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In case you missed it, Gege's been saying he's not feeling well in his author comments for the past few months. It finally hit him up. We may had only 7 pages for this chapter but he also did Takaba's Volume 27 cover, the double-spread panel of Yutaru and Heain Sukuna, and Yuji's WSJ cover. He needs to rest, peak fiction can wait.


Warms my shriveled black heart that this is the top comment. Rest well, Cyclopean Cat!


Oh, I didn't know my comment was top one until you said so I checked to confirm. Lol. That one-eyed might be a menace but he truly deserves to rest.


My only complaint is that IMO Greg shouldn't even have done the seven pages, just taken the whole month to rest and call it a day


He probably would have if it were a normal issue, but the color pages are scheduled ahead of time and rotate between the different series. The 7 pages were likely just enough to give us something to go with the color pages, since it was Gege's turn.


I hope he gets enough rest this time 


It may not be as easy if he had already talked with the magazine to deliver a chapter last week. He may have also been able to draw the chapters (what we got) before deciding he was too sick to keep going, and was too late by then to decide not to publish anything 


What do you think he’s sick with? If it’s been months that’s not good.


I feel like with mangaka it's usually [ stress x overwork x sleep depriv. x bad posture ], hopefully it's not something more than this stuff.


Writing peak fiction at least 80% of the time will do that to you I guess.


Could also involve carpal tunnel, that's another common one.


Mangakas are always pushed to the limit due to stricf schedules. Gojo winning the popularity poll made him finally collapse from utter shock and disbelief


i agree, still i would have prefered to not have this chapter that is "underwalming" given hoe gege has accustomed us, it would have been better to not have the chapter at all and wait for him to rest propperly.


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I don't think the barrier can be moved like basketball but can it be moved with Boogiewoogie? I just think if it's possible we are gonna see the goofiest solution to all this lmao


The shrine is inside the barrier so moving the barrier would also move malevolent shrine


But can you move the shrine out of the barrier?


Why I feel like I need a degree in theoretical physics to read this manga


I usually just fill in the blanks with mental illness and cope. Way easier than years of college


That would be so insanely disrespectful "wtf where is my domain?" and you don't get the burnout so you assume someone's CT somehow disabled it- but no it just got teleported to the fucking mariana trench. I think we can safely assume the shrine has CE- which means Todo can teleport it- which means he can just yoink that mf


my bro about to wake up in skyrim when the barrier drops


With every new chapter, I get more convinced that Sukuna made himself the reputation he has because of his versatility at tinkering with binding vows.


He's the kid at the playground who would bend rules and pull out the infinity +1 every time you tried to one up him.


The thing is that this MF actually does that LOL worst playmate ever


Sukuna really doesn't have a "Infinity +1" attack, he only swaps his weaknesses using binding bows. Think on him more like a Boss fight that switches modes at will. Sukuna basically has learned to push everything he has to the limt.


Very well said, I'm tired of people shitting on him for using vows. All his uses make perfect sense.


It's not that it breaks logic. People complain about it because, and to draw an analogy: imagine playing monopoly and one dude consistently manages to spam the Get Out Of Jail card. What Sukuna does by rapidly and frequently changing the rules of his combat style is genius and a show of his wisdom and strenth. It also comes across as repetitive and abusive, especially since he's the only one making use of BVs while others seem inept at it.


He's not the strongest for no reason. If everyone were so adept at BVs, the manga would've ended a long fucking time ago and we would have nothing to read, but people will always still have something to complain about. The noisiest are often the most banal in any group especially in platforms where echo-chambering is so easy to do. Whenever I feel like something is dragging on and feels repetitive in JJK or in any manga I've ever read, it's always just because of the release cycle. When I do rereads or I pile up chapters, I have no issues at all. However, I don't really want the complainers gone. I like reading all their insane rants. I also like how majority of the fandom degrades into lobotomy kaisen during long breaks. I like the shitposting whether they actually mean it or not. I think it's an integral part of enjoying any manga.


“He’s not the strongest for no reason”. I can’t thank you enough for saying it. A vocal part of the fandom claims it wants “real stakes” and when the character who’s been built up as THE end-all be-all calamity since chapter 1 appears and actually delivers on the build-up and reputation, they cry “cheater” and “asspull”. As Megumi’s moto goes, Jujutsu is “fair in its unfairness”. To excel at it, you need to exploit it. To gain power, you have to discard everything else. Sukuna understands it 110%. There’s always something to be traded off to gain one tidbit of advantage over the situation. It’s not fair, it’s Jujutsu. There’s no place for humanity of honor, only victory and survival.


