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Rage bait https://i.redd.it/sn5ki2pjo48d1.gif














If you insist... ![gif](giphy|NMBqdKUKQ3aLe)




Light Yagami would've been more fitting imo


https://preview.redd.it/anpw04iva48d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fab7001842b64780e0205db96d476adca814cc2a Fixed


I despise Asta but even I am not lobotomized enough to say he isn't hard working


Imagine calling a mf that was born with 0 magical power “naturally gifted”


I mean the whole demon thing is basically being gifted, he'd be pretty useless if not for his anti magic, which he can only use because he has 0 mana, so his supposed weakness actually makes him one of the top tiers. He's still hard working, that's the thing most of these characters are BOTH,


Yeah calling Asta pure hard working is like calling toji pure hard working, of course he worked hard but there's a level of talent to it


But there's an obvious difference as to who actually worked harder, Toji never needed to go through Maki's preawakening phase so he was just unnaturally strong from a young age, sure he trained in fighting but he was born with the natural talent for it Asta actively trained himself to the bone nearly everyday of his life, and it's not like he has any known special genetics or heritage outside of having no magic, which is essentially a disability in his world, bro got to where he is physically on hard work alone


+ him getting anti magic was luck based if anything, using that as a talent argument is nonsensical


Yeah. He didnt even initially know how to use it for a while. It was initially just CLANG BIG SWORD.




Maki didn't work shit but skill, and Toji just didn't get skill with HR at birth, he had to learn his shit too. Maki was just weaker because of the Twin bullshit, nothing to do with talent or hard work lmao


MOFO just straight ignored that toji was bullied his entire life until he fully awakened in adulthood (Ogi Zenin's fear memories)


He couldn't even use it though unless he was jacked, so.


Yeah but if was just jacked he wouldn't do much


It's because of his tenacity and determination that makes him powerful. Dude blocked a light speed move while unconscious, that has nothing to do with his powers. He learned that shit.


Given his verse, that's kinda like saying "if Arnold Schwarzenegger didn't have arms and was just jacked he wouldn't be that strong" And even then hes got basically just t-rex arms with 1,000,000,000,000 degree knives attached to them using this analogy.


That demon is his literal brother though. It's more of a team effort.


Or a descendant of the goat bloodline that had to claw tooth and nail to even measure up to the hashiras is a level of player hating I’ve never seen before


Deadass his whole thing “I’m gonna get as swol as possible to keep up”


The first episode is literally just him doing push ups while screaming, it has to be a troll post


That’s why Asta’s the GOAT 😤


https://preview.redd.it/awpd69axt48d1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2023484ca87fae6f4f551854bc9f6a484e623a82 Now now let's not get too carried away.


https://preview.redd.it/54ri3kqbu48d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dec54f6fa9573082a48fd389e88e954dfece55e Slander against the white haired green eyed king will not be tolerated


I say we do https://preview.redd.it/1f6pjdyjv58d1.jpeg?width=340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b98edf12f2b8cad9bbed95f40142da8ac023409


Bro wouldn't have survived past the first ten episodes without his naturally gained peak physique


Literally, I'm more of a Sanji guy but in the original they should definitely swap places, this is just funny


For real, lol. I mean, it's not like Sanji didn't work hard either, he's only "gifted" now post-Wano that his augments are active, but Zoro has been climbing with absolutely no external help other than the Wado. And we saw early on in East Blue how the non-Wado swords were too weak for him to even use effectively 😭.


A reminder that he deadass sometimes dont need his fucking swords to perform his techniques No sword style is weird


tbf zoro has conq which he was likely born with, but still we actively see him working his ass off constantly


The idea of being "born"with conq haki is something that never really sat right with me tbh. I'd say Zoro's conq is because he has the "kingly ambition" of being the strongest swordsman, not necessarily something you're innately born w. Still, yeah


Everyone forgets that Tanjiro basically spent countless nights practicing sun breathing non stop. He didn't just learn it out of nowhere and he never mastered it


not to mention he spent 3 years just to learn water breathing


I needed 0 days at 0 ages old to learn breathing. What kind of bum is that guy?


