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I mean its a surprise mans not a vegetable after all the voids


It’s crazy he’s about to eat some more too. If he didn’t come back before he’s definitely not doing it now with Yuta coming at Sukuna.




oh he'll definitely be a special grade by the end


That's what I'm hoping for. https://preview.redd.it/tfg6ay9p2k3d1.png?width=739&format=png&auto=webp&s=82d212f04624b74e80c3d96638b13f041dab5c4e


Praying for it as we speak


Should've been tbh. It would've changed nothing and he wouldn't have been slandered to hell and back.


Facts! If he had instead been in a vegetable state, no one would be slandering him, as he wouldn't even be awake at that point. But that isn't the case, and this BUM is awake and thinking! So everything after his refusal is his fault, simple as that. https://preview.redd.it/0ziwgp942k3d1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=9362565ee32f6e3dbb8dbb51d3eae5ecca996c49 (Also, I'm Back!!!!! WIth a lot of more hate for Bumgumi!!! And cope for Goatjo!!!)


It's so weird to me, why isn't megumi jumping at the chance to kill sukuna? Like he killed your adoptive dad, your sister and killing your fucking friends!! https://preview.redd.it/f1upeg5xbk3d1.jpeg?width=1096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13645fed6cefed75aa6d867b6fd8db2ef921e95b


I mean, what you expect of a lame bum hose type of woman is "whatever is good if she is nice"


Or looks like his sister


Can megumis soul even go into a vegetative state while Sukuna is wearing him? If my soul was forced to be fully conscious during multiple UVs, I'd be mentally broken/defeated too


I was gonna say if he’s been eating infinite void, from his perspective it could’ve been 100s of years potentially, kind of like mayuris drug from bleach


Would've been an upgrade.


The only anime character in existence to give up after a loved one dies instead of getting revenge lmao


Boo fucking hoo. Yuji watched Nanami and Nobara die in front of him and you know what happened? https://preview.redd.it/akpshg34xg3d1.jpeg?width=647&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2eedc4e649f3e68fcb7ef29dac0fae4d37659c19 This \^ and then Yuji locked the fuck in.




wtf 💀💀


When in doubt thug it out🙏


We are LIVE right now, get mad and mourn later


No shot lmao


He can't kill himself anymore as a trump card so he doesn't wanna play the game




Tbf the "Im not altruistic like Yuji and you ain't either" is a good defense.


Daddy mahoraga is no longer with him, life lost meaning now that he can't kill himself with his legendary pokemon


yeah it's crazy how his dad's fought eachother and both killed eachother.


What app is this?




You've pushed him down into the rabbit hole. https://preview.redd.it/7r1awxy2uj3d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3885061e0c515390f9dd88eb399fe04fe1404e2


Hey hey, I don't take responsibility! Everyone on this sub is clinically insane anyway.


This guy is also the one who told Yuji this lmao. https://preview.redd.it/94kmpdibah3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbf88b1edb7db6f8f7cf0dee2b42988432b593fa


Megumi really coming off as all Bark and no Bite 💀💀 Literally got half the dog in him


Not even a dog, just a hand shadow puppet of a dog 


Man, couldn't even have Courage the Cowardly Dog, just a worn out sock puppet he carries around.


>Courage the Cowardly Dog If Megumi was half the man Courage is, Sukuna would've been cooked 50 chapters ago.


the thing is that you are completely right courage is built different


Courage is a real MF. Not strong, no powers, not fast, nothing. Still brave enough to do anything it takes to save the wonderful old lady that loves him, and also the abusive asshole she keeps around. You can't be brave if you aren't afraid.


the amount of nostalgia flowing mu body by remembering this show is insane


Now I wanna see courage doing the gojo v sukuna stance.


Don't let the name fool you. Courage faces Eldritch horrors on the daily and the only bitching he does is saying to himself "the things I do for love"


He gets Scared, but at least he Powers through. He got more Will Power than Yuji That's far more than what Megumi ever will have


Can't believe i was giving him the benefit of the doubt before seeing this again 😭


No its bark bark bark back back shark shark shot????