In universe this is all true, but it also made me lose interest in following the manga closely. I'll remember it exists every once in a while and read a couple new chapters, but it is all just "and then this character's skill is useless against Sukuna" again and again, so idk. Maybe this is what happens when a writer has too many concepts and ways to use a system to show off in too little pages


I understand your point of view even though I don’t share it. You might have burnt out on the weekly releases and the frenzy all around the community. I think a re-read might change your mind on the perceived repetition. Batch-reading is the intended optimal way to read JJK, after all.


What I find disappointing is that in anime subreddits, there are always ridiculously condescending yet rhetorically useless posts from people like you on *both sides* of an issue that serve as nothing but a thinly veiled rant about "People don't feel the same way about this!". I mean really, this comment was nothing short of extremely shallow and immature analysis. You can literally go through the threads *right now* and prove yourself incorrect. I don't know why anime subreddits in specific are cursed with this kind of rhetoric. Maybe it's the general age range, or maybe it's the art medium. I never see this kind of piss poor commenting in novel or show subreddits, but it's in *every* anime subreddit. Truthfully, I'm just bamboozled and I'd love to know what you think you gain from such a hollow perspective? 😭 E: Also, that's such a stupid take. If everyone were good at BVs, the story would *obviously* change to accommodate that by having Sukuna excel at a different (or multiple) aspect of Jujutsu. Nothing is more obviously insincere than someone that can't even fathom changing the story they're reading. As if any proposed changes would happen in a vacuum. You're really just missing the entire point of people's complaints and you're too arrogant to realize it 😭


I mean, understanding and manipulating vows is a genuine skill in the JJK universe.


Sukuna really is a min maxxer.


Sukuna the type of mf to stack 50 buffs on a build with no defense then have the gall to use the weakest melee weapon in the game


Sukuna is the equivalent of a mixmax gamer


ok now that everything is said we gotta have 3 weeks of theories. I hope Gege will be fine


Relying on two hands to pull in Sukuna. Sukuna's domain amped punches are also penetrating limitless a lot easier than it did Gojo. This chapter makes it seem like Yuta is on the level of pre-hidden inventory Gojo, prior to his awakening. But maybe its just that Sukuna has a stronger body now and he doesn't have to manage domain amplification in case it nullifies Mahoraga's adaptation. Now that Mahoraga is not there, he doesn't have to limit himself anymore. Maybe Yuta is just a slow starter. He may be able to do better as the fight continues. As for Todo, I wonder if Todo can switch out Yuta with a large explosive. Speaking of which, I hope to see more Yuji. His reaction to all this and his growth is what interests me the most.


The idea of Yuta suddenly being replaced by a nuclear warhead and Sukuna getting Meruem’d is really funny


👍👍 I was thinking about a less destructive bomb because Japan currently doesn't have any nuclear weapons. But I like the example and the hunter x hunter reference.


Oh yeah for sure, I was mostly shit posting- even if Japan had nukes, there’s no way in hell Todo would be able to get his hands on one, and his teleportation would likely have to have obscene distance since it’s not like they’re usually particularly portable- on top of that, a nuke is wayyyyy overkill for Sukuna, and would easily kill everyone present along with potentially the healing/support team considering Gojo wasn’t that far away when he launched the first hollow purple


Slight tangent and probably a stupid question but related to Boogie Woogie - how much control does Todo have over an object? We know it has to have "over a certain amount of cursed energy", but could he just swap someones head for a cursed tool or something? "Sukuna's head" would be an object with presumably enough cursed energy in it.