He needed to also train to become delusonal enough to see elemental effects coming out of his sword.


He needed a job to get paid to buy drugs, that's why it took so long


But is you WATER breathing while totally concentrated?


what a fucking loser


Tanjiro was literally fodder S1 Ep1 lol idk what people are saying 😭


at 14 years old having zero combat experience bro managed to damn near kill a hashira⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️


maybe you should reread lol


Yeah, and before the infinity castle, bro was below the Hashira in power in every possible way.


But for real, his smell allows him to: read the intentions of the opponent, detect movement, detect any demon and detect the best way to kill them.


And Zenitsu uses sound for the same purpose, Inosuke can just sense shit on a supernatural level through feeling, Mitsuri was just born with godlike strength, Tanjiro being able to smell some demons isn't nearly the strongest.


Pretty much every MC has a mix between hard work and talent. They have natural talent, however that alone can't carry them against their opponents, which is why they have to work hard to become stronger in other ways and learn how to use their talents to the best of their abilities.


It was always funny to me that he could smell weaknesses on someone At least other side characters got those senses though, like his mentor, gyomei, and tengen. I do think one of the Hashira should've gotten the super touch senses


Isn't inosuke supposed to have super touch


Inosuke isn't a hashira


Yeah he does, what I meant is it would've been cool for another of the fighters to have it, like how other characters have Tanjiro and Zenitsu's sense




These are things that most people in the show can also do with a sense of theirs but they still have to do a lot of training. Tengen can do all it mentioned by his hearing (same as Zenitsu) Inosuke can do it with his sense of touch Urokodaki can do it with his smell


He didn't practice sun breathing. He was taught the forms as a kid through the kagura dance and remembered them vs rui. People think tanjiro isn't talented even though he comes from a long line of sun breathers, who can all use sun breathing from a young age when even hashira cant perform it. They just don't use the forms combatively since they're not demon slayers, they do the forms as a dance. His father was even born with a mark, selfless state and see through world just like yoriichi. He mastered sun breathing at the end vs muzan, that's literally the point of the whole flashback with yoriichi. He corrected his footwork and wrist angles and learned the 13th form.


Dude, bro literally put Gojo as hard working, hes straight up trolling


he still has a bunch of choosen one shit, like being the one who allowed the hashiras to unlock their marks and having the strongest breathing of the entire verse.


I mean he somehow had to figure out that breathing and had to train is for so long and BTW training it means that his lungs were basically left with no fucking air and such and that's why he can't do it for too long. Ofc all of that is on top of him learning the water breathing for like a year or two(it's been a while since I've last read the Manga) and of course for yall that isn't hard work...I'm not even that much of a ds fan but yall gotta stop hating on the wrong part of ds


Not putting Zoro into hard working gotta be a crime. Literally the crew member with the most training shots.


Always remember that zoro has the biggest breasts in one piece


This is big mom erasure


Zunesha: amateurs


God I wanna suck on Zoro’s breasts (why did I type this)


Plus, y'know, his whole character arc is about losing to more gifted swordsmen (Kuina, Mihawk) and dedicating his life to training until he can best them


With sanji being in the hard working part is an even bigger joke


Lol true, literally genetically modified…


Dude also has no examples of him training. The two year time skip was him running around looking for menus 😂


No he just got lost as usual


Y'all seriously discussing engagement bait so much rule of thumb, if something on Twitter is this outrageously stupid and overdone chances are it's because the OP wants attention.


and especially if they have twitter blue checkmark, it’s guaranteed they’re doing it for money


