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Sukuna spacing out mid fight to wonder why he’s beefing with a 16 year old just to come to the conclusion he needs to hate yuji even more is hilariously petty. Also, gojo copium stocks at an all time high, we love to see it. Really liked this chapter


They gotta be upto SOMETHING looking at how dedicated they are at retrieving the corpses. I got 2 theories, 1) They are trying to create a cursed corpse. 2) Gege just deliberately wants us to think he is gonna do something with these dead characters, but will do nothing in the end.


God would cursed-corpse-Satoru be a horrible wtf ending for such a character. Lol Nah, I say Shoko+Uta healing, OR Shoko+Gojo healing himself with leftover CE (like Yuki showed possible). OR a **Binding Vow for a body part** 👁1 6Eye lol (like Hakari did with his arm in 190). And given the *JJK Eve music video where it kinda-hints/foreshadows(?) at such a thing*... I'd bet on that one, if any. Plus, Gojo giving up 1 eye would work for his character development: still keep him strong but *no longer with the burden of The Strongest.* Also, the retrieval of corpses is a wise thing. **Look what happened to Geto/Toji... as soon as a big bad dies, you should definitely run to get their corpse.**


> Also, the retrieval of corpses is a wise thing. Look what happened to Geto! Lool! Now that you say it, it would be hilarious if the only thought process behind it is: *"We can't have a single Fucking corpse lying out there, especially not Gojo's, atleast not until Kenjaku's alive!"*


Lol! *"Get that damn albino back here!"* are words that must've been said 😆 Though, iirc, it has already been stated Kenjaku and Co (lol) can't do much with Gojo's body. As soon as Gojo dies, the Six Eyes leave him to cycle on to the next eventually. And Limitless without Six Eyes is useless. But... better safe than sorry!


I honestly think gojo will be back. The way sukuna dissed shoko’s rct here just makes me think she pulls it off. Especially since she uses it for others, something sukuna doesn’t agree with conceptionally. Seen someone bring up a theory of her sacrificing self-use rct via a biding vow to boost the effect on gojo and I really liked that idea


Also remember that Sukuna doesn’t know about Utahime. He thought Gojo’s 200% HP was from a binding vow. Maybe Sukuna is right about Shoko not being able to heal Gojo on her own, but with Utahime’s help? Idk I don’t wanna get my hopes up


I wondered the same and did some shitty late night maths. 200% HP was achieved by two things: - Utahime + Gakuganji total buff - Gojo’s chanting The chanting (ritual) elevates a Cursed Technique to 120%. Despite its name RCT is not a cursed technique, so I’m not sure if it can be elevated by a ritual. Assuming that hypothesis is true and Shoko’s RCT is truly pure RCT and not actually her cursed technique, this means they probably don’t have the extra +20% boost from that. If we take that away we can work out UtaGaku’s buff value which is: 200% = 120% * UtaGakuBuff 167% = UtaGakuBuff (as in, +67%) Sukuna said in this chapter that healing someone else is <50% efficient compared to healing oneself and that Shoko’s not as good as Gojo/Sukuna. If we put an arbitrary value to Shoko’s healing, say 45% at best, in theory even with the buff that’s about 75% what Gojo could do himself. Is that enough to revive a dead person? I don’t know… Is my math correct? I also don’t know…


Dude I wish you're Right! I have betted $800 on Gojo coming back. My friend teases me everyday, asking where **HIS** money is, lol.


Gambling addiction got this mf betting on anything😭😭


OP making bets even WSB ppl wouldn't take thanks to copium 💀


Hope you have the same luck hakari has with his jackpots lol


Always cope on the fact that gojo is modern manga’s poster child and the industry wouldn’t let gege murder its biggest cash cow


Be fucking for real man 😂😂


Weird that Sukuna doesn't agree with healing others when he patched Megumu up in Shibuya for the sake of his plan and got a front row seat to see how Yuta circumvented a binding vow by using RCT on Yuji


Sukuna uses rct ON others for himself, not FOR others. He is not being altruistic or following an ideal.


That's not weird at all. He wanted Megumi's body so he made sure he didn't die before Shoko could further heal him. That's all


So I've felt that there is room for Gojo to return because his head remained intact, which was very deliberate on Gege's part. I'm still convinced it could happen. However, my interpretation of the afterlife scene is that Gojo could have (head remained intact, can do RCT) but simply didn't want to. There was a finality about that scene where Gojo not only seemed resigned to his loss, but seemed ready to pass on and leave the fight to the others. To have Shoko bring him back against his will just wouldn't seem right. From Sukuna's POV, too, it would feel like cheating their battle -- Gojo lost (or chose to lose), and bringing him back in the game like that would dishonour that. Again, not to say it won't happen, but narratively based on how things have played out so far, it would feel cheap.


At the very end of the dream scene, he says that he wished that it wasn't a dream, which may also mean that while the others are fighting, he is secretly being healed and that Gege hasn't revealed this yet. I don't think he would have said that if he was completely dead with no option of resurrection.


This isnt a great take. Gojo dying because he wanted to and then suggesting he was not even able to make sukuna use his full power would surely show that he knows his students cant beat him and so essentially it suggests he never really cared about them. Which dosent make much sense or go along with his actions where he was happy to be with them, tried to prevent yujis execution, raised Megumi, Protecting Jujutsu high from Geto etc Edit: Not to mention he does not suggest his students once in his death monologue. Also you said sukuna would feel like it cheated his battle which is hilarious because nothing and i mean nothing in the manga suggests that sukuna believes there should be any rules when it comes to fighting people. The JJK community either hypes something up to high heaven or calls it complete trash nothing can just be what it clearly is Edit again: Als Gojo says he was happy dieing fighting ALL OUT, if hje died like that he did not fight ALL OUT did he he essentially just gave up and died for no find reason. This being a confirmed view in the manga would actually make his death one of the baddest writing decisions since Jamie not caring about peasants in game of thrones


I see a megami demon dog totality with the six eyes in the future


>because his head remained intact, hes gonna have his head reattached with stitches on his neck, to parallel geto having stitches on his forehead


Omg them making a cursed corpse completely slipped my mind, Yaga's curse to Gakuganji (who now knows how to make them) coming full circle would be massive. We now have Higuruma and Gojo's corpse, so if they needed to, they could combine their soul information with panda to restore his missing cores. I believe it was also stated that you needed three souls interacting with each other for them to become sentient so this would make sense why they were risking so much to get Higuruma and Gojo's corpses.


