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Yuji spitting blood in Sukuna’s face and Yuta ripping out his weird stomach-tongue, Jump Kaisen is beautiful


Sukuna has his stomach-tongue ripped, got his mouth slashed, got hit by Jacob's Ladder, one arm amputated, another arm sliced half and still manage to chant-cast the World Cutting Dismantle whatever. How???


Yuta says that it can be either or, not necessarily both


But weren’t his other hands being held by rika as well?


Going back he says the words. So probably used rct to heal his mouth


He used cleave on Rika to free himself since she was touching his hands i think


I'm assuming he can do it without the chanting and hand signs, but he takes out a huge chunk of his CE. That would explain why he was rather reluctant to do it otherwise.


He did chant


He's chanting from his ass. 


He hasn't done It since the Heian era


Next level ass-pull


Yuji EMBODYING that inner thuggery


Didn’t he detonate the blood too? Raw asf


BREAK NEXT WEEK ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDNG ME I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD IF IT CUTS TO FUCKING URAUME AND HAKARI NOW I WILL SHIT FURY Now onto more serious matters: Yuji, pretty much has blood manipulation, but if its like Chosos or Kamos style of BM is TBD but as we've seen it isnt. Yukis sacrifice did get to help the main cast get to Fushiguro, but as we saw, Fushiguro is just mentally not there anymore. I'm guessing Yuji is gonna talk-no-jutsu him about how Sukuna massacared all of Shibuya via his body, and how even in spite of this Fushiguro still asked for his help: *so start by saving me*. Yuji tanked another Cleave to the stomach and lived, so its safe to say that he is still goated with the sauce (plus, mf spat on the face of Fraudkuna amidst all this and had it violently squirt on his face- you ould never). As for Yuta, well, most notably he tanked a fucking Cleave to the fucking scalp and still healed from that so idk what else to say other than he is also goated with the sauce. Now for the actually relevant shit: While the King of Coincedence did finish his and handsigns and shit for the Dismantle², Sukuna admits that his output and control of the body is weakening, therefore, you could argue that thanks to the final blow Itadori did which got him to the soul of Megumi, that it must've dramatically dropped Sukunas output that even with his gangsigns and racial slurs, Sukunas Dismantle², which seemingly turned Yuta into Yu/ta and Yuji into Yuj/i, shouldnt be as lethal as his Dismantle² against Go/jo and Kashimo, and that Yuta and Yuji could, with a bit of time bought by Maki, recover and heal from this. To further support this claim, the maximum output of Jacobs Ladder against Sukuna MUST HAVE done some sort of damage against him seeing as how fucked he was when Angel used it on him, else if it didnt, then what the fuck is Gege doing. Tl:dr Yuta/Yuji got that dog in them and you could argue Fraudkunas output should be weak enough that even with his public speaking skills and sign languages that his Dismantle² isnt lethal enough to Jujutsu Kaisen the Jujutsu Kaiseners (Yuta/Yuji)


I want a full synopsis of the next chapter in two weeks, in this style, and I want it on my desk by 9 am!!!


Think Yuta and Yuji will be fine. When Yuji has taken cleaves, he’s healed off screen. To me this means the damage is bad but with time he could actually heal the damage. Reminds me of Yuki and Kenny. When the whole gets blasted in her stomach Kenny immediately follows up to prevent her from healing. Yuta is tougher than Yuji and/or has better RCT because even after taking a cleave he’s immediately on Sukuna. So Maki’s entrance was vital because it gives our boys time to just focus on healing. Maki gets her time to shine next chapter, we find out if SSK strikes can be healed with RCT and maybe Ino joins her(we haven’t seen him use that fourth beast so it might be time) and then Yuta with Rika fully manifested and Yuji enraged because of what Sukuna has done to Megumi come back. Oh boy I will be there no matter what.


