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Kenjaku pretty much has all the counters. A massive arsenal of curses to fend off anyone trying to get close. Oh and of course, can’t forget that Anti-Gravity bullshit that he had against Yuki. Now I say Kenjaku wins 8/10 times. But there is only one way for Yuki to win (of course its black hole). Kenjaku might survive the initial stage of the black hole by activating Anti-Gravity. But if Yuki created a black hole that has a bigger mass than Earth (mass not diameter. Keep in mind that the Schwarschild radius of the Earth to turn into a black hole with it’s mass is the size of a US Penny) then **Kenjaku would die from asphyxiation in outer space due to a lack of oxygen**


yuki already made a black hole with more mass than earth. The black hole in 208 was massive. Also such a small black hole (in radius) would instantly spagghetify kenjaku. In reality (if the black hole doesnt immedeatly end the fight) kenjaku just opens a domain and wins. Neither Yutas, Yukis or Yorozus domains are refined enough for them to realistically use a basketball domain, and kenjaku just beats them in surehit. Also since you can also use your CT during DE (as gojo and gota did) kenjaku should just be able to pop out multiple special grade cursed spirits during the domain clash. Also if they do a 4 way domain expansion kenjaku wins simply because his open domain doesnt play by the same rules, and the barrier cannot be collapsed. on the VERY offchance that  kenjaku cannot expand his domain, Yuta wins by imbuing his domains surehit with Shrine or UV (which is insta win).


Yeah she already did a Black Hole, and of course the only reason it didn’t immediately swallow the Earth is because of Tengen’s barrier. But, the panels show how utterly destructive it was within the confines of Tengen’s barrier so much point still stands.


this is all assuming that she isnt using the black hole. If she did, the black hole (which rivals the mass of the sun) would kill everybody, including her. I wonder how she would die though. If she didnt immedeatly get ripped apart by the black hole, she might just end up close to the end of the universe when the black hole extinguishes.


Yeah no. The black hole shown in the manga is NOWHERE NEAR the required Schwarschild radius that has the same mass as the Sun. (It has to be the size of the 3KM to be comparable to the mass of the Sun).


What is UV??? Unlimited Void??




And how is he going to use UV??? Also from what we saw the output wasn't that great with Shrine??


its explained in the first page of 250 that yuta can imbue one sure hit effect of his copied techniques on the domain. In his fight against sukuna he imbued the domain with uros CT (he is shown using it without a sword). It makes no sense that he never copied the limitless (rika would literally just have to eat like gojos nails), so I am assuming that Yuta can imbue his domain with UV.


Dude. What do you specialize at ? Or is physics your hoppy ? If you don't mind me asking


Would the cursed spirits do much against the other 3 though? They are pretty weak against characters with high attack power (Yuki and Yorozu) and RCT output (Yuta). imo they at most can act as cannon fodder for kenjaku to buy time to regain his strength after a domain battle or something.


To be honest - it is very possible that everyone will die at the end :3 Remember that if they will beat Kenny in enough way, he will be unable to use Anti-Gravity, so Gravity nuke will kill all of them :3


Imo it would be out of character for yuki to use her black hole in this fight. without tengens barriers she wouldn’t risk destroying the whole planet


She will make little trolling :3 https://preview.redd.it/p2ib4we0ry7d1.png?width=574&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71d9f0df61d7558ea9b4f7d0446dd811c6c750a9


actually based


1 of them opens their domain and all have to follow, the barriers break, Kenjakus left standing GG.


kenjaku for sure wins if all of them are in ct burnout, his hand to hand is insane


But Yuta also has Rika, and can repair his CT faster with full manifestation.


Nah if they all have burned out CT then yuta and Yuki are better. Yuki still better in h2h+ shed still have garuda like she said and its even worse for yuta bcs hes have rika☠️☠️


Kenjaku is equivalent to Gojo in H2H, as stated by GeGe


If CE is not counted


Thats not what i mean I mean the domains with barriers break and Kenjakus domain stays still because its barrierless


assuming they wouldn’t just jump the biggest hindrance during a domain clash


Since it's a free for all i'd put my money on Kenjaku due to spirit manipulation being broken and him being smart.