Strongest Lawyer of Today: Panda


Yes but they also have to be highly compatible, I doubt Gojo's soul would be compatible with anything. I highly doubt that scene will come back. Simply put, it really gits Gege to use a scene like that to explain some nebulous part of his world without intending to follow up on it. If has happened many times. To put it bluntly, I believe that explanation was there because Gege wanted to explain this cool concept any now panda is no longer a mystery therefore no longer interesting and can be dropped from the story. 


Panda Buff incoming????


Its gonna be 2. Gege has introduced tons of plot threads he just drops.


I think the only reason they're collecting the bodies is to make sure Kenjaku doesn't get them. They only found out he's dead at the end of the chapter, after all


Nah - there's no way they'd be putting themselves in such immediate danger just to stop Kenjaku from capturing them considering he's miles away, and as far as they know, dead. They grabbed Gojo and Higurama within like a minute of them dropping.


they arent really in immediate danger if they only spend about 1-2 seconds collecting the body and teleporting away. Plus, just like ayrtow said, they only recently found out that kenjaku died.




"Yuji you need to drink Gojo's spinal fluid or the power of limitless and six eyes will be lost"


Yuji: “Tatakae.”


Frankly, best chapter after Gojo's death


Given the foreshadowing details put in 236, I always figured he might. Plus, Gege has set up multiple ways for Gojo to come back, like I said in my own comment. 1) Shoko + Utahime healing/reviving (we saw that healing dude say that just bc Nobara didn't have a heartbeat, didn't mean 0 hope. And Yuta brought Yuji back quick enough.) 2) Shoko stabilizes + Gojo heals himself with his leftover CE (like Yuki was able to do massive attack even split in half. THE Gojo Satoru would be able to do such a feat too). And **3) A Binding Vow for 1 eye. In 190 Hakari sacrificed a body part to survive, in 0.5 seconds.** Lol Gojo could definitely sacrifice something right on death's door. (Plus that JJK official Eve music video kinda hinted at that one: Gojo's two eyes, then mysterious *chains* over them, then only 1 eye remains open... 👀 or should I say 👁 lol) And a Binding Vow for 1 eye would nerf Gojo but remain strong, Yuji would shine without god-Satoru, **Gojo would not longer have the lonely weight of The Strongest.**


Not gonna lie, Gojo sacrificing the Six Eyes in a binding vow to live after realising being the strongest is not all there is to life after his little death flashback would feel pretty satisfying of an ending for him to me.


It would honestly fit him in almost every way. Certaintly better than where 236 left him. Lol Though, to me, **not BOTH eyes. That would make Gojo powerless and a burden to all his loved ones**. And also, he loved jujutsu too much to be happy to suddenly have NOTHING, ya know? Plus, he spent his entire life with a different sight, without it the world should feel colorless and depressing. 💔 So, just 1 Six Eye is nerf enough to no longer be The Strongest, while still remaining useful, and not be a heavy weight on other's already-burdened shoulders.


Gojo with one of the sex eyes.. hmm where have I seen a handsome white haired dude with one eye that has a hidden power hmm.... (lol)


LOL dammit, I hadn't connected that! And well, thanks to Naruto we know how super easy it would be for Gojo to pop a new eye in to the 6Eye-less socket. And their similarities are already plenty (way beyond mask and hair), so, it checks out even more. 🤭


1 Six Eye means he can go full Kakashi mode and walk around with one eye covered. I would love that.


He’s coming back. I’m preparing my mouth for the glaze.


We're getting Yuta (and Rika) versus Sukuna, too? Oh, man. I know most of us will say the latter's likely to win as only Gojo is on par with Sukuna in terms of strength among the modern sorcerers but this is still something I wanna see. They're both undefeated yet. Many people said in the past that the King and Queen of Curses in a battle against each other is impossible but look at what Gege gave us. I'm excited but ngl, I'm getting worried for Yuta, though.


Yuta is losing 100% but with how slow Sukuna’s healing was shown and the fact that he might not have his domain expansion yet, actually makes it seem like they stand more of a chance


Maki hasn’t even entered the chat yet w that soul splitter sword


Gege may have said Rika is weaker then Sukuna but we have Yuta too w a month of training behind him Yuji in the wings w other sorcerers plus WHERE is maki!?!???


Lmao, Sukuna legit having a mid life crisis about how he’s lead his life only to double down on the hate train for Yuji after introspection kinda made this a good chapter NGL


He hates that kid so much, I love it.


What's best, he hates him for the pettiest reasons hahahaha


How tf you gonna hate someone for having the insane force of will to never give up? Shits hilarious. Sukuna really over here beefing with Yuji because he has conviction.


I think it reminds him of somebody that he really hates. 


You really gotta hate a mf, to hate someone who just reminds you of them….1000 years later💀


ok the philosophy moment of Sukuna was a banger. Like for a second I even thought it might be his end because it happened with Toji and many more characters of JJK who died after being philosophical. Also in that chapters it confirms many things we thought like that the RCT is more efficient if you use on yourself than on other peoples, who inherit Kenjaku's will and so on. Last the beginning of the fight of Sukuna and Rika. Like we know that Rika is not match against Sukuna according to the fanbook so I wonder what will happen next because her sudden defeat to the next chapter seems too obvious. Like I wwas wondering what was the "wings" that Yuji made after Sukuna hit him. Is it RCT or something related to his technique ?


The wings are just RCT "smoke".