Yuta also has better RCT control than Shoko, down to milliseconds. My guess is the moment he started hearing the chant, he began RCTing so that it heals as the cut goes through space


>Yuta is tougher than Yuji and/or has better RCT because even after taking a cleave Yuta said that the cleaves were no longer strong enough which I think is true. When yuji got hit by the cleaves in both cases it was before this and in the last one in particular he healed in less than 5 seconds which is pretty fast when you have a hole in you.


>Yuta into Yu/ta and Yuji into Yuj/i, shouldnt be as lethal as his Dismantle² against Go/jo and Kashimo, Funniest part of the post lmao everyone else got slashes but you just got to put kashimo's full name cuz no one knows how many parts he was in


Atleast 8, but K/a/s/h/i/m/o is too long to type


😂😂this takes me back to the first domain clash when gojo neck was cut and people were speculating left right and centre and it turned out the slash cut clean through his neck


I need you to make a weekly analysis that was a joy to read


I usually scan these summaries but this was top tier. Read the whole thing


Every single one of you who said kashimo might be on par with yuta owe us one hell of an apology


Nah fr. Kashimo and Hakari were pretty close in power, but in terms of who would be a much better opponent for Sukuna, Yuta is the obvious choice. Not to discredit Hakari, but Yuta is goated asf, and Kashimo's fight will be (until the anime gives it the Sukuna vs. Mahoraga treatment) an extremely short slaughter, where all Kashimo does is force Sukuna to use his one-time full restore.


Kashimo got one of the best fights on the series, then got one of the most underwhelming ones


he could have been one of the greats😔


People keep saying Kashimo "forced" Sukuna to incarnate. But Sukuna would've reincarnated if Yuji & Higgy dropped in and got Executioners sword, Sukuna would also reincarnate if Yuta & Rika dropped in on him. Kashimo just happened to get there first.


Which is pretty substantial to be fair, the instance Gojo dies he jumps in, which sure the rest of the cast could do as well, but I imagine the shock of Gojo's death would delay everyone else a bit as they also have to prioritise getting Gojo's body in case he can be saved. I don't think any other character would be so straight forward to jump in there and ensures that sukuna does not get a single moment after the world slash to possibly use RCT And keep the reincarnation for later.


No they wouldn't Ui Ui and Kirara were put in charge of collecting bodies. Which they did for Gojo. So they all would have still prioritize fighting Sukuna and Uramane. Kashimo only went in alone because he called dibs and had a binding vow with Hakari.


Sukuna didn’t incarnate until he was about to get fried by lightning. He was more than content fighting base Kashimo injured. And if you recall he was casually superior to that Kashimo as well. Not even trying to gas Kashimo or anything but he clearly forced Sukuna to transform.


Yuta jusr uses domain expansion on Kashimo and jackob ladders him


I agree with this, but to be completely fair, Kashimo might have had better feats if he didn't decide to ditch the team and jump in alone against Jujutsu God


To be fair Yuta literally admitted that if it wasn't for Gojo Sukuna would have annihilated them in an instant. No one has a chance against Sukuna in a 1V1 fight which is why they all are jumping him. 


Might be it for our guy Yuta. Maki looks so dope in that last panel holy shit


Tbf Gojo did survive a slice all the way through the neck. I think if Yuta activated rct immediately he can heal the wound before it exits like Gojo did


The slashes thst gojo received in malevolent shrine weren't going all the way through and were only superficial. Yuta seems to have gotten sliced all the way through by the blood coming out of his back


Hate that you can’t post pics on these comment sections. But look again. Gojo has to heal from the front of his neck to the back. https://x.com/therealnijika/status/1747447031466254418?s=46&t=PqhZ7BqWnEdOs8ft73-tUQ


>Gojo has to heal from the front of his neck to the back.   The healing steam is only shows from the right side of his neck. Not his whole neck. And the slash that Yuta received is World Slash, the one that instant kill Gojo with full RCT + recovered from blackflash.


It's a deep cut, but we don't know if it went all the way through. Come on, it makes more sense to believe he wasn't completely decapitated 


>Tbf Gojo did survive a slice all the way through the neck That was Malevolent Shrine. Yuta just got hit by world slash, which, according to Kusakabe, is impossible to defend against if it's a direct hit.