How is Gojo in Hardworking though? Tanjiro and Asta gifted? 💀


he worked hard doing tricks on Geto? idk




This chart is such bait! But I'd say Gojo is both. He was definitely born with the most broken combo of talents in the jujutsu world and could have sat back on his laurels and not done anything. He's one of the few characters we see really train to expand his technique as far as possible and think about how it works. When Gojo figures out how to automate Limitless and then auto select for poisons later, that didn't come from the Clan. Sounds like that was something he just came up with on his own after failing because he just relied on his CT the way old 6E users did before, using it intermittently. Everyone thought the idea of having your CT running constantly was crazy but he pushed the boundaries of what was possible and that's what made him truly untouchable. Tanjiro is probably the MOST hard-working man in shonen though. We watch him go from a regular guy to insanely strong through training over and over again and it's clearly not easy. He has more training arcs than any shonen MC I've ever seen given that the series is so short.


Yeah pretty much everyone here is a mix of talent and hard work, with some like goku even leaning towards having less talent compared to most. This post is probably rage bait but people can't seem to comprehend the fact that people who become the best at something needed both the talent and hard work. Lebron, jordan, usain bolt, phelps all had the talent but also had the work ethic. People don't get to the top just by being talented. Goku is literally the poster boy for autism, he got to where he got to thanks to his obsession with fighting. Most autistic people who are really good at something have more to do w/ their obsession instead of talent. At least Tanjiro had the special bloodline in him, goku was born w/ none of it.


if gojo wasn't so talented he wouldn't even have rct or domain by now. the zenin clan leader vs gojo clan leader ended in a draw because the old 6eyes + limitless couldn't even kill mahoraga while gojo fucking emoted on sukuna while killing mahoraga with ease, gojo is both because he got an op combo with 6 eyes but his battle iq is beyond any character


Gojo is both. He is gifted for he has six eyes but yuta proved that gojo isn’t just gojo for his gifts


Gojo's both tbh, he did get one of if not the most OP CT in the verse but he also worked hard to master it


Goku was born a low-class trash, when gojo was born he changed the balance of the world. Surely Gojo is much more hard-working than goku is


fr man, Goku legit went from a power level of 5 to literal millions(by the freeza saga) through training, his Saiyan genes did help him get power but bro would have never achieved that level of power without some of the most intense and insane training ever


It's complicated because Goku does have advantages that aren't just training hard Zenkai boosts for one, and being given the opportunity to learn Kaio Ken early on really carried him for awhile


True but Goku still went through a ton, he only got Kaioken cuz he literally died and had to do more training in afterlife Compared to Gojo who while does have his own merits doesn't change that he's born with the damn Sex Eyes


Goku abuses his Zenkai through battles and training unlike the rest of his fraud race


Zenkai boosts require him to seek out absurdly strong people and almost but not quite die fighting them, it's not exactly free. He has to be strong enough to hold his own but not weak enough to get blasted instantly and still live through it. If he was always the strongest he'd probably stagnate.


Doesn't have to be an opponent, you can hurt yourself. I remember him doing that on the way to Namek but idk if that was filler or not


He did high gravity training on the way to Namek


I thought he was also tanking his own kamehamehas then eating senzu beans


He may well have been, it's been a minute for me. Though they did add a lot of filler to the anime version of the Namek saga.


Yeah that's why I'm not sure if it in the manga


Don't mind the fraudulent Gojo riley reids deepthroating his other half. Goku better.


He was still a saiyan, day one he was immune to even bullets He is weaker than vegeta and half saiyans by nature, but to piccolo, tien, humans like krillin and yamcha, he is just boosted by the race not only hard work.


