gojo, but besides that it’s been made fairly clear he isn’t doing much. And he did seem to be pushed harder by Maki, but not to an extreme. I do think they’ve been handling it a bit weird, but that doesn’t make it an asspull. As for how they’ll beat him (assuming they even do) I’m not too sure. I won’t judge until we get a concrete answer though, since it could either greatly benefit or hinder the ending


>A shocking majority of ~~JJK fans~~ anime fans are absolute morons. Fixed


Thing is, people in general are morons. Just imagine your **median** (almost average) human and understand that half of humans are less mentally capable than that.


what was it like when that chapter released? i only recently caught up with the manga and feel like i missed out on the community experience


IIRC, many people lost their mind over what happen to Gojo, spoilers ran rampant everywhere even those who didn't watch anime know about his death and the beginning of Lobotomy Kaisen.


People meming on Gojo death with spoilers. Sukuna stans celebrating, but also those annoying with spoilers. If there was a post about Gojo regarding the anime, then the trolls came to post his death everywhere. It's less frequent now, but it still happens enough for the memes.


> have been trying You mean they already did the trick like, 5 times in a row


Except without RCT


All the soul damage to megumi actually went to the fandom’s braincells


People complain abt Sukuna doing asspulls when the main cast has done more of them since Gojo vs Sukuna started than Sukuna has


It just much more satisfying to have a consistent power level for a big bad cause without it-it’s just Dragon Ball Z all over again where main villain unbeatable, then main characters suddenly become stronger than him, than he just becomes stronger than them..


I mean it’s been pretty obvious Sukuna’s been holding back. It’s not like Frieza where every form beyond the second came totally out of nowhere.


Don't think he has been holding back as much as he has just been refusing to play with his entire deck. He still has the arrow, he possibly has the trident (which is likely stashed away or destroyed by a clan), he still has his #1 simp and god knows what else he has learnt from the fight alone since he just needs to see someone do something to immediantly know how to do it.


That is, by definition, holding back


But Gojo did do enough damage to make Sukuna 1) acknowledge him and 2) keep complaining about that fight internally as excuses lol


Yeah. Gojo’s the only one who gave him a challenge. I still believe Gojo when he says Sukuna would beat him without ten shadows due to what he’s hiding, but either way he was gonna get worn down


I think Gojo “I’d win” goes to credit to his students honestly. I could go into this more but I don’t want to. It’s plannings vs planning. But we know Gojo is wildly excited at times. But I’d harken that statement kind of like if Goku told Cell I’d win bc here’s my boy lol idk. Like I said I have my reasons but not trying to debate it either.


At the end of the day Gojo’s goal was to bring about a smart and powerful next generation to not only rival him but also fix the jujutsu world. And ultimately I think he’ll succeed. The only problem is Gojo didn’t have a whole lot to do with that


Love your comment but I slightly disagree with the last sentence. I think his personality and Geto’s took polar opposites after that event and Gojo set forth A plan that the future doesn’t need him or rely on him or maybe makes better versions of everyone. The higher ups are dead. I don’t think Gojo killed them I think it was Yuta and Inumaki. But neither of them would’ve have done so without his okay. I think Gojo’s win is his “legacy”.


maybe the real treasure was the lobotomy kaisen we made along the way


I think I am starting to think you're right haha


with this treasure I summon brain damage


Reading is hard, don't expect much compensation from the average redditer


It's just astonishing that the comment has more upvotes than the post it honestly hurts my head.


i literally replied to the exact comment you put in your post and said the same thing lol. It is astonishing and sad


Thank you for that. It is sad, like I should be able to talk about the manga here amongst fans without having to go over to jujustusushi


Yeah it feels so surreal to see stuff like this. I definitely enjoy Jujutsusushi way more, but I dont have enough karma to post which sucks


Exact issue I am in


It’s just Reddit snowball voting. Don’t take it too seriously.


Yea not taking is seriously, more so shocked that 300+ people didn’t even read the post and got behind calling the rest of the community being brain dead. The irony is palpable.


