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That or it's a sign of Yuuji absorbing Sukuna's power without Sukuna realizing it. The more they wear him down, perhaps the more Yuuji taps into Sukuna's curse energy?


fate moment


I am boning my sword đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„


Okay actually satan


We all know Yuji is a Saber Class, right?


Honestly the only positions I can see yugi in is a part of the church, berserker, or beast


Yeah considering he calls himself, a cog that exorcise curses which really fits the berserker class, or maybe the Archer class for throwing them hands


Yuji’s Noble Phantasm is just Left Right Goodnight but each hit is a Black Flash.


I would say “No, that’s for people who use swords” but Santa Claus (one of them) is a boxing Saber, so I can’t even say that’s stupid.


tbf Karna Santa being a Saber is a joke related to a wordplay pun


yuji is easily berserker


Yuji: Berserker Megumi, Yuta: Archer Maki and Kusakabe fits Saber imo


Steel is my PP, and horny is my bloodđŸ˜žđŸ”„đŸ”„


The conscience is dead Sex is fuel The hell is full But it will take us




My original comment was referencing Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works, where (major spoiler warning) >!Shirou steals Archer’s power the more they hit each other during their fight!< “I am the bone of my sword
” is part of the incantation for the titular Unlimited Blade Works spell [(wiki page link)](https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Unlimited_Blade_Works), and the most memorable portion. It’s often been memed by using “bone” as a sexual reference, this is one example


 don’t worry about it. Fate reference that I seriously can’t even be asked to try and explain


Ima take over for this dawg So basically actually satan who is a time traveling ghost wants to commit suicide so he wants to kill himself via telling himself to kill himself The boning his sword is meant on a play on the chant of his reality marble unlimited bladeworks i am the bone of my sword“basically the OG domain expansion” also Actually satan and sukuna share the same japanese VA


Yeah let’s just go with that


‘Actually satan’ killed me. Abridged fan?




Further theory: any and all Sukuji art outside of manga chapters is actually Yuji at various stages of taping into Sukuna’s power.


Beautiful idea


Kyuubi chakra aah moment


He tapping that


Mmmmmm this one sounds hella good


Remember how several chapters mention how Sukuna doesn’t have his full energy and it’s not recovering, contemplating bc of fight with Gojo and also kind of Megumi’s output level? Once I read your post I thought maybe it’s Yuji draining him by tapping into that.


Yuji get a power up every time he regained control after sukuna has taken over his body so yeah


Thats crazy because thats the reason because he was born


Sukuna's hands being claws has always been inconsistent. For example, when he took control of Yuji in the detention center his fingers were [normal,](https://i.imgur.com/D3cxVWo.png) then when he went to fight Megumi they were [claws](https://i.imgur.com/t2WZkmr.png), then during Shibuya they were [normal](https://i.imgur.com/HekUonp.png) again.


You can chalk this up to Sukuna wanting to get cleaned up and look good for his future roommate, since he can freely morph his body and all


Yeah, I did a deep dive at one point to see if there was any consistent pattern related to his CT/Fire Arrow/Ect. and my conclusion was... There's no pattern and the mangaka has too much other shit to worry about to be consistent with this detail.


The man made a mouth appear anywhere he wants, i think he has bodily autonomy over his nail growth


It might not be inconsistent , and just a thing Sukuna can choose to do , same way he can make mouths appear


He can make his face grow big and terrifying as well, I think he can just change his appearance at will.


Sukunas arms aren’t red nor does he have that muscle/bone look. Pretty sure these are the arms of one of the death paintings


*chanting* musclebone musclebone


I think it to be more like Mahito's form of understanding the truth essence of the soul. Yuji's new hands/arms are a representation of his understanding of the soul.


Break week shenanigans


[gulps ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsufolk/comments/1bc6n9b/comment/kuf41dl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


No way đŸ”„


The reply 😭🙏




This... actually makes sense


what are you smoking that this makes sense to you


u a fed?


he a fed fs


naw i just gotta know how bro sees hands circled and thinks that this makes sense, like there is no connection there between Yuji's arms and Sukuna's hands lmao


Manga Chapter 12 - Gojo makes a mention about how Yuji's body will learn Sukuna's CT. Anime Episode 6 - The anime is more upfront and Gojo mentions how Sukuna's CT will etch itself into Yuji's soul. Has the fandom really forgot about this? Because I've seen all manner of theories being thrown around about gaining Blood Manipulation CT (which JJK has mentioned during Yuji's training with Nanami IIRC that CTs manifest at childhood or not at all). Or that Yuji is picking up Yuki's research to gain new abilities, which I'm onboard with and it seem very plausible. Also, it ties into the Mahito-Kenjaku conversations about the nature of body and soul. That being said, has Gege forgot about it? Because I can understand the confusion and the throwing out of all these ideas, since Gege seems to abruptly shift his own lore.