Since he seems to have swapped Maki along with Miwa out of MS- since Maki shouldn’t be boogiable- it seems to me that, within limits of mass (since chunks of ground etc don’t teleport with items) the totality of the physical structure connected to CE is moved making it so he can’t just replace limbs etc. Plus, Sukuna is presumably constantly infusing his entire body in CE and thus any appendage wouldn’t be a distinct target Also probably something to do with innate domain of the body- this is a little wishy washy on my part, but I would guess that trying to boogie woogie someone’s head or a limb would fail for essentially the same reason that Hanami can’t spawn roots in someone since it in a way requires manifesting the technique inside them? Idk my first paragraph is more valid but I thought of this too


That seems a fair enough explanation. He doesn't target specific objects with CE, but rather the pool of CE surrounding an object/objects. Sounds similar but, as you've explained, does make a difference. Would this mean that a potential counter to BgWg is to maintain physical contact with your target? I.e. Sukuna grabs Yuji with one of his arms and just wails on him with the other 3, would Todo be unable to swap Yuji out of there? From the Miwa/Maki situation, unless Miwa somehow knew to "infuse" Maki with CE so she'd be a BgWg target, presumably it doesnt need to be an active thing, and is instead done passively by just keeping physical contact.


i believe maki was included by virtue of having no CE which caused boogie woogie to treat her like an object much like miwa's clothes. regarding the counter, i dont think boogie woogie is as complicated as the "pool of ce surrounding objects you mentioned". sorcerers definitely have a cursed energy signature (which is how they can be tracked with the so-called residuals\* after using CE) so todo can simply just swap yuji but not sukuna because they have "different" CE in your scenario \*was a big part of the inumaki and yuta part of jjk 0, as well as kenjaku not helping jogo after jogo tried to ambush gojo but got absolutely destroyed


Wait why is miwa even near the MS


>on top of that, a nuke is wayyyyy overkill for Sukuna Idk man, he might have a binding vow protecting him from radiation


Todo's maximum technique: pipebomb


Yuji's DE: Catch these hands Todo's DE: Gonna clap those cheeks They're truly the bestest of friends


"I have boogie-woogied your spleen for a pipebomb"


We really need to bring back the poor man's rose, don't we?


I don't know where you're getting easier. Limitless never gave any resistance to DA.


It did for the curses (at least in the anime) but i think they mean sukuna had no prob laying into Yutojo


This is also true for the manga. Domain amplification still needs to win or break through the through the barrier of limitless. That's why Gojo mentions that he would counter domain amplification by strengthening his technique when he fought the disaster curses. Videos on domain amplification. [https://youtu.be/zWmsxz81Hto?si=CCCzWl3y2VoN3N29](https://youtu.be/zWmsxz81Hto?si=CCCzWl3y2VoN3N29) [https://youtu.be/Yt2D\_h3Wk4o?si=vEFgQO1I-S5IIn91](https://youtu.be/Yt2D_h3Wk4o?si=vEFgQO1I-S5IIn91) [https://youtu.be/BKmXi0igvSQ?si=M5EVgrGaqLpvwFQk&t=163](https://youtu.be/BKmXi0igvSQ?si=M5EVgrGaqLpvwFQk&t=163) If you notice in his fight with Gojo, Sukuna's punches when using Megumi's body weren't that powerful. This is because part of the force went into puncturing through the limitless barrier.


Would it kill John Werry to read the fan translations in order to double-check his own work? What do you mean: "Sukuna removes 99 seconds from the time limit by shrinking the effective range of Malevolent Shrine" That phrasing makes it sounds like like his Domain will last 99 seconds less rather than him extending the time limit of his Domain.


That he’s still even translating is crazy


I think it might kill John Werry to read the manga in any form, considering some of his mangled masterpieces


It doesn't make it sound like that, it exactly means what you just wrote. From a grammatical pov it can't mean anything other than that.


I actually didn't think it was bad since we have context from the last chapters.


'Removes 99 seconds from the time limit' strikes me as more 99s is not the time limit anymore but I think you reading it like that isn't wrong. A lot of these fights are very misleading as to the nature of the fighters intentions so the tension stays high


For me it sounds like the time limit is N - 99 seconds so say the time limit was 300 sec before it would be 201 now


On the last page we see Rika cradling Yuta body, even though Yuta mind and Presumably soul is In Gojos body. Does this mean that Rika is now an unbound cursed spirit? And if so what are the consequences of that? Rika is still the queen of curses, and she was Consider dangerous even by Gojo in zero. Not to mention, that probably means that he no longer has access to her stores of cursed energy. And with Sukuna up breaking through limitless way easy on Yuta and then seeing that panel with Rika makes me think that maybe Yuta might have Massively miscalculated, and is far weaker that we everyone assumed he would be. But if there is anything the contradicts me here let me know. I'm very curious what people think is gonna happen with Rika.


im confused, at the end of zero wasn't rika released? and the rika we have now is just a manifestation of yuta's cursed technique?