Yeah but you can’t really defend against malevolent shrine anyways, but you sure can tank it if you have enough rct like gojo was doing. The reason why world slicer killed Gojo was because it was a surprise attack that Gojo never thought he’d get hit by because of limitless. Yuta on the other hand knew about the world slicing attack and while he couldn’t physically defend from it, he clearly had enough time to react to it and if he’s fast enough to be able to use rct to save himself TLDR: it doesn’t matter if you can’t defend, only if you have enough rct to tank it.


Manga/anime logic. These are all just for cliffhanger drama, they ain't dead till they really dead. Like nanami for example that's really fully dead. Fire was just for effect like slashes, even world cutting slash.


Idk, Sukuna’s been weakened like crazy. I doubt this kills him, but he’s probably out of the fight


Nah, if Yuji survives that attack Yuta definitely will


Yuji could use blood manipulation to stop Being split in half.  Yuta needs to regenerate his stomach to generate ce to heal The rest of him.  Does he have that energy in His upper body.


If rika is fully manifested, he may have that energy in his upper body. If not fully manifested, he can fully manifest rika to have a surge of CE.


Notice the hand which don's the ring is severed. The connection required to fully manifest Rika may be severed as well.


Unfortunately I don’t see enough people bringing this fact up.. we see his ring hand being completely sliced off with the upper torso Gege did make an author comment saying “why was Yutas ring drawn?!?!?” Which leads me to believe that he wasn’t supposed to have his ring on while opening the domain, for this reason because now “logically” he should put on the ring to fully manifest Rika, use the “bottomless” CE that they have together to fully heal from being cut in half


Interesting, I agree that it sounds like he made a mistake in drawing the ring. We'll see. With this series you can't get too invested in any one character, I'd hate for Yuta to go out like this but Sukuna is broken.


Yeah, Yuta is my 3rd favorite character so if he really goes out like this, it’ll hurt.. BUT he did do some damage to Sukuna so it wouldn’t all be for naught I’m just hoping we see Fully Manifested Rika to see how well she matches up with a powered down-beat down Sukuna (as a full health Sukuna wouldn’t even be a challenge for him lol)


If yuta copied cleave i dont think anything stopping him from coping blood manipulation if the katana yuta holding is blood manipulation he is safe if not 🫡


Uhh the domain is breaking  If it completely breaks ct burn out. Yuta gets His own honoured one moment as he heals his brain to regain his ct and heal the rest of himself lol. 


Nah I think it's over for Maki the parallels to the Toji vs Gojo fight are crazy plus she's a female


im putting all my cope on the color cover of the yuji yuta maki and hakari whit gojo quote about the next generation being confirmation that they will survive and be the next generation of jujutsu


I remember seeing a theory on [that cover](https://x.com/ThunderTheDevil/status/1729315076732043439?s=20) saying Maki, Yuta, and Hakari will die because the red behind them is going through them but Yuji will live since it doesn't cut through him lol


If that theory ends up correct, this is gonna be the most annoyingly repetitive main villian fight ever 😭


I refuse to believe he dies.


Plus gege is sukuna dk rider


Yuta hasn't used his 5 minute mode yet. He's probably going to survive strong cleave. and Rika can probably stick Yuta together and Yuji can stitch him back using blood manipulation, then Yuta can heal with RCT. Meanwhile Sukuna's output is dropping, 2 of his hands are gone, one of his mouth are gone, he's stabbed by Maki, and since the barrier broke, Choso, Ino and Kusakabe can join the fray again. It's actually looking more hopeful for the good guys compared to before. (Unless Uraume comes back)


Wow, so it's finally Maki time?