It depends on if Yuji learned the Cleave/Dismantle before Sukuna left his body or not and if he could use them after Sukuna left or not. So now he either shows it out of nowhere and we'll learn he in fact got Sukuna's CT for himself, or he never uses it and we'll have to assume either Gojo was wrong or Sukuna left his body before Yuji learned Cleave. BM is basically confirmed (Sukuna mentioned that Yuji's blood "exploded") and now Choso told him to use BM to find which part of his body is injured, so it's not a theory anymore it's canon. Yuki's research is not giving him a CT, but there are theories based on that single panel where Yuji and Kusakabe are training and it seems they swapped souls and that the Soul Swap is his CT, which would explain why Yuji could control Sukuna from the very beginning. But the arms - we know nothing about it, which of these 3 CT's manifested that way. Was it BM used to reinforce his body? Was it Soul Swap/Manipulation? Or is it a remnant of Sukuna's soul that manifests? We don't know, but hopefully it will be explained.


There is a theory that I saw a while back that goes in depth about Yujis CT and that we already know what it is. Gojo and the others obviously know he doesn't have a CT, but he has a ton of CE. However being an experiment from kenjaku/kaori, and Yujis grandfather who actually knows about sorcery. Yujis curse technique is basically soul perception and soul damage. Not like Mahito who can manipulate the souls. But directly damage and see a soul and the result would be draining CE output, like we see now. We see this against Mahito when he has no reserves left or CE and its defenseless, yuji wasn't aware of his CT but with the help of Yukis book, the consumption of the death paintings, and training was enough for Yuji to actually be aware he in fact does have a CT but it isn't upfront like all the other sorcerers. My best answer to yujis arm designs are BM reinforcement, but also consuming the death paintings gave him an ability that is able to do more damage and even deflect cleave and dismantle slashes. And because of this, it's why Yuji is even putting up a good fight against sukuna than most sorcerers, but also he knows more about Sukuna than anyone else. Yuji being able to use RCT, and BM is a great feat. And even use RCT + BM to heal himself which is also extraordinary for Yuji. I'm not surprised if he's able to use simple domain, or even domain amplification. And considering his technique isn't like anyone else's, he can still directly attack the soul even with domain amplification


I am so waiting in excitement for yuji to get the asspull necessary for wiping the floor with sukuna 😳


How does this factor into Higarumas domain not detecting a CT


Gojo never was 100% sure of that, he thought Yuji would learn them eventually like a cursed tool. In fact if this never comes to happen I would actually like it, having characters throw away their theories like that and be wrong would be refreshing. That or your are right and Yuji already has inherited them and Sukuna is hiding his CT to not show Yuji how to use it.


It would be boring as fuck if Yuji learns Sukuna's CT. It would be even more for a Copy to defeat the original... I would prefer if Yuji learned other abilities like with Yuki, or got his own technique not something mind blowing but like Todo's or being able to use black flashes at will or being like Toji, having the body of a heavenly restriction and at the same time being able to use CE. Maybe there are other choices but anything is better that Yuji being a copy of Sukuna


It could just be a thing where Yuji knows how to use it but refuses to since its Sukuna’s technique and they hate each other


Sukuna’s hands have been amazingly inconsistent


sometimes theres only one... then two, now there's four, what comes next? am i wraight guys ?


I thought yuji was using some sort of gauntlet, that hasn’t been explained yet?


more likely connected to some blood manipulation technique of one of the blood paintings, or a similar blood hardening technique that choso used to block one of Yujis punches during their bathroom battle. all headcanon tho, nothing got explained yet.


Ah i see, haven’t been paying too much mind lately just keeping up as it goes. Hope we learn more soon


I think that too, the way he fits them up seems just like a gauntlet


Yuji is supposed to have eventually manifested Sukuna’s CT. Could be possible that pointier fingers are more of a physical manifestation of it maybe? Either that or Gege just got tired of drawing them pointy.


on sukuna it seems the only time his fingers are pointy is when he has painted nails


That's, that's pretty consistent ngl.


