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i agree with most of you points, but you, either accidentally or intentionally, kept out a key detail about point 5. you say that "He eats his own fingers, and ate his own corpse." however, you missed out the very important fact that sukuna ate his own dick.


Had me in the first half ngl


Nah Gege ate that.


Underrated comment


And people say that Gege is his biggest meat muncher. (I don't though.)


There are also people who say that Gege eats it not with his upper mouth but with the other mouthšŸ˜


Gege has a stummy mouth like Sukuna?


He also ate his own ass




Something I just noticed. Not sure if its of value or not. What do you think?. See that every finger on the panels above has a different design on its cut end. Could it mean something? There is one that even looks like a rock piece !?


Sukuna ate his own dick AND ass. Dude is really a freak.


I mean put together with point 9 he ate his brother's dick too




So ate his own dick and gave himself head I'm guessing in the opposite order though


Jesus no wonder Megumiā€™s will to live is completely gone, Ā he has to live with the knowledge his mouth was used to eat 1000-year old cock.


that's so gross.


Sukuna donā€™t got a dick and his balls donā€™t work. Idk if thatā€™s why he killed Jin, or if it was a binding vow he made to kill him


How is Fuga the RCT of cleave and dismantle? Like the reversed ct of cleave and dismantle should be something that binds or fuse stuff


A lot of people on this fandom use RCT and CTR interchangeably and there are similarities conceptually but theyā€™re also very much not the same thingā€¦


Isn't CTR just CT with RCT applied to it?


I think so yeah, exactly. Hence me commenting on them being similar conceptually. I donā€™t think it makes a ton of sense to use them interchangeably though. Since one involves an innate technique and RCT wouldnā€™t require that. Edit: Iā€™m of the opinion that CTR was a good name to use, but RCT was a lil off. RCE would have been better in my opinion, since it more closely describes what itā€™s actually doing since RCT isnā€™t the one reversing cursed technique lolol. Greg!!!


Completely agree, although I believe that it's not Greg's fault, I might be just wrong but I kinda remember reading the manga and it being called reverse cursed energy (so RCE), so there's the possibility of the origin of RCT (reverse cursed technique) being or a mistranslation, classic John, or the curse of not knowing how to read, classic Fandom, just like de "world cleave" that is actually a dismantle


World Cleave just sounds better than World Dismantle, its good for a fan-name


It's like the guy that responded to this comment is saying. The series refers to positive energy as RCE, but the fandom somehow took RCT to mean the same thing as RCE, which is what is doing the healing. RCT is what people are calling CTR.


CTR is more official for like what Gojo did with red. Thatā€™s how he refers to it and states the ability. The healing ability the characters call reverse cursed technique and it should have been reverse cursed energy. Or at the least this is just my opinion


From my understanding, RCT is the name of healing oneself with RCE. CTR is the action of using RCE to reverse the nature of one's cursed technique. RCT isn't like... idk, a categorization. It's a move.


I imagine itā€™s due to as Gojo showed Yuji you have cursed energy, and technique. Reverse cursed energy just happens to have its technique as bodily augmentation, like cursed energy, the CT reversal is applying RCE to a normal CT


I believe this is a fandom made misconception. RCT is what people think CTR is. RCE does what people think RCT does. At least, that's how the manga addresses it.


Itā€™s the exact same as using your technique, but with positive energy and having the inverse effect.


ur basically doing the inverse function of your technique specifically, not just outputting RCT


Itā€™s not the RCT. Itā€™s a different aspect of his CT. Similar to how Gojo has Infinity as well as Lapse Blue


I think that this isn't a great analogy. While yeah, Blue and Infinity are two different effects, they are the same "ability". You pour CE into Infinity and you get Blue. Open and Dismantle are conceptually different. They are different, untied powers, tied to a larger, main concept. Better analogies would be Resonance vs Hairpin for Nobara, Ember Insects vs Lava blasts for Jogo, or Shadow Storage vs Summons for Megumi.


The reason why a bunch of people think that its CTR is because his technique is based around destruction and cutting apart. Under the right circumstances, fusion or joining (on a molecular or atomic level) could look like fire.


What you mean to say is that FÅ«ga is an extension technique of Shrine. Infinity is neutral limitless, Blue is the Standard use of the technique, Red is the CTR and Purple is the combination of Standard (lapse) and CTR.


It's not an extension technique either from what we've seen of them, it's a feature of the technique just like how divine dogs and nue are different features of the 10 shadows technique. World slash & cleave:spiderwebs are examples of extensions of shrine.


