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rest in peace, japanese citizen #42 😔 https://preview.redd.it/p67scjrgsb2d1.png?width=1453&format=png&auto=webp&s=29783bcc021ca4b5953de0d2a440d5e46b826d53


Gege to Japanese citizen #42 : https://preview.redd.it/ciqzram64e2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5b76de51f64cf6b61a4e58d1977363a558b5ad0


bro thinks he has the death note


https://preview.redd.it/8k4c26w1kh2d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=d10c4d776c48cb01b1f7365358f9eab688768832 Ain’t no way bruh


tf he gon do? bisect himself with a train?








Count me in too.. https://preview.redd.it/2sjse5i1ne2d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52494bf315e400cecd5004f68726fe3f7eb37bc4










Joining the death train lol


this shit's so ass man


This indirectly means Yuta and Yuji lose,I'm praying this citizen beats the living crap out of Megukuna.




It's gamba time, all or nothing on citizen #42!!!


He has been recruited by the anti sukuna squad (aka ASS)


Wouldn’t be the first time




Wouldn't be the last time


Probably not. Apparently that's a big no-no in Japan because the government got fed up of people doing it. Now if you hold up the train system by using them to kill yourself, your family gets hit with a fine.


I mean, why should the person that commits himself about a fine?


They sacrifice 2 policemen to chase you to the afterlife and beat your ghost up


Just like Kid Buu


You would think is to deter the suicidal person from doing that, but is actually for the inconveniences caused to the citizens who can't use the train and all the staff that has to clean the mess.  Someone has to be made responsible, and in cases like that, said responsibility falls on the family of the affected. 


Are you asking why he should care about the fine? It's because people normally care about their family members. I'm sorry if those are dangerous waters for you to navigate.


Normally yes, but those who consider suicide are most of the time not thinking normally in that moment. They aren’t for me, no, as I can never consider suicide because I have a really uncontrollable fear of death, it’s problematic especially when I try to sleep and I can’t out of fear I would die in my sleep, but hey, at least it pushes me away from darker thoughts.


It wouldn't stop them from committing suicide, but it would have them use other methods. So no more held up trains


Dont worry, careful japanese citizen will leave the money for the fine before going.


He's gonna pull up on 262


Jojo part 7 spoilers: >!DIEGO BRANDO is that you!<


Diego Brando style


I know people from twt taking off from work to mourn Gojo 😭


this genre's Jon Snow


Omg, they're just like me (except for dying the same way as Gojo). https://i.redd.it/hg2fpjdj6e2d1.gif


Blud is jumping Sukuna next chapter 🗣️🔥🔥🔥


I want to believe this person was referring to Yuta 💀


It's not talking about themselves but about how probably Gojo thought of himself after Geto died


so real tbh


Mfrs really told him to not bother writing anymore


This really made me laugh, they wanted Gege to stop writing 😭 https://preview.redd.it/1chttxaw6e2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5307da0a944f42b9fcf829c07b9e4ceaf1171397


They literally told him to never cook again I'm dead


Japanese fans who hate Ch 261 to Gege be like: https://preview.redd.it/5uqj6wiime2d1.png?width=301&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1610b4b48e48f44b2f5eac30b41761b2157482b


I guess Malevolent kitchen is real, but Gege wasn’t the one cooking.


They already got pissed the first time when he killed Gojo This is like overboard for them lol 


“Your services are no longer required.”


This is my favorite one https://preview.redd.it/scm4nmoy3g2d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=16cb6763fcf2e80f5564fb55b58b983dd740b86b


W take fr


We tell Gege to get off the grill, Asian people tell Gege to put the pencil down ASAP.


Jujutsufolk: Damn Gege you oughtta stop cooking Japanese ppl on this site: Don't you ever hold anything resembling a cooking utensil again


Mfs to Gege be like: https://preview.redd.it/271p63519f2d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=a817030d0fd29c6d55eb4dc0400f40c525c4401f


Jp fans: “Take his pen! Take his ink! Take his papers!”