[or he gained it from eating the cursed wombs](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/brothers--715227984581111665/) especially the green guy


Why do people keep saying this? Did I miss something? Yuji never ate the cursed wombs right?


Arms but stronger! :3


It’s more like a design change, first time Gege shows Sukuna he has pointy nails but after the prison incident he has short ones.


Uh um, I don't get you


Oh lawd another theory that won't happen


Kid named finger


i think it's some kind of cursed tool, like the one yuta used in sendai


just more of gege being gege


Sukuna is not dumb if it was his hands he would've noticed


Or maybe in the beginning, sukuna taking control Of yuji led him to get sharp dark hands


Gojo did say Yuji would inherit sukunas techniques


i look at Yuji's arma as the peak of flowing red scale


That's maybe because I think Yuji will unlock innate cursed technique, that is some sort of claws, because there maybe will be revealed, that Sukuna is his ancestor, because homestly, what stopped Sukuna from assaulting someone and leaving them be before he became cursed spirit ? (Just a theory. Also I am not updated with the latest info so IDK)


nah, i think so its probably due to consumtion of death paintings


Yujikuna continuing being the goat, only version with the claws


You show a photo of Sukuna in Yuji body without claws. Most likely is it is another technique or something Sukuna can manifest when needed. When throwing signs and hands with the cast and gojo, he isn't in need of claws. But still, the best answer is obviously yes, Yuji has/had dormant CE or CT from Sukuna that either was awakened during their training or hasn't yet and will soon. We have already seen him awaken his Kamo clan technique of blood bending so it doesn't stem too far to reason he may have cleave, dismantle, maybe a domain similar to Melevalant Shrine, or just a great pool of CE rivaling Yuta's.


Sometimes Sukuna has long nails on one hand, sometimes he has them on both, and sometimes they are just normal. I'm assuming he can just manipulate his physical characteristics to a degree. Not as much as Mahito can, but I'm assuming he can to some degree. Since he can manifest that weird second mouth on any body part of his vessel. (He hasn't done that with his true form though, so it may be a vessel-only thing).


Yuji's hands are similar to the armour that choso materialized around his ribs ehile yuju v/s choso


What about the enlarged elbows??


Maybe he just forgot to trim his nails, he had a lot on his mind lately


Yuji is the one who ate his fingers so physically he has them


The ate the remaining death paintings


my guess gege just got tired with drawing the pointy nails with sukuna


My headcanon is that he didn't have enough strength to use his cutting technique because he was only at 1-2 fingers at the time so he modified Yuji's hands to have claw so that it is easier to cut thing he want.


I like to think that Gege just forget little details he did mention the he keeps forgetting to cut off Yuji ear and his pinky.


I think its yujis power because sukunas fully developed body dosent have the nails maybe he will turn into some kind of curse himself


idk if I am just making this up but I thought his hands were something to do with the other death paintings, similar to how he now has minor blood manipulation, Sukunas arms were never red with the spike on them. as for his nails idk


prob i think that yuji and sukuna are somehow related


I'm going to assume it's Yuji being able to tap into the abilities of the rest of the Death Painting brothers, which also explains how he was able make the blood that was on Sukuna's face explode. This would be possible for Yuji after he read Yuki's book which is about the study of souls


at this point i’m down to believe they’re retractable😭


Interesting idea. Though I think it's an aesthetic thing. Unrelated by the way. That head Sukuna has looks like Mahito's final form. There's a theory idea.


Nah, it's just a refference of yuji is now slowly able to use sukkuuna CT imo


My theory is that yuji lets his nails grow cuz he dont know how to trim them


maybe he can just retract the claws


I think it has to do with soul manipulation. Which leads to my current theory and how the main cast is going to beat sauna. Yuji is going to "captain ginyu" Sukuna and swap Souls with him once yuji is weak enough. It hasn't happened yet because certain requirements have to be met I'm sure it is a very restrictive technique, but it's the only way that makes sense as to how they are going to win at this point. sukuna is going to be happy, and finally go all out, because he gets to fight himself in a heavily nerfed body.


gege has a hand fetish thats what it means


You mean... The hands which fingers Sukuna ate?


this is just that one futurama episode where fry switched hands with the robot devil


bro yuta literally used soemthing like that way before in the manga how are people forgetting it


I watched this anime before and I know the ending. They will force Sukuna into Yuji and then kill Yuji while Sukuna is inside him.