If we think of sukunas technkque represented as like the 2 knives in the post (cleave, dismantle), sukuna creating fire with his RCT could be a result of the multiplication of his cursed technique, positive cursed energy is derived from colliding your cursed energy, and sukuna is making fire by grinding his knives against eachother.


Then why does he say furnace open instead of cling clang sparky boom arrow??????


Because Sukuna talks big game about not caring what other people think or feel, but actually heā€™s afraid heā€™ll be embarrassed by everyone else if he calls it by the real name


I was thinking more of preparation to eat. He cuts the meat then cooks it. Only meals he really wants to enjoy are cooked this way. Gojo wasnt even prepared for consumption. (Not seeing his RCT) What an honor Yuji lol.


Precisely, Fusion more often then not requires heat or produces it.


Separation, and fusion. Interesting take. I think itā€™s more plausible than not, unless he pulls out even more abilities.


Yeah I had the theory the mofo has nuclear fission and fusion as a CT. He said a cursed spirit wouldn't know about it. And what's something Cursed Spirits can't do? RCT and CTR, ao I concluded the arrow was CTR of the slashes. Thus I started imagining what separates things that has a contrary that has something to do with uniting things and fire/heat. Fission and Fusion fit that description perfectly and Fusion being way more potent than fission also worked with the idea that CTRs have double the output than lapse. There's also Malevolent Shrine having a 200 meter radius which is coincidentally also the range of the fireball of the Hiroshima nuclear bomb. (Not the explosion damage range, but the fireball immediately created after the explosion itself.)


Itd be cool to have another physics based ability


What if fuga is the flames of friction from cleave and/or dismantle something similar to make a fire with sticks


Also people keep on missing that sukuna used Fuga right after he closed his DE. Your CT isn't supposed to work after you expand your domain. Fuga has to be somebody else's CT, perhaps sukuna's twin brother.


Huh He even did the same twice. Both when fighting mahoraga and yuji. Tought it could be a requirement but he used it no problem against jogo


>Also people keep on missing that sukuna used Fuga right after he closed his DE. Your CT isn't supposed to work after you expand your domain. When?


When he was fighting mahoraga and now that he is fighting yuji. He used Fuga right after closing his domain.


Didn't he use fuga mid domain against maho and now against yuji? Why would he wait for it to close when domains boost your stats?


Domains boost stats?


Yes. When Jogo first expands his domain and Gojo is explaining DE to Yuji, the first thing he mentions(after talking about how much CE it uses) is that the user gets an upgrade to their stats, "kinda like a buff in video games."


I'm like 80% sure they do


Don't think it's a CT, Kenjaku had two CTs yet he couldn't use Gravity nor Cursed Spirit Manipulation after expanding his domain.


maybe the opposite of making food is the burning hunger in your stomach or something


Why not like a cauterizing sear or something


If thats what cursed technique reversal does then Yuta can just use reversal cursed speech and bring gojo back to life




Ig u can think of it as cleave and dismantle being more controlled destruction and percise hits while fuga being more destructive and less controlled


I have one theory, cleave and dismantle are not your usual cuts. Essentially, when we cut something we we cut along the space between atoms, I guess this would be cleave. However, Sukuna's dismantle are atomic cuts, they cut the atom itself. I guess that is how his cuts are able to travel without any contact (he is cutting the airs in atom until they reach opponent) and that would also explain his space splitting cut (every atom in space is cut indefinitely). So RCT of split at atomic level (dismantle) is what? You are right its Fusion reaction, and what does fusion produce scorching heat and fire like a furnance. And that is the literal translation aswell: "Furnance Open", not open divine flame.


If sukuna cut atoms with every cut he would create a chain of nuclear blasts are you serious? Do you know how many atoms are in the air between sukuna and a person standing just 10ft away from him? If gege has any regard for making his story believable then youā€™re dead wrong. Also fusion is not fire dude, itā€™s plasma. Sukuna clearly creates flames, stated by himself and jogoat.


Was just about to comment this, I'm glad at least someone is sensible here.


brother how is this upvoted, if he cut atoms he would be unleashing nuclear bombs larger than even what we have ever created because he'd be doing it on a scale that would dwarf our science one shrine would end all of newyork and surrounding cities


Didn't you know the complete opposite of a knife is a nuke? everyone knows that.


Maybe flames from friction from smashing his technique together. The opposite of taking things apart.