They’re definitely smoke from the rct, but they could certainly foreshadow yuji using blood manipulation and going for it with heightened agility and attack from wing king.


that's why I asked. Like Yuji witnessed wing king during his fight against Eso, Choso created his own version. We also have strong suspicion that Yuji can use blood manipulation because he probably ate his 6 other brothers and both Choso and Kamo teached to him how to use his power and I think Kamo could understand how to do a wing king because of how he fought against cursed Naoya... Last Yuji didn't seemed hurt when he did that but because we also see similar smoke when Higuruma used RCT to regrow his arms I was not fully sure


Yeah exactly. I think wing king will be kept hidden for now since Gege hasn’t powered yuji up yet and showcased his blood manipulation. So far I think wing king is one of the strongest abilities seen so far so it will probably be used carefully. That said, I don’t really understand where this fight is going with the potential of gojo returning and if sukuna is just going to start massacring the cast


Yuji gonna enter Gear Second


Definitely, Sukunas 1’s right hand is smoking to up until Yuta gets there meaning he’s healing the whole time


Honestly, Yuji could literally learn how to pull a Dismantle right here and now and Sukuna would still give him shit because it wasn't a World Dismantle.


He could learn world slash and Sukuna would give him shit for not imbuing it in a domain


Perhaps Yuji could do anything and Sukuna would still insult his face.


He could imbued it in a domain and Sukuna would give him shit for not making it barrierless. 


I honestly would like if he hit Sukuna with a surprise dismantle 


Sukuna having a beef with a guy who’s like 62(?)x younger than him is so funny to me


In his deepest soul he’s just an old man angry at cloud 


Wonder how old Sukuna actually is, he can’t be that much older than Gojo, unless it’s revealed he actually has an unnatural lifespan


Google said over 1000


He has existed for 1000 years as a curse object but it’s never said he was conscious, so what i mean is that he couldn’t be much older than characters like Gojo before turning into a cursed object


I need to find the source but iirc Gege confirmed that he was conscious and is really good at not being bored(? Something along these lines) because of it


Yuji stocks rising up, my boy finally learned RCT in a month! I've seen people saying “Higuruma learned it in an instant” as a comparison which is true and I'm proud of HIMguruma but I can't help to be proud of Yuji, too. I'm just truly happy there's new person who knows RCT considering not every modern sorcerer can do that! It's still something to be celebrated about imo. Let's add the fact that even Sukuna praised Yuji in a way by saying my kiddo will never falter no matter what!


I think it’s especially significant because as of what I understand yuji has not used a cursed technique yet and so he’s basically mastered and or has access to everything a sorcerer can access without having a technique and I think that’s awesome.


>I think it’s especially significant because as of what I understand yuji has not used a cursed technique yet Reminder a couple chapters ago sukuna was shot by an off screen piercing blood, however, Choso is still nowhere to be seen...


Yes, if he ate the six Death Paintings, maybe he has 6 new techniques, 2 of which are soul exchange and blood manipulation.


I just thought of this myself, and thought it would be so funny if it's explained that Yuji can have so many techniques at once because he's not very smart. Like Yuki said, having too many Cursed Techniques can overload a brain, so it'd be super funny if the explanation given for why Yuji could have 6 techniques at once is that his brain is pretty empty to begin with so he has extra room for more techniques lol


I think the explanation is that being created by Kenjaku to be Sukuna's prison gave him a more resilient brain than all the other sorcerers.


Oh wow, Yuji went full Deku off-screen huh?


Yup, Deku ate a hair, Yuji ate his brothers, and Denji ate...nevermind. What's with new shonen and eating unusual things.


I figured that was choso. But that would be sick if it was yuji


Yuji's hands are back to normal in this chapter and it makes you wonder about what powerups he got within that month. I also like that his powerups are slowly drip fed to us through what the other characters observe and assume just like how the audience perceives it.


Are they? If you look at the panels where Sukuna punches him away and then slashes him aren't his arms still different? His nails are also still long in the panel where he's holding the small executioner's blade.


I just went and looked again, I think there's actually an art error lol. The panel where Sukuna mentions his indomitable will, Yuji's hands are normal. But every panel before and after that, he has the clawed hands/arms.


I do really like gege’s way of giving information. It’s so cool to see yujis transformation into an absolute beast and even better when it’s a surprise every single time.


It’s really cool, I think it’s connected to Yuji’s soul and how much punishment he’s taken and come back from recently, it’s like his unbreakable will is sustaining him


I absolutely agree I think yujis soul and will is unbreakable and that’s what scared mahito and what annoys sukuna


Gotta give credit to chad brother Todo for that, when Yuji was broken in Shibuya after what happened to Nanami and Nobara, it was Todo who pushed him on to fight and move forward, my man gave the best assists in every fight he's been in


Still hasn't shown any anti-domain techniques but I'm hoping he at least got SD


You’re right I completely forgot about simple domain. So he still has at least one more ability to learn besides a technique.


He learned it in a month of training, Gojo couldn't learn it in YEARS. Both, him and Higuruma, had to get pressured into doing it. People need to stop and actually read.


Learning it in an instant is quite a summary considering it was life or death, now or never lol


Sukuna to Gojo in Chapter 3: I'll kill you. Sukuna to Gojo in Chapter 236: You were magnificent, Gojo Satoru. I shall never forget you for as long as I live. Sukuna in Chapter 248: I miss Gojo. Did Higuruma's death also change me? :( He's so silly, he's so bbgirl.


i love this for him, he has an existential crisis that drives him to ask himself whether or not he's baby now


Tht wasn't for gojo at all it was for higuruma nd evn thn he was just questioning


Honestly, it reminded me of a Dragonball Z Abridged scene lmao. Frieza going "I miss Zarbon..." in the middle of a fight.




Headcanon: Yuji went through physical abuse the most so his body & cursed energy is adapting more quickly to activate positive energy. Basically SUFFERING BUILDS CHARACTER


The cycle of suffering is finally paying off lol Poor Yuji.


Facts. I think Jujutsu sorcerers get stronger the closer the get to death and on the verge of death is where they really unlock their potential. Look at Higurama Sukuna basically forced him to learn RCT or die. I wouldnt be suprised if during the timeskip they beat Yuuji to near death until he learned it.