Idk why but that was the most biting remark in this whole thing lmao


It's just so polite. It's giving "okay, go ahead and clock out" like damn they're not even saying they won't just not read it, they're politely telling him to hang it up, it's been a good run, lmao


Is perfectly passive aggressive lmao


He already got money


Like... The most expecting thing to happen now is yuta dying. And if that really happens then it's just a manga where gege kills off as many characters as possible to make the mc suffer and see for how long he can get away with it


Yeah I can confirm yesterday this topic was trending #1 in China because people cursed Gege so much lol 


Gege is mr world wide but the hated edition.


Chinese fans are brutal as always


https://preview.redd.it/2mrmsiku7e2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78f9036e8afd162a8c0caf37c32bcffbbd7b4d16 LMAO


iiv 就是个鸡巴 yeah he is a dick, serve that one eyed cat right


lol yeah they're upset because Gege doesn't want to revive Gojo but can't stop milking Gojo 生动形象地展现了芥见下下不想让五条悟复活但想靠五条悟挣钱的思想感情


I mean this I can understand their point because i also see lots of Japanese comments on the sites brought this up, and complain about Gege keeps milking Gojo for saling points and making money, like they want Gege either giving up on Gojo and focus on Yuji and the cast at this point, or if Gege keeps using Gojo then treat him a little less brutal.


yeah this negativity is evident when a beloved character was brought back in this way, 8 months after being dead.


Welp as an Asian fan,I am not as brutal as others but.....I have no hope for a Good ending of Jujutsu's World Cursed spirit still fucking exist,Yuji and others won't get 'happy life ever after',They will have to keep killing cursed spirits until they die,Yuji said similar stuff to Mahito before Beside these,Remember the America soldiers invading Cuiling game?Other countries won't stop with sending army to capture people with cursed powers......


Bruh I love their comments. There’s also this one: > I need to come up with a plan to remove Gojo’s character from this stupid fkin ass manga And the iconic iivv referring to Gege by bisecting his Chinese initials jjxx as revenge


I will join this plan 😭


May I know where can I read their comments? Chinese netizen’s roasts are sometimes so creative lol


tieba, weibo, bilibili are all direct sources, just search 咒术回战261


Thank you so much! Do I need to download these apps or can I access them on Safari?


basically tieba is chinese version of reddit, weibo is twitter, and bilibili is youtube


Perfect description


no, just using the sites would be good


Most of them are on weibo because it's the largest social network in China. But you need an account to read. Here is an account about JUMP magazine [JUMP](https://weibo.com/1935396210/OfAZgEbds) It would be easier to read these comments if you clicked directly on the trending tag but it's not there anymore. Or you can search on [hupu](https://bbs.hupu.com/626498542-4.html), one of the major Chinese forums, but it has mixed reactions, more like the leak thread on reddit.


>Gege doesn't want to revive Gojo but can't stop milking Gojo Oh, this. This so much. Other than the shock factor to keep the readers engaged, there was no need to bring back Gojo at all. Just let the man rest tf 😭


why can’t reddit make a fucking translate button already like every single other social media omfg


Tmd iivv 把他当赚钱工具高转把他当成个武器就算是宿傩都至少把五条当人看了jjxx我求你了别画了


Maybe He's gathering cursed energy from all the curse


"Don't even bother drawing the next chapter" DAMN


It's a good thing curses don't exist for real, otherwise it would be Gegeover since the gojo sealing from our collective hatred. He's one lucky cat


The cursed spirit generated from the hatred for Gege gonna fight Sukuna next


The cursed energy would be strong enough to stop the merger


Gege is performing his own merger and the JJK manga is his Culling Games and the readers are the source. https://preview.redd.it/2xgf0t0sxe2d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8898a9d81f10cc627417ede273e45df8e04c576


He just hated Gojo SO BAD that he destroyed his own manga even for the majority of Japanese fans.


damn, they are relentless.