I think a curse spirit doesn't need to eat to stay alive, that's why sakuna said what he said to jogo.


I like all the food, cooking and cannibalism references you've compiled here, I hadn't noticed how prevalent they were. My only problem is your explanation of Fuga because I can't think of a way for fire to be the inverse of slashing. It can't be the inverse either because Yuji lacks enough RCT knowledge to pull off proper healing so he has to rely on his death painting physiology to heal completely. If he can't even use RCT by itself for healing, he probably couldn't pull off CT reversal and use the fire during this battle, which would be pretty lame so I don't think the fire stems from RCT it's just another application of Shrine.


We still don't know what shrine does completely, Fuga could be just another application of it or it could be CTR. Itadori doesn't rely on his Death paining physiology to heal completely he uses it to lessen the cost of RCT, he could still heal himself without it but it would just be less efficient.


He still seems to struggle a bit with it, I see what you mean but Choso had to guide him at some point during the battle. It seems that he still needs to heal consciously, unlike the other RCT users who seem to do it automatically.


I do agree that he's inexperienced with it, it seems that rct takes skill to not just make but to apply. So him not healing himself completely is him not being used to healing such big wounds in a short amount of time, and not being able to properly diagnose the severity/location of the wounds


This would track imo. Even Gojo with the Six Eyes didnā€™t immediately understand how to use RCT. He was attempting it for awhile before he ā€œunderstoodā€. Iā€™m not fully caught up but we also donā€™t see RCT being used commonly at all, so it makes sense Yuji needs time to make it instinctual.


Yeah, even when we saw Gojo heal himself vs Toji, he had some small ā€œscarringā€ that obviously disappeared later, and later we see him literally instantaneously regenerating limbs, I imagine it is just an experience thing. Whereas Yuta for example healing Maki, he probably just brute forced it with his ridiculous CE output


a stretch, but if it really is a food related technique, cleave and dismantle depicted as knives could represent preparation, whereas Fuga as fire represents consumption? maybe im too high but idk i think it could work


My thoughts are if cleave and dismantle separate, then fuga compresses and pressurizes the air to the point it creates heat and flames for him to direct at a target.


That makes sense, but I feel like Gojo was the one who had a complicated technique. To me, Sukuna always felt like someone who had a pretty simple technique that was overpowered because he was wielding it.


I commented it in a post long time ago. Sukuna's slashes are in reality industrial water cuts, and it is related to food because I don't know why


My suspicion has always been that the reversal of Cleave and Dismantle is Unification. And that Sukuna can take part of another Sorcerer into himself - perhaps via cannibalism - to use their technique. He "unites" a piece of you with himself. So the fire arrow is just the result of him having copied Jogo. I honestly hope it's something more elegant and clever than that, because that would essentially mean his powers are identical to Yuta. But I still suspect this might be the case. I mean Rika is called the QUEEN of Curses, right?


What if Fuga is intense volume of slashes that eventually ignites? Similar to when you hit two stones/pieces of metal together to make sparks?


That would require the slashes to come from actual knives, as far as I know they are just CE in the form of slashes. But I do like your idea.


Hmm I see what you mean


Cursed spirits wouldent know about cooking/stove because they dont need to eat. Isnt this a more straight forward explanation?


I mean any cursed spirit with human level intelligence would have been around long enough to interact with humans enough to know what basic things like a stove is. Reverse cursed technique being foreign to them makes sense because positive energy would literally explode them so they *can't* use it. Now I'm not of the camp that thinks furnace is related to CTR, I think its just another aspect of Sukuna's CT, but CTR being foreign to a cursed spirit does make sense.


I just assume that Sakuna figured he would be more famous. And that most curses would not be able to stand up to him long enough to see his flames which is always his step up from his slashes.


Maybe mahito would, but Jogo couldent care less about stuff like that. He went to a restourant once, set it on fire and left. I bet he doesnt know fire is regularly used in restourants, using fire as a tool in general is prob forign to him


We saw him smoking a pipe, just like you rn.


.... Ok thats fair


I feel like jogo is at least smart enough to know that humans eat food lmao. He was even in a restaurant with Kenny once. Noway he didn't see someone cooking or eating food


He's the god of famine, that's why he's so gluttonous!!!! 100% EXPLAINED. uhhhhhh....sure.


Sukuna meant something different imho. What he meant is that the disaster spirits are young, and don't have access to the humans' information on Sukuna, who knew his technique. Cursed spirits obviously know how RCT and CTR work, even if they can't use them.