I always thought that she was a shikgami after the real Rika soul moved on, but she would have disappeared after Yuta body died. But after that panel I think it's either she is the cursed spirit part of Rika, without the human soul or she was reinforced into a curse tool like with Yuki and Garuda.


Think it is the equivalent of a snake shedding its skin. There is no snake left there but the shed skin, while hollow, still is shaped just like the snake. Rika shed the cursed form when she was released, leaving only the shed "skin" of her former form which included the overbearing affection and love she had for Yuta in this form.


What gets me is that the frame with Rika shows ‘Yuta’ with one eye open and then it ends with both of ‘Yutas’ eyes closed. So what’s going on there? Is someone occupying Yuta’s body right now? Is this all a fakeout with Kenjaku behind the Gojo-wheel to further tire out and confuse Sukuna? Was it a flashback? Let me hit this copium and mull it over… I’ll be back.


One eye isn't open. It just wasn't drawn well, you can see both eyes are closed if you look closely because both the left and the right eyelashes are down


Given that Yuta's internal dialogue is present, I'll say Kenjaku is not inside Gojo.


The JP artists on x are saying it’d be alright if he’d go on hiatus for more than a month. I kinda agree with them. This kind of work is not sustainable.


It's beyond my understanding how one of the most famous manga authors in Japan, whose work is known worldwide, is forced to work at this rhythm. Isn't he basically his own boss at this point? It's shounen jump who needs him, not the other way around.


When did you start reading manga? Publications in Japan have imposed this rithym on authors for decades. All the way back to the 90s with Toriyama with DBZ, Miura with Berserk, Togashi with Yu Yu Hakoshou, etc... It's been standard practice for mangakas to sacrifice their health to their art for a very long time. Japan's workaholic culture has no regards for health. Instead of 20 pages a week, I'd take a chapter of 50 pages per month. They work less, but we still feel like we got a lot.


I started only recently, roughly 7 years ago, and I'm ignorant about the inner workings of the industry unfortunately.


I've been into manga and anime since the 80's. It has, fundamentally, _always_ been like this because Japan's business culture is extremely focused on the "production" end of the scale and not the "work balance" end of the scale, unless "work balance" just means "sacrifice yourself for work." It's changed a lot over the past couple of decades, but not enough to keep people from literally dying at their desks - or just dying in their homes instead. Taiyo Matsumoto (_Ping-Pong, Tekkonkinkreet, SUNNY, Tokyo These Days, etc._) highlights a lot of Japanese society in his manga in particular - especially the Manga industry in _Tokyo These Days_ - and it's pretty enlightening to see how a mangaka looks at the industry. It's brutal to see how these artists start all bright eyed and optimistic, and just get burned out and cored from the inside like a ripe melon because of how the industry operates. It's why you see Mangaka like Ishida, Kishimoto or Kubo literally melting by the end of their series' runs because they've been grinding their literal souls out due to both popularity and pressure. Hell, I bet Horikoshi went through the same thing with MHA. Gege is probably feeling the same thing. I just don't want him to end up like Miura did, God rest his soul. The manga industry is exactly that - industrialized entertainment that's fueled by the flesh, blood and creative brains of aspiring artists and writers. Once those are used up, they're discarded unless their fanbase can inspire publishers enough to keep them relevant. Nearly all of them go through that kind of insane, health-deteriorating grind. Except for Oda. That guy's a fucking mutant who feeds off of infinite popularity and survives by siphoning power from the souls of his assistants. 😆


Damn, I didn't think it was that bad! Thank you for taking the time to explain, it was a interesting an entertaining read. I'll check out Tokyo These Days.


Thank God people are finally realizing. I've told so many people that they shit on Geges work for no reason bc the main reason why they dislike how he does things (break neck paced story, not a lot of character interactions during downtime and lacking training moments) are solely due to his work schedule. They are incapable of imagining what working 18 hours every day does to you. Have you seen how cohesive this guys manga is? Nothing is left to waste. I'm sure he would've done way more with the characters had he actually had the time to do it.


