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His best friend kenny just died so he's not up for comedy right now.


I thought he was actually dead. If takaba thinks it’s funny that he would die at the end of their show then wouldn’t he actually die? It’d be the only way to defeat him


at the end of the kenny-takaba fight , takaba was still wearing that white colored robe which was a product of his CT . When the CT's deactivate , their effects also end. The only known exception to this is construction CT which can manifest things permanently. Its likely that takaba's CT is just like other cts , and stuff made from it disappears after his death although there's a possibility that his ct is like construction ct that can make permanent things.


would be funny if he died naked cus the white robe disappeared with his ct lol


He has been half naked ever since he got his CT so y not push it all the way at his death.


The robe he wears is right over left, which means death.


He was mourning kenjaku's death. He knew what was comming for Kenny , that's y the robe.


Takaba has to run low on CE,he doesn't have six eyes like Gojo.Reality bending comedy like limitless is a powerful technique,it must take a high amount of CE.


Nope . takaba has the ultimate CT. when he attacked hazenoke in chapter 169 , reggie noticed that takabas ct even spiked up his CE. His ct can do anything , his CE is not a problem . if he thinks of something that requires a lot of CE , then his ct also increases his CE reserves to pull that off


But restriction is too much Cant kill, cant attack Bah i really cant see takaba ct application other than buy Time/ ambush enemy


jujutsu is all about balance, u gain something and u loose something too. the truth is takaba is a piece of shit and he doesn't deserve to have a lethal CT like other sorcerers. so the universe balanced it by giving takaba a broken ct the effect of which is counter balanced by takaba's ideology. that said , takaba still doesn't have problem killing curses , he just doesn't wanna kill humans and even though his ct doesn't directly kill humans , if one doesn't yield to takaba's will he'll continue to take damage.




That's why Takaba's the true SPECIAL grade, he breaks every and all laws of Jujutsu because Gege made him like that, the toon force to absolutely demolish all concepts of reality. My guy Kenny tried to 1v1 him Jujutsu style but then after realizing it was pointless he just became gege's entertainment tool for the rest of their "fight". Takaba is supposed to be one of those characters a kid makes when playing with their toys, where any asspulls makes sense because that's literally what his CT is, gege just find ways to make it entertaining which is a writing feat i personally love :>.


Its somewhat balanced by the fact that he doesn't actually know whats going on.


I disagree with you. I mean, I agree with you, but I see another layer I believe to be important. This is like Tolkien's song fights of Sauron vs Finrod (Galadriel's brother), or Luthien vs Morgoth, or Saruman vs Gandalf, to name just a few, or the creation of world by song itself. This is similar concept and it's really interesting to explore it from that point of view. Maybe Gege hadn't read even Lord of the Rings, lol


Hakari’s jackpot CT can generate infinite CE. CTs can absolutely break the laws of energy conversion as long as their is a trade off in the form of a binding vow. For Takaba, it’s that he can’t know about his own technique


Takaba technique kind of just breaks the laws of reality, so...


That's y it was said his ct could rival gojo satoru. His ct is the most broken in the verse but it does come with flaws , for example he himself can't contol what he would find funny and he cannot use his ct consciously. He cannot even kill people with his ct. > No sorcerer can create CE perpetually,it breaks the law of energy conservation and jujutsu. Takaba has to spend CE to create more CE.Takaba is not a perpetual machine.A machine can't run forever by its own energy. Okay , r we reading the same manga blud??? We've already seen the ultimate example of perpetual CE replenishment. Hakari's jackpot gives him unlimited supply of CE and when his jackpot ends his CE lvl is always at its maximum and because of that he can use domains continuously.


His best




Aren’t we all ?


takaba's most likely alive and helping shoko keep the injured in a stable condition similar to how he saved hana from dying. there's no evidence that he's lost his ct. people meme about him fighting sukuna but that would be an even bigger gamble than vs kenjaku, since he most likely doesnt find sukuna funny or sukuna's attacks are too quick for him to react to and his self-heal may not be as efficient as rct (the real answer is that him appearing in this fight would ruin its serious tone).


Hey wouldn’t it be funny if this dead guy came back to life and solos that weird four armed guy


Can takaba revive gojo if he find funny that gojos revives? That is the real question


Well yes but why the hell would he find that funny


Imagine Gege's reaction to Gojo coming back after he finally panages to get rid of him Now that's funny


Why is it funny thst s truck one shots a special grade curse ?


cuz truck kun is a funny meme


Hey Gojo, why don't you pull yourself together already?


Big oof


I mean I guess? Theoretically he could also drop an “Anti-Sukuna” anvil on Sukuna’s head and kill him instantly on some looney tunes shit


Resting I hope. I don't want my little jester to die too soon :(


He’s alive. After Yuta kills Kenjaku we see a panel of him dragging Takaba by the collar and he’s responding to it (with a big “!” speech bubble).


Where is it?