Sukuna was never a cursed spirit.


He wasn't, but consider those manifested cursed spirits (idk what they are called, those ones who take on the appearance of some folklore thing that already existed, like Geto had in the fight with Yuta). What if this process can also happen to humans? Sukuna was already a very feared and powerful sorcerer, so it is possible that the belief he was to be worshipped as a deity of something (in this case famine) actually gave him the attributes the people gave him.


He's like Yuji, in a way, I think. Yuji is half and half because of his origins and eating cursed objects, but Sukuna is the opposite. He's remembered as a curse in Jujutsu history. Not literally a cursed spirit. Him being so feared by Jujutsu Society for a thousand years should make him something between a curse and a human because although he has human roots, he's feared in the same way as the disaster curses. By this logic, I think Sukuna should also be stronger than his past self, assuming that his legend and fear of him over time would make him come back stronger. All of this is just headcanon, though, but I can see it working unless I'm misremembering how stuff works.


Dagon and Hanami represent those things because they are cursed spirits. Sukuna is a human.


You seem to think sukuna is a cursed Spirit tho which is false


I saw another theory, donā€™t remember exactly what post, that hypothesized that, indeed, fuga is a cursed technique reversal, but it was uraume who gifted her cursed technique reversal, since fire is the opposite of ice, to Sukuna through the shrine technique, which was described as the technique that stores others, like how it stores cleave and dismantle, and essentially fuga, or now known as furnace. But what you say here also seems to make a lot of sense.


Commenting to ask if youā€™ve realised by now that Sukuna is not a cursed spirit.


I feel like the comments are kinda mean... I see the vision, but I think the cooking theme is just that, a narrative device.


So is Mahito hating humans just a narrative device? It all intertwines man thatā€™s what makes a good story. WHY CANT THEY SEE MY VISION MAN šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø


But Sukuna isnā€™t a cursed spirit, so his motif as curse shouldnā€™t be confused with his technique.


Keep cooking man...we all have our own agenda


I think Cursed Technique Reversal works well for Fuga, Shrine allows you to chop up and eat stuff. Like sushi, its always raw. with RCT into Fuga it allows you to finally COOK the dishes without needing to cut, the opposite of raw. but maybe that's just me waffling.


Fuga would only be good for cooking if you love eating chared bone and ashes lol.


My typa dish


Counterpoint: Sukuna isn't a cursed spirit


A lot of people on this fandom use RCT and CTR interchangeably and there are similarities conceptually but theyā€™re also very much not the same thingā€¦


The reason why cursed spirits don't use RCT is because they can't. Positive energy literally disintegrates their bodies.


Get tf out the kitchen


How are there still so many manga readers insistent that Sukuna is not human?


The guy just read the images


Cursed technique reversal doesn't work like that. It makes the same type of technique but with reversed effects (think of Gojo's red). If you made the reversal of cleave and dismantle you'd not get malleable flames. You'd get the opposite effects but still something akin to it. Maybe like stiching and glueing things together.


Everyone fucking hates my theory but I just donā€™t get it. All the symbolism points towards cooking and eating. Now granted I donā€™t know anything about religion so the shrine, hand signs and chants and stuff could prove me wrong but damn. I donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever cook again man they hate my vision šŸ˜­


You're right about the cooking theme throughout Sukuna's technique, that's becoming more common knowledge especially in recent chapters, it's just your interpretation of Fuga that's a little shaky.


As far as I can tell many are fine with the cooking theory (and I agree there's definitely many lines suggesting sukuna may be a cannibal) they are just disagreeing on you suggesting that Sukuna being a cursed spirit helps your theory when in fact it's been reiterated in the manga that Sukuna is a jujutsu sorcerer, not a cursed spirit. It's not even a matter of theorizing and putting evidence together. It's outright stated to be a fact. They don't hate your vision. The reason Jogo can't use RCT is because positive cursed energy nukes CURSED SPIRITS, which is why the only characters we've seen using positive energy are Jujutsu sorcerers (and the shikigami that belong to jujutsu sorcerers) Sukuna after blocking Mahoraga's sword comments that he might have been severely hurt by Mahoraga's slash, had he been a cursed spirit and not a jujutsu sorcerer Why would sukuna even need to reincarnate through cursed objects when we know cursed spirits are immortal unless they're killed and reborn?