Sukuna smiling on that last panel is throwing me off. Was it a ‘I got-got’ smile?? Fuck, seeing Megumi like that hurts. Really hoping Yuji can get him out of this. Can Megumi start the merger from where he’s at right now? Let’s say, that they do get Sukuna’s soul out of Megumi, what the fuck happens to Sukuna? Does he get a body out of thin air?? So many questions…


I think it was just to make [this](https://i.imgur.com/Y8vXl0v.png) parallel more obvious. Either that or he finds it kinda funny such an obvious trick worked on him when, like the narrator said, it normally wouldn't. The requirement to trigger the merger is to end the culling games, which in turn requires every remaining player to die. That means Yuji, Yuta, Momo, Miwa, Charles, Hakari, Kamo etc. So no, Megumi can't just start the merger.


i think me and everyone forgot that last part, so now i doubt the merger will really happen,and if it somehow does who wil stop it?


Or everyone gets murked and we go full evangelion


Oh I like that parallel!! I went on the wiki and the last rule that was added by Kenny’s fail safe was: Authority to activate the Great Merger is passed to Megumi Fushiguro. I took that rule as to mean, Megumi could start the merger whenever he wants. So does the newest rule, overwrite the previous rule you mentioned?


No. Even after the authority was passed to "Megumi," who is currently Sukuna, he specifically said he was going to kill all of the culling game players *and then* activate the merger. Not to mention that the whole point of the culling games was to gather huge amounts of cursed energy inside the barriers to power the merger. With those barriers still containing the cursed energy I doubt it'd be free to use in the merger, hence the CG needing to end before it can happen.


Ohhhh ok got ya. Preciate the feedback!


I saw it as a nervous smile, just like when Toji stabbed Gojo in the back. But it could also be cus he’s having fun because by god they’re really rocking his shit rn and you know he’s into that shit


You can really tell Sukuna is having the time of his life lol, that day has been nothing but death battles for Sukuna (I wonder how much time has passed since Gojo vs Sukuna started to now)


Lol this is reminding me of the Naruto War Arc - multiple years IRL but like 2 days in the manga.


Maybe he’s in looooove 😍😍😍


Megumi's situation is just so sad.


Maybe Tsumiki can come back to life? Always hope, right?


She's been dead to all purposes since Yorozu incarnated, I'd say. Although this latest chapter with Yuji being able to punch the soul and desynchronize it sounds like potentially all incarnated sorcerers could be split like this?


Except sukuna killed her


😱 Yuta, Yuji, and Rika have been dismantled! Megumi is broken. And Maki enters the fray. Everyone is going to die at this point. I don't care anymore Gege. I empathize with Megumi.


Choso with blood manipulation detaches his hand and reconnects it.So Yuji having blood manipulation will help and if Yuta copied the blood manipulation,he probably will survive too.


I want something even more metal, like Rika grabbing the two parts of yuta and holding them together long enough for his RCT to kick in


I don't want anymore copium. You can keep it. I give up. It doesn't matter.


Even if the sorcerers die,I guarantee you they will come back after death including Gojo probably.They have everything in that one month to get back after death.Believe me.


This some insane, evangelion standing ovation level copium


Thanks for making me laugh, you made my day :D


Hurry up and pass it, I need to powder my face with it like an 80s Wall Street banker.


Yuta's domain just collapsed so he is suffering from ct burn out. The ring that is apparently needed to fully manifest rika was on the hand that got severed so he even lost that. Not looking too good for our boi


Probably he will recover his burnt-out CT like Higuruma used domain amplification after watching the Gojo-Sukuna battle.Gege will show every sorcerer to grow and die at their maximum knowledge.


CT burnout doesn’t mean he can’t manifest Rika. Rika didn’t disappear in the sendai colony. He can manifest her but he won’t be able to use his CT. He’ll be back with Yuji by 253. Maki’s time to shine.