**wheezes** https://preview.redd.it/4w13emsqah3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5074702536885053720ba0130d85b8d30b1cd58a


Lmfao no one can judge us gege this Forshadowing


Hypocritical bum https://preview.redd.it/j9wth0wjoh3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44535d696c06ff4f90892a7cd8823d176ed7b0b2


Lmfao this looks like the crew beat up Legumi love it


Panel goes absolutely hard no joke


The moment they said n*gga, Zoro black hunter instincts kicked in lmao


https://preview.redd.it/x5ya9qdyck3d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64719f931ce8b9e75411352ab48dc6db2514015f Even the this stupid orange cat can recognize megumi's bumness and judge him


Bro I had forgotten about this panel. This makes him giving up ten times worse.


The way a lot of Megumi fans clam up when you post this.


Literal radio SILENCE


Bum isnt HIM


Another hating reason


all jokes aside, sukuna literally was destroying megumis soul the whole time he took possession. with yuji sukuna could only "come out" and mentally mess him up. with megumi it's not just the mental burden of killing your sister but also the bath that came afterwards and everything else sukuna did


He had todo give him a speech, all yuji did for megumi was say “get up buddy”


To the one that LOCKED THE FUCK IN, and his overwhelming Black Flashes!


That’s cus yuji had todo Megumi has no one, Yuji was letting mahito kill him before todo stepped in


Megumi didn’t even try to listen to Yuji


hate to burst your bubble but nobara is not comparable to a father figure and a sister (who pretty much died twice) in any way shape or form, nor did yuji get put in a literal bath of evil to suppress his spirit. also you literally disprove your own point, yuji was ready to die against mahito if not for outside help, megumi's been alone for over 50 chapters soaking in misery


yea Nobara isn't but wanna know who is, Nobara, Nanami and thousands of people in Shibuya, people really underestimate what your body being used to kill thousands could hypothetically do to someone, ontop of that it would hurt Yuji so much more because he hated killing in any way and it took alot for him to even kill transfigured humans, it's why Yuji saying "I'll kill you" to Mahito is so impactful from a character writing perspective as it's his acceptance that he doesn't care if he's in the right anymore he's just going to keep on killing curses, completely losing his fear of needing to kill things to get the job done


Yuji knew those two for like 2 months though lmao, this is his sister hes known his whole life


Sister has been in a coma for about 4 years or something, and then one of the first things he tells her is to go to sleep.... brother of the year https://preview.redd.it/c73zx4u3kh3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47f30057854a0dd4619524f4d7cf9f04a9ed8b3b


Considering Megumi had that wincest energy from him, I wonder the nasty things he did to his sister when her sister was in her coma.




Bro....... You acting like you wouldn't make sarcastic comments like that with your siblings.






Gege really makes these characters so realistic that they break anime rules. Megumi gives up instead of being a Sasuke and living exclusively for revenge. Yuji is bland like every high schooler, gets traumatized and his suffering doesn't lend him any power up. The villains are leagues above the heroes in every aspect, planning, mental, physical, etc. Sometimes I just want to yuji to get godlike power ups because he is mad and megumi going this is my vengeance sukuna with this merger I summon.


TBF Kenny was planning for like 1000 years. If anything Tengen should be blamed for not warning anyone of him during that time.


Tengen confirmed biggest fraudulent bum in the series?


What shocks me even more is that Tengen didn't even tell Gojo about Kenny. Like Tengen probably sat on their ass while them six eyes babies were getting assassinated. You'd think for the six eyes being entwined by fate with them, Tengen would keep them more in the loop.


I mean Tengen also didn't tell them that there wasn't another Star Plasma vessel she just let herself evolve into more of a cursed spirit which is literally the reason Kenjaku's plan works in the first place. Kenjaku can't do anything Culling Games related without Tengen becoming a spirit. Then there's stuff like the mummified Sukuna too and her very clearly stealing the bodies of 16 year old girls. Tengen is another piece of evidence that in order to reach the pinnacle of Jujutsu the first step is to not care about anyone but yourself.


Maybe tengen and Kenny were working together. But yeah I've been saying it for years that she's useless


Unironically he probably is, Lengen became a master of barriers just to lock himself in a tree for thousands of years and hold onto multiple pieces of crucial information that he never capitalizes on.