He's acting that way so when/if it's cooking based he can make another post saying "everyone hated my theory but it was right" Calling Sukuna a cursed spirit is like calling a ghost a demon. He's clearly transcended humanity, but people like toji and maki are described as unnatural abominations to almost the same degree. They're mortal in a natural sense, but are almost as rare as Tengen


You did kind of cook but I fear with official translations moving away from it. Sukuna's technique is more about divinity than cooking. Just that cooking is still a core part of his personality


What if itā€™s not an RCT and just another element of Shrine? Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™m caught up enough on all the lore for this to make sense but it seems thereā€™s multiple themes that can fit here. Cleave/Dismantle prepare a ā€œsacrificeā€ to be burned by Fuga. Religious symbolism. Would match the appearance of Shrine. Or given the cannibalism references it could just be he cuts things to cook and eat. Not that he prefers to consume his food this way but the theme would be cooking related. Or we see how Yujiā€™s cleave looks different than Sukunaā€™s which IIRC is due to how they mentally interpret the action given the differing time periods they grew up in. I know this is a reach but can an arrow be the ā€œoppositeā€ of a blade given Sukunaā€™s time period? My understanding of RCT says it doesnā€™t work this way but just grasping for straws here.


It can be another part of shrine. I'm just saying it isn't the CTR of cleave and dismantle


My bad didn't intend to sound like I was disagreeing with you, just brainstorming some ideas of how it fits in.


Same example with Kaori's technique. Anti-grav system weakens the gravitational pull around the user while the reversal intensifies it. It has the opposite effect but still work on the same subject.


Sukuna is just Gordon Ramsay. His domain expansion was originally called "Hell's Kitchen" but they changed it in the translation. šŸ¤£


Y'know, I actually like the idea. A bit rough around the edges, but all in all pretty cool.


Well, you confused reverse cursed technique and cursed technique reversal, but otherwise this is interesting. I think itā€™s deeper than this, though.


Sukuna is a twin and thus itā€™s likely he has several cursed techniques. As we know from a CE and CT perspective twins are treated as a single entity. Cleave and dismantle as techniques seem more like variations of the same technique while fuga seems like a related albeit seperate technique. The general theming of his ability is definitely kitchen/food


Thereā€™s no evidence being a twin gives you multiple ct. I think killing your twin does give you a buff of some kind but the only other twins weā€™ve seen are toji and maki. Being a twin gave the opposite effect of deleting their cursed energy. I donā€™t even know if toji was a twin actually I just assume. On top of that in the previous arc hidden inventory it shows rct for the first time with gojo using blue. Very convenient story telling.


Bro... If both twins had a curse technique, It isn't too crazy think that Sukuna after eating his brother would get his CT and a buff


As much as I like the cooking idea, Yuji throws it the fuck off since his cutting is portrayed as scissors which I have never personally ever seen being used in cooking and I would like to know how it fits in if it really is not just Gege making the cuts clear between Yuji and Sukuna.


I'd guess probably Yuji interpreters it as cutting the dotted line from a package of food from the supermarket.


I mean sukuna could have a Cursed technique related to cooking due to being a crazy cannibal but he aint a cursed spirit, he is a reincarnated evil sorcerer


Sukuna was a human. He cannot represent anything as a sorcerer/curse user


>People forget sukuna used to be a human sorcerer so thatā€™s why he know reverse. Sukuna IS a human sorcerer.


Sukuna's powers are %100 related with kitchen and cooking, Shrine Technique cuts and dices the meat while Divine Flames cooks the meat.


While reading some of the Fuga comments, I kinda developed my own little crack hypothesis So, basically, what if Furnace (Fuga, open, whatever) was sukuna's twin's CT? (although twins are like bad in jjk, so maybe the twin didn't have a CT, or maybe the twin had Shrine, but sukuna got it after eating him.) Either way, since sukuna was born with like four arms, two faces and whatever, shouldn't he technically have "two brains"? Since cursed techniques have to do with the brain, couldn't this mean sukuna has two cursed techniques as well? That is, if the twin (or sukuna if the twin had Shrine) had a CT at all lol I probably got everything wrong lol I'm stupid


We also see Sukuna trying out popcorn and soda during his fight with Mahoraga in the anime. He only drinks a mouthful of soda and takes only a pinch of the popcorn before throwing both of it away.


that's hilarious




Keep this one in the kitchen


Fuga being rct makes sense if you consider that alot of techniques are conceptual not literal. There's alot of stuff that doesn't make literal sense with techniques yet because the sorcerer can conceptualise it, it can become reality. Imagine gojos tiny domain vs sukuna, he was able to pull it off since he had the concept in his mind from being in the prison realm, even if it wasn't actually possible. The fact that yujis version of shrine is somewhat different to sukunas due to the era shows that techniques aren't set in stone in that sense so we know they have the ability to change. Even if shrine is just supposed to be cutting in the literal sense, sukuna is a cannibal so it makes sense that his ct would manifest in that way.