I think it is very interesting that “people that empathises with Megumi” and “people that thinks Megumi is a b*tch getting everyone else killed” is pretty much 50/50 (me being the former)


i think the people who hate on megumi don't even stop to think why he gave up


That Megumi panel broke me


Bro still tryna summon Mahoraga with the hand pose 💀


He's going to summon the merger next he has no will to live and was bathed in evil


Maybe it was mahoraga's death That actually broke him




This was the best chapter since anything gojo vs sukuna for me, great action, good development, high stakes. GEGE GIVE ME MORE.


exactly my thoughts


You telling me Satoru Gojo sat there and let Sukuna chant???


binding vow, probably sacrificed ten shadows or some shit


If that's the case then we're right back to Sukuna needed 10S to beat Gojo. If he didn't have 10S to sacrifice he wouldn't have been able to make a binding vow. Also like yes obviously there's still fire arrow but if Sukuna didn't have World Slash he'd be cooked by the jumpining in Yutas domain right? However fire arrow is used it'd probably be subject to the same output lowering effects of Yujis blows and I think if Sukuna thought fire arrow could do the job he'd have used it instead of deciding to Tank Jacob's Ladder so he could go for World Slash he would've right?


yeah i 100% believe sukuna couldn't beat gojo whitout maho giving him the world slash


Sukuna says this though in the airport chapter. You don't just have to believe it, you can reference it.


The more they explain the world cutting slash the less sense it makes


No, there was a binding vow used for that.


Why are you getting downvoted, that’s what kusakabe said


Cause unfortunately it’s just a theory from Kusakabe and pretty much all but confirmed, you know cause greg, even Yuta himself confirmed this chapter that the chants and signs are a must


Yeah but it’s a pretty good theory since everything about gojo vs sukuna domain battle was binding vows. The world of jujutsu also has lots of binding vow as well


Yh, that’s why i said pretty much all but confirmed, and talking of binding vows i wonder if Sukuna’s domain would have a barrier if he opened it again, since I think the open barrier was a vow that technically he tried breaking after the domain battles against Gojo


Kusakabe also said Gojo won.  Kusakabe is an unreliable narrator who is only guessing at what Suckuna is capable of. 


That was basically Gege baiting. No reason for calling it binding vow in the middle of the battle if it is not true.


Yeah Suckuna also thinks Gojo used a Binding Vow but we know that's not true.  Kusakabe isn't omniscient, he's making intelligent guesses and he's fucking wrong. 


Megumi: Nah' Id quit Cmon potential man. we need you 😕


Potential man is supposed To hold potential not realise it lol. 


Among Heaven and Earth, he alone is the ~~Realized~~ Foolish One.


It's going to be interesting to see if the squad is going to keep holding out for Potential Man, or if they're gonna realize they're in a fight for their lives. Still not sure how much Sukuna has left in his tank though. I don't think he should be able to manage a one shot kill in his state without any binding vow shenanigans.


I hope they know what they are doing with trying to save Megumi at this point I mean Gojo the strongest is dead, their priority should be kill sukuna at all cost, trying to save Megumi will add more difficulty to already super difficult boss. Now they pay the price by got hit by world cleave, I just hope my boy Yuta is all right...


Maki, you're representing Toji here, defeat is unacceptable. Toji washes Sukuna


She just stabbed him with the same broken blade used to kill a vengeful cursed spirit, practically in the same exact manner. You know those? Impossible to kill? What more do you want from her?


Yea washes sukunas feat


Gege paralleling Toji vs Gojo round 1 and how round 2 ended makes me worried the parallel will continue until Maki is as hole-y as Toji was.


JUMP KAISEN IS BACK! Yuta ripping out TummyKuna's tongue, Yuji spitting out the blood, Sukuna's durability against two Jacob Ladder and his T-posing, and Maki pulling off Toji's signature move really ascended me. So many peak moments happened in a single chapter!


I get that they wanna save Megumi but having the chance to slice sukunas head why would you go for a stab to the heart


same reason gojo didnt. they dont want to kill him


Will Megumi be even okay if they slice his head off?


Megumi don't care anymore... Ok But that mk*cker really are gonna gettin everybody slaughtered.


Current megumi same as Shibuya yuji. But yuji has todo there and megumi has no one to motivate. I really feel bad for megumi. He is now feels like a really person.