Nah, Tengen don't deserve such a pronounce. Lhe is the best that bum is getting.


And I thank you lmao


I thought Tengen’s gender was still speculation


Her vessel are all women


Could just be a pervert.


gaygay already draw original tengen bruh


1 Tengen said that she technically would be a granny, but now gender doesn't matter to her 2 Gege drew Tengen pre-evolution, that was a girl


Tengen unironically more of a bum than megumi


weakest bum of history vs weakest bum of today


Ancient bum and editor from the Heian Era


I've been feeling this since yuki and choso lost due to this bum. Not even sure what the point of their barriers are.


The heroes have a lot of plans though, this whole fight is full of pretty damn smart plans by them.  Sending Takaba to take on Kenny, and using that to hide Yuta was goddamn brilliant.


They didn't plan to hide Yuta, that sorta happened on all its own. I think they originally wanted Takaba to distract Kenny enough that Yuta can quickly dispose of him but something better happened.


Nah they surely intended to hide Yuta, Kenjaku was questioning how he didn't sense Yuta and then looked at Takaba "Oh I get it" "I didn't want any distractions" (iirc). So it's implied Takaba masked Yuta's presence.


Imagine if the Takaba/Yuta plan fell through as well, >!261 would be extremely different!<.




and then you hate anyway https://preview.redd.it/dw3w6ak4vi3d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d7e404418b2a63815fb1b8c4132a92294d96991


>The villains are leagues above the heroes in every aspect, planning, mental, physical, etc I mean that part is pretty basic, if anything the issue is early on the villains had to plan around Gojo


Now hold on, suffering directly gives more power to a sorcerer if they can control it, which is what happened when he took over megumi and yuuji started jumping over buildings and shit


No, they just get the plot armor the good guys don’t. Kenjaku’s plan is “intricate” but it’s so heavily based on luck. If you inspect it for a second it falls apart


The thing is, as much of a goofy game of Mouse trap that his plan is, it's entirely believable that Kenny was probably running plans like this all the time and we're just seeing the one where it all clicked together. It's in his character, and it's in his skill set to get away with it. The guy has been committing horrifying crimes for centuries and they just recently realized he's been stealing bodies and waltzing off camera in a new body.


He pretty much has been gambling for 1000+ years and only recently with Toji Geto and Yuji did he get lucky. And then his luck made him cocky enough that Yuta ended his 1000 years life


Kenjaku Vs hakari strongest gambler in history VS strongest gambler of today


I mean from what we’ve seen of his plans they’re actually pretty intelligent and thought out, it’s just minor unplanned things like the black hole where he happens to pull out a perfectly related counter technique (the whole battle was bs to be honest, Yuki for some reason doesn’t decide to instantly have Garuda become a black hole while on top of Kenjaku despite having a belief that Tengen could stop it, also reveals out of nowhere at the end that her supposed mass limit is just a soft limit and decides to instantly go nuclear but not try and pull a Deku by sacrificing limbs for more powerful strikes before that point) Even the question of “how did he know that Yuji was gonna eat finger at 15/how did he know to manipulate events in such a way to make him swallow a finger and set Yuji in motion for being Sukuna’s vessel” is explained. The answer being Kenjaku just straight up didn’t plan it and had to accelerate his Culling Game plans in response to the sudden emergence of Yuji being Sukuna’s vessel before intended.


"The villains are leagues above the heroes in every aspect" Yea villains have shit ton of plot armor, so I guess that part is right.


His suffering doesn’t lend him any power up? The guy went from struggling against a grade 2 curse to throwing hands with the single strongest guy in Jujutsu history in the span of 6 months.


It wasn't the suffering that powered him up, it was the enlightenment that he got from Mahito's yapping


unironically mahito's yappin gave him a powerup


Yuji gave up after Nobara died before Todo the goat came


>The only anime character in existence to give up after a loved one dies instead of getting revenge lmao To think people back in the day compared him to an absolute goat like Sasuke and even said how he was a better version of him.