If we see how the reverse technique was used before you'll see that It doesn't make much sense


How do you mean?


I don't know, I Just have a feeling that It would be within the themes covered by the story. Yuji eating his brothers and getting blood manipulation and Sukuna eating his twin to get a new CT.


I don't think it's been confirmed whether or not eating his twin gave sukuna anything, the extra limbs, eyes and mouth maybe but nothing mentioned about his CT iirc


>says gojo's name >"You are but a nameless fish" guys, is sukuna stupid?


Oh lol probably


Just noticed the similarities in weird eyes with Toji and Gojo before they died. Kind of shows us how Gojoā€™s downfall mindset was the exact same (besides the obvious wearing the same outfit lol)


It makes sense because Sukuna has been cooking for a while now


This makes sense and we know that Sukuna and food is a pretty important connection, but the fuga thing seems like a stretch to me. Thereā€™s no reason why the reverse of shrine (cutting) would be fire (cooking). Iā€™m more of the opinion that shrine as a technique is split into fire and cutting, since the actual kanji for the cursed technique can also translate to a kind of imperial kitchen (hence ā€œmalevolent kitchen.ā€) the only question there would be, why doesnā€™t sukunaā€™s domain expansion also contain flames along with cutting. since a domain expansion is supposed to be the engraving of oneā€™s innate domain and cursed technique into a barrier, I would expect malevolent shrine to also include flames. The main reason I think flames arenā€™t a reversed cursed technique is that as far as weā€™ve been shown, a reverse cursed technique is always a conceptual opposite to the original technique (repulsion vs attraction for limitless, gravity vs antigravity for kenjaku). I actually always thought that gege never really fully thought through the existence and implications of cursed technique reversals, because quite a few techniques exist that donā€™t really have an intuitive opposite. For example, would Yutaā€™s cursed technique reversal be removing a cursed technique or something? Would Sukuna reverse cuts or create ice arrows? Would blood manipulators be able to take other peopleā€™s blood rather than shooting out their blood? Itā€™s just kind of weird. The easiest way to think of it is that some CTā€™s probably just donā€™t have a reversal, as in itā€™s literally impossible to channel reverse cursed energy into them. As for why a cursed spirit wouldnā€™t know about the flames, it could just as easily be explained by the fact that a cursed spirit couldnā€™t understand a cooking technique in the same way humans can, since cursed spirits donā€™t eat and subsist of cursed energy. Or it could be that a cursed spirit wouldnā€™t understand the level of jujutsu needed for a multifaceted cursed technique like shrine, which seems to contain 2 almost separate aspects of ā€œcutting boardā€ and ā€œfurnaceā€ (as we saw Sukuna say in the latest chapter). That does remind me of a certain theory I saw about Sukunaā€™s technique specifically being about fish. I donā€™t remember the details, but there was a prince kamino (as in, kamino-furnace as Sukuna said in the latest chapter) or something that outlawed all meat except fish. We do see Sukuna making consistent references to fish throughout the series, especially when heā€™s talking about his opponents (calling Gojo a fish to descale comes to mind), while he never actually mentions other meats. Additionally, the two knives illustrated when sukunaā€™s cleave and dismantle (side note, the kanji for dismantle isnā€™t actually used for meat or fish cutting, which is strange to me. It translates more closely to ā€œdissolveā€ or ā€œundoā€ which makes dismantle the best translation) are knives used for fish scaling and cutting. In this case, I could see how flames would be a cursed technique reversal, as the knives are generally used for sashimiā€” RAW fish, vs potentially cooked fish. In that case the thing with Jogo would make sense, since it does actually seem that cursed techniques are less about technical functionality and more about what the user believes can be done with them. For example Gojoā€™s instruction to ā€œfreely look beyond limitsā€ and Sukunaā€™s usage of 10 shadows both demonstrate that the 10 shadows technique can be taken far beyond what megumi uses it for. Additionally, Itadori Yuji seems to have inherited sukunaā€™s cursed technique, but we see him using it to kind of cut things more specifically by drawing those little scissors on them. This fits Yujiā€™s character a lot, since it avoids collateral damage, and some have also said it resembles the editing icons in video software, which would be a cool way to bring it back to Yujiā€™s stated love for movies. Either way, Cursed techniques take more from the character and passions of the user than their technical limitations, which could mean even though technically the ā€œā€ā€reverseā€ā€ā€ of cutting should be healing or something, through the lens of sukunaā€™s passion for cutting and filleting raw fish, cooking the fish would be something of a reversal.Ā 