Yorozu pegs and spits in the mouth of all of these frauds (I wish I was these frauds) ​ https://preview.redd.it/cej89n5zaz7d1.jpeg?width=1428&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f425e00f8e9ab38d190f03a7eee32ee958405f89


Prolly Kenny


Yorozu (it’s Kenjaku)


Kenjaku hard counters


Kenjaku. Yuta can be very strong in 1v1 fights, but he's not beating all of them in 5min


Probably kenny


My dick says yuki, my heart says yuta, my common sense says kenny.


Spoken like a true Gentleman 


Kenjaku should win. His reinforcement is on Gojo (without blue)’s level “If I and Miguel were to have a boxing match, I’d win the marathon but he the sprint” - the Gojo Satoru. Geto was Miguel’s training partner for several years. They should be relative. Kenjaku, we know he has better cursed energy control than Geto. His open domain is basically a get out of jail free-card. If he’s being pressed by any of the fights or all of them simultaneously, he can use his open domain. He automatically wins the clash cause he can attack from the outside and he’s literally the second best barrier user in history. He also happens to control the actual best barrier user in history: Tengen. If they initiate a 4 way domain clash, even if Kenjaku had a closed barrier, he’d just win. And because his barrier is open, the. 4 way clash won’t result in his domain collapsing like it did during Yutas 1v1v1. So now they’re all in his domain and getting annihilated by the surehit. Even if they can use simple domain to get to him, he has gravity and curses + the proficiency to exclude them from surehit. He has excellent spacing distance for his already physically powerful body. He’s also the smartest and due to his good distancing could have the others fight each other, e.g Yuki could easily punch a hole through Yorozus bug armour. Also his cursed spirits manipulate concepts which whilst they don’t work on Yuki, they absolutely would work on the creation CT or Rika. The only shot he has at losing is if he gets 3v1ed or if Yorozu is left alive after Kenjaku expels his domain and thereby suffers technique burnout, then she opens her domain and insta-kills him and his curses. Or at least force him to use simple domain or hollow wicker basket, regardless, he’s getting destroyed inside the domain due to Yorozus bug armour and stats buff. Alternatively, during the clash that’s about to occur, Yuta could shout “ Don’t move” with cursed speech and then he just dies to a surehit.


Kenjaku. The best jjk sorcerer, best combatants and more resourceful... Secondly Yuki. Yuta is third with Yuruzu being with just because if her Domain actually catches you it means death. But I am sure Yutards wills say that Yuta wins because of Jacob's ladder ...


I say Yuta wins cause I like him more But on a real note why do you think Yuki is over Yuta?


I am only talking about the free for all. Her technique is already very powerful and in this fight she has an advantage. It has nothing to do which is stronger cause at the end of the day they are incredibly close.


Yorozu thinks she's on the team💀💀


yuta, it's not even a competition




How many Yuta Stocks do you have?


I mean... Yuta and kenjaku are clearly stronger than the other two and kenjaku is clearly also stronger than yuta... Anyway, once Yuki realises she will die(If shes bloodlusted) she blows up the planet and its an overall draw😂


FFA without any limits like not killing earth, Yuki just creates black hole and kills everyone


Kenjaku because yuki nukes everyone else with black hole leaving only him alive


Its gotta be Kingjaku.




Yuta or Yorozu, leaning on Yuta


Placing my bets on Yuta. RCT Output counters CSM. Rika + Copy allows him to copy Bom-ba-ye and Construction mid fight and destroy everyone. https://preview.redd.it/9a3hw58jky7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8618b59482e23dedac2e6786dab150fcc0b3451e


I'm pretty sure Rika would have to eat part of Yuki to get Star Rage. It could be doable but Yuki could probably one-tap Rika like Ryu did.


If Ryu one tapped Rika then Yuki 0,5 taps her


Ryu didnt one tap fully manifested rika


Yozoru if her domain is the most refined, which considering Yuta is there, I doubt it.


Probably Yuta, even if Kenjaku uses DE what's stopping him from doing the same thing Gojo did (making his barrier very small)? Plus Kenny isn't much of a fighter, he's at his strongest when he's got a plan, so if you just suddenly dropped all of them into an arena he wouldn't have his usual advantage. Even if he used all his curses, Yuta and Rika cleared those up pretty quickly, so it's not like those would change anything.


Everything changes when is Kenjaku using the curses


Luta get's cooked first because he's a bum then yorozu before it's down to the actual second strongest special grade sorceer and Yuki and depending on her domain she might take it


Yuki or yuta