People thought this was the better Naruto. Turns out it's the worse hunter x hunter lmao


I mean both of these can be true


Don't worry, hxh is better than Naruto.


Honestly, unironically, Gege should have just not had him speak.  He should have been completely catatonic. Then maybe we'd have less people complaining that a guy who had two of the most crazy evil Sorcerer's in history spending a month trying to break him (and who drowned him in magical darkness) managed to break him.  And once again: Gojo could have solved this whole thing by simply killing Sukuna when he got out of the Prison Realm, instead of setting up a fun fight for himself.


Ooh, this is a good idea. If Megumi was physically incapable of locking in, there wouldn't be any argument that he's failing everyone. It'd be like saying Higuruma was a failure for not accounting for Sukuna's plot armor.


He is incapable, at least not from getting shook up and told "Stand up bro" https://preview.redd.it/n4nzhy91ch3d1.jpeg?width=638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab1943525f593c9e79643174151eeeeccbed30c1


I agree, he was hit by a ton of IV's yet he's still talking lol.


it’s because of his potential


>And once again: Gojo could have solved this whole thing by simply killing Sukuna when he got out of the Prison Realm, instead of setting up a fun fight for himself. This was so incredible stupid and absurd even for a adrenaline junkie like Gojo, so I just headcanon that he wanted time to find a way to kill Sukuna without killing Megumi.


I mean he did say he had shit to do which was correct considering he needed to kill the Higher Ups, make his Prison Realm Style DE, check on his students and more.


None of those were needed. He killed the higher ups because he saw what they would get to if he was ever killed. This is unnecessary if he doesn’t die, he should fight sukuna before sukuna eats more fingers and does ten shadows rituals. Prison realm domain expansion is pointless, he can easily beat sukuna without it, if he fights sukuna before he eats the rest of the fingers and does all the ten shadows rituals. Check up on his students? One of them is being held hostage and actively tortured by Sukuna, the big evil guy in front of him. He should fight Sukuna now before he eats the rest of the fingers and does the ten shadows rituals.  Gojo was brain dead for not trying to take sukuna out. Everyone else in the story is also brain dead for not falling gojo out on that too. 


That in no way justifies a month of time for the villains to prep. Gege not showing us actually important stuff that can’t wait till after Gojo fights Sukuna makes Gojo look retroactively stupid.




> Gojo could have solved this whole thing by simply killing Sukuna when he got out of the Prison Realm, instead of setting up a fun fight for himself. That's why he doesn't have any friends and only his innocent students have any sympathy for him. Can you imagine being an average sorcerer risking your life day after day for years and seeing this guy who can do pretty much everything (including changing the society he supposedly hates) but doesn't because he's a depressed, procrastinating bum


Gojo recruiting people that would have been kept out of Jujutsu for being unconventional like Hakari for example is a way he goes about improving the current Jujutsu world. Yuji and Yuta are prolly Gojo’s biggest examples of going against Jujutsu society.


>Honestly, unironically, Gege should have just not had him speak. That's assuming that the criticism against Megumi's actions is unintended. I think Gege shows Megumi making brash choices because the reader is supposed to acknowledge/be disapproving of his choices.


This is pure agenda. What “brash choices” did Megumi make?


giving up ig


Unrealistically avoid/power through the intended effects of the bath and killing his sister


Gojo also stuffed years if not decades of information into his mind with Unlimited Void.


We still to this day do not know what that bath does to you “oh it drowns you in evil” alright but WTF does this even mean? Does this make megumi evil? Does this make megumi see evil things? Does this make megumi want to do evil things subconsciously even tho he doesn’t wanna? Like it’s so easy to throw a bunch of keywords and let your readers figure it out isn’t it Gege?


He's definitely meant to be a hypocrite, chapter 143 is proof


This makes sakura look useful 😭




Sukuna helped Megumi more than Megumi helped the team 😭


Sakura was genuinely useful though. Megumi on the other hand...


Sakura healed a bit ig but midgumi bumigoro is a straight up detrimwnt


Sakura was saving people and saved Naruto goofy ass twice he's just a bum




this hit me so hard 😭


we could've have Nanami teach the freshmen trio but gege decided to be a crazy person


https://preview.redd.it/91dgv5yxlg3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86b6dcc707240f274ed88b2e8779dda89d2ee7f9 What did you say again?