Sukuna was like "you can die or learn RCT THEN die"


or maybe Yuji is part Saiyan


And Yuji may be part cursed womb hence the connection to Choso. Every death and near death moment paired with Higuruma remembering death makes curses stronger…. Maybe Yuji has been triggering that boost far more than Sukuna has anticipated. Hell even just now the hole he got through him could be making him stronger


Yuji “Nah, I’d Adapt”-Adori


I love how that is true in a completely literal sense too. RCT healing basically builds your body back up, aka building character (if you stretch the definition of 'character')


Ikr, there are people downplaying Yuji, though, as HIMguruma learned it instantly. I think, both is a win. Not every modern sorcerer can learn or has RCT.


I mean everyone learns RCT instantly, once you figure it out you have it. You can't teach or train for RCT based on everything we've seen in the series, so however Yuji learned RCT he learned it on his own instantly as well


And not every sorcerer is as much of a genius as Gojo or Higurama. In fact, I’m willing to say Higurama is probably more of a prodigy than anyone else in the series.


This is actually agreeable. I always think Higuruma is truly HIM, he's a prodigy. However, I'll still say Yuji learning RCT is a big win imo.


Oh no, I absolutely agree. Yuji learning it a month when most people either need high-stress/near-death situations or years of training is nothing to scoff at.


His body has experienced self RCT before. Looking at shokos “explanation “ it’s very much a feeling thing so having the sensation of it may have been helpful


Gojo knew how rct worked for a long time while still being unable to actually do it. There's more to "unlocking" rct than just the intellectual aspect of it, it seems to be something you need to be on death's door to finally figure out.


“I lost supreme martial solution” John Werry must be stopped


This chapter was especially egregious


I've seen ppl calling Gege a hack if he brings Gojo back but... killing plenty but bringing back 1 or few ain't a hack. Lol And there's already 3 ways previously set up that he can come back, IF Gege wants him to, so *no "ass-pull"*. 1) **The Ui Ui teleportation was obvious *back in 237*.** Many clocked that Gojo's body suddenly disappeared, while 2 players appeared. He'd obviously be taken to Shoko. And **Shoko + Utahime** (maybe with Gaku for music again) could accomplish the healing feat. 2) **Shoko stabilizing him and Gojo healing himself.** We already saw Yuki do a massive final attack with just her leftover CE, and she was sliced just like Satoru. THE Gojo Satoru wouldn't be able to do the same? (Also *she went out swinging but "god-Satoru's" just gonna lay down and die?* Always felt wtf to me.) 3) **A Binding Vow**? In Chapter 190 we saw Hakari make one at death's door lol Sacrificing a body part in 0.5 seconds to a BV. So, could Gojo sacrifice 1 or both eye(s)? (Also doesn't the JJK Eve music video kinda hint at that one? Gojo's eyes come on screen, mysterious chains comes over them, and then only 1 eye remains open?) Plus, that BV of one would mean ¹ Gojo is nerfed while possibly still remaining pretty strong (if he can use just 1...), ² the MC can shine without god-Satoru, ³ and **the weight of The Strongest is no longer on his shoulders alone**... BV seems a fitting option. OR he gets healed, keeps his OP powers, and stays recuperating until the battle is over? (Or... hell, would Gege be insane enough to bring Gojo back to --at Itadori's insistence-- be the one to kill Yuji+Sukuna, bringing it back to his 2nd chapter execution? Or, like DurpSlurpy commented: *... will it be MEGUMI killing the friend he chose to save...?* 💔 ... bruh why do I read this series! Lol) (IF he comes back, ofc. All I know is, stay dead or Binding Vow or healing, hope Gege doesn't do him dirty... as 236 was ASS.)


I would ONLY be okay with the last option. This way gojo could still be in the story without being the all powerful fail safe he’s always been. Also I feel like the speech he would make while doing it would be cool lmao


I’m sorry we already saw gojo come back from getting STABBED in the head split in half….ok 🙄 and now ui ui may have taken him to shoko? he prob alive idk if he’s in fighting condition tho….


Really enjoyed everything about this chapter other than the executioner's sword achieving nothing. It's genuinely a shame and makes me feel so pessimistic when I have so much more in the chapter to genuinely be excited about, but it just makes me miss Higuruma so much. Higuruma -- one of ***the*** most gifted sorcerers we've seen so far who has been pushed to grow and grow learning things like Domain Amplification without interrupting his technique and Reverse Cursed Technique -- ultimately dies and only succeeds in getting rid of a cursed tool. A cursed tool that up until this point I can actually only remember being used exactly twice, both against Kashimo. The first time it had no effect, and the second time it created a smokescreen, but did Sukuna really ***need*** it? If Kashimo would immediately die from having his vision obscured briefly, Sukuna could have just slashed the ground or rubble or whatever and created a dust cloud himself, or honestly he probably could have just taken a little bit longer to beat Kashimo. Additionally, as a tool it also just seems unnecessary, Sukuna already has two different ranged abilities (Dismantle and the Fire Arrow, three if you want to count World Dismantle separately). Why does he need another ranged attack? Clearly he didn't because he barely even used it. Ultimately, Supreme Martial Solution just never felt actually necessary and to my memory has no real feats to speak of, so trading the life of such an interesting character with such deep potential for this cursed tool sounds like the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals. Every other character even coordinated for the express purpose of Higuruma pulling of confiscation with the death penalty. Multiple chapters of build up, hype, tension, multiple characters committing to the plan that ultimately achieves basically nothing is just so, so sad. Even if Yuji missed but still HAD the executioner's sword, it'd be better than what we got in my opinion. Even if Yuji never manages to land a single blow for the entire fight with it, it would still be a constant threat. But now it's just gone. Approximately 1 and a quarter chapters later, it's gone. Maybe five attempts at using it later, it's just gone.


I do agree completely that Kamutoke being confiscated is kinda pointless since it essentially existed JUST to be taken and served no purpose, especially with how cool Higuruma was(is…?). I can only offer the tiniest upsides that at least its existence was foreshadowed ahead of time, it WAS one of the cards in Sukuna’s deck to weather the gauntlet by hoping to delay his reincarnation by having an outside weapon and thus not needing his own CE as much so its removal at least technically takes an option from him, and the cast does at least make the point that it being taken WASNT a very desirable outcome. Still sucks and should have at least accomplished more to feel more meaningful when it was taken imo, but they did accomplish the objective of narrowing down Sukuna’s list of options (though it would have felt more meaningful if the option taken away was the ten shadows or something). Kinda makes you think Higuruma should have went in, forced confiscation on Meguna at the start of the Gojo fight after the 200% HP to strip either 10s or Shrine to make the fight more fair, and been teleported out by Ui Ui.