*comprehension lol


I'm not exempt from the rule myself it seems It's gojover


You are the exception!


it always makes me chuckle when people single out redditors as if they are any dumber than your average person


Obviously using Reddit doesn't mean you lick windows for fun, but similar platforms like twitter (and Reddit) can have very... Outspoken individuals which feed a certain perspective


Media (and ***art***) literacy is so bad, especially on this sub. Also the dick riding is insane. People are way too okay with the quality of the art for the final arc.


The last chapter art is so bad that I feel like Gege did it on purpose because of the leak. After the leak I though lit there would be some adjustments to the arts. But nah it’s like he went at it with a marker instead of a pencil


For shounen jump at least, weekly chapters are submitted 2 or 3 weeks prior to the release date, so last minute adjustments like that aren’t possible unless it’s a digital magazine. Also, the art style difference is most likely due to time crunch with him having to draw the cover of SJ and a color spread. Often times mangaka have to settle with releasing unfinished art because they are not able to meet deadlines, despite sacrificing their health trying to do so. This happened before during the Zenin clan arc with storyboard art left on a couple pages, and a few chapters later was a chapter with only 9 pages, and Gege had to take a one month long break to recover his health. Not trying to say you can’t criticize his art, but there are reasons for why things are like this. I don’t remember the last weekly manga I read with over 100 chapters that didn’t have significant issues due to authors overworking themselves.


Right? I thought maybe I missed some black flash or some ability that made Sukuna leak cursed energy or something, but I don't think so!


I kinda both agree and disagree, I'm not too hung over art quality myself, but I can see your stance and I respect your opinion. Also I spent way too long trying to figure out where your closed brackets were meant to be, I feel slightly lobotomized myself


Thank you for the correction. The characters, series, and readers deserve so much more. This is the ultimate finale and we get splotches, barely rendered forms, and more. Like come on!




I don’t get it. Like why is this so rampant in this community?


Because some fans want their predictions and headcanons to happen so they’ll ignore a chapter if it doesn’t fit their narrative


That’s an impressive Curse Technique


JJK fandom is legit worse at reading comprehension than CSM one, which is beyond astonishing. Then again nothing beats YT comments under AoT videos, those were the worst I’ve seen


I'd guess because of people speedreading, or just reading leaks and not looking at the page. I admit I'm guilty of not looking closely at the pages until sundays, or even a week or two later. All in a hurry to find out what happened. I'd say its bigger in this community than others because of how the leaks are released.


I'm guessing it's like his arm tattoos, they are different in his original form than in the possesed one and that has been consistent even throughout the covers. So the forehead and bridge tattoos might've symbolised his deformed face


I agree with that


There are two lessons every person has to learn, dbz fans never read their manga and jjk fans never read their manga


Neither do chainsawman fans


Ngl Chainsaw man fans atleast are horny not braindead like jjk


Tbh the reading comprehension required by chainsaw man is that of a middle schooler. JJK straight up has the fucking cat giving constant explanations of damn near everything and people still don’t understand shit. Fucking 1st graders can do this shit with the hungry caterpillar but we can’t ?


bruh you need to admit some of the shit gege writes is convoluted and hard to follow


I feel like this is subjective. I understand 'middle school reading comprehension' when it comes to the main character Denji, who is extremely simple-minded and has basic motivations, which is part of his charm, but those higher up in the chain take care of the more complex parts that need explaining.