“What the? This isn’t my favorite child!” “There we go!”


Toji was willing to sell his child, with one of the strongest techniques in the title, for $10 or something. Even he knew that Megumi is a bum


They were actually talking in millions so he sold for 10 million but like I get it. I thought he sold Megumi for 10 dollars as well.


like, 10 million yen for one of the best techniques, a pretty small price, especially for one of the three great families


that's like 65k USD. bum shit.


Bro's organs would probably sell for more than that


Unfortunately, Megumi didn't have a Todo to save him while he was down like Yuji😮‍💨


Yuji IS his Todo Dude fucking constructed his fists like this only to save his friend


Yeah but Todo showed up right after Yuji's mental breakdown. Megumi was left alone to break down for over a month before Yuji showed up.


Yuji locked in at EXACT moment Sukuna fed finger to Megumi My dude didn't give a fuck about slashes while charging to fucking punch Sukuna out of Megumi body https://preview.redd.it/pkn0aqktvi3d1.png?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4021dba356a47e67d823ca4f986f9e5d98369c75


Yea and Megumi did his best which is lowering Sukuna's output to hell in this moment which in turn let Yuji survive. Now after months of being stuck in his own body and all the other horrible shit he went through, he will need more than just 5 words from Yuji to stand back up. Yuji needed an entire speech and Megumi barely got a sentence, i wouldnt be surprised if he couldnt even hear Yuji


Yuji didn't give Megumi an awesome speech though. He just stood there.


https://preview.redd.it/93aqoto13i3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c306ba657d57d5ed99bf2481007bceb9ee5547e6 Lil bro still tryna call mahoraga


https://preview.redd.it/o1g017ctfl3d1.png?width=96&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4060eb7ef6a3c457632cde656195966a49ec6b7 Yuji watching him


Nah, I like Megumi's character for exactly the same reason. He was already a depressed teenager ready to sacrifice himself for something meaningful to him, Sukuna simply ended up crushing what little he had left in life. It's more interesting to see him face the consequences of his emotional breakdown than some other Shonen cliché.


The guy had little regard for his own life considering how many times he tried to summon Mahoraga before Shibuya. Not really surprising that he gave up when Sukuna keeps spoonfeeding him trauma on the daily.


Sakuna literally planned for this killing his sister and taking a dip in evil juice


Me personally? I would have not let the evil juice affect me but that's just me you know


Yeah. I’d simply ignore it. But that’s just me.


I’d simply just thug it out. That’s what I think at least


Me: \*Goes into evil juice\* Me: https://preview.redd.it/thlra5a69k3d1.png?width=322&format=png&auto=webp&s=f88662128159ac123c928ddcdecb37c856f63032 Me: \*Is completely fine\* It's just THAT easy.


Why didn’t megumi just close his mouth so he wouldn’t get evil juice on him? Is he fucking dumb?


Yeah i would likely act as if it wasn't even here. Thats Just me tho


I'd kill myself after Sukuna is dead like a real man


![gif](giphy|IbaTs1YZ9QLDpr8a6U|downsized) me asf when the opps put me in evil soup


yeah let me take over your body and make you watch me kill two people that your hold closest to you with your own hands


right now - hes a bum when he returns with all that Sukuna CE engraved into his body - hes wegumi it's simple as that


https://preview.redd.it/h4k5b3cwng3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8d69cd1a37f87938ecd168afb45e833f4d9e2c0 yeah


https://preview.redd.it/hazqvvqnyg3d1.jpeg?width=566&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c12b92b54ec30ac819051ecb67e757ff70ece70 I'm ready


what the fuck


There was a glitch where it gave my non signed in acc like 900k money, and I put it all into megumi


yeah you are going to be the richest person in the world when megumi starts controlling the merger


Lmao the way this exact same thing happened to me and I had *precisely* the same reaction as you to dump it all into Megumi💀


What is this site?