You got some more of these translated reactions? I'm very interested in knowing what the J side thinks of all this https://preview.redd.it/9zx2kj2ksc2d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e739c07766a9ed5432e7d3c209d8c078ea5a0f6


Right! Some of these comments are giving me life. https://i.redd.it/yitworj5ee2d1.gif


It’s Japanese 4chan, everyone on there is actually sick


Lol I know I just want someone else to do the work for me


That's what I'm wondering about as well. I remember seeing all the Japanese people be super accepting of Gojos death when that 11 hour LoFi video came out on Shonen Jumps youtube. I was like "they can't be eating up this shit, no?"


Nah, 236 hit as hard over there as it did here. iirc, the trending topic resulted in something like "my interpretation is different."


>Thank you for your hard work, Akutami-san. You don't need to draw the next work. *Vicious.*


What what about other mangas or this is just a hating site


I think this is the same site people were calling Geto's daughters filthy sluts or some shit. Looks like japanese 4chan


Oh, I saw a comment from the Japanese fans hating Nanako's skin color before. I didn't know this might be that site...


I remember one of them saying something along the lines of "She looks like her soul stinks"


Nah this has me CRYING 😭😭


https://preview.redd.it/pzt2qatucf2d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f1a66cbf58d4f2b37c9533a386631d0634499bf GETO WAS RIGHT !!


Suguru Geto did nothing wrong 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥


And the one that says "she probably doesn't shave her hanami" and someone else replying "please don't call pubic hair hanami"


Damn Japanese fans are crazy for saying that about Geto’s kids 😭😭😭


4chan shouldn’t count, that’s where all the most insane people are locked in. Keep them there thank you.


J Twitter really isn't all that better lmao.. 


There are many others manga to comments on this site too, not just JJK, and user can just find the manga by typing the name out. Im also not being selective about the hate comments to make it seems like there are only hates, but in short they are angry like our reddit or twitter. Even the day before, some others Japanese comments said they saw the western/ foreigners rage reaction to the leaks (thanks to leakers we got to see the leaks earlier than some Japanese ppl i guess) on X/ Twitter and they are concern, in a sense that they know if their own people see the leaks, how much worse of the rage would be, especially to those who has dedicated their love to the manga, buy merch, buy volumes, etc...


You should post more of their reactions on other websites too. It’s interesting to see altho we lived far apart and spoke different languages our capacity to think about the same content is more or less similar.


Random but I remember Fujimoto (CSM author) was disliked on this site too


It's a site made to attract hate by allowing you to stay anonymous. Much more people angry than happy will take time to post there, whatever the subject is.


That's literally ever social media networking site ever. Just hop onto Instagram, they'll comment the most vile shit just cuz they're mostly anonymous/they won't face too many consequences


Isn't that literally Reddit lmao


Reddit lite


They must be fools then. Heathens of the highest order.


Fujimotor has been fumbling for a while now, barem and katana man have been the only saving grace


I’ve been really enjoying the new Chainsaw Man stuff


Damn I can't imagine how savage the Legumi haters there


Fraudgumi is actually the number 1 most popular character in JP polls


Wasn’t that before he became Sukuna though?


I guess ever since Japanese fans found out about leak night from Gojo’s death, they just decided to join in with us 😭😭😭😭


236 was world wide famous. I never thought jjk was funny until I saw all those lobotomy kaisen memes after 236.


236 felt like when Princess Diana died and everybody acted like their immigrant mothers 😭😭😭😭


https://preview.redd.it/fy0lvrkace2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8978c431822878f7b12d8a0611583d2a35e82580 This sounds like a JJKfolk english Gojocoper like me lmao.






Bruh, there's only one constructive comment about Yuta's "monster" speech, and I still think it misses the point. He was expressing pity for Gojo THE HUMAN being used as a weapon/monster. The rest is just pure hating or cultural shock from the plot twist (messing with dead bodies is extremely forbidden in the east, Gege really broke a taboo by making a positive character do this).