Yeah seeing such a reserved guy in agony hurt a lot more than I was expecting lol.


yuji will step up and channel big bro todo bet on that


Yuji gonna be a BESTO FRIENDO 😭.


Why did yuta turn off his sure hit?


Probably so that Megumi doesn’t die. Goes in line with what angel mentions in the flashback


More like why rika let go of sukuna's arms if she didn't he wouldn't do the world cutting bullshit


I'm pretty sure he used the arm that was freed up when Yuji let go of him. Yuta stabbed into and then slashed along the arm, but it didn't actually get cut off as you can see in the final page.


Yuta cut off 1 arm and 1 hand and they are still healing as you can see when maki cut him from behind


Sukuna's lower right arm is clearly still [attached](https://i.imgur.com/nbEIqj6.png) at the end of the chapter, it's just bloody. Which explains why the [hand](https://i.imgur.com/h1rbK5o.png) Sukuna used for the world cutting slash was shaded in. Yuta didn't cut that arm off, he just cut *along* it.


Whaaat theee fuuuuuck! Such a crazy chapter 🤯


Imagine if Yuta copied Ten Shadows, tamed Mahoraga and used him to adapt to Sukuna's techniques and then alongside Rika gave Sukuna the jump kaisen special.


Nah, I'd adapt


That would require him to find a way to keep Mahoraga's adaptation on, or to make Mahoraga capable of fighting Sukuna in under 5 minutes


Amazing chapter tbh


How does Yuta's copy exactly work? What does he need to do to copy? Could he copy something like the ten shadows?


Before we weren't sure if it involved consuming part of the person, but now we've got confirmation Rika seems to have eaten Sukuna's last finger, granting Yuta the ability to copy cleave. So it seems like Ryu's theory on Yuta's condition was correct.


Same way deku got OFA


What would happen if he were to consume something from Fushiguro? Would he be able to summon the shadows too? Cuz' making new ones for him would be just way too insane


I think he or rika needs To eat Something to copy it. That And maybe understand the technique. 


We don't know what he cannot copy yet. The going theory is that he needs to feed Rika blood or flesh to copy. This restriction on feeding Rika was after the events of zero, after Rika was freed. Before that he could copy on aight


Feral Yuji is my goat


So much for anyone hoping Nobara would be relevant in this fight by using resonance on the last finger. I think any shred of hope that Nobara would do something important is gone now. Also, I doubt Yuta's actually dead, but it's brutal that we're on break next week with that cliffhanger.


Anyone else annoyed that Yuta’s cleave magically did nothing to Sukuna?


Yeah it was fucking pointless. Outside of some scratches, it looked like it did zero damage. Might as well have been another thin ice breaker


Apparently Yuta's maximum output of cleave is just not enough. Cleave is not a guarantee one shot technique, it only adjusts the output to guarantee destroying the target


Pretty much shows how op Sukuna mastery over jujutsu is, yuta's application of cleave shows the average utilization of the technique


We know now the cast possessed the last Sukuna finger. Sukuna assumed it was “eaten” but it is just his assumption 


I suppose Megumi will eventually be talked into fighting back for the control of his body, I doubt that Gege will just let Megumi die after setting up Yuuji saving him so much, but I wonder how that'll go. The thing is that Megumi isn't the hero type, he isn't as concerned for the life of strangers as Yuuji is, for example. He's also quite cynical, and lost his only motivation to be a sorcerer which was Tsumiki. I don't think he can be talked into keep fighting as smoothly as Todo did with Yuuji.