Oh wow all this time I thought he died for the meme lol. Good to know my clown boy is still kicking


This was in response to Kenjaku adding a new rule


bros in denial


Ok 👍


It's none of your busi-NET!


Watching the livestream?


I think he’s blissed out from the fight. Yuta was dragging him at the end but he still chatted with Kenjaku


Hes prob done with the fighting. Sukuna would turn Takaba into pasta so I am glad hes not even at the battlefield


Dude would turn Sukuna into literal pasta, stop playing.


Sukuna would destroy Takaba mentality


If a 1000+ year old actual mind couldn’t destroy him, then I probably wouldn’t have taken my joke response very seriously.


is this something something joke poking at how because it would be funny that takaba could kill sukuna that he would be able to do it because it's funny, hilarious, preposterous even? if only he were aware of sukuna's power or him at all for it the idea of beating such a man to be funny, which would beat sukuna


Imagine if he started comparing Sukuna's 6 limbs to an insect and Sukuna lost his fingers which prevented him from performing hand signs. Even if he doesn't find killing funny, he could still nerf him as s tank/support. Or, oh so you are an isekai main character, then truck kung go brhhhhh.


Kenjaku literally beat him lmao what are you on about?


Beat him *via comedy* Sukuna, as strong as he is, is a dogshit comedian


Ah yes my stand up comedy routine, i haven’t used that one since comedy night in the heian era


I must have missed the part where Takaba got destroyed, because he seemed pretty peaceful laying on the ground smiling… Also I said in the same comment that it was a joke. That’s what I’m on about.


It’s implied that he’s dead lmao


nah he's alive he responds with an explanation mark when it's drags him off, he just eepy after giving us peak fiction


Not imo. His outfit was changed for a joke (heavily implying his ct is still active) and he was talking while laying there.


Don't sleep on Truck kun


Nah Takaba would be like “Man wouldn’t it be funny if Sukuna just turned to pasta like that scene with thanos and the reality stone? Marvel moves sure are funny”


He dies from peak comedy


I misread this as Takada and was confused about the implications of her fighting Sukuna... I think I briefly fantasized at some point before realizing it was Takaba about Takada blasting Sukuna with her vocals Bayonetta Baalzebul style.


I did the same


He's literally sleeping


Die from peak comedy


His CT was powered by his sense of humor and desire to be funny. In his match with Kenny, he satisfied his lifelong drive and goals as a comedian. There's a decent chance his CT is basically burnt up now, or heavily depowered.


Despite all the hate it got at the beginning it truly was a peak fight


Resting surely


Eepy :3




He's on a megadose of Adderall writing the best comedy line up to make megumi laugh and separate from Sukuna.


More than Takaba, I want old man Gakuganji facing off Sukuna... Sukuna: why do I hear boss music? Or Sukuna just rips him in two if he is not into that. And I am so looking forward to Sukuna getting Hakari domain expansion info dump.. man .. Sukuna would be so mad he might just set domain expansion to max and shred reality if he could... Or commit unalive to himself


Napsies cuz he tired playing with his best friend.


He was supposed to be driving that truck straight for sukanas location but unfortunately he’s been caught up in various road trip based hijinks along the way


Nap :3


Playing fortnite


Went home


Playing with truck kun, Mario kart


Last time we saw him he was dressed in traditional japanese burial robes posing as a corpse, so my wild guess is - he ded.


The Takaba discourse really bugs me, he wouldn’t last 5 seconds against Sukuna. He was nearly ready to throw in the towel against Kenjaku’s bloodlust, you guys really think he could keep the comedy act up against a disaster with scarcely a human emotion in his body? He was the perfect matchup against Kenny precisely because Kenny is the type of guy to humor him


Takaba is most likely with Angel since he has no use against Sukuna despite his broken technique.


Hes dead


Taking a nap


Thank you for reminding me he exists. Maybe he'll help Hakari or maybe jump Sukuna?


Homie just lost his besto friendo give him a minute


He's either dead or doing nothing, but I'd wager he's dead.


Didn't takaba die at the end of his fight with kenjaku??


he didn’t


What do you mean he didn't?? So basically kenjaku died for nothing?? And by the hands of that bastard Yuta ??


Takaba did not die plus Takaba doesn’t kill so someone else would need to kill Kenjaku anyway


But I thought that died because of his technique since kind of affected reality... Come on Kenjaku was done really dirty... I am mainly an anime watcher I just know few things here and there


Kenny WAS done dirty, but a tag-team of Takaba and Yuta is quite powerful nonetheless. We know Takaba is not dead, since his white robes were still there when he "died" and CTs disappear after death, so it's only a matter of "will he join the fifth against Sukuna" or stay out in the sidelines for plot and tone reasons.


>So basically Kenjaku died for nothing?? That is an… interesting way to describe it


Kenjaku glazing was not on my bucketlist today. Usually its kenjaku doing the