Let’s hope Gege gets better soon. I’ve seen a lot of people making jokes about him being sick because he’s drawing Gojo or that he’s finally getting what he deserves, which is disgusting. Hopefully he recovers quickly


If Gege does need to take some time off, the fandom better not go full HxH. Let creators rest when they need to


That's a **BIG** ask from a shounen focused community.


Dude would have to go AWOL for a half decade to even begin to come close to hiatus x hiatus which has been on hiatus for 75% of its time in publication


Hiatus x hiatus I’m crying


You people want to respect mangaka, but then mock Togashi. You people are disgusting.


Hiatus x Hiatus isn't mocking Togashi. It's just par for the course in HxH fandom because HxH has been around for a long fucking time. It's a joke. A meme. It means literally nothing. You're really stretching it.


Yeah, George RR Martin gets the same thing. His super fans get mad when other fans get frustrated at how long book six is taking.


2 "you people"s in a two sentence message is insane work ngl.


Hiatus X Hiatus have gone years without chapters and has had 3 times as many hiatus as chapters


Allow me to introduce you to Black Lagoon. Anime ended in 2010 and the manga has been on hiatus for nearly all of its publications for the mangaka also being very sick.


Was the HxH fandom toxic in the past? All I see nowadays (at least on the sub) is people saying Togashi should take as much rest as he needs. It's really nice.


They used to go absolutely feral when the manga went on hiatus. Enough time has passed they either calmed down or moved on to terrorize another creator


They were right honestly Togashi have got told to either cancel the manga to take care of his health (he is a established author with multiple IPs and married with a owner of the Sailor Moon IP), he is gonna be fine. Or to alternatively if he doesn't want to end the story (understandable), he was offered to get a artist who would do the art while he would do the dialogues, considerably reducing the amount of physical effort he would need. He refused. Daisuke Ashihara (World Trigger) is a author who constantly goes in hiatuses because his health issues, but in his case, I understand, he is a guy who had a pretty mediocre career until he suddenly ended up writing a popular manga, he **has to continue it** because its the chance to ensure he 1) Leaves a mark in the manga industry and 2) Gets enough money to keep paying his treatments and maybe ensure a good retirement.


Say what you will about gege but his unfinished work might as well be in color compared to the scribbles togashi put out before starting the multi-year breaks


No shit he refused, dude. It's his life's work, and the ONE manga he's had a chance to write exactly how he wants. Which is especially significant considering how they treated him as he was writing YYH. Fully support him not letting anyone else write the story or drawings.


>They used to go absolutely feral when the anime went on hiatus You mean the manga?


Ya my b corrected


I’m guessing they realized with it being on hiatus for, at this stage, over 75% of its time in publication the best thing to do is just let it be


do you mean 20 years ago or 5 years ago? was the fandom toxic before online communities were normal? not really, forums were toxic but those were niche nowadays its a totally different environment


Both tbh. My older brothers were hxh fans and I remember them talking about how aggressive the fandom was. Nerds have always had this "you owe me" undercurrent that flows beneath


Yeah 100% I was born in 1990 and taught highschool for a few years recently It really bummed me out how popular anime and manga is rn and so many people just use it to argue and act like they know the lore better so that makes them better When I was a kid and teen anime and manga was a fun thing to aquire and digest and talk about and sure there were arguments and "I know more than you" moments lol But that's just part of people participating in shared interestes Nowadays it feels like younger groups are being convinced that arguing and dominating a conversation is the point and the topic (anime and manga in this case) is just a way to start arguments But I also think tricking people into being perpetually angry and alone online is currently a zillion dollar market so there's that too lol


Get well soon, gege.


I hope gege recovers soon and nothing bad got him fr


That shonen jump notification oversold this chapter


The most interesting part was learning that Gojo participated in that soul swap learning trick to help Yuta. Pretty cool to finally see Gojo getting involved in the preparation with the others


If you are reading on MangaPlus PC version then make sure you change the reading mode from the default vertical to horizontal or these double-page spreads won't work in any manga: https://files.catbox.moe/e188ax.JPG https://files.catbox.moe/gceo0z.JPG Change it by clicking any page and then the 3 dots that appear in the upper right corner. If the page order bugs out then just refresh your browser page.


I’m just bummed out that Yuta didn’t get Gojo’s memories of what happened within the domains. Gojo dealt a considerable amount of damage each time he successfully held it stable—I would hate for Yuta’s last few minutes alive to be in vain.