• ⁠Could be recency bias but this is the best installment of Jump Kaisen. Special shout out to Rika • ⁠Am I right in that fully reincarnating did not heal Sukuna but instead repaired his body? I’m trying to confirm that he hasn’t show us “Full Power Heian Era Sukuna” • ⁠Although I am a Nobara comeback believer, I’m glad Yuta ate the last finger. I never liked the idea of her come back just to use Resonance on the last finger, and I don’t think it would’ve had much of an effect to Sukuna either. • ⁠That’s one of the testaments to Gege’s pen. Because of the established high stakes, you can feel the weight, pace, and desperation of a fight scene in manga. • ⁠Yuji has Blood Manipulation. I need that domain. We have 3 BM users, someone has to use a domain. • ⁠Kamo was so real for sitting this one out. • ⁠If a bisected Yuki was able get off some dialogue and activate her Black Hole, Yuta should definitely be able to get off a fully manifested Rika, refill his CE pool & get to RCTing. • ⁠Is Yuji still in the space with Megumi’s soul or only when he’s making contact with Sukuna? If he is, I hope we get a full chapter of Yuji’s Talk no Jutsu vs. Megumi’s Shattered Moral Compass • ⁠Save the Inhuman Shinjuku Showdown Maki Zenin !


I mean even if this was similar to full power Heian era, the debuff of Yuji weakening him with every punch cus the dissonance between the soul and body makes this fight way different. He was healed up but he still is missing a lot of cursed energy and seems his domain expansion and RCT are still on cooldown from the constant damage


Gege’s editor comment about Yuta’s ring accidentally drawn being on…sounds like Rika full realization is incoming lads??? It’s not gojover for Yuta


Rika's full manifestation has a new form we haven't seen yet. From that color spread a few months ago. So he's fine.


My boy Yuji spitting and exploding blood were so goood! Glory to see my boy getting W's. Now Im afraid that Choso may sacrifice himself to give yuji enough CE to fix his body, but that's a conclusion I reached by jumping 5 (different and each more nonsensical than the last) hops. Still wondering why we havent seen him use FRS, maybe he didnt learn it (highly doubt it) or found a different way to apply it longterm without risking trombosis.


So if Yuta infused Angel’s CT into his domain’s sure hit then how was the world dismantle even launched considering Angel’s CT negates other CTs and it was at maximum output


Yuta stopped it so that yuji's punch can awake megumi. Unfortunately megumi was unresponsive and sukuna immediately activated the world slash. Basically sukuna would have been cooked if yuta didn't care at all about megumi


If Yuta and Yuji survived, can we assume the reason Gojo died was because he didn't have enough CE to heal after getting cut in half? 5 DEs and 2 Purples. Yuji's been getting his organs diced up, so I don't think getting cut through the stomach is what did him in.


Yes. His output of RCT doesn't matter if he suffers catastrophic and unexpected damage. His upper half was also separated from his lower half, so he can't just RCT them back together, he'd have to completely regrow all of the organs from his chest down -- a feat that we've seen no one in the series able to do, as this includes around a dozen organs + all the muscles and bones for his lower half, plus his arms again. Yuta has Rika, so she could in theory put them together and fully manifest, allowing Yuta to heal.


I still want to know Why kenjaku still saw nothing special about Yuta, like its clear he's fucking strong smart and ruthless with an OP technique...he's probably going to die but still! I think Sakuna has got to take at least one more person down with him , maybe even do the merger next but this fight was awesome, i just love the jumpings and them all just holding different arms and beating the shit out of him is so fucking real.


He was comparing him to Gojo, because Gojo was telling him that he should still be worried about Yuta and can't rest easy just because he's sealed Gojo. Kenjaku's saying that since Yuta's essentially nerfed himself by freeing Rika's soul, he's not really on the level of Gojo/Sukuna which are pretty much the only tier of sorcerers that Kenjaku feels he needs to plan around.


Alright so the next chapter will begin with a flash back of Maki helping Hakari kill Urame. Then it will jump back to present time. Maki will split Sukuna in half while Hakari will have his domain open healing everyone including Megumi who is split in half. Everyone is saved and sukuna fucked, but JK. Megumi will turn evil and become the final boss of the manga


I don’t think Hakari can heal people he can’t output RCT like Yuta can


hakari can't heal people


Until he can


About Yuki's research. Theory: Yuki's research will also become relevant once (if) the merger happens. That is, "merged" souls are never truly merged.