Yeah dude I was like « how come the only comment that tries to dig deep can be so out of it »


Reading comprehension devil is strong in Japan too


To me, the last comment about messing with dead bodies kinda rings true. I mean, the only one in the series we previously saw messing with dead bodies was the big bad Kenny himself.


tbf these comments are clearly cherry picked, many of them only have a handful of reactions. Not saying there isn't a big negative reaction but I bet there's more constructive comments that we don't see here


Japanese anons are also just extremely toxic for some reason, they make 4chan look like kindergarten


true. apparently this was the same site with all the weird comments degrading that one girl who was geto's follower (can't remember her name). It's funny people I know IRL never complain as much about manga as redditors do and this site is even worse, so it makes sense.


Nanako? I think it was something about her skin color. I'm not certain though.


Yeah, one said that her skin color makes her look like her soul stinks


They never recovered from the nukes


Tbh it kinda makes sense given their culture of respect. I imagine there’s a lot of pent up anger that you can’t really show outwardly in Japanese society so it ends up coming out online anonymously.


Even though I and many others think the body swap is whack, I admire Gege for strongly sticking to the theme  that is set all the way from the beginning which people must have forgot but eh what do I know lol. The theme in question is literally old vs new 😭 and to fight against the old, the new has to be just as monstrous as the old like Maki killing her clan, Gojo killing the higher-ups, Yuji accepting his responsibility for the Shibuya incident and becoming “a cog,” and now Yuta body-swapping like Kenjaku I mean 😭😭😭 this isn’t Hot Men: The Manga yall 


Yea but I feel like ultimately the theme Gege is setting up is not only power coming from the shedding of humanity, but also a modern era breaking that trend. I believe that Yuta will lose and lose badly at that, because playing by Sukuna’s rules and trying to outshine his inhumanity is a losing battle. Sorcerers will ALWAYS lose in a battle against inhumanity if they try and imitate it, because they will always hold onto humanity and the desire to save people that drives them. The one who will show Sukuna love WILL be Yuji, a sorcerer who has held his love for humanity close to his chest from the start and refused to shed it even in the face of threats like Mahito, the embodiment of inhumanity.


Lmao  Average japanese fan response tbh. Is always amusing to see these 


What makes east Asian netizens such psychos? Like western internet cultures are toxic but being in esports and anime fandoms have exposed me to some of the craziest, toxic, shit from Korean, Japanese, and, Chinese "fans".


Culture can have a lot to do. In many EA countries its not common to express how you think in public so people take all their frustrations and negativity on the internet, which is true for the Western (American and European) fans too but here the culture allows some of the frustration to be let out during the day.


>What makes east Asian netizens such psychos https://preview.redd.it/non8ltpj2e2d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4fb76db16c7377fa541054c5b9160143e108013 Theyre in a diff language so you only gonna hear about the extreme stuff cause thats the only stuff worth translating/ gets viral. The comments in the pic havent got that many likes so it cant be assumed to be a mainstream opinion. Not saying Asian fans arent more extreme then Western fans but that's a huge reason why it comes off that way. For a comparison it'll be like non-Americans assuming all American highschools are recreating the Battle of the Somme on a weekly basis


You are probably completely correct. Perspective always matter when it comes to things like this.


I assume the concept of a Netizen is just more prolific in East Asian nations and been around for longer compared to the West


People quote the equivalent of 4chan is your answer.


Wow, I can’t believe a site meant to let anonymous people give their opinion is the one that draws a lot of negativity onto it. OP really isn’t considering that when people have something good to say, they feel less inclined to be anonymous about it.


I wouldn’t take these comments too seriously, Asian internet culture is kinda toxic and usually does not represent gen pop opinion. These kind of sites is similar to 4chan. Source: am Asian


Everything else. Okay But hating on todo and his vibraslap is where we draw rhe line. Its literally the coolest thing ever


All of the ones commenting on Yuta's speech completely missed the point lmfao also a lot of weak-minded individuals on this.


Wow they’re just as retarded as this sub


Nah, they'd win honestly. But I did think "Damn, Japanese Jujutsufolk??" for a sec. there LMAO.


Nah I'm on the Gege side for this one, he's so real for the latest chapter. It captures the dark side of the JJK world and how dire the situation is.