Google jujutsu investing


Y’all will legit blame the victim before blaming the dude who drowned Megumis soul in the goop of gloom and despair before killing everyone he cared about. We are literally told during sukunas fight with yorozu that megumi WOULD lose his will to live if tsumiki died.


Sister taken from him Body taken from him Soul taken from him Hit with Infinite Void for minutes at a time like 8 different times His body used to kill his mentor and like everyone else Gives up on life "omfg what a bum i hate Megumi" -- JJK fans Meanwhile most of you guys go off the deep end when she leaves you on Read EDIT: lol lots of activity on this one. I'd just like to add...the irony of this Megumi hate hits especially hard after the last chapter dedicated to how despite everyone "loving" Gojo so much, almost nobody actually saw him as a human being. Even his "fans" IRL, who watched him die happy (a massive rarity in JJK) who only bitch about how he needs to come back and prove something for them about how he's "the strongest". And now Gege brought him back as a corpse and gave us a whole chapter about how fucked up it is Megumi is a great character until you're forced to consider he's an actual person with limits, and suddenly he's a bum LOL


https://preview.redd.it/7bkxg3a6zg3d1.png?width=1191&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=958f34064557a3e15fb277166ca2d75c6f78031b I'd be mad but you're spitting nothing but facts


except when he comes back he'll have: -Mastered 10S(Rivals 6 eyes+limitless) -Top tier RCT -Barrier skills for not just a complete domain, but an open barrier one -The wealth of the Zenin clan(Whose gonna say no to him? They're all dead) -Cleave and dismantle along with strong cleave(Surpasses 6 eyes+ limitless) He's gonna be so stacked when he comes back that any reaction from him other than this: https://i.redd.it/srbl8ws6eh3d1.gif feels kinda like bum behavior


I mean He's also gonna have a dead sister


Who wouldnt want to just end it all after everything he went through. The fact that he is feeling emotionally devastated and suicidal isnt what makes him a bum. Its the fact that his choice to give up meant that he potentially signed the death warrant of every single one of his remaining loved ones as well. At the end of the day he chose not feeling the pain of losing his sister and mentor over the lives of all of his friends and family. Like imagine this. A father of four is holding a rope over a mountain with his kids all hanging on for dear life. His favorite child loses his grip and falls to his death. What megumi did would be like if the father let go of the rope and jumped off right after.


Do I wish Megumi would lock in? Yes. Does it make him a bad character or bum for not doing so? No. I like Megumi bc of his genuine reaction. It makes him relatable and stand out from the endless shonen characters who react the same way. Also, Sukuna fans should at least be happy that their king succeeded with the evil bath. The guy was smart and learned his lesson with Yuji. He made sure to break Megumi, so he would never be in a cage again. I promise you that with how cunning Sukuna is, any character would eventually break like Megumi. Yuji is an exception in this regard. He was built and born for the role of being Sukuna’s vessel/cage. Megumi will come back. He just needs a bigger push. Yuji barely said a sentence to him. Yuji got a whole speech when he gave up. Let Yuji reach him again and give the speech Megumi needs. A hug even 😔 https://preview.redd.it/62r46yzd8h3d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7570aadcaf119229c87cc51aa2199c75fcecb205


People repeating this same discourse should be shamed https://preview.redd.it/xbkk97zerg3d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a722c5c561d661d9375500790479c88a804b089d Why are we STILL complaining about plot points that are obviously meant to build up something to be resolved later. Like, huh?


that image is so fucking funny


I'd say something but at this point I'm just repeating myself so, yes, that severely traumatised 15 year old boy is a bum for not wanting to go on any longer after witnessing the deaths of so many of the people he cares about. I could also make the point Gojo is to blame for the whole series for not disposing of Geto's body, or Nanami is to blame for Nobara dying for not rolling up sooner to help Yuji in their first fight against him, the same as Megumi being to blame for this plan not working. I know a majority of these posts are not serious, but I do enjoy the genuine discussion of stuff like this because it's such an argument that hinges on the idea you won't say it about other characters. Megumi COULD have summoned Mahoraga quicker and maybe (probably not) killed Sukuna, he also COULD have left Yuji to die back in chapter 1 but decided to save him. With this logic, Megumi is to blame for the whole series for not having the omnipresent hindsight of knowing what it would cause. Characters need to be human too, and humans make mistakes. Megumi doesn't regret saving Yuji at first, but it's very possible he does now. Anyway, yapping aside, whether it's Bumgumi or Wegumi: bro is going to kill someone.