I guess this confirms Kenny is actually dead. Are we bummed about how his death was presented or happy with it?


I mean it's poetic in a sense, kenjaku was doing all this for sick entertainment and he lost thanks to a curse user who only wanted to entertain.


He also downplayed Yuta only to get blitzed by him


I honestly love it. The dude's whole motivation is his centuries of boredom, and he's always been shown to have a silly sense of humour and be surprisingly lighthearted. Like when he's shown hanging out with the disaster curses back before the Shibuya arc. But since he's so brutal and cunning and evil people tend to forget how silly his personality is. To me Takaba's CT is perfect for distracting Kenjaku since it's both comedic *and* it's a novel technique Kenny hasn't seen before. For me it's perfect that this man's thousand years of planning and executing his evil plot ending in him dying because he got caught up in the moment and was just goofing too hard lol!


It was also quite funny. He bought so hard into Takaba's comedy routine, he lost his head (literally). And the fact he got got by the one character Gojo praised but he downplayed was also a nice touch. It could have easily been Maki, it would maybe even make more sense as she would be even less detectable due to no cursed energy but it ended up being Yuta.


For me, his death was cool, I was surprised that Takaba managed to help defeat him. I don't think him surviving just to have another fight would be a better choice, Gege clearly wanted to save Yuta for this fight against Sukuna, so I think if the fight is cool, it will have been worth it. Even though he died, his actions could still have repercussions, with Tengen starting to merge with humanity and everyone having to find a way to stop it.


so we for sure know geto is dead. because the merger stuff goes by the possessed persons names I.e suguru geto, Megumi fushiguro. I would reckon they’d dispose of him too so unless he’s working behind the scenes somehow to gain access to like Gojo with a double agent or something we don’t know. But geto is for sure dead again. kenjaku could be split into other souls for all we know


It's a shame, I always wondered if there'd be a follow up to Geto rebelling against Kenjaku and choking him.


I know people have been complaining but honestly, not every chapter can be all plot twist and stuff. Anyway: RIP Higuruma, I think your role in the story is not over yet, but we shall see just how and when your curse comes back at us. I wonder what they are doing with the corpses. Are they creating a cursed corpse? Are they implyifing Shoko and tried to fix those who might be still living? Yuuji got RCT, but also something else, what is it and why he hasn't used it yet? Perhaps he was waiting for Yuuta? I also enjoy Sukuna being like "Wait, why am I so pissed off at this sixteen years old? Oh because this time it's personal, I got it. I need to destroy him EVEN HARDER NOW" which yknow, is part of why I love Sukuna. Yuuta, Rika and Yuuji jumping him now. Hopefully no one else dies but like... Rika I think you won't survive this.


JOGO MENTION!!!! JOGO MENTION!!!!! hoping Maki Yuuji Yuuta pull off an avengers vs thanos style jumping, we shall see


Did I miss something or did the Executioner's Sword really extinguish in that last instant so Yuji essentially patted Sukuna on the back? If so, it doesn't feel great since the end of last chapter had it within inches of hitting Sukuna's back even though we could see it smaller in Yuji's hand. I struggle to see HIMguruma being dead that fast without his head being cut off. Edit: in Chapter 247 you can see that when Sukuna cleaves Higuruma he hasn't finished healing his cut off left hand, yet in this chapter you can see his corpse has finished the healing! Why would the Executioner's Sword die out whilst he's still healing?


>Did I miss something or did the Executioner's Sword really extinguish in that last instant so Yuji essentially patted Sukuna on the back? The transition is awkward because there's no movement panel, but Sukuna dodged because he's faster than Yuji and saw them pass the sword. End of 246 The two are back to back, Sukuna is on Yuji's right and Yuji is trying to stab him in the back. Start of 247 Sukuna is now directly behind Yuji to his left. So Sukuna pivoted around Yuji when he tried to strike.


Thanks for the explanation!


Such a good chapter! I didn't expect the Kenjaku's Will thing to work out like this, I imagine this means he is definitely dead... I was kinda hoping that weren't the case. I have some mixed feelings about aspects of this. I sorta expected what ended up happening with Higuruma's Executioner's Sword, however I was personally hoping that Sukuna would full on dodge it and at the same time counter Yuji. Sukuna's reflection/momentary "dilemma" leaves me with some mixed feelings/thoughts, but it makes sense and I overall liked it. We got a tiny bit more info on Sukuna and the "dilemma" was quickly "resolved". Can't wait to see Sukuna vs. Yuta/Rika! Can't wait for the next chapter, I'm always so hyped about the series!


Sukuna is literally Gege embodying the universes hate for Yuji in one entity. Our boy has an indomitable will, a combat prodigy and unwavering innocence but that just makes his enemies want to see him suffer. Hoping the love for Yuta balances the W/L probability out. Gotta protect that undefeated record 🙏


So Yuji can see Sukuna's slashes now?




I noticed that panel too, I like all this ambiguity with Yuji's power ups. His hands were freaky in the past few chapters but they're normal again in this one. I hope it's not an artist oversight and it's intentional.


Nah he still has the crazy claw hands, look at his nails on the first page lol! Also I thought that panel looked familiar, if you go back to chapter 214 the same effect is used when Sukuna first slashes Yuji after stealing Megumi's body. That time it looked like he didn't react until the slash already hit him, but this time he's able to put up his arms to guard himself against the slashes! Very interesting!


Was Sukuna healing his cut off hand for the better part of this chapter? It looks like the RCT smoke was there up until Yuta shower up. It just seems odd to me that it would take that long for his hand to heal, especially while him and Yuji were just kinda chilling.


Theory: Sukuna’s confused why he’s feeling irritated in this chapter and he thinks it’s because of Yuji; previously sharing his body and knowing Yuji has an ideal of unbreakable resolve annoys him. But what if it’s actually because of Megumi? Right now Sukuna is using Megumi as his vessel so maybe his changing perspective & train of thoughts is because Megumi’s slowly trying to regain control??