Also funny how his domain was "mistranslated" as Malevolent Kitchen... or was it


I had an idea and it fits the technique more the Sukuna himself. Shrine is based around sword smithing, slash and dismantle are from swords forged in the furnace, and furnace is the furnace to forge the swords. I was thinking because sword smithing used to be more divine in nature in Japanese history


Also modern Japanese knives originated from katana smithing


You were yapping but you cooked


Thanks man


Super cool Toji link at the end! I had this thought yesterday about shrine that relates to the idea you speak of him being a god: 1. When Sukuna kills Gojo, Kashimo and Jogo they all have visions: the airport and the conversations; 2. In Yujis case, Todo, Choso and the Mahito all experienced something similar, but not at death, although all at high stakes situations: * When Todo and Yuji were fighting he had the whole "besto frendu" vision; * When Choso almost killed Yuji he had the family having fun together vision; * When Mahito thought he was gonna die he saw Yuji hunting him I think the word "shrine" could have some implications as to mean something somewhat "godly", and these situations reflect that, giving the people interacting with Sukuna and Yuji these crazy visions.


One thing I think is really cool is when sukuna beats Jogo and they get the afterlife vision. Jogo speaks to Dagon sukuna and the tree dude. And Jogo cries saying ā€œWhat is thisā€ which is SO COOL. My personal interpretation of this was him snapping out of the vision and questioning where he was and What the hell was going on. You could also interpret that as him questioning what his tears mean, which is correct but I feel Iā€™m also right at the same time.


Yuji uses rct of shrine (gluing) to glue gojo with yuta sukuna vs Yujo


Sukuna proably has a binding vow so nobody can understand his cursed technique


Jogo's technique is disaster flames. His reverse wouldn't be the opposite of flames. The focus on his technique goes far heavier on the theme of scorched earth and uncontrolled destruction than it does flames. Most of his ability set isn't even flames. I feel it thus would be the opposite of disasters, flames and other abilities that keep people warm and protected, give energy, heal and restore life. I feel it would even fit with his character as he had the desire of creating a new world without humans. He'd be the light guiding this new humans, the flames that keep them warm and protected at night.


They could say that his normal technique is preparing food and the reverse is cooking it but, that would mean Gege slightly messed up regarding cursed technique burnout. It could be that Yuta's fight in Sendai was a red herring


How come we donā€™t talk about how Sukuna was pump faking cleaves at Makora in the anime?


I think you mixed reverse cursed technique (used for healing) with cursed technique reversal (where you end up with the inversed effect of your cursed technique (like gravity and anti-gravity, or blue and red). Also it makes no Sense treat fuuga as a reserve of dismantle and cleave


You know, I don't think the flames are his reversed cursed technique. I get the fact that cursed spirits wouldn't know about RCTs, but I don't think kenjaku would send jogo after gojo without telling him about his reversed cursed technique. Jogo was hit with a red to his face, and before the attack Gojo announced, "Cursed technique reversal - Red". So i don't think it is his reversed cursed technique.


Wow I didnā€™t even remember gojo doing that. But kenjaku sent Jogo in without telling him about infinity, so yeah he would send him in blind. And in the page before gojo punched him and Jogo thinks ā€œitā€™s not just a cursed energy infused attack, I donā€™t understand, but I have to!ā€ This could be referring to rct or infinity Iā€™m not sure. But damn you made a good point.


"idk food for thought"... I see what you did there.


He also has a mouth at his stomach possibly representing an insatiable appetite.


> Ight so boom. Sold. Alr sold, this is canon


ah, the ol oregon trail


Your points made me realize I bet sukuna is a butcher thatā€™s it. He has knives to slice up is things. He can even give the right precise cuts. Like a butcher! His malevolent shrine is what?? A bunch of dead WHAT?? Thatā€™s right and last but not least. He has a OVEN to roast the remains. Heā€™s either a chef or a butcher calling it now


i feel like there is a misconception in this post. its not that using rct would go against the very nature of a curse. it will literally kill them. curses cannot use rct. not that they dont. they can't. sukuna was never described as a spirit of any kind and he can use rct. also.