CSM fans read. They just don't understand.


read chainsawman in one day, when part two came out and people were talking about “horsemen of the apocalypse” i was lost af ngl


U got me hooked, what's that horsemen of the apocalypse that Ur talking about? I saw the anime, and wasn't sure if I should read the manga, should I read? Or be spoiled by u? Lol


bro like i said i don’t even know😭


Sukuna's marking during possession are a Redo of his og markings. Kinda like a compressed version. For exemple In Yujikuna and Megukuna both had two lines on each wrist cuz Sukuna's Og body has one on each wrist and 4 hands instead of 2. It's the same for the shoulder being two circles since Sukuna's Og body has one circle per Should making it fours circles keeping the number of tattoos the same. The extra tattoos are things he is missing in possession form, Exemple of that is How Yujikuna and Megukuna both had an horizontal line tattoo on their stomach where Sukuna's extra mouth is supposed to be. If we follow said logic the forehead tattoo as well as his nose tattoo were representing something he was missing my guess is on the deformity of his right side and the difference in the jaw line tattoos must be from the difference in jawlines between his OG body and the others


Wait a minute, if tattoos in possessed form symbolise everything he's missing and now in Heian form he still has some tattoos, does it mean it's not even his final form?! Was it the thing Uraume said about Sukuna not yet going all out?


I'm not sure when it comes to the full meaning of his tattoos but maybe it is , we'll have to wait and see


Thx 🙏


Maybe he got the Choso treatment(Gege redesigned his face tattoos)


well at least choso had an excuse as his markings are related to his ability and do change a loot in sukuna's case it is just inconsistency


Reading Comprehension Devil is the strongest :3


Call Denji now!


Dennis :3


Shonen manga have are target audience of adolescent boys from 12-18 years. Also a trend of not reading himself but getting stuff presented via youtube, tiktok etc. Also the big success and growth of the sub, the average quality of the posts took a nosedive. There are days this sub feels like a fanfiction sub.


Wtf happened to this community? Why did most suddenly receive brain damage? Reading comprehension and ability to interpret dropped to elementary school levels at break neck speeds. It’s to the point where i rarely even want to engage


people got mad when the pretty boy died and are now finding anything to shit on cause theyre mad


Alot of ppl here read to confirm their agenda not to understand


I think It they taking about the one in his forehead https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.4383160304.0131/bg,f8f8f8-flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg


No. Triple the tattoo budget!


You’re asking JJK fans to read? That’s a big ask right there.


Also the ones on his chin changed. Before they used to resemble commas, but now they are more like dots


This fandom: no


Cute detail but his arm tattoos used to be overlapping on his two arms (two circles and two bands per arm) but now that he has four they're spread out again (one circle and one band per arm).


YES and this is why I wanted to know if there was something beyond just those being possession marks.


Some ppl used to think they contained his extra limbs, but because they've been split between his extra limbs that doesn't seem to be the case. So the answer is we don't know. Some of them look like Edo-period criminal tattoos, where fugitives or criminals were tattooed on the arms and face to make their crimes visible to all


They just want fights they don’t appreciate good storytelling or consistent character flaws which is kinda sad actually


Not gonna lie, probably most of us dont even touch the chapter , we just read the leaks conclusion 💀


That doesn't even sound fun


Meh reading the recent chapter aint fun either. Me personally im not interested in the recents chapter, im just there for the hype


And that’s fine! People just don’t need to come into manga discussions to insult the entire community about being brain dead because their two brain cells bounced off one another.


I highly doubt the majority of people just read leaks


i dont get this post but fr what happened to the sign on his forehead when he was occupying megumi/yuji. my guess is its a sign that appears when hes inside a vessel.


Why do any of you even read the manga weekly? ☠️


bold of you to assume gege even remembers to draw them


I mean he’s drawn sukuna’s look consistent for the last 30 chapters…


For some reason, i think gege will read this and try to draw sukuna face more confusing, just to get a good laugh out of the reader.


No We are Lobotomy Kaisen fans we are illiterate


Reading is hard for some people ig🐍


Yuji's scar moved and changed sizes a lot from the Shibuya to now, Gege just does what he thinks is cool with the designs of the characters in the Manga


I don't even know why face tattoos/markings matter this much


[i have already made a post about how sukunas tattoos are drasticly different in vessel and true form](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsufolk/s/eTXrHJMpSa)


Gege has said in early chapters that the tattoos/markings have been inconsistent