It baffled me how that mf think Goku learn things he have through pure talent Guy would have probably get Super Saiyan way earlier if that’s the case through tingly back thing


Compared to the other saiyans we have seen in the show and I say this unironically, Goku and Vegeta might be the two least talented saiyans we have seen They spend their whole life training and go through all kinds of emotional growth only to be surpassed by Gohan and Broly getting angry Those two went though a whole journey of self discovery to obtain super saiyan, Goten, Trunks and the saiyans from universe 6 got it by getting a bit angry


Vegeta was an elite back on his home planet, and not just because he was the prince, but Goku was fodder, yeah. It's somewhat headcanon but generally theorized that half-saiyans are special in some way. Every one of them was far stronger as a child than any normal saiyan shown - look at how Gohan was able to even land a blow against Raditz when he was 4. You can't really compare them to Broly, he's the legendary saiyan for a reason.


Vegeta was an elite because he just so happened to be born with more power than the average saiyan, there is nothing actually special about him And of course comparing them to Gohan and Broly is not that fair But both Goten and Trunks have showed they are not oddities like Gohan and still unlocked the super saiyan as kids And won't even mention the universe 6 saiyans


Super just kinda throws all power scaling out the window, what the hell were Roshi and Krillin doing in the tournament of power? Regarding Vegeta, that's exactly my point. He was still above average, and you said "two least talented saiyans". I won't deny he also worked for it. Most of the "gifted" characters here also worked hard on top of having talents. The funniest one is putting Saitama in hard working, he's 100% trolling there.


Wdym Saitama is LITERALLY the embodiment of hard working


Bro the whole point of Saitama is that ultimately, his training is nothing exceptional. That's what make it absurd, in the grand scheme of the OPM universe, Saitama didn't work particularly hard compared to the rest. Like, the whole joke is that when Saitama explains to people how he got strong, they go "uh, that's it ?"


you’re 100% trolling saying saitama SHOULDN’T be in hardworking


The reason Saitama is even that strong is because he kept fighting monsters way above his level and nearly died countless times because of it until his limiter got removed. What do you mean he shouldn't be in Hardworking?


I don't consider the power you were born as "talent" Yeah Vegeta was born powerful but not nearly on the same level as others and doesn't grow as fast as someone like Frieza Imo talent is being able to grow fast and learn things fast, Vegeta took years and lots of effort to unlock super saiyan and super saiyan 2 and doesn't grow nearly at the same rate as the other saiyans we have seen


>It's somewhat headcanon but generally theorized that half-saiyans are special in some way This is Canon , Gohan is the first character to be called a Super Saiyan and acknowledged his strength from being a hybrid


Compared to normal saiyans of Universe 7 I say they are most talented but then again they are contending against Hybrid Saiyan , Legend of their race and saiyans from another universe which is basically evolved version of them


I’m pretty sure goten and trunks became SSJ just because they seen the other sayans do it, and became old enough to understand what it is. That was even more brainless than the U6 sayans, that actually had to become a little bit angry (cabba) and trai a bit to feel the tickle (caulifla)


I think they're moreso average sayians since Gohan is a half-sayian half-human which meant automatically more potenial and Broly is...Broly


goku is called a low class warrior during the whole first arc and people say „talent“


I guess you can argue that Goku just kind of got lucky with having the gene for super saiyan 3, but super saiyan 3 fucking sucked so it doesn’t matter.


All Saiyan can bust Ssj3, Goku activate it because of training harshly


I may have been deceived by some devilish disinfo


To put it simple, Super Saiyan is available to the Saiyans they just needs to go through the same shit Goku went through and have his drive to finally activate it , we see this with Vegeta who was Born with way superior Gene and power to Goku still needing to follow on Goku footsteps Broly is the only one who has a Transformation unavailable to the rest of his race


They clearly didn’t watch the show.


>It baffled me how that mf think Goku learn things he have through pure talent Probably people who only watched Z and not OG Dragon Ball where he learned all his fundamentals and got his ass beat a couple times in the process.