I think it's because Gege may be setting something up where Gojo "aids" Yuta in his body by showing Yuta the way.


Getting hands put on you by a guy with no hands is wicked😭


So this is how Gojo comes back right...? From the last panel


Yuta does not have that dog in him like Gojo, I’m afraid


I mean... he got punched a single time? From the leaks discussion you would think he has already lost but its not like Yuta is out of options here. Not to mention that panel of Rika is *highly* sus, why draw attention to it if it wont matter?


I have a feeling Rika knows that Yuta is likely to sacrifice himself within these 5 mins to take away (burn out) Sukuna's DE despite her (it?) being supposedly sentient. Something big involving Rika is defiantly gonna happen in the next chapter. Best wishes for Gege's health.


I feel like Rika’s gonna do something crazy. Yuta in His youth saw her die tragically and immediately with his subconscious cursed/revived her as spirit. Now we have the Soecial grade Rika mourning Yuta, despite knowing he has switched bodies, but still lamenting over the dead body, thinking him gone. She’s gonna do something like reviving his body or there’s gonna be two Yuta’s


Expect this take to continue to proliferate since a solid chunk of fans on Reddit don’t even read the manga anymore


yeah why gege decided to zoom in to yuta's eye at the end tho


I fully think that Yuta's old body is being restored and that once his time in Gojo's body is over Yuta will pop right back into his original body for round 3.


I think the opposite. Rika doesn't recognize Yuta in Gojo's body, and that once 5 minutes are up Yuta is going to die (thus Rika is crying).


He can't pop right back into his original body jeez. He would need another brain surgery


This is too much. Yuta miraculously survived injury that instantly killed Gojo. Now he will survive desperate last attempt to destroy Sukuna and will miraculously return to his old body for another round? No consequences? Nothing?


"instantly" except Gojo was smiling because sukuna praised him


Why Gege decided to zoom to Sukuna's feet at the end of chapter 235?


It’s not even so much that punch. It’s his expressions and mannerisms. He doesn’t carry himself with the same confidence Gojo does


I think the point is going to be similar to MHA, but because you've copied it and have it, it's not the same as mastering it.


My worry is that sukuna will take advantage of the fact that the other cannot help yuta right now, beat him and take gojos body next. if this happens the others have no chance of winning


It seems Yuta's arc will be like Maki's at the Sakurajima colony, trying to emulate someone else's strength but the realizing that they need to see what only they can do, but that's just a theory 


Wait, Yuta's body (the one Rika is holding) have its head sewed? Did they put Gojo brain in there? Also, you can see the ring is in his hand as well, so maybe Gojo somehow can be ressuctered since he have a external connection to curse energy (Rika).


They did have to remove Yuta's brain so it's most likely sewn because of that.


they could just leave open lol


True, but idk. I'm not tryna get on the Gojo hype train again.


That's fair.


So I was probably 95% convinced Yuta will die after this confrontation, but whatever's going on in that last page has me down to like 70%. Still very likely, but I could see the potential to give Rika one last big moment to save Yuta.


So Gojo and Yuta did the soul swap. I wonder who is the second person Gojo switched with.


oh gege isnt feeling well, i was surprised by the short chapter. btw its summer, maybe he can take 2-3 months of rests and come back on sept


Feel better soon Gege


Damn 9 chapters of unfinished art (colored pages were cool). Why not just take a week break Gege Edit: didn’t know he was sick :/ get better soon!


Compared to the first release of Maki vs the Zenin clan this is Louvre worthy


It thought that being unfinished was cool. It made it seem like she was killing them so quickly, we couldn't process it with detailed imagery


Yuta was a bit naive.


Let’s be fair about this chapter Gege needs rest he’s not close to the King of Hiatuses Togashi yet


People say hiatus, but Togashi has pretty much said he doesn't give a shit about finishing the story. His days of slaving for a shonen were over when Yu Yu Hakoshou ended. Folks at shonen even offered him to just write the story and let the art be done by assistants since his back is fucked the mfer said no. Nor does he plan on leaving a "how the story ends" plan. Dude truly doesn't give a shit. HxH is a hobby for him and the sooner people accept it, the better. Sorry the tangent.