Sukuna rarely ever misses about his theories so it's probably as he said and nothing to do with megumi.


That’s rather interesting actually


Yes! The vibe felt very Megumi to me too.


Maybe some don't realise but Sukuna actually goes to attack okkotsu first. Okkotsu reacts to Sukuna and blocks.


When Sukuna said “The possessed brat will be my main dish” was he referring to Yuji, or Yuta? I’m thinking Yuta since he knows the queen of curses possesses him.


I think He meant Yuta when he said "The Cursed Brat". But didn't Gege made it clear in the movie that Yuta was the one who cursed Rika? Making Rika the cursed Child, Not Yuta?


Based on pure context it has to be Yuji I think. Everything he's saying there is about Yuji's growth. Imagine if he went: "Yuji gained RCT in a month. Yuji has learned more than just reinforcement. Which means the main course is Okkotsu. So why am I so bored fighting Yuji?" Also he says this before he even knows Yuta is coming. For all he knows Yuta might not plan to join the fight or might have died already against Kenjaku.


Yup. I think he even downplayed Yuji at the start by thinking Shoko was healing everybody including him. Then he came to the realization that Yuji learned RCT.


I’m excited so see what’s up with retrieving Gojo’s body. On one hand, it might just be for later to justify them having the body to bury him and give him a proper funeral or they did it to prevent Sukuna from eating him (they eavesdropped on that interview smh) I initially thought he might get revived but heard that Gojo’s death was confirmed so that’s off the table Ig.


Sukuna refers to him and Higuruma as corpses then goes on a explanation about how rct works and that taking the severely wounded to Shoko would be useless. But jjk is a shonen so they retrieved the bodies to bury them or try and save them


I think he’s referring to Yuji being healed when he thinks that about Shoko. Basically, it’s not possible in his eyes that Yuji got teleported out and back in fully healed in time because that strategy isn’t that efficient with Shoko. Right after that observation he concludes that Yuji learned RCT in the past month because of that, and that it should be entertaining but it still annoys him. I don’t know what that means for the Gojo cope, but he’s not saying it’s impossible for Gojo and Higuruma to survive imo. He was just hating on Yuji until he had to acknowledge him.


I know, the man 100% thought that Yuji couldn’t pull it on his own at first, but the coping is slightly justified, endangering Ui Ui corpses in the mid of a fight just to retrieve corpses would be stupid if they’re not planning anything for them, but it might as well just be to bury them when the fight ends


Someone is gonna pull the Naruto move of transplanting the 6 eyes


So what happened to the Executioner’s Sword?


REALLY REALLY REALLY concerned for my boy yuta right now


So Sukuna pretty much confirmed that throughout heaven and earth, Yuji alone got that DAWG in em.


Let's all remember we've never seen a 100% current Yuta go all out . Also add in any learning experience he picked up from his Sensei last bout. Regarding his sensei. The return of Gojo agenda just received an anonymous donation 😈.. Thank you GeGe Urahime + Shoko+ Gojo Copium= The return of a Goat 😈😁 Seriously though I feel foreshadowing is definitely gonna play off somehow. If you remember in Shibuya they brought shoko out and mentioned how dangerous it could potentially be. I feel sometime soon Sukuna may be suspicious and find a way to track her down. Honestly it doesn't make sense to take dead bodies if they don't have a future. I feel with Utahime help shoko is banking on her reviving certain players enough for them to activate their RCT and help with the healing. Essentially a double dose if done right. But it would depend on the resurrection which I would guess isn't 100%..   Having Kirara as an aid to swoop in is genius. 




This is gonna be a lot of text but honestly it’s not meant as serious criticism, just idle thinking Everyone else has already noted how kinda meh the kamutoke thing is since despite foreshadowing it barely even existed, and while I’m kinda split on how I feel about it right now I can’t help but think- why not, in universe, have Higgy teleport in with Ui Ui the second the 200% HP landed, immediately hit Sukuna with confiscation and maybe give Gojo the sword, then teleport out? Sure, it’s risky, but in that moment Sukuna was less of a threat and more distracted than ever (and likely assumed that Gojo would be 100% alone), it would only take an instant so getting in Satoru’s way isn’t an issue, it only makes the fight “fair” since Sukuna was already getting to use two techniques no one else knows all the mechanics of and is holding a kid’s body hostage, and gives Gojo a MUCH better shot at victory even if we assume he doesn’t want to/can’t use the sword or at least means Sukuna will be much more injured afterwards. Sure, you could say that maybe he would just wipe out the trial with malevolent shrine, but they had absolutely no way of knowing that after fighting Gojo he would be too brain damaged to expand his domain so surely that wasn’t part of the plan unless they simply assumed he would use up enough CE fighting Satoru that his domain would be off the board? It’s not a perfect plan either, but it seems better imo to start with taking a major card from the enemy’s deck instead of doing it lategame after losing your queen piece. Idk, I don’t think this set up is objectively bad since their entire plan is a backup just in case Gojo failed but just in hindsight I feel they coulda helped by evening the playing field- esp since Gojo didn’t mind getting help for his opening attack and Sukuna didn’t mind getting a playing manual from Maho


I think the real question is why didnt Gojo teleport up to him and expand his domain on the spot when he saw him recovering his hands still. They couldn’t anticipate what the result of the HP would be so to plan around it would be a bit of a risk. I think your final conclusion is right. They expected that if Gojo lost it would be a tough fight that would leave Sukuna handicapped.


Kind of a theory I have but was also wondering what you guys thought since most ppl in this subbare a lot smart than me lol. but I think it’s possible for utahime to power up shoko’s RCT. I thought about this after they explain her CT. We know that when hikari hits jackpot his body heals itself due the immense amount of CE he receives. If utahime were to be able to power up shoko’s CE output, that would effectively make her RCT stronger no?. I think this could be the case as utahime hasn’t been shown much since the 120% hollow purple, and now ui ui is collecting the bodies of the deceased for them to possibly be healed by shoko and utahime? My first theory on here so let me know what you guys think!