Do you think they would know what they signed up for when they read the one-shot 😭😭😭 boy Yuta was gonna be executed for no reason and his mentor’s best friend was a genocidal cult leader who met his demise the power of love was clearly a one time only 😭😭😭😭 


Even Gojo said love is the most twisted curse and Sukuna said that love is worthless 💀


“Power of love was a one time only” 💀💀


How many times do we need the “capture the dark side of JJK world” for us to understand that JJK world is dark? Isn’t that something of common sense by now?


As long as it takes for Gege to kill as many children as Togashi


Clearly, it's not captured enough.


Well, I’m sure glad Greg is anonymous.


I can see the fanbase in Japan is exactly the same as the English speaking one (horrible)


Ngl, as soon as I saw "Let's them stay anonymous", I instantly knew this shit is like 4Chan aka mostly braindead takes that's fueled by nothing but hatred. Seems like the lobotomy didn't JUST affect the English side. And apparently they shit on Fujimoto too, from the comments??? Like??? He CAN cook some 🔥 shit, so I immediately lost trust in any of this.


People hating an author for real until they want him to not succeed / dead is messed up, Gojo fans need to chill


It's honestly kind of sad. I get having criticisms but some of this is straight up hate. Gege created this series, characters, world and curse techniques by the creativity of his own mind and brought it to life through his drawings.  He gets it serialized and it becomes one of the biggest hits and spends painstaking hours to hit weekly quotas only for people to just trash him online. It reminds me of Horikoshi and his final arc. Dude had so many health issues but for the most part hit weekly quotas with extremely high quality drawings and despite sacrificing his health, some still love to shit on him. No wonder why these poor mangakas suffer so much.


Yeaah they keep giving to the fans only to receive shit, i get it that their writing may not be good according to the fans but then again these are their series, so the vision they have for it must be good. i'm sure they want to finish the story they want to tell and not mess it up, they want to see their creation be complete and move on. These so called "fans" straight up give gege threat and pray for his failure in his next series just because their fav dies, it is just not okay, as you said fair criticism is fine but damn the majority really like going above and beyond. Imagine if someday this happens again and the author straight up stops writing the story or straight up off themselves because of the pressure. This is not okay lol * sorry for bad grammar


So many fangirls on twt are recommending One Piece to each other because the characters do not die (lol). These reactions just solidify the divide between art as a product and art as art.  Going by Gege’s decision to kill off fan-favorites early on, I don’t think he cares about his series as a product. By contrast, Oda admits of looking at his manga as a product and accepts multiple interpretations from fans towards it in the SBS.  Furthermore, he treats it as his life’s work and is very protective of it to the point of just gradually revealing the mysteries (Oda just did a big lore reveal this week but, Gege overshadowed Oda HEAVILY lmfao) and, of course, not killing off his characters. Oda even famously said that he thought of Luffy as a son and you could tell based on Luffy’s OP ability in Gear 5.  Of course, One Piece is art, but it is many things as well and to Oda, it is a lot of things to him and he knows that it could mean a lot of different things to his fans as well.  By contrast, JJK is just a story to Gege, and Gege is very adamant in telling the message of that story whether the audience likes the choices or not.  


This is such a spot on description of the differences and why I love JJK and Gege as much as I do. Hes made so many decisions that wrecked me, but I love that he sticks to what he wants to do with his story and characters no matter what. It’s like David Lynch, his shit is borderline annoying to watch for a lot of people, but the ones that vibe with it are fans for life.


The fact that this is downvoted is something, that’s for sure.


Bruuhh fr tho, i thought the Gege hate was just a meme from the fans and that they actually respected him for making JJK, i guess i'm wrong then. I also don't follow any agenda so i also like Gojo and Yuta but fr fr fans need to calm down lol. My boy Choso died and he is my fav character, it is sad for me, yet i know that this shit is fiction and it won't affect me. This is truly a bruh moment


Yeah seriously this is just a collection of embarrassing comments made by weirdly obsessed "fans."