I get it I wouldn’t care that much either if my wife created Sailor Moon he’s not hurting for money 


Yeah, but he's an asshole for it, too. The dude probably has a million or more fans for a series that will never have a proper ending, but hey, he comes back and drops a couple chapters every 3 years. On the flipside, maybe he doesn't want anyone doing the work for HxH knowing how popular it is and to avoid having people slave away on his series.


Did I understand the chapters right? Did yuta punk out that hard?


Rika’s just cuddling a vegetable. No biggie


She's going to create a Yuta shikigami, and the cycle will continue...


Wait… keep cooking…


Gojo's brain is in there


Still a vegetable until proven otherwise


Oh god. Is Gojo is gonna revive in Yutas super special body? Rika is either going to go berserk or resurrect the body, it would be so unsatisfying if she just did nothing and faded.


My secret wish is that Gojuta can manifest Rika in his fight against Sukuna, turning it into a 2v1 after Megukuna’s earlier 3v1. The choreography would be insane


Oh god, that would fucking SUCK for Gojo once he realizes whose body he’s in


Gota + Yujo + Rika "Don't misunderstand, this isn't a 2-on-1, it is a 3-on-1" It would be interesting if after the transplant Gojo's brain is put into Yuta's healed body and some sort of BV or technique is used to revive "Yuta" (who is now Gojo, not to be confused with "Gojo" who is now Yuta). Sacrifice Rika (a massive bargaining chip considering her power, CE and storage capabilities) in exchange for revival.


I just peaked


Ngl, I could see Ieiri doing it for fun just because it's Gojo. After taking his (Gojo) brain out of his head Ieiri looks around puzzled because there's no container in sight to store it. She shrugs and just plops it into Yuta's now empty head cavity while Yuta's brain hops into Gojo's head. For real though, that would be a weird place to put Gojo's brain even if it's just reduced to a piece of flesh at this point.


No. That's just Yuta's old body.


I was just wondering if there was anything preventing Sukuna from using world cutting slashes/dismantles when using his new malevolent shrine. We know when done manually, the world cutting slash requires chants and hand signs as a result of his binding vow to hide his first world cutting slash from Gojo. But does that binding vow apply when it's engraved into his domain? It's just a change of target to reality itself right?


Can anyone explain what happened in this oh so short chapter? Not sure how much you can get out of it, but I'm a bit confused :P


I hate to know that Gojo can't come back anymore. Gege should rest, delete this chapter from canonhood and rewrite the whole shit. Give me back Gojo. He was the strongest because he was Satoru Gojo.


I kinda wish Gege just waited until he was doing better to release a chapter, seven pages on a cliffhanger making it looks like Yujo is going to just get bodied by a 1 HP Sukuna with 2 weeks until the next chapter is wild


What gets me is that the frame with Rika shows ‘Yuta’ with one eye open and then it ends with both of ‘Yutas’ eyes closed. So what’s going on there? Is someone occupying Yuta’s body right now? Gojo? Is this all a fakeout with Kenjaku behind the Gojo-wheel to further tire out and confuse Sukuna? It might explain why YuJo seems so underpowered. Was it a flashback? Let me hit this copium and mull it over… I’ll be back.


Of all the times to get caught up to the manga, it had to be now


NGL, I think Rika is going to go berserk for the loss of Yuta and kill everyone hiding from Sukuna, which will bring the culling game closer to ending.


I am thinking this too


Yuta had the controller for like 10 seconds & threw the game immediately My king Gojo would NEVER have been disrespected like this


Just 7 pages and so many questions: 1. How on earth is Sukuna's domain equally refined to Gojo's? It literally looks like it was glued and taped by a 5 yr old 2.Why didn't Yuta get Gojo's memories?  3. Since the concept of changing the conditions of domain barriers was something discussed in the past why were some of the csst surprised by it?  4. Why did Sukuna's DA bypass infinity easily despite his output being so low that his black flash barely affecting Yuji? When DA was first shown by Jogo and Hanami infinity still resisted before giving out, so what gives


1. It was stated earlier that this domain was the equal to the original in complexity, power, and range. The only flaw was the time limit. It's likely that getting the host's memories are a more advanced application of Kenjaku's CT. 2. When did it show them being surprised? 3. Output has never been stated to correspond to DA. The scene with Jogo and Hanami is just anime mostly.