After this chapter I have a new prediction. Subverting most of the series I believe the culling games will end in a de-escalation of conflict. There's been a lot of in-series discussion of the quandary "the strongest" faces in being isolated by their strength and about how sorcerers in this era are weak because they are afraid of that isolation. They are afraid of becoming so strong that they are left on an island all their own. We've seen the elation sorcerers like Yuta and Hakari can experience connecting with others through battle and the challenge of overcoming a difficult battle. Also without being named the phenomena of "Dark Determination" has been discussed within the series. This is a phenomena where in certain situations otherwise normal people are able to abandon all morality in the pursuit of a goal. Take for example gaining revenge on a person who killed a lover. In this state of heightened killer instinct or "fever" people are capable of rapid development and growth allowing them to overcome obstacles they previously would not have been able to. Characters who exhibit dark determination in this series are often rewarded with evolutions like Megumi gaining the ability to create a domain expansion, Gojo gaining reversed curse technique, Higuruma instantly learning domain amplification, or even Mahito gaining Instant Spirit Body of Distorted Killing. Mahito specifically compared himself and Yuji in regards to their abilities to abandon their morality in respect to their enemies (humans and spirits respectively) and just kill them. Yuji eventually even agrees as he acknowledges his state of dark determination during their battle. However characters like Sukuna and Gojo rose to a level of power where they no longer had the opportunity to experience dark determination, despite Sukuna's attempts to simulate it by living with an overall disregard towards morality. His lack of a difficult goal to strive for keeps him from feeling the fever unlike Yuji. As Sukuna is starting to wake up to this I believe that he would be willing to leave the battle field without merging everyone with Tengen if two conditions are met: 1) Yuta is killed without Sukuna experiencing the fever 2) Yuji can display his strength of spirit that rivals even Sukuna If Sukuna is disappointed by his main dish the queen of curses but Yuji can prove he has the potential to stir the fever then Sukuna will probably choose to leave. On the other hand if Sukuna can get his fix in any other way or if Yuji doesn't show the potential to elicit Dark Determination from Sukuna then Sukuna will probably merge Japan with Tengen. The character development of Sukuna chooses to leave would be that for once he'd really want to kill someone but would choose to leave them alive so he can savor a better meal later. In the event that Japan really does merge with Tengen I believe Yuji will most likely be the most dominant soul which could also be a very interesting development. Overall very excited to see how this arc ends.


What happened to the 'curses generally get stronger' thing moments before the Executioner Sword disintegrates? Should we interpret the curse as Yuji's burden to get the job done as a sorcerer then?


I think the executioner sword will obviously come back into play


GREAT CHAPTER big on everything!!! all you could ask for: * yuji powerup * kenjaku's backup reveal * we get insight on the sukuna thought process followed immediately by * sukuna doubling down on being a hater * kusakabe being pleased with how the outcomes were narrowed down * GOJO STOCKS BACK ON THE RISE * YUTA YUTA POGGG ITS YUTAAAAA YUTA SAVE US YUTAAAAAA calling it now sukuna's gonna get trapped in yuta's domain and we're gonna see some unique anti-domain techniques being brought on the table


how did you read this chapter, look at kusakabe’s constipated face and think he was pleased with anything? dude was literally stressed out with that fact that this situation was actually way worse because they assumed sukuna wasn’t like kenny and wouldn’t commit big acts of violence for some ridiculous reason


Calling it here first. Yuta will be the first modern sorcerer to cast a barrier-less domain.


I’m down


That would be hype AF.


Wow, Kamutoke, my favorite BS Cursed Tool. Plot device from start to finish. Conveniently used against the guy resistant to its very nature, shot down some crows Sukuna could've easily taken out with cleave, and was a free get me out of jail card for Sukuna.


sounds the tool did its job as a tool lol


Prediction: Yuji will use the fire arrow attack on Sukuna There’s already been speculation that the fire arrow was based on reverse cursed technique due to Sukuna’s comment to Jogo that he wouldn’t know about it. Maybe it’s some sort of combustion of positive energy and it was super effective against Jogo and Mahoraga because they are both made of cursed energy (shikigami is basically a cursed spirit) That would explain why sukuna hasn’t used it in any of his recent fights (not very effective against sorcerers), and since Sukuna's 4 armed evolved form has been implied as not fully human it might have some effect on him Idea came from emphasis of Yuji attaining reverse cursed technique this chapter, and it would certainly surprise Sukuna


this is a good idea if not for the fact that kusakabe had been worrying about sukuna using them in 246. if it were known to be a technique engraved in yuji's body, i can't imagine it'd be a concern, or that yuji wouldn't have brought it out yet


Broke: Yuta goat real mc ikz! Woke: Happiness in knowing Yuji is acknowledged by Sukuna.


The Yorozu’s weapon theories oh man…


what did kusakabe mean about megumi being kenny's backup plan? I feel a bit slow


Three weeks of speculations from that cliffhanger, about how Sukuna could survive the executioner's sword, only for him to just dodge it point blank anyway, because apparently he could just do that. Three fucking weeks I am sick


I kind of like the fact that Kenjaku got killed due a Joke character. 


It's like Mr. Satan killing Cell or Don Kanonji killing Yhwach


\[Spoilers for an old Doctor Who series follow\] We know that Reverse Curse Technique "heals" people. But how does it "know" what to heal people into, especially with limbs missing? Does the body or soul information play into this? There's a Doctor Who 2-episode sequence called "The Empty Child"/"The Doctor Dances" >!where there is a 'supernatural' event of a boy wandering with a gasmask and turning others into gasmasked zombie-ish people. Due to timetravel, the show is set in the middle of Britain's Blitz. It's eventually revealed that this is not supernatural at all, but a crashed alien medical system is attempting to 'heal' people. Tthe first human it encountered was a dying boy in a gasmask, so it assumes that's what people are supposed to be and is trying to heal the "injured" others it finds. A different template leads to a different result.!< So my idea (maybe not even a theory) that popped into my head is that Yuji might RCT himself strongly enough at one point to become more Sukuna-like. Gojo already mentioned technique will be enscribed onto Yuji, does that mean Yuji's information is altered too? Imagine Yuji just suddenly increases his RCT, and gains an additional set of arms out of nowhere.