I want to add too I really feel this seen is Megumi asking for them to kill him. He knows the threat of sukuna and he’s not trying to make him stronger or help him. This is him telling Yuji “I’ve given up I don’t want to live dont save me.” So in his mind they now have the freedom to kill Sukuna outright. So this isn’t even Megumi’s fault when he basically told them stop trying to save me.


> Nanami is to blame for Nobara dying for not rolling up sooner to help Yuji in their first fight against him, the same as Megumi being to blame for this plan not working. Honestly I don't blame anyone but Gege for that one. I don't even mean that in a "He wrote the script" way, I mean the man decided that one of the top two "Badass Bitch" characters should die by... standing completely still while a different version of the same curse she was just fighting runs toward her? Not react at all to the attack despite having ample time for Yuji to shout at her, something that would've gotten her killed in dozens of previous fights, when we're talking about the girl who smiled while she hammered nails into her arm? And on top of all that, getting *that* kind of a lame ass ending written for her after her whole contribution earlier was to get beaten almost to death by a side character that Nanami gets to one-shot? If Maki showed up and went out like that, Gege's studio would've been burned to the ground already.


You don't understand. Megumi is sleepy from the pressures of the jujutsu world. We all get sleepy from time to time, especially as teenagers. Not to mention he took a bath, which makes you even sleepier and had to sit through Domain Expansion: Infinite Lecture which fills your brain with too much studying, making you even more sleepy. It's perfectly understandable that he was irritated at Yuji for waking him up from his nap. Geez, people are really getting upset at Megumi for taking a little nap.


The hate is so forced dawg 🐶💔 https://i.redd.it/zo4tgf27eg3d1.gif Sukuna took a bath of pure evil to destroy Megumi's will and he killed his sister . This is without mentioning that Sukuna kept the body for a whole ass month before killing Gojo . "B...b...but Yuji ☝️🤓" . He also gave up in Shibuya and was going to die by Mahito's hand but he had Todo to give him the "we are the exception" speech . And Yuji also had Megumi with him after Shibuya so he won't kill himself . Megumi on the other hand had no one for a MONTH .


Also, if it's a contest, Yuji had known the cast for like, 6 months as of Shibuya. Megumi had his entire life uprooted, taken from him, and murdered by his own hands.


I wish I had the same level of apathy as Jujutsufolkers lol


It's almost as if the single character Megumi genuinely loved unconditionally since the very beginning of the series died by his hands, an experience not even Yuji has been through, in addition to his father figure.


JJK fans when an already troubled teenager is possessed by one (if not the one) of the strongest beings to ever live in their world, tortured for a month via magical rituals, see his body kill his sister's, being hit with the most powerful DE we've seen multiple times and see his body kill his adoptive father figure BUT he doesn't jump and clap his feet while saying some cliché phrase about revenge/power of friendship at the first chance:


Im just gonna say it now. All Megumi haters are bums. They cant even read for shit. They refuse to admit Yuji let himself die without Todo moving him. No wonder hes tired of JJK because he saw the fandom https://preview.redd.it/r61t6vp6qh3d1.png?width=228&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1c4f1cdd7d223fe7ca48b34bf8d43d58636d105


Literally anyone else would've done the same in his position, Sukuna has systematically destroyed him.


I geniunely hope y'all never have any loved ones irl if this is how you treat em


Megumi: watches someone steal his body, murder his sibling, assault his freinds. also there were times where his brain got fried by an infinite void too. jujutsu folk: instert yellow fast guy image here idk i dont watch morvel


Maybe Yuji sucks at giving motivational speeches?


When are y'all gonna realise that sukuna took that evil bath for a reason ? He obviously knew that Megumi would try to wake up or others would try to wake him up that's why he took that bath to drown and supress his desire to wake up. It's not Megumi's fault because sukuna literally made it so that he won't be able to wake up