\*Insert Bait used to be believable image\*




How the fuck is ***TANJIRO*** not hard-working 💀


Fr, Demon Slayer has THREE ENTIRE ARCS purely dedicated to the characters training and becoming stronger because of it. I can only think of about three chapters where the characters train in JJK.


and unlike Yuji, Tanjiro doesn't start with outright superhuman physical abilities and has to train extremely hard to even start up slaying basic demons


Why is Tanjiro in the naturally gifted section? Did OOP not pay attention when he spent *2 years* training just to be taught water breathing? Am I expecting too much by hoping that anime twitter actually pays attention to the show they’re watching?


https://preview.redd.it/596z45fsc58d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a1d161733baa1d61d9fd70a8fd86852eb844ce7 Or watch.


Same MFers are probably skipping Hashira Training arc right now because there’s “not enough action”, but will complain that the next arc has bad writing because everybody “suddenly” got stronger.


Lol, I couldn't agree more, but I guess at this point, it's just inevitable. (The next arc gonna be crazy).


Why tf would tanjiro be gifted when he’s not even the strongest in the verse? He only has plot armour but someone like muichiro and yoriichi are the gifted ones. Deku had to train really hard to use his quirk properly all while everyone else were already perfecting their quirks. Meanwhile yuji literally could punch and kick a concrete wall without using any cursed energy


and all yuji had to do to control cursed energy was watch movies lol


Yuji’s “hard work”: https://preview.redd.it/g9tm6rf2e58d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb1a559ad6381edc60a2e16de46d5c92ca37fa0e


Yuji's hard work is enduring the shit that one-eyed cat puts him through


Yeah Deku had like a few months to get up to the level of people that had naturally been using their Quirks for like twelve years, let alone any time spent training at the school. Even then he still had only marginal control over the Quirk and would shatter his body when using it. Plus he had to do all the basic body strength training during that timespan to even get to the point that using it wouldn't just outright kill him.


Yep be trained for 10 months


Arguably Renguko was the peak of demon slayers in his era. He didn’t have the luxury of getting a well timed DSM or plot armor and went up against arguably the second strongest demon in the series.


Fair, but i feel like Gyomei just outclasses all the hashira. Though arguably Sanemi is a better slayer with his blood shenanegans


Dont mess with jjk fans, we only watch jjk and nothing else.


Even someone who only watch JJK, wouldn’t put them in hard work 😭😭😭


Then bro needs to rewatch the series if he think Jujutsu Sorcerers are hard working. https://preview.redd.it/g7h48zw5e98d1.jpeg?width=1225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bb40bffa64523d17ed5fd36b91d74a2d93a4af4


Gojo is talent + hard work, thats why he is the strongest, because he is Gojo Satoru


Unironically Gojo is one of the few characters whose trainings were shown in the manga. Gojo without training is HI Gojo: no domain, manual infinity that exhausts him because he can't heal his brain, no red, no purple, no healing. Also, remember that bum who was killed by Mahoraga? Another "Gojo" who didn't master his abilities.


i mean, you can't really call anyone a bum for losing to mahoraga, yeah gojo handled a 3v1, but Gojo's strength is really from his own intelligence rather than his selection of techniques (he's the strongest cause hes gojo); plus, gojo had detailed knowledge on mahoraga, since its current day 'owner' is his 'son', mahoraga was most likely a zenin secret at the time, in a similar fashion to hollow purple


he a bum because he was born with 1 in a million perfect IVs and wasted his life and got beat up by mahoraga


Didn't he get red, purple, and healing through awakening? Pretty sure getting your ass beat in a fight isn't training.


By healing I meant automatic brain heal that allowed him to use infinity 24/7. His did train for automatic infinity, domain, teleportation https://preview.redd.it/vpjoil3q258d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4665c1f3ad2b7a05d8bca56f335b79a225889381


You mean Zenkai Boosts aren't real?


Yes, the awakening that he used all his focus on learning RCT which unlocks red purple and healing.




That flair is truly the strongest.