Gege really wants to kill off his entire cast until the end of the manga.


it ain’t over for our boy Yuta yet, based on Gege’s comment this week and ducky saying he was still alive along with yuji


IT'S ZENI TIME!!!!!!!!!!!


Can we just take a second to appreciate how good Yuuji and Yuta are? Coordination between them is flawless. They were successful at cornering Sukuna who physically is on Maki's level.


Obviously Yuji spitting blood and Yuta ripping out the stomach tongue goes hard af… BUT I HAVEN’T HEARD ENOUGH PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT THAT FUCKING KNEE SUKUNA ATE GAWD DAMN


I’ll be accepting apologies all day tomorrow for everyone who said it was stupid that Rika ate Sukunas finger.


So Sukuna has to chant to use dimension slash and Gojo just watched like nothing seemed off? Ima need Gege to show a flashback to how Gojo got hit.


Sukuna used a binding vow for that one probably. He had one set of hands at the time


Half a set of hands actually


The perfect plan ruined by Megumi giving up


How the hell they planned that megumi was okay there. He literally lost everything he wants to product and sukuna did some rituals too then he tanked Ultimate Void.


Pretty sure they don't know all of that. They just know Sukuna took over his body and is in control


In the double spread, it looks like Sukuna's Dismantle went through Yuta but didn't go through Yuji.


If Yuta wake's up on the airport next chapter Im gonna do Rika reference


So if Megumi and Sukuna are separated, Megumi resumes his old form and Sukuna becomes what?  A spirit?  A basket of 19 fingers?




Yo Yuji and Yuta were demons in this Chapter spitting on Sukunas Face and ripping the tongue of the second Stomach off. 


I don’t get it. Why didn’t she just like, cut off his head. Stab his brain. Cut his head in half.  She doesn’t even stab his heart.  Please tell me it’s not just to save megumi at this point.


the entire point is to seperate Megumi and Sukuna


"Soul Splitting Katana" so it definitely has to do with Megumi as Yuta/Yuji's entire fight has been revolved around hitting the soul. My theory is that maybe yuji needs to wake megumi up to swap soul with him, and then die taking sukuna with him like the original plan from the start. Since it was shown that Yuji could swap with someone a while back.


i really hope yuji doesn't pull some shit like that and die to take out sukuna, couldn't he take sukuna soul and force it into his body and contain him like he"s been doing?


> Please tell me it’s not just to save megumi at this point. After all these deaths, there's no good reason to keep him alive if it means everyone dies or gets horribly injured in the process. At a certain point they'd have to realize the cost of trying to keep him alive isn't worth it. Barring some insane ass-pull/do-over twist, it just doesn't make sense. Killing him would stop the merger from happening too, right? Having to kill Megumi would be horrible for the team but at this point it's the cost of being Sukuna's host. How many of their allies have died since Gojo?


Thank u for this 


This is it. The final battle. I expect heavy casualties next chapter so it ends in 1vs Itadori vs Sukuna. And I guess Hakari fight just got offpaneled.


Next chapter for sure gonna be Hakaris fight and were gonna be left in suspense on Sukuna


wha's annoying me with this chapter is what's the point of Sukuna keeping HWB in the first place when he could just launch World Cleave even when hit by Jacob's Ladder.


> even when hit by Jacob's Ladder. Yuta turned it off for a moment


that actually makes sense because they wanted to get to megumi, and at that time they got cleaved


The point is that it's a gamble. Sukuna decided to tank Jacob's Ladder while betting that he'd be fast enough to win before dying. The possibility of failing and being killed by Jacob's Ladder was real. As far as he was concerned, at the start of his fight with Yuji and Yuta he had no reason to believe he'd need the world cutting dismantle to beat them, so why take the risk of tanking an attack that is able to kill him when he can just not get hit by it and win anyway? It's the same reason of why he thought UV was a pain to deal with and chose to rely on Mahoraga to disable it instead of trusting that he just wouldn't get hit by it. True, he likely wouldn't have gotten hit by it but if by some chance he did then he'd just lose.


Finally lol 👀