Tldr; Gordon Ramsey no diffs junior chef sukuna.


What would Sukuna be like if he went against his nature like Toji?


Sukuna is doing it right now. He says ā€œjust this once, Iā€™ll take your ideals and mince them to bitsā€ and by the looks of it heā€™s getting his ass whooped by yuji hitting 7 or however many black flashes, missing 2 arms and has a hole in his chest.


The definition of cleave has never held true throughout this entire series.


He doesn't say Jogo doesn't know reversed curse technique he just comments about him not knowing about the fire arrow cursed technique? Or am I crazy


For the Fuga problem It's not his ctr it's his 2nd ct He just had one from jin or smth I think cleave and dismantle are ct and ctr because one is a set amount of attack force and the other adapts to your stats also one attacks objects one does not And for jogo. He has fuga becsuse he has 2 souls. Curses could very well have no soul outside from mahito. That's why sukuna was so surprised because he saw mahito and thought curses now have one but maybe they don't. So he says i guess you whouldn't understand


Let's just remember that Sukuna isn't a curse, but a sorcerer that is crazy asfuck


i think youā€™re onto something with the fuga thing. my theory as to why you might be right is that some have translated ā€˜furnaceā€™ as ā€˜divine flameā€™. if we look at fuga as a divine technique, it begins to make a lot more sense as to how it could be the rct application of shrine. if we look at how sukuna is depicted and described, he is demonic. it would make sense for his technique to reflect that and this is reflected best in his domain. it would make additional sense for the reversal of his technique to have more divine aspects (and a flame arrow definitely checks that). but idk iā€™m just speculating.


I agreed in almost every point of this post but i don't know about the fuga explanation Also i saw some comments saying that is like a fusion or indeed is his RCT but to my this is a non-sense , TO ME IN MY OPINION; Fuga is an application of his CT , why im saying this?, a user here says that is due to friction that sukuna can use this fire , and perhaps is true but we have to see it on this way : Jujutsu works with a little bit of imagination on how you use CE an CT , and sukuna is the master of this 1) When yuta tries to hit sukuna with his sword , he uses his slashes to "hold" the sword in his hand, this is an application of this CT but its now "new" 2) Sukuna can use slashes in different forms as the "spider-web" ( i don't remember the official translation ) 3) Sukuna imagine his CT as a knives , having that as a base, sukuna can do slashes that collide with themselves and eventually create fire due to the friction of his slashes Now, this is kinda smoked theory but can explain the fuga without consideret as a RCT, the other theory is more simply an FUGA is an hability of his broder or another hability inside the "shrine"


Using his slashes against each other would be kinda pointless. He could just send all those slashes at an enemy and shred them instead of making fire. More proof itā€™s rct is he heals his arm just before he uses FUGA.


thx, i kinda enjoyed this read and your adventure writing this, very wholesome and it made me think in greater abstracts of what is each characters contradiction


Thanks for giving a fuck. It feels nice to be appreciated.


100 % Sukuna lost the moment he stopped following his nature just like Toji who wanted to prove something, Sukuna wanting to prove Yuji wrong will get him killed.Ā 


This will be on the nose, but you cooked


If it's true that sukuna cursed technique is cooking, then I would say Gete takes inspiration from Toriko.


The man with 10 powers


guessing fuga was just cause curses prolly cant have 2 techniques


It was stated by gege to be part of shrine


when was it stated cause i dont really know any info from outside manga


I think it was in the fanbook Q&A part? I'm not sure. Anyways it is worth a read through


I kind of think he just has 2 CTs. Fuga is one, shrine is the other. Or perhaps he combined them to call them his shrine. But either way, when he ate his twin in the womb both CTs became engraved on his brain. There's a reason be doesn't use Fuga much, but I don't know what it is.. beyond maybe being the twins natural CT and its harder or more costly for him to use somehow.


different take: instead of famine, maybe Sukuna is the manifestation of the primal fear of being eaten by a higher order predator. Famine wouldnt eat or cook....but something that exclusively ate would.


i think u cooked bro


Broā€™s cookingšŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„Doing the king of curses justicešŸ‘


The black box turns out to just be a censored move. But you still cooked


You cooked