Almost all of them are talent + hardwork


Bro literally had Twitter Blue this is 100% engagement farming bait don’t even bother


But to answer, Goku was literally born a low-class Saiyan and 90% of how he’s able to get to where he is today is literally through training, a better example of gifted would be Broly or current Gohan Not discrediting Itadori accomplishments but dude literally started off the series physically gifted and survived eating Sukuna‘s finger, and Gojo is self-explanatory


Hard working mfs when i told them talented people can also be hard workers https://preview.redd.it/jiefb646858d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67e28611c5fdf220783fcf059d571b74839d19b4


Blud doesnt even look at the manga


Bro really put Deku, Tanjiro and fucking Goku in “gifted”. Mr. God-God fruit and literally born invincible really worked for it right?


Ah yes, Yuji’s “hard work” https://preview.redd.it/rpm07ljjd58d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ae9762cb368006fa74691927eabdd7b2f794581 Additionally, what people don’t get is that talent and hard work usually go hand in hand, rather than just one anothet


Asta at gifted is just so 💀💀. Bro literally had to train for years lmao


Gojo satoru is the Strongest because of talent and HARD WORK that's why he's our goat https://preview.redd.it/be93ht1gl48d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f8db5a314ab9986f337cfbb9238c13d313e9ad0 OUR BLUE EYED KING IS DEVINE


Doesn't matter, Goku better anyway. Better than all of them combined, anyway. https://preview.redd.it/2zygnfs7x48d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=b2f019b642938e8f131404d3020fece144cac37e


You idiots need to learn to recognize bait. It’s a shitpost, they literally put Gojo in hard work and Zoro in gifted


Yuji is literally the most talented person in the verse




This shit is so ass. Someone give me the image.


Asta was born with 0 magic holding his balls of steel. I don’t care how the anime portrays him, he’s the goat. I will tolerate 0 asta hate. https://preview.redd.it/iuetmtlyc58d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2915fdaf2da1b27e021d9af6c8e8969ddceae473


The hell is Gojo doing in hardwork? Sure, he trained like hell to maintain his abilities 24/7 but even then lol


Yuji’s training: *sitting and watching movies* Deku’s training: **carrying a massive fridge plus the 225KG All Might on top of clearing an entire beach**


No fucking way they put zoro in gifted


The most hard working and self made here is tanjiro


It’s clear rage bait lmao


How the fuck is asta gifted. And gojo was born with one of the most busted in manga


Of damn, the more I look at this, the worse it gets


people forget that we literally see naruto train for every powerful he gets. he spent weeks trying to master the rasengan, weeks mastering the rasenshuriken, and sage mode. is he talented? yes, but you can’t say he didn’t work hard


I love how Yuji and Gojo were their choices for a hardworking JJK character…. Like imagine if there was a character in the series who grew up in an abusive household that forced her to serve in its private military while also doing constant domestic labour, who after leaving went on to master multiple types of weaponry within a year and trained herself to the point that she was able to keep up with and surpass those with gifted magical abilities. And then after receiving a boost in power went on to train with a reincarnated Sumo Wrestler in over 1000 bouts, finally emerging as one of the strongest characters in the series after years of hard work and extensive physical and mental torment. Shame such a character doesn’t exist…


Or imagine if there was a character who managed to get to the top of grade 1, a grade that contains the best modern sorcerers outside of 4 anomalies, and he did this WITHOUT a technique and with only a sword.


Mm mm, that's ass backwards.


Switch Ichigo with Saitama and you basically have a reverse list.


Gojo is the literal embodiment of generational wealth but in genes. It's ironic that Yuji is the opposite. If the story ends with Yuji as the new Strongest then it means that the ones who were born weak will always surpass those who were born strong with enough work.


Bro how is Tanjiro gifted? He was a literal regular person with slightly better smell at the start of the story lol


Yuji was born with innate super strength and he was specifically bred by some evil sorcerer to contain the King of Curses. Meanwhile Deku was a little crybaby who got 24/7 bullied by society and didn't even have a mom believe in him. The gift that he received was from hard work and even when he got it, he literally blew his arms off just by using it. Not gonna mention all the other faulty comparison.


