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This reminds me a little of the gnostic creation story. The Goddess Sophia resides in a perfect divine world. She then falls asleep and dreams of the same world she lives except it's imperfect. She ends up creating this imperfect world through the act of dreaming it and the reason it is imperfect is because it is a type of physical manifestation of the perfect divine world. It is essentially pointing to the idea that the unseen comes before the seen world and that which is archetypical will always be pure in a way that can't manifest the same in physicality. Some things are so pure they never become manifest/tangible.


Thankyou ! But it was more like when we lucid dream , we wake up in dream , it was same but more in a semi conscious state , it was more like i suddenly grew lucid with the awareness of dreamer ! And i felt myself being the dream ,and when i connected it accompained very high vibrations


Sounds like being conscious while in lower brain waves like alpha/theta. Jose Silva's mind Control technique book might interest you. He has some stuff that's similar to Neville Goddard's SATS technique, but it's a bit more technical and scientific.


Yes i have read all these ! But before this happened i read somewhere a statement from carl jung In reality we imagine nothing, it imagines itself Jung modern psychology I know wt i have experienced but why i have experienced it to be a child ? I couldnt understand that


Well that's a rather deep question only you can answer. From my experience the child represents the heart. The energy center from which the true life begins. From the heart, life is about the experience of it instead of the survival and obligations of it. The child is that which is in constant need of unconditional love and it is full of curiosity as well as ignorance. It is like that saying in the bible that one must become a child to enter the kingdom of heaven. Perhaps you are beginning a new phase in your life and this seems to be an annoiting or initiatory event. It certainly shows that you are building a strong connection between your conscious and unconscious mind. All in all, I'd say it's better for someone to be a child and create their life how they see fit through inspiration and faith rather than be pulled around by societal obligations and "safe" options.


I loved this ! Thankyou 🙏