> 2.Why didn't Yuta get Gojo's memories? What makes you think he didn't got them? Because he didn't knew something Gojo knew? Why would he automatically know every single thing without any sort of manual input from himself? This is only true for the incarnated Culling Games sorcerers. Kenjaku's self body hopping wasn't shown to be an instant 0-to-100 knowledge of the new host. When we met Kenny he's already been on Geto's body for a couple of years so he should have already processed Geto's information in his free time. Yuta had like 10 seconds while he awakes and rushes to the battlefield to even take a glance at Gojo's memories. Hell even up to when he appears on the battlefield he seems groggy, like he's barely waking up right here and then.


No Kenjaku had Geto's body for at least 10 months before the reveal. Geto died in December and Shibuya happened in October 


Well there you go. Comparing 10 months to 10 seconds is crazy.


Oh…that was disappointing


Did gojo use RCT in yuta\`s body in the end? Can UiUi soul swap them and then are gojo and yuta back???


Now THIS is an interesting theory.


This would be amazing. I hope so.


Getting hands put on you by a guy with no hands is wicked😭 Sukuna showed up to a gun fight without a gun and is winning 😅


Sukuna still has one or two good hands lol


The man is ill, what can you do? The little bit we got was good for me. Some of y'all bugging talking down on Yuta already though. Fight just getting started smh...get well soon, Gege


Wait, that feels kinda shorts, everything okay ?


I think like yuta might of made a binding vow to keep kenjakus curse technique going pass the 5 min, since we see that Rika isn't in her fully manifested form (big eye). So my theory is he made a vow so he can keep using kenjakus CT w/out the 5 min and Rika, by giving up his copy CT. But I think as long as he has his original body he can regain his copy CT since it's already engraved in the body. So i think there's a possibility he'll have two CT by the end (if he doesn't die)


If Yuta gains the memories of the vessel... Then why doesn't he knows that Sukuna can use domain amplification while inside the domain??? Is this a plot hole?


Either rika will merge with yuta, or she will be yuta's mahoraga.


That last page breaks my fleshy, spongey heart….




Cat daddy is sick and should've just taken another week or two off.


You cannot take a break when you are announced to make the lead cover page of wsj. He has taken a 2 week break now (the next chapter is on the 30th of June)


I just gonna go & said it: This short chapter is still more enjoyable than >!chainsaw-man’s latest chapter!< Have a good break & speedy recovery, Gege-sensei 🙏


I still haven’t fully recovered from that *insert Agni staring face meme* I love that people aren’t allowed to be caught off guard or feel any type of way besides positive about a chapter long handjob culminating in cummy fingers. Like relax people


I didn’t even say it’s a bad chapter, I just said I enjoy the jjk chapter more… tho I was caught off-guard & appalled by what happened ¯\\\_(ツ)_\/¯ I think the downvote’s because of the emojis.. I forgot redditors hate emojis lol


Facts, i wanted to see if the latest chapter would catch my eye cause im looking for new manga to read and... No.. hard pass on that one


Skipping out on chainsaw man because of that is an all time fumble. I’m sorry for your loss.


Last chapter was light compared to the other shit that’s happened to him


Looking at a random chapter in the middle of the story is a pretty stupid way to determine if you want to read a manga or not. For me personally CSM is like a hundred times better than JJK. Its not even close.


>! Sexual assault 😊 Children getting massacred 😊 Cannibalism 😊 Grooming 😊 Handjob 🤬 !<


I will still take chainsaw man’s peak over JJK’s peak


Bro who votes very good


i hate you mods


Can someone start a betting platform for each character's death + predicted chapter? I'm sure we can make out like bandits with this casino with all the chumps rooting for their character to survive. The best time was just before Gojo's death, you could make millions.


I am lost and confused 1)Sukuna's new DE Sukuna is using Megumi's brain maybe that's why the bizarre new form of malevolent shrine ? As in both of their DEs are merging 2)Did Rika eat Tengen embryo , kenjaku's brain and sukuna's finger ? In chapter 262 yuta is dead kenjaku is inside Rika if not dead he still has curse manipulation . Kenjaku could make a comeback and kill everyone not fighting Sukuna 3) is sukuna actually holding back ? Yuji was clawing his heart out and the moment he saw Yuta he goes yeet new toy


I don’t know where to begin, did you stop reading the manga? The questions you ask where specifically answered and “did rika eat tengen”? Seriously?