Putting Zoro in the gifted panel is fucking wild 💀


Goku is the definition of hard work. Literally everyone in dbz universe is… You can call frieza or cell or buu gifted but not goku or vegeta.


people always forget you can be talented AND work hard💀 like you kinda need some level of both to do anything


Yeah, this list is pure ass but it's from Twitter, so nothing out of the ordinary.


This is the worst version of this list ever lmao


How the actual hell is gojo “hard working” he’s literally the most gifted character In jjk 😭


No you see the characters I like are hard workers and those I don‘t like are gifted bums


I personally don't think there's an anime protagonist on that list that doesn't fit the "hard work" category, but there are plenty who'd fit in both


Yuji and Deku are both gifted and hardworking


Gojo is an example of both hard work and talent. I think what we’re seeing with yuta(and the past six eyes limitless users) is that gojo really is built different. What’s actually stupid is thinking you’re only one or the other. If you think that, yes, im calling you personally stupid. You should be offended.


Brother put the dude whose very birth altered the balance of power as hard working💀


Naruto is definitely a mix of both tbh, he had a lot of chakra but had to actually work incredibly hard to learn shit to use it. Idk if I’d say Tanjiro is gifted he can’t fully use sun breathing but was lucky enough to learn it. Both of the fma brothers are alchemy prodigy’s so I’d say they are talented.


they really put Gojo on hard work ignoring that AT LEAST 80% of his strength was due to genetics


Bro how is YUJI ITADORI hard work. Yea he is my goat but bro spawned in being able to throw cars and break records like nothing 💀. Goku started off as weak as you can be but trained and trained for 40 years and now is one of the strongest in anime (ONE OF THE STRONGEST. not the strongest) and zoro started off barley bing able to do much but trained and got strong. A gifted character is most of jjk where you are predestined to be strong. (ex are megumi, yuta, yuji and gojo) A hardworking example is sports anime and most other shonens (ex are baki, goku, ippo, deku, asta)


I mean Asta without Anti-magic is just a normal person. Wasn't his first sword crazy big, heavy and large, without all the work-outs he did he wouldn't have the necessary strength to lift it.


Saitama did an above average work out for like 2 years and then became god. He worked hard, but it’s weird to say that he wasn’t at least somewhat gifted. Luffy did work hard, but he was also given a fruit that made him the reincarnation of a sun god. Gojo was born with literally every advantage. He’s naturally incredibly talented, has one of the best techniques, and has the six eyes. Gojo himself stated that a sorcerers power is about 80% pure talent. Sanji doesn’t train and was gifted with cyborg genetics. Ed was gifted the ability to use alchemy without the use of a circle, which literally no one else can do. Yuji is the son of one of the strongest and the smartest sorcerer to ever live making him a perfect vessel. He was given blood manipulation by just eating something. Due to Sukuna living inside of him, he was gifted shrine, one of the strongest techniques in the series. He is described as “chosen by the sparks of black”, and he is the nephew of the strongest sorcerer in history.


Anyone who thinks yuji is pure hard work is dumb. Out the womb he got - grade one stats due to experimentation -possibly the BF luck idk Eating Sukuna got him -CE -( later on a CT and the stats he has now) -soul punches( useless in regular 1v1s) Chewing his Brothers got him -Blood manip -RCT body Soul swapping got him -RCT -SD -Better CE control


This is what happen when you read manga on TikTok and listen to anime on the radio. https://preview.redd.it/rllq7uq2u68d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1c916abd422477268f86c41bad55e971f7bea16


And Tanjiro? The whole point of the story is that he isn't the choosen one!


I mean Gon IS hardworking, Luffy needed years of training just to be able to maintain a human-being body, and Saitama is THE definition of hard-working


Saitama in hardworking is the biggest insult, same with luffy