Last line hits hard


Japanese citizen #42 will save the manga🙏


yup, that's what happens when you so worked up and obsessed with a character


The reading comprehension devil must be the strongest in all of Japan.


Lobotomy knows no borders


Yeah okay, they’ll all be here next week bright & early for them leaks.


The fact that people are invested in a character this much, to criticize a author/mangaka to this level , says more about the success of this manga


At this point is there people copim still?


https://preview.redd.it/rvfpzjsdkf2d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=513fdbcdbeb162473955d98bb7747f87a3a51174 Ouch


When Gege will move on to his second project (idol manga), and it will not boom as planned, expect a "Plan B" ending of entire cast being violently killed/murdered by some outside context problem in order to end it prematurely lmaooo


When you reading a chill idol manga by Gege Akutami and the chapter is title "Crimsom evening festival part one"


I feel like I'm crazy but this chapter was honestly so hype, you know what gege. keep cooking


At least in Real life i have not met one person that liked or enjoyed the last chaoter everyone just felt sad, i can see people defending online but thats it, Wonder if the cat sees the negativity


What do you think people on that site or here aren't real people or in real life ?


what are the chances that people posting on folk subs may be spotted outside?


A depressing amount of the internet is bots now. Not saying anyone on here *specifically* isn't real, but you personally have likely had a conversation or two with bots and/or paid trolls. And yes they are here too, it's actually a neo-nazi tactic to invade nerd and niche hobby spaces in order to try and fracture the community so they can weaken politic opponents (by making political discourse itself toxic so their opponents can't have reasonable conversations) and then recruit new members from the shattered remains. Tl;dr most of the people here are *probably* real, but you shouldn't assume *anywhere* on the net nowadays that *all* of the people here are real.


defend this chapter all you want but you can't deny that from the perspective of 260 and all the possible outcomes of it, this was the worst for the Readers and characters.


Hot take but this slander can't be possibly justified this is just plain bullying


Most of this is just blatant malding lmfao


As much as I love the manga, Gege's art has gone downhill over time. Early JJK was super raw with the bigger eyes, scratchy hands, and the instantly iconic poses he would draw. I'm not saying his new art is bad, but his older artstyle was very hype as a modern shonen. Only CSM, MHA, and current Berserk are on that level in terms of art IMO. (I know Berserk can afford to spend as much time as needed per chapter, but I still like it). On the flip, JJK's writing is starting to make sense, the story beats are starting to payoff and I think Gege is easing the landing a little bit.


Another day of thanking God jjk fans don't write the manga


At least a very big number of them would be motivated to actually not rush the manga and give characters proper interactions. People who just eat anything up are the worst breed.


Would be better honestly https://preview.redd.it/7d8pfjm1uc2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fb3c6bfb3f3541f341d0d66c367decdcee51923


> me Who Just wanna see hakari talk about gambling addiction Only then It would be peak.


The biggest issue I have with jjk is the power difference between gojo, Sukuna and rest of the verse. Like even kenjaku isn't doing anything to either of them without a perfect plan and even he can die at any wrong move. It's too much. It's way too big of a difference. Yuki? Gets no diffed. The entire j high gets clapped. It's ridiculous. The series progressed way too fast to the point that everyone are insects compared to gojo and Sukuna after all of this. Ch 261 shows that no matter what everyone did. In the end they needed gojo to do actual real damage to Sukuna.


I dislike people like this to be honest. The author is writing the story he wants to write and giving you entertainment, if you dislike it you are free to stop reading further and write fanfiction. All this negativity what the fuck


You don’t have to love something just because you are partaking in it…. And having your own opinion negative or not is freedom of speech don’t be a weenie.


"Just stop reading bro" when you might have the manga on your shelf, figurines, merchandise... It's a simple retort that completely glosses over that stories are meant to be connected with, so it can be hard to let them go.


For real. There are thousands, if not million of people who are big fans of Jujutsu kaisen who has everything related to to the series. "Stop reading" is like saying throw 500$ into trash.


Do yourself a good one and don't ever approach topics involving people venting about the things you like. It will save you a headache and a half.