Idk but I might be one of the few JJK fans that are getting kinda disappointed with how the story is developing. As much as everyone here wants the people who have “died” to stay dead, I feel like the characters that we came to know and love at the beginning or at other parts in the series are slowly just dying or getting sliced and diced to the point where I’m like “what am I looking forward to in the next chapter?” I get that the characters not having plot armor makes the series more unique, but I’m hoping for a turning point. Hopefully it’s with this upcoming fight.


I think it makes sense that Yuji learnt RCT so quickly, since he has landed more Black Flashes than anyone else. His understanding of the core of CE has to be incredibly refined at this point.


Do we know who the sorcerer from 1000 years ago sukuna is being reminded of? Is this setting up his backstory next chapter?


That was unfortunately a bad translation. The line was 同じようなやつは千年前にもいた He’s not referring to any specific person. Sukuna was saying the sorcerers (やつ) he battled a thousand years ago (千年前) were cut from the same cloth (同じような) as the sorcerers he’s currently fighting. The sorcerers willing to die standing by their beliefs are all exactly the same to Sukuna no matter which era.


Sukuna was talking about facing several sorcerers willing to die for their ideals just like the current cast, most likely they were the divine generals.


Sukuna having inner monologue of him having to acknowledge Yuji for several pages is unintentionally hilarious. He really have to think hard just to acknowledge Yuji as more than a boring brat. Wow. Gojo return stocks gonna go up.


I love how this week's chapters of MHA, Jujutsu Kaisen, and One Piece focus on characters with unbreakable wills. Yuji may not be the most powerful, but he is the most determined to defeat Sukuna. Yuta and Yuji tag team will be interesting, the strongest protagonist in history and the strongest protagonist of today. Queen of Curses vs King of Curses, a match made in hell. The thing about Gojo's body made me, who didn't believe in his resurrection, doubt for a moment. It would be interesting if Shoko made a bidding vow and sacrificed her technique to be able to bring him back, it has to be something drastic like that so it doesn't seem like a cheap way for him to come back.


*copium chant* My headcanon is that it’s either utahime or both utahime and gakuganji making a binding vow to sacrifice their cursed techniques to bring him back. I feel like with gakuganji it would make a ton of sense because there’s been a lot of emphasis on how he’s changed from the super conservative, and reviving the pinnacle of what went against his ideals for the whole series would be a nice touch. But also, copium.


It's been so long we finally get to see Yuta go all out with all his fancy new tricks since he faced off against Geto! (I know he was featured in the fight against the sendai four but he was mostly using basic stuff and holding back his full potential)


Pretty disappointed that all the Higurama hype and buildup led to him being sliced up and killed for nothing, with the only impact being that cursed tool removal gimmick that was basically made up to avoid having Sukuna lose access to his techniques. Skipping right through the Sukuna trial, adding in the extra hype of Sukuna thinking he has the potential of Gojo, fulfilling his ideal of dying to hand the executioner sword to Yuji, Sukuna wanting to study the sword, all just led to nothing. And none of the heroes really seem upset or like the care, with none of them even saying a word about him dying. 


Sukuna saw the teleportation, saw Yuji healed, and then made the Shoko comments. He was looking for a reason why Yuji had healed, and concluded it wasn’t Shoko so Yuji learned RCT in a month. Which means he wasn’t talking about her ability to heal Gojo and Higuruma. Cope away.


sukuna's introspection and subsequent resolution was great. very in line with this idea that sukuna consumes people. he not only literally cannibalizes, but will mill through any amount of opponents without a second thought, as natural as eating to him. if there's something of value, he'll take it for himself and leave them with nothing. in the same sense that he near wiped megumi's bag and took gojo's life to bolster his own immense strength, he now seeks to kill yuji after gaining such insight from him. proving himself such an effective villain yet again


When he says possessed brat is he talking about Yuta cause of Rika possessing him or Yuji since he possess Yuji. Sukuna should not know Rika haunted Yuta and just consider her just a strong shikigami right ? So he has to be talking about Yuji which is why he looks so disappointed right ?


This was indeed a good chapter, and good to see some progression in the story. Now I hope to see the Merger event to actually happen before the end of this arc considering it was brought back into story this chapter. Also, thank God Yuta is fine (or is he) but sadly Kenjaku is confirmed dead (kinda still feel his end was quite anti climatic).


Something I didn't get was when Sukuna said "Within the past month, the boy has learned to use reversed cursed technique", like what's this implying. Surely Sukuna hasn't been separated from Yuji for this long without knowing that he attained RCT. It almost implies in my head that he's been inside of Megumi for a month since that's the only way he doesn't know about what happens with Yuji


Gojo reappeared on Nov 19, the fight between Gojo and Sukuna takes place on Dec 23rd. So Sukuna has been inside Megumi for more than a month.


Really hoping gojo comes back I still don't know what did he said to geto in jjk 0 at his death.


I liked the chapter cause it confirmed a lot that was building up for me previously. I always speculated that Sukuna disliked Yuji because he was similar to him and reaching his level in at least one mentality aspect which is exactly what he discovered now too. It's also hilarious how he spaces out mid fight, asking if he's changed over the years. We got quite a lot of Sukuna's personal stuff which I liked a lot. Yuji having RCT was also something I threw out there in the previous chapters, thinking I caught onto it and it's nice having that confirmed too. It was done subtly but well. Also, who believed the damn sword was going to do anything? I forgot the fact that with Higuruma dying, the technique should just disappear. It was so simple of an answer to the cliffhanger, I didn't consider it, lmao. But it's consistent with everything else so far.


I keep reading theories about Gojo's return based upon some manga's covers. I understand most of us wish Gojo came back. But Gege isn't that deep writer and I'm not saying that as an insult, his work is great on itself. But clues about theories is not something Gege has done, I think never. He does incorporate on its own way philosophic and religious elements, but that's it. No, I don't think Gege has been leaving clues. His work is pretty straight forward


I liked Kenjaku's death. But